RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 12 - Beginning my training.

"Today, you two will be training with me. Taiyang will be watching Ruby over there under that tree." "Hello~!" Qrow was fed up with the fact that had I not been there that day and him as well. There was a chance Yang and Ruby would have died a rather painful death.

'But seriously? He's getting straight to the point.'

Qrow was a madman when it came to training apparently as he was going to start us off with a test of not our body but our skill. Most kids would start with working the body to a decent state, besides they would also lack all skill because they were never taught.

"Alright, before we start I have to tell Darian not to go and use whatever you used against those Beowolves a few months back. It wouldn't tell me much as to where you are skill wise."

Hearing Qrow I told him the truth of the matter "No need to worry Qrow, after over usage of my right eye the abilities you witnessed at the time are temporarily sealed until my eye has made a full recovery."

As if understanding the entire situation he nodded deeply and spoke "So it seems that your abilities are connected to that eye of yours. Then just remember not to strain it as much as you did before, can't have you half blind forever."

"Of course. Besides, I also know that its usage won't mean much when you witnessed how I used it." Saying this Qrow didn't seem to want to beat around the bush.

"So what exactly was that ability you used?" Qrow began his questioning. And I answered.

"Simple, I can control gravity. But in what you saw its usage was attractive and repulsive forces as well as a crushing force. These were derived from the gravity manipulation."

Curious a the usage of the ability, he was wondering why he stated the names of his attacks out rather than keep them hidden so in the end he just asked "I see Darian. And what was it that you called it? Almighty Push, Universal Pull and Ruler Crush? Why state their names out loud?"

I answers but made sure to leave him with more questions "They just help me with picturing what I want to happen and the stronger the picture the stronger the effect. Though that is after what energy is consumed."

Qrow was still wondering many things, like what energy was used, is this all the eyes can do?… The energy didn't feel like it was Aura nor did it seem to be plain stamina and it would be weird if it was all I can use it for, he felt the functions were bȧrėly showing. But this question alongside many others will remain unanswered.

Both Yang and I got into our positions and prepared for the battle with the leaded knuckle gloves that Qrow provided. We wanted to increase our chances so the extra 'oomph' is necessary.

"Alright you two, begin!" Taiyang decided to start us off from a distance.

Immediately Yang and I both charged at once toward out target. Yang swung her fist to meet Qrow's ċhėst and I sent a straight kick to his legs from below.

As Qrow stepped back, an object flew to his face…

The object seemed to have a pointed edge like a spear of some sort. He instantly had the image of the black object I used to pierce through a Beowolf back then.

In that moment I swung my fist up so as to hit Qrow in his chin from below. Yang backed off so as to give me room, but after I made my move my fist was stuck… *Pomph*

Qrow grabbed me by the wrist.

Following up I threw my left fist at Qrow so as to hit his hand that held onto me like a vice-grip, but my fist was caught in the palm of his other hand. All I did was struggle for a moment wriggling about and throwing a fit in anger and then when I had his full attention I stared straight into his eyes with a smile engraved on my face.

Noticing this smile of mine Qrow let go of both my hands and backed off, but he was to late as I grabbed both of his wrist and lifted my body into the air above and from below Yang countered Qrow with a punch to the gut!


That didn't connect…

Qrow moved to the right a bit and sidestepped the punch, but then he instantly turned his hands around and grabbed hold of me. Swinging me about he used my full body so as to bat away Yang and the both of us tumbled into the distance kicking up a dust storm in our wake.


It wasn't over just yet, within the dust cloud both Yang and I switched around and found ourselves at the opposite positions from before we struck.


I made a single dash by going around rather than straight this ended up with me behind Qrow as I swung with full force to his backside! With a serious face and a loud booming voice I let out…

"Thousand Years of Death!"

My hands wet together with both the index and middle fingers together and acted like a spear that headed toward Qrow. This strike could easily take him down.

As my hands closed in on him, suddenly he disappeared and Yang's fist was flying my way. My face contorted and I attempted to release my hands and dodge, but it was to late.

