RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 10 - Walk in the woods.

It has been three full years… And my mother Summer Rose has finally left only to never return… I wish I could have stopped her. But this job was apparently far more important than anything else, so ignoring it and giving up was off the table.

This was how I knew she would never return.

So she left, the last I ever saw if her was through the window in the middle of the night and it was with my Sharingan active. Only after she left, I gained my Second Tomoe… The pressure that I felt in watching her back as I wanted to scream and chase her, I wanted nothing more than to stop her but I couldn't. Though i did evolve my Sharingan, I'am not proud nor happy about it in the least because it took this heart break to cause such a result.

Watching the woman who raised me from the day I arrived in this house until then broke my heart as I watched her back head off into the distance… Never to return.

That day, tears never left my face and I refused to leave my room.

To this very moment, three days later I still feel like I'am watching her leave. It feels as if a sharp blade is being stabbed into my heart while a truck of weight rest on my ċhėst keeping me from breathing.

Regret overtook me and I stopped eating, Taiyang was also becoming worried of my condition. Though I was not his son he has still known me for a long time and treated me like family.

Noticing that my appetite was nonexistent was concerning to him as he not only took it as a sign of my unease but also in the fact of superstition, he began to worry that Summer was in danger on her mission.

Now that Summer was gone, I had to entertain the girls while keeping their mind off of Summer. It wasn't easy as even though I knew she wasn't coming back I wanted to hold a glimpse of hope.

Only this hope could help me hang on in her absence.

The only thing I have of her is the hairbrush that I snagged away several months ago and a spare white cape that I kept in my closet. With these two items in my procession I'am sure that I can bring her back one day, though not anytime soon.

I'am still in need the Seventh Ring of the Rinnegan also known as the Outer Ring, to pull off such a feat. To bring her and many others that are undeserving of death I will need the Seventh Outer Ring.

While studying this I also found that the life force in my status is solely usable for situations where life force is needed. So I have no need to worry about it wasting away.

The only difference is that I will be buying the corpses from the system, though which people I want to set as my Six Paths are still undecided. These Six that I will buy the corpses of later on and use for the Six Paths Jutsu and act as my eyes and ears when I need to complete multiple task at once… Or even just put on a show.

And with them I can work in several different places at once, with that I can make sure that no harm comes to my allies when they are split apart after the possible downfall of Beacon Academy.

Which I may or may not prevent in the future.

But to get to the Seventh Ring before then seems to be near impossible, even with the ȧssistance of Madara's memories where he unlocked the Rinnegan as he got it in the complete state rather that how I obtained mine.

But all of this does not matter in the present, rather thinking about it now only complicates it all.

It has been only three days, but it felt like years have passed. Ruby was sitting in my ŀȧp as I held her from behind while she played with her toys, oblivious to my mood.

But as she played and enjoyed herself I rested and thought of the future, suddenly Ruby's head turned to me and asked me a single question…

"Brudder? Where Mommy?"

Fear ran across my body as I held her tight and lied to her with a straight face from behind "Mommy is working, she'll be home soon. It won't be long now." Hearing this Ruby was happy and returned to her toys.

The feeling inside me, I felt uncomfortable as I hated to lie to Ruby. She was a pure angel and needed to know the truth, but I prevented that.

Shaking off the feeling I ignored it and continued to calm myself. That didn't last long.

From behind me I can find Yang looking at an old photo and looking through a file that contained several pieces of information. I never looked through it though, I felt that Yang should be the first to see. As if I were the one to first look then events could change into an unpredictable manner.

The aura in her body though it was unactivated it still moved according to how one feels and so I can tell that Yang was growing only more upset by the moment. Anger was slowly taking over her and she felt immensely annoyed.

Her world was slowly beginning to change, she found information that regarded to possible locations of where Raven her mother could be and seeing that one was not far from our current location had made the feeling of wanting to know everything has finally surfaced.

The five year old Yang cannot be stopped.

"Big Bro, I need you to come and look at this." Yang has finally called me over, as I expected of her "Alright, Ruby you stay here and play." She didn't seem to hear me and just went on playing.

'You really gonna ignore me?'

After arriving at Yang's side I let her explain "I've found something about my mom, I want to go and find her. Please help me." Yang had her begging face on as she asked me for this request, sighing out I spoke "Show me" hearing me Yang pulled out what she found "Here, I think she could be here and it's only ten miles from here in a cabin of some sort. This is where we will be going to."

