RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 11 - The sky was hidden that day.


*THWAK!!* *Bach!*

Taiyang… He could feel nothing but anger.

This feeling consumed him as he saw me arrive with the others in tow.

Looking into his eyes I could see no sadness as he looked down upon me, he was filled with anger. 'Bastard'

As I lay on the floor after receiving the anger of Taiyang, I looked up and stared him in the eyes.

I refuse to back down to him.

"Darian your antics have gone to far this time." He looked down upon me "Not only Yang, but Ruby as well. They were both put into the path of danger." 'How dare yo-'

*THWAK!* *Boom!*

As I gaze up at Taiyang, the anger within me has only grow in proportion "They could have died today, I hope you understand that fact Darian." My teeth clenched, muscles went taunt and my blood rushed to my face as I furiously glared toward Taiyang.

His eyes seemed as if looking past me.

'Don't you look at me with those eyes!'

My fingernails dug into the palms of my hands, ripples began to slowly form in my Rinnegan and my left eye was turning red. 'Don't you dare give me that look!'

"Daddy STOP!"

Out of nowhere appeared a yellow figure.

"It's my fault, I took us out there and it was all my idea. So please stop…" The yellow figure was Yang, her silhouette was quivering in front of the mighty figure before her, separating myself from the large figure of Taiyang.

"Yang, move aside. Darian placed you in the path of danger, you could have died." Taiyang was visibly shaken, his body was also shaking from the anger he was feeling.

"I said that-" Yang wanted to retaliate only to no avail "I said move Yang, I must teach him what it means to be out there in the real world."

Qrow had about enough and decided to step in "Alright, this has gone on long enough. Taiyang, it's over so calm down."

"Qrow, do not interrupt me! Darian must learn of the mistakes he has made!"

Hearing Taiyang shout, the bodies of both Yang and Ruby were trembling and Qrow only sighed out loud.

"Yang move aside, you heard what I said." Taiyang's eyes seemed almost emotionless as he spoke.

"No, I caused all of th-"

Suddenly the unexpected occurred "I said, MOVE ASIDE YANG!" Taiyang threw a slap toward Yang.


Instinctively a name came to my mind and I said it as my Rinnegan activated to its most powerful state.

'Amenotejikara!' *Tchrss~*

*PAAHHH!* *Bach!!*

The one who took the brunt of the attack was me, I switched places with Yang through the usage of a space justsu. 'It hurts'

"*Cough cough!*" Blood was spattered out of my mouth alongside some teeth.

"Big Bro!" Yang ran to my side, and picked me up.

As she did, she saw it…

From my closed right eye, blood was streaming down as if it were a tear.

Yang was shocked and mortified at the sight, the unique and beautiful eye that she saw everyday was leaking blood. I knew that if her Aura was unlocked she would have went into a rampage.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! HE SAVED US! PROTECTED US! HIS ARM WAS CHEWED AND BLOODY AND YOU STILL HIT HIM! HOW DARE YOU!!" Yang ran up to her after and began to beat on his ċhėst as she raised her arms up.

"It is fine Yang." A voice called out to Yang.

She immediately went to tell the person off "Uncle! You cannot side with him!"

But she soon realized that the voice was rather off and Qrow was shaking his head, turning around she saw me looking her way.

"That's enough Yang, it is alright."

Shocked she cold only counter "Alright? But he-"

"I said, it is fine. We all have all have our own way to grieve, his was accidentally set off by todays incident… It was all my fault." I lowered my head and apologized to them.

After collecting my teeth I went up to Taiyang…

"Taiyang, I understand that you are slightly unstable and emotional. So, for today you are excused of this childish temper tantrum" And then, I just left him there to stare at the hand that had attempted to strike his daughter and ended up striking I the adoptive son of his lover.

'I should have held it off, from what I think I remember, it should have been several weeks before Yang set out. It was to early and even then… He never had an outsider there, seems he was to stricken with grief to control his anger. With time, he will adjust and control will be in his grasp. But not now.'

While thinking these unnecessary thoughts, I left.

(POV: Taiyang)

"Taiyang, I understand that it is hard. Believe me pal, but what just happened was far to much. You went overboard and I do believe you should apologize. You are literally the ȧduŀt here." Qrow decided to give Taiyang a moment's advice before he followed the tracks left by Darian with Ruby in his arms.

As for Yang? She had already left.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry. Everyone, Raven, Summer, Yang, Ruby, Qrow, Darian. I'm so very sorry." As he muttered these words he fell to his knees.