*Bouf~!* *Cahcha~*

Within an instant I was tumbling across the ground away from Yang. And Qrow? He was behind me and overlooked me from above.

"I admit that you Darian show good promise, as does Yang. You seemed to be more on the side of strategy and Yang aims for more of a straight forward approach with her fist… But even so, that attack of yours was over the top." Qrow decided to give his evaluation as I stretched so as to check my body's condition after Yang's fist kissed my face.

He basically said that I was ċȯċky because I planned ahead and put Yang into a position of where I wanted her the whole time, while Yang was hotheaded and only went for a straightforward approach.

"Yang, you will begin your training with endurance training so for now go and run several ŀȧps around the yard until you drop. As for Darian, you seem to have a decent foundation so come over here." Qrow pointed Yang toward the outer ring of the yard where she will run so as to gain more in her endurance, he also gave her a few ankle weights to help her out that wouldn't put excess strain on her body.

But he decided to just call me over as he seems to have a different way for me to begin training my body. Though he seemed to want to keep it a secret.

"Yeah Dad? What are we going to train in?"

Putting my arms to my side as I took a horse stance and seemed to be ready for a fight.

"Yeesh pip-squeak, slow it down. You'll be training in an energy that might just be different from the one you used to activate the ability of you eyes. So here…" As Qrow said this, he placed his hands on my shoulder and inserted what seemed to be his… Aura.

Feeling the Aura enter my body, I was fully expecting an unknown feeling that I have yet to feel… But it seemed I was being to excited as the energy that entered my body ran in a circuit around my body just like Chakra does… Though the energy flowed in a different route throughout my body.

Feeling it within it cleaned up the pathways that were mostly blocked before, and within a warm feeling rose from my body as if in response to the energy Qrow injected inside of me, the energy that rose from within began to chase the Aura of Qrow and it was… Devouring it!

My Aura was swallowing up Qrow's!

[System: Unlocked Aura]

[Activated Ability: Devour]

Looking at my hands I could feel that the Aura of Qrow that was once in my body was completely absorbed and devoured. All gone. The feeling of eating the Aura was something that was completely different from anything else, I could feel that my energy wanted more than Qrow had given.

The feeling ate at me from within 'I want more!'

"Hey, Darian! You okay?!" Qrow got down and stared into my eyes as he shook my shoulders. This completely knocked me away from my thoughts of eating more Aura.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just feels different, this energy inside of me." As I said so, I forced the Aura from my body and as it did… It shone greatly, or rather the air distorted as it was released! The color was undefined, it was… "Clear…?!"

The only reason they knew it was there was because they could feel it pressuring them slightly.

Everybody was in shock. Never had they seen such an Aura before.

Qrow and Taiyang looked to each other… And nodded with resolute faces.


Therefore I just decided to join in and use weights myself… But after a half hour of running nonstop Yang fell over half dead from her run and I stopped because in the middle of running… I realized I could feel my right eye once again.

Removing the black cloth from my head, the cover that block out light from my right eye for the last three months has finally been removed.

Now my eye can open. With a small twitch of my facial muscles and several seconds of time, the eyelid that protected my eye for so long separated from each other allowing the purple eye to be shown once more… Though this time the eye had not one, but instead two rings!

My Rinnegan managed to unlock the Asura Path!

Closing my eyes and reopening them, I realized this has affected both of my Rinnegans and one was not left behind by the other! This was a miracle that only happens once in a lifetime!

Or is it? Exactly how did it upgrade? Was it due to the over usage which made it go past the limits, or was it extreme emotion? Questions to be answered at another time.

Deactivating my left Rinnegan I then turn to Yang.

"Hey Yang, seems my eye has made a full recovery. I'm prepped for a fight whenever now!"

Yang who seemed to have her soul suċkėd out was drowsy but still raised her head to see if I was lying to her. When she saw my eye she was stoked and happy for me… But saw something was off and rose from the ground so as to get a better look.

"Hmm, something is different…? But what is it- You have two rings in your eye now!"

