RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 13 - Progress.

My training went on and on for one entire year…

In this time that I spent training I was forced into battle where I was constantly thrown into the defensive and given no hope as to escape. Spars went on for hours at times and I could only leave after being bruised all over by Qrow and/or Taiyang.

Qrow wasn't around much but could be found in a Tavern not to far into a town that wasn't far off and Taiyang was mainly watching over Ruby avidly as he also took the liberty of carrying for my small garden that I used to calm my nerves and get time to think to myself.

All I wanted was to grow in power, though the trip was rough I can tell all that hear… Compared to what Madara has gone through, what I have gone through is nothing. But that is mainly because at the moment I'am focusing more on internal energy.

Everyday for six days a week I would train outside the house, I sat down and meditated for four hours while cultivating, played with Ruby for an hour, ate lunch and relaxed for an hour, only to to train my body for the last four hours in the day and at the end of it all I would head inside to read a story to Ruby alongside Yang while Taiyang made dinner; after we ate and bathed I continued to read until the both of them fell asleep and I would leave to my own bed or sleep with one of the two of them.

Time was rough yet it was enjoyable.

Everyday I worked toward my goal, it was a never ending goal that required the full concentration and effort on my behalf. It would never end up at my feet and so therefore I never caved in and rushed in head first so as to save effort down the line.

I wanted to be the very best and nobody in the world would be able to get in my way of this goal.

In this one year I have used the Asura Path a handful of times and with practice I can finally use it as I liked to an extent. The way it works is by creating the object by using the Rinnegan as a medium and Chakra as the energy/material to create the object. I must also have a solid idea on how I want the technology to work and through this I can have the Rinnegan search the expanse of several universes to find the best technology to reach my dėsɨrėd result.

It will only affect me if it is melded into my body or has entered or attached itself (in)to a living being's body. As long as it isn't attached or enters the body then the sentience will not at all affect anything.

At the time of discovering the sentience I understood as to why Madara and Sasuke alongside the Ōtsutsuki Clan refuse to use the Asura Path on themselves… It would devour their consciousness and take over them as if they were no longer who they were but now just a war puppet.

A weapon, a robot, anything but human. More like an object.

So due to all of this I have decided to keep the customized mechanical arm in my inventory for the moment. This arm cannot be attached lightly, unless I manage to remove the sentience contained within. Besides, I made it to damn large and it wouldn't fit on my arm.

With this I also keep a few firearms stored away for emergency usage as well. Never know when they will be useful.

Alongside these items I made a devices like a ŀȧptop and touch screen cellphone so I can get ordinary things done. I also made some gaming devices so that I won't get bored easily while I'm free from training and putting up with Qrow and Taiyang.

Today I was doing the same thing as alway, dressed in my newish training gear that was tailored after the Male Rangerwear from the video game Fatal Bullet of the Sword Art Online game series. Except mine was more black and red with the Uchiha clan symbol on the backside.

But inside though I still felt like something was missing, I felt an emptiness I always felt was there just grow and magnify itself over the past year and it has yet to stop till even now.

The empty feeling within just kept growing and it seemed to want something that I could not get my hands on for some reason, though what it wanted felt familiar and close to me. I have no clue what it could be, but I just ignored it and let it just sit there in the back of my mind as at the moment it was the least of my problems.

My problem at the moment was that I was currently attempting to weaponize my Aura, that was not going very well as I don't have enough control over Aura yet; but I can make a rather sturdy shield to ward off attacks. It is currently tough enough to tank a hit from a massive Beowolf with ease and it might shatter after ten or so hits.

So for now I can only upgrade it after finding an optimal technique to use the Aura Shield with.

As another note, I'am trying to also conform it to my body. This way the attack can make contact with the shield at the last moment and not mid air, this way my opponent will think that they have got me but in reality they end up losing concentration due to that arrogance.

Aura is a very amiable but rather fragile energy source as I have discovered it might just be linked with the soul. I'am not extremely sure on this though.

So for now I will not make any ȧssumptions.

When talking about Aura I must also mention that Taiyang went and unlocked Yang's Aura a few months back, the amount she had was around 1,200 and was of a yellow color with the explosive element. She also immediately unlocked her Semblance which was her Berserker Style of where the more damage she takes then the more she dishes out in return.

In a spar match against Yang, my straight approach was greatly over powered by her as she tanked several hits. Also, the first haircut she got after her semblance… Or rather the third in her life set her off like a bomb. She destroyed the entire hair dressers. I kept the hair that was chopped off taped to her Photo Album.