And cried "I'm so sorry"

'I just wanted to protect you, I didn't want to hurt anybody. My body reacted on its own, I just wanted to protect you and I ended up attacking you! I'm sorry…'


It has been long overdue.

Today is the day of Summer Rose's funeral. Of mother's funeral.

The sky was colored in what seemed to be a wet clay that was only just dug from the ground, so dark and sickly it was ready to cry upon the open earth below where we stood in our black suits so as to be dressed appropriately for the funeral.

It felt like we were dressed in the robe of death himself as we walked forward.

'I wonder if this is how others felt at my funeral…? Ah, who am I kidding. Neither of the past me's deserved a funeral of any type.'

Shaking my head free of past thoughts I continued to move forward.

The sound of a single instrument being strummed was heard as I and the others walked forward.

Looking up I could only see with the left eye, my right has yet to recover from the over usage. So it was covered with a black cloth that will prevent it from meeting what light is left in this dark and cruel world.

Taking the steps up the hill, each one was in synch with the beat of my heart. It was a calm and steady walking pace that showed only how my body but not how my mind was in its current state.

The world was so large and bountiful that the thoughts running through my mind seemed almost insignificant in comparison to the rest of the world. As chances are, a city is being destroyed right now and here I'am just moping around heading to the funeral of a single person.

I do not deserve to be sad.

So raising my head high I looked forward and continued my march up the hill presented before me. I wanted to reach the top of it more than anything.

As the procession started I looked to the group of people who decided to show up.

The first one stand before the stone was Taiyang.

With an umbrella in hand he stared down and said what he wanted. His eyes were weak and bags had formed underneath, even I could not imagine the pain in those eyes of his. It was more than one man should ever have to carry.

The second was Qrow I've never seen him in such formal attire before, he just took out his flask and poured some onto the stone. Then he turned around when I saw a single tear fall down his cheek to the ground.

Next was… Ozpin, he said his part and left. Though I felt he was only being a bit emotional. He basically acted stiffly and seemed to have no clue what to do afterward so he just stepped back.

After Ozpin was Glynda and as Ozpin did she said her part. She was rather calm and said what she wanted, the tears were non existent but I could feel her resolve only strengthen. After speaking she stood up and went back to the side of Ozpin.

After Glynda was Yang's turn, she could bȧrėly move. Each step forward seemed to drain her completely of the energy that would usually be overflowing within her. The weight of the world seemed to be far more than she could handle and she wobbled forward determined to say goodbye.

Approaching from behind, I held her up and in the other hand I held the hand of Ruby who was carrying a bouquet of flowers. Supporting the two of them and having them grab one anothers hand, I pushed them forward and stayed where I stood. My body was seemingly rooted to the ground as from this point on my feet refused to step forward anymore, afraid that a single step more will signal the end of my mother.

Yang started to say what she wanted while Ruby placed the flowers down and didn't say anything as she just returned to Taiyang. Yang had tears stream down her face and she choked on the air, she couldn't back away and so she just kept saying everything that has happened and how she will act better and how she alongside me will love her and Ruby and Taiyang and Qrow forever… As long as she came back.

That was when I found the strength to walk forward, with each step it felt like a million pounds was added onto my body and it hurt so badly.

The pain of having three teeth knocked out with a slap, seems far to insignificant and the pain of have my shoulder chewed on seemed almost as if nonexistent.

But I continued on, not even the God's could stop me as I walked forward today.

After a moment, my arms swung forward and wrapped around Yang. When this happened Yang lost feeling in her legs and almost fell to the floor, she was sobbing wildly and I… Could only do so alongside her…

But then a warm feeling wrapped around the both of us, Taiyang had come to support us. He had let out his grief with us… Then another one came, it was Qrow and Ruby; Ruby snuggled her way into my embrace.

Finally the last two came and also joined in, both Ozpin and Glynda didn't want to be left out at such an emotional time. We all let our hearts out on full display with the tears we shed.

As I did so, I remembered a single line said by Madara 'The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up. A word that holds no true meaning.'

And me? 'I refuse to give up!' I didn't need to hope she would come back, because I wold bring her back even if by force.

As we all left, I held the hands of both Yang and Ruby… But I decided to look back and there standing atop the stone was but a lonely black feathered Raven. Perched upon the grave stone.

And with a smile I turned around so as to take the full brunt of the world.

Unknown at the time a change came to my right eye.

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