RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 14 - Why am I this way…?

Walking within the forest on the island I have walked about for only thirty minutes. This may not seem long, but with my skill of navigating through trees and my speed it was like running down the sidewalk.

The amount of trees that I have passed by have gone into the thousands and I cannot stress the amount of woodland creatures I have… Not seen!

There is no life other than these damn trees!

Moving along I decide to feel for the inner energies of the wild animals… This is a technique that I picked up from Madara's memories in the year of training, seems he managed to take the secret jutsu of the Yamanaka Clan. He was also a sensory type so after making some adjustments and detecting the Aura of Yang and Ruby who still had a sealed Aura I feel that I'am getting used to the technique I developed from the jutsu.

Energy Sense, a skill that allows me to pinpoint the area of where an individual with certain known energy types are located. I cannot spot any Grimm due to me only meeting with a single Beowolf in the time that I trained and didn't receive the chance to observe if it contained any energy at all. If it has any energy that is!

So finding Grimm is still off the table. But spotting the sealed Aura of animals is easy… In the radius I can stretch my sense out to reach.

It was only a radius of two kilometers all around me. Thought the sense was still only at the first level and has a maximum reach that I have no clue about.

Observing the surroundings of myself I can feel three faint energies that seem to be burrowed in the ground below me about thirty meters to my South.

Also, with this spread out I can tell that Taiyang and Qrow didn't bother to tail me… Even though Qrow should be out on a quest at the moment I still gotta check before I can go all out.

The last thing I need is for them to see me in a setting where I refuse to hold back… Unlike last time. Where I didn't have the chance to activate my Sharingan for more than a moment and didn't use any jutsu.

But this time it will be different. Definitely!

From what I can tell this speed is six times the speed of Usain Bolt at his peak back on earth. I'am still an amateur with the jutsu and I'am much weaker than the average Chunin with physical stats so that speed is to be expected.

This speed technique is not yet capable of surpassing Ruby when she was first shown in her Red Trailer. Perhaps I can teach it to her using Aura and make her speed even greater? 'One day...'

Now that I have arrived to my destinationI focus in on the area where the Aura's were detected, it seemed to be nothing but a rabbit hole. Yet the rabbits were several meters bellow ground.

Thinking of a decent technique to use to reach them or draw them out I was pondering in front of the entrance to their home. But I wanted to eat some rabbit so flooding them or smoking their hole is out… All that narrows it down is that one.

Forming several hand signs I finish them up in a blink of an eye due to constant practice and say out "Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage" with using the jutsu the ground under my feet began to separate and move according to how I wanted and I began to dig into the earth as if I were swimming.

As I dug underground I went under the three rabbits and I launched straight upward to the surface and dragged all three of them out in one go.


Breaching the surface the ground around me burst open as if a drill came out the earth and flew all around me, the rabbits shot into the air and landed on the ground with their broken bodies that were only waiting for death.

Aproaching the rabbit I stood over them from above and looked down "Sorry about this" and with these words my k-bar knife came down to chop off their heads.


[Killed: Wild Rabbit; Gained: (2)SP] x3

'Not exactly the best source of System Points.' I thought with a wry smile.

After the three were dead I tied them with twine I carried in my bag and hung them from a nearby tree to drain the blood. I was prepping my lunch already.

Making a small stack of twigs I made a few hand signs and placed my fingers to my lips while saying "Fire Release: Ember" and spat out a single small flame that landed on the twigs to light them aflame.

Now that the fire is ready I look back to my kills and watched the blood leak out so that I can get them on the flame as soon as I could, I want to eat fresh clean meat after all.

Nothing but the best for me!

But even so, as I watched the blood ooze out of the bodies of the rabbits I felt that urge from a year back return in full force. It was a strange feeling that was focused around not only my stomach but also my head, it seemed to want something. Though I do not know what exactly.

All I know of this feeling is that as I stare at my kill I can tell that it wants something! What it is asking for is… Something to eat!

The hunger in my body was bursting at its seams it was beginning to change me, or more like manipulate my brain. My way of thought was under siege and I cannot seem to control this urge for hunger… I want to eat, I want to eat… I want to eat!… I WANT TO EAT!

Sliding my lips apart "I WANT TO EAT!!" Letting out a great shout I began to wildly run to the hanging in bodies of the rabbits.


With a great resounding boom I tackled the first body to the floor and I opened my mouth wide open, inside was a mouthful of sharp teeth that threatened to tear apart steel!

Nothing couldn't have been bit through by this set of teeth!

And those teeth went down and chomped onto the still bloodied body of a dead rabbit. Tearing the body apart the blood gushed inside and began to enter my mouth, the taste was sweet though bitter at the same time and I couldn't quite get enough of the feeling!

It set me into a euphoric rage where I bit down over and over again as I scarfed down the entire rabbit whole there and then on the ground where not even the bones were spared as they slithered down my throat as chunky mess.


Sucking in a huge breath through my clenched teeth, it felt like… Like I was something else, I was not human any longer!

I wanted to eat, more than anything else! Even if that meant that I will achieve nothing more any longer!

All I wanted… Was to eat!

Turning to the other fresh corpses that stank of blood and looking at the pool that formed of the dark red liquid of life that had gathered on the ground I approached with small yet steady steps that carried me to my destination.