Such a pain…

But lets ignore that, today is the day that I will be heading out into the forest so as to test my strength against the local wildlife. Taiyang suggested this to me after seeing that I was slightly slacking in skills and focusing more on inner energy.

Wait a sec, did you know that it is near impossible to actually sense Aura? Yeah me neither, after looking into it for the past year though I have discovered that unless you force your aura into another person or said person forces their aura on full display you cannot even begin to sense it normally. There are in fact semblances out there that allow people to sense aura, but it is unbelievably rare at one in a hundred-thousand.

Only those with the semblance have a chance to actually feel aura when people don't want to release it, but if they try and feel the aura of somebody who has greater control than them with aura they won't feel a thing.

Strange, ain't it?

Taiyang stood in front of me looking down with a stern face "Alright Darian, do you have all of your gear? Such as your hunting knife, hiking boots, scent remover, animal caller, emergency radio, whistle and food/water?"

"Yes Taiyang, I've got it all prepared before I ate breakfast and mediated for an hour. I'm all set."

Ever since the funeral of Summer, Taiyang has been acting a bit more like a father figure should.

He manned up and took the world by storm so as to help raise us. As I said before he has also taken over my garden that I grew not only for myself but also for Yang and Ruby as well. That way I can be sure they would get nice snacks aside from baked goods like those cookies that are made with Summer's recipe.

Though he does act like a father, he almost refuses to show it at times. He wants to be seen as a responsible ȧduŀt worthy of respect. He fails at that whenever he mocks Qrow behind his back.

"I see, that is good. A great habit to always prepare before anything else. I mean I would have reminded you earlier had I only made breakfast quicker. I'll be sure to remember." Taiyang was slightly embarrassed he forgot to tell me what supplies I needed earlier today.

He's sorta failing at being a responsibly ȧduŀt at times though.

"It's all good, I mean I'am usually one step ahead of you. Besides, you've got them to worry about as well. So no need for you to change." Taiyang was a bit upset at first but hearing the rest he managed to smile in response to what I said.

Darian was actually a bit more responsible than him at times and he can only accept it. Besides, taking care of them all was basically his pride and joy though he made an attempt to hide it.

"Yeah yeah, just get going already Darian. You're burning daylight." Taiyang decided to just shoo me off for now as he didn't want to be seen at the moment.

"Alright, I'll go and tell Ruby and Yang and I'll take my leave."

"Ruby! Yang! Where are you?"

As I went to go and get both the girls I went around the house in search of the two trouble makers. Hope they're keeping their hands out the cookie jar and strawberry garden.

Looking throughout the rooms I went to Yang and Ruby's room, it was empty and the only thing there was a mess of toys. Today was the day where Yang and I were supposed to be resting as usual, but I decide to go and hunt while resting the next day.

"Seems they aren't here. Where did they go this time?"

Continuing my search I checked Taiyang's room and found it as desolate as ever, the only place that remained was my own as the other areas were open and cleared out.

Going up to my room, the door was carved with many symbols. Though if one were from Earth and an Otaku they would know exactly what these symbols were.

One were the Guild Symbols of the Fairy Tail series, several were separate Mangekyou Sharingan Symbols, I had the Clan Symbols from Naruto and some Jolly Rogers from OnePiece… All these symbols were carved in by me and everybody had learned of the stories I supposedly made up that surrounded them all.

With a small gentle smile I adeptly pushed on the door with a small amount of power as it was already cracked wide and I then took a look inside to see within.

Inside was my room, it had a desk where I did usual things while sitting in a chair, a closet filled with clothing that I made and my own bed that I've been using for the past year. It had a grey comforter with white pillows and a light brown wooden base.

Atop the bed, laying snuggled under my blanket were both Yang and Ruby. They seemed to be so peaceful and happy as they held each other in their sleep. Today was a peaceful day with a very nice and warm morning that was given to them by the sun outside the window.

They just absorbed each others presence and enjoyed it to the fullest. They could have never been happier. The two sisters.

Slowly closing the door, I threw a note onto the desk and left. It said 'Yang, Ruby. I'am going out to hunt for today, I'll be sure to arrive back to the house by dinner. No need to worry about me - Your Brother, Darian.'

A smile on my face I left for the forest and the potential dangers ahead. All while coming to the conclusion 'Damn, I really don't feel like Madara Uchiha… Did I just jinx myself?' Shaking my head free of these thoughts I continued on.

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