Yang though immature was still quite smart as she relied on her instincts most the time so learning the language was easy. But hearing her perfect wording didn't distract me as I looked at where the information was pointing to, it almost seemed artificial; like we were wanted to head over there.

Wanting to ignore the information so bad, I couldn't bring it upon myself to destroy it "Fine, we should be back before Taiyang if we make good time. But even so, if we're caught you're taking the blame. Also, what about Ruby? We can't leave her alone, that'd only worsen our punishment if caught." Yang was quick to agree with my terms and immediately pulled out her two secret weapons.

One was a jar of chocolate-chip cookies and the second one was… Some fresh strawberries 'where did she? No she didn't…'

A smile appeared on my face as I looked to Yang "Yang, did those strawberries come from the patch I was taking care of?" My voice was cold unbefitting of my smile.

Yang's body made a small shiver as she attempted to explain herself.

Letting Ruby eat her fill she proceeded to fall asleep in my ŀȧp, even though she was filled with sugar. With a wry smile I looked down on the adorable girl who is sleeping in my arms 'What am I gonna do with you Ruby?'

After thinking such thing I placed her into the red wagon that was gifted to us by Taiyang.

And so we set off in the direction of the map, I made sure to leave it behind so we can say that we've never seen it before. I had completely memorized it anyway.

Nothing will happen to my sister, I'm sure I can hold off the Bewolves until Qrow arrives. That is why I agreed so easily.

This trip was long and arduous so some of it I had Yang sit in the wagon alongside Ruby, we spent over two and a half hours walking. It felt like hell, though I have done some light training so as to keep my body in good condition so I wasn't heavily affected.

The only source of light we had was the full moon overhead. Luckily Taiyang is out until morning.

Our destination was ahead of us.

"Yang, I see a building up ahead. Let's rest for a minute before we head inside." I can see the face of reluctance on Yang's face but she wouldn't go against me for no reason.

A deep feeling of insecurity came over me as we rested in place. It felt like something was trying to do me harm, almost felt like the the time I died. Despair.

But why?

Standing up I looked around the area, I did my best to see if I can find anything that stood out in the least.

The only thing that managed to catch my eyes were a pair of birds both a Raven and a Crow.

"Big Bro, lets go already!" Yang was getting impatient after noticing me get up and stare at birds rather than rest.

"Fine, but I'm taking point. You and Ruby stay behind me." Yang looked as if she were about to explode in anger but I chose to ignore her and continue into the rotten cabin ahead.

As we approached, we stared into the darkness… Almost as if feeling we were looking its way, the darkness stared back.

Red eyes looked at us, almost as if seeing straight through us.

Not a moment of hesitation "Yang… Run."


"I said, Run DAMNIT!"

Without any hesitation I turned around to Yang who was pulling the wagon and… I kicked her into it.

"Sorry…" was all I could whisper.

"AHH!"Yang let out a small yelp as she flew into the wagon beside Ruby and she went backwards down the slope we just came up.

Looking back at the house, several pairs of eyes seemed to be getting bigger. They were getting closer to me.

Then they struck.

Two Beowolves came charging from the front as another two flanked from the left and right side of me respectively. Hoping to finish me off with a simply tactic… This is far from what is needed to off me.

These Beowolves also seemed rather young because they still use all four limbs to travel.

But it still won't be that easy.

As the Beowolves came closer preparing their maws to open and snap down on me, I only lifted my arms to my side and opened my mouth to say…


*BOOOM!!* As if a bomb went off, the area around me was impacted by my force of energy.

"REAER~!" All the Beowolves let out a yelp of pain were sent flying back to the area around me.

Under my feet was now a shallow hole that seemed as if it were dug out with a pair of hands. This hole was only two meters i diameter, I expect it will grow larger later on.

Feeling the wave of energy leave my body in such a way was truly an amazing feeling, but I'm gonna fall short in this battle if I don't give it every thing I've got.

'Create: Black Receiver'

Reaching my right hand to my left palm, I grabbed onto a black pole and pulled with all my might and tore it from my body *CHS~*

It was a Black Receiver also known as the Black Spike it is a weapon used by the Six Paths of Pain, it is created within the body of the Rinnegan user and can be used as a weapon and Chakra Transmitting Device. Though this one was only a meter in length and with a decent spike at one end.

This device I planned on creating later on, but the situation needs it.