Yang shouted at the top of her lungs as she shook from excitement from looking into my eye, she knew from a month back that my eye was very powerful and could possibly be stronger than I led it on to be.

"Wow, so cool! You can get more rings on your eyes! Does this mean they become stronger?!"

Yang was ultra impressed but was also questioning my eyes in a childish way, so I had to answer… It wasn't because she was cute, okay?

"Well, yes. It seems that my eye can gain more abilities the more rings I have. Though I have no clue how to get more and I will have to discover over time what this ring can do."

I just summed it all up for her, but due to her just finishing her run and being a kid… It went in one ear and out the other. You could almost see the steam raise from her head.

Now that my eye is all right I should check my status and see where I'am now


Name: Darian Uchiha / Sex: Male

Age: 5 Years / Race: Human

Titles: World Traveler, Reincarnated, Orphan, Uchiha Clan Head, Indra's Reincarnation, ???, ???, Hunter, Gennin, Sensor

Status: Healthy

Strength: 2.6

Perception: 21.7

Endurance: 4.2

Agility: 2.2

Intelligence: 19.0

Luck: 13.1

Wisdom: 18.1

Dexterity: 5.2

Chakra: 2,657/2,657 (Mid-Genin)

Aura: 10,000/10,000

Life Force: 1,000,000 Years

Life Span: Infinite

Soul Force: High Tier

Stat Point(5)

Blessings: <Indra> <???> <???>

Equipment: <Ever Changing Clothes(StreetClothes)>

Elements: Fire(X), Blood(X), Storm(SS), Wood(A), Yin-Yang(AA), Water(S), Earth(A), Wind(A), Lightening(B), Shadow(S),

Bloodline: True Vampire, Uchiha, Senju,

Skills: <Martial Student:7> <Thrower:2> <Cleaning:6> <Sneaking:8> <Swimming:4> <Cooking:4> <Speech:7> <Acting:8> <Chakra Control:4> <Illusion Arts:7> <Farming:4> <Taming:6> <Sealing Arts:3> <Tracking:7> <Singing:5> <Instrumental:2> <Blacksmithing:2> <Crafting:2> <Hacking:2> <Scheming:5> <Driving:2> <Sword Student:1> <Blunt-Weapon Student:2> <Leading:5> <Shooting Arts:4> <Aura Control:2>

Abilities: <Sharingan(Two Tomoe)> <Rinnegan(Two Rings)> <Healing Factor(A)> <Shapeshifting> <Telepathy> <Flight> <Intangibility> <Vampirization> <Devour> <(Semblance/Locked)>

Inheritance: <Madara Uchiha>

[Status] [Appraisal] [Store] [Quest] [Inventory] [Technique] [Guild]

(Slot Ticketx3)

SP: 497


Seems that I have made some serious progress, but this is not enough!

My Aura seems to be at the level of a first year at Beacon Academy, so for now it is almost not worth mentioning (or is it?), but after training it up I can surpass them with ease by the time I arrive!

My Chakra reserve is at Mid Gennin Level and only halfway to Mid Gennin at 2,000 Chakra. Then it will be 5,000 for high Gennin and 10,000 for Lower Chunnin and so on… Though this is only theoretical.

I must grow more, this is not enough and most certainly not the best pace!

And like this I decided to train harder than ever before with newfound hope and resolve. No matter how little of a change it had gone through.

Madara seemed to be seeping into my mind more as I wanted to reach the top of the world.

As I let my mind wander over my status, in the background I hear Yang try and talk to me as I'm deep in thought.

"Hey, Darian! Now that you have both eyes and are all good why don't we see if it makes a difference as we fight? C'mon with this you might just be able to show off." 'You say that as if I wasn't always showing off...'

Hearing her suggestion I nod my head with a smile "Good idea Yang, you ready for this?!"

"As I will ever be! Besides, it was my Eye-dea after all, so why don't you just Ring it on already?… Eh, get it?" 'Oh God, no.' I guess it starts here.

She totally deserves a smack over the head for those two terrible puns. Like seriously, I can only silently cringe at these horrible puns.

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