Though the drain of Chakra was little it still put me into a tough spot.

At most I can use Almighty Push twice and Universal Pull three times. Just enough or a little excess. I could in fact use jutsu now but with my slow hands it almost seems impractical without higher dexterity.

The Beowolves are now on their feet and slowly stepping around me, they want to charge but find no opening. So they wait to strike.

I didn't give them that chance.

Throwing the spike shaped Black Receiver at the Beowolf in front I turn around and place my hands side by side in front of me and say out once again "Almighty Push!" *BOOM!*

With that cannon-like attack the Beowolf in front and the Beowolf behind were taken care of at once. One stabbed through the eye and disintegrating what brain it has and the other smashed through several trees reducing its body to black smoke.

But now I have one charging at me from behind.

Turning around I prepare to grab its neck and break it… But as I did, one ran past me…

Seeing it try and run past I knew where it was going and I refused to let it free.

In that instant I followed its path and held my hands out "UNIVERSAL PULL!!" A great force surrounded the Beowolf and forcefully pulled it back to my location.

But from behind, the other made its move.


Though the one from behind managed to sink its teeth into my left shoulder, placing my hand to it face I said quietly a new combination of words "Ruler Crush!" and the head of the Beowolf imploded on itself *Boof* and the body slowly lumped onto the ground.

Now with the last Beowolf in my left hand I placed my right hand out on the back of its struggling head and said once more "Ruler Crush!" and the same scene appear where its head imploded and ceased too exist.

Breathing heavily, I drank down the air as it entered past my lips into my mouth as if it were a fine french wine. The amount of Chakra I spent was massive for my current reserve that was only equal to a random Genin.

Though I can tell it was many times more pure than that of what Madara describes.

Most of the Chakra I used went to the new attack I created and nearly caused me to faint.

As I rest against a downed tree base, watching over the disintegrating corpses of the Grimm which I just killed I can only think of Yang and Ruby who are running home right now.

[Killed: Minor Beowolf Grimm; Gained: (20)SP] x4

[Killed First Grimm: Completed Quest: Kill a Grimm. Reward: Roulette Ticketx1, (200)SP, (5)Stat points]

[Completed Quest: Save Yang and Ruby. Reward: Roulette Ticketx2, Guild Function]

Seeing these notifications I wanted to see exactly what Quest I have yet to complete immediately as it can affect my overall growth speed. Especially the Guild Function, with this I can collect my own army. Hopefully

But as fate would have it… Qrow decided to step in after I saw the message.

"In the time I've been away, you seemed to be up to no good… Darian" Looking at the approaching figure of Qrow who was holding Ruby in his arm and Yang's hand as she pulled the wagon I wryly smile as I know that I'm in deep shit. Though I did dig my own grave, may as well lay down.

Holding my hand over the bite wound I spoke "Heh heh, Dad. Good to see you're back." Though I was saying I'd lay down, doesn't mean I want to.

But Qrow seemed to be having none of it "Don't good to see you're back, me mister. You've got some explai-" he was cut off by an inaudible voice.

"… I did it. It's my fault." Yang was speaking in a tiny manner, her voice was hoarse and seemed as if she was just done crying. Her eyes were red though not from her semblance and I can see a bit of purple under her eyes.

"I dragged him and Ruby out here, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at him Uncle. He saved me." As she was saying the last part, she looked to my left shoulder that was drenched in my own blood; seemed she was gonna cry again.

"Brudder~!" Ruby was waving her arms and legs she looked as if she wanted to help me, she was an angel.

Qrow ignored Ruby and looked to Yang "Yang, are you seri-" though he was cut of once more.

"No, she wanted to investigate and I instigated her hunger for her mother. I didn't stop her and even encouraged her, don't blame her Dad. I'am at fault." I took all the blame, or as much as I could.

After speaking my piece I went up to Ruby and pulled out a leather sack from my pocket. Taking Ruby from Qrow I then sat down and talked with Ruby.

"Ruby, I'm fine… This morning I found some good and large strawberries from the best patch. Why don't you-" *smack* as I was handing her the strawberry she knocked it from my hand, and then she looked at me with a pouty face that seemed to want to well up in tears.

But before she does I place my hand on her head and whisper into her ear "Ruby, I'am fine. I promise."

Hearing me promise that I was okay, she slowly let the drowsiness inside her take over and she fell asleep in my arms for the second time today.

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