Kneeling down to floor, my face approached the pool of blood that gave off a heavy smell of death and iron. Opening my mouth my tongue slithered out from between my teeth and slowly began to lick the blood from the dirty ground, though I tried to resist at first my will was overtaken by the tasty meal.

I wanted more!

Looking up I saw the corpses of the rabbits sway in the wind as the blood drip down to the ground where it came into contact with my face.

Seeing such a sight I couldn't control myself any longer and gave in…

And so I ate!


(Taiyang's POV)

"That brat!"

Darian has been gone all evening and hasn't returned at all. Now after I've searched for two hours, its now midnight and I still cannot find the brat.

He was to return at ten o' clock, thinking as to what might have happened I can feel my blood pump but remembering that a year ago he could handle four Beowolves at once I'am put at ease. There are no creatures or Gimm in the forest stronger than Beowolves 'Then why hasn't he come back?'

That one question made its way through my head more than a dozen times in the past hour and I still have come to no conclusion.

The most likely reason I've thought of would be that he just got lost, but he knowing him he should have left himself a trail back to the house.

'Where are you, Darian?'

Suddenly without warning, a great odor hit me in my nostrils. I new this smell of iron anywhere, it was blood.

Moving into the direction of where the smell of blood originates I come across a small pile of ashes and nearby is where I find a blotch of blood just strewn all around the area. Up a tree, on rocks and inside the hole that was carved out of the ground.

'This doesn't feel right, what could have not only chased away Darian but eat his kill as well?'

I knew that the blood didn't belong to Darian do to the bits of fur all around and the lacking of any if his supplies like his bag… Rather his traces were completely gone as if it never existed.

Looking around the area I find a faint trail of shallow marks that seemed to come from Darian's boots as they hit the ground.

'Found you!'

Following the trail that was almost completely removed, I used the best of my tracking skills and continued deeper into the forest.

Making my way deeper in I feel that something was off, the bodies of animals were popping up along the trail that Darian was going in. 'Was he chased by a ravenous beast or Grimm?'

I had no clue what to make of the situation other than that Darian was in danger. All the animals along the way were devoured in their entirety other than what blood remained splattered around.

'Suspicious' was practically written all over the scenes every time I found one, the feeling sunk deep within me as I moved forward.

After well over a half hour of following the faded tracks of Darian, I find an area unlike any of the others. It seemed to be a den of a bear.

The only think that stuck out about this particular den… Was that it was soaked in blood from top to bottom, seeing such a sight as I followed the tracks made my heart sink heavily.

Walking forward into the cave I prepare for the worst case scenario.

Though, it still wasn't enough to prevent the shock that was brought upon me after entering.

Looking inside, I saw a familiar figure… It was Darian!

'Thank the Gods, he is alright!' As I try and move into the den so as to meet with him I notice that something was off, Darian was kneeling on the ground and in front of him was a giant unmoving bear… Then it hit me. Darian, he was eating the bear.


(Darian's POV)

The feeling of hunger refused to leave me, I only want to eat and so my mind was slipping into what seemed an abyss where my hope of taking control was out of question. My only hopes were dashed away as I tried to yell for help and pray for a way of some kind so as to escape this hellish fate of mine!

I didn't want to devour everything in my path! Why must I be this way, why?!

My mind raged on like a massive storm that couldn't be controlled. Everything ȧssaulted my mind at ice and I was losing control, I was no longer completely myself and if by chance I do lose all control. I will cease to exist.

Though these fears ran through my mind like mad I couldn't get up, I was still kneeling at the side of the corpse of a bear and I was ripping it apart with my teeth and devouring its flesh. fur, hide, muscles, bones and all.

All of the bear was entering my stomach.

… *Chch…*

The sounds of stepping on gravel echoed throughout the cave.

Turning to what created the sound I swung my head in a wide manner and stared heavily into the direction from where the sound originated.

There… I saw Taiyang.

'Run away!'

The words couldn't escape my mouth and my body bolted toward Taiyang!

The speed I reached was more than enough to put Ruby to shame after arriving at Beacon. The speed was almost enough to break the sound barrier and cause a sonic boom!

Charging at Taiyang with such a speed I wanted to stop but my body refused to listen. I wanted to eat Taiyang!

'RUN AWAY!!!!'

I started to scream inside of my head but the only thing that came out was an unintelligible shriek "Uuuuaaaaaackkk!" As I charged forward with my teeth bȧrėd and ready to bite down and my clawed nails stretched out in a manner that was ready to claw out.

*Boom!* But suddenly a fist hit me square in the face.

Sending me flying *BAAA~!* the bear den began to shake with the both of us still inside.

As I was stuck in the wall I looked up and saw Taiyang come toward my direction, seeing him come I wanted to eat him! But at the same time my instincts were telling me to run while Madara was telling me to fight!

Though the one in control was the Vampire. And now I wanted nothing more than to EAT!

My mind was in pure chaos and I cannot control it anymore.

Looking at Taiyang, I open my mouth and …

Before I could do anything, a punch landed on my solar plexus.

Like a light, I was out…

As I lay on the floor with a devilish smile, I think about my hunger as the great abyss now reaches over my conciseness.

Waking up I feel my body sway a bit as if off balance, while the wind rises all around me and ċȧrėss' my body as it flys on by me.

Opening my eyes slowly I can see that it was actually myself that was flying by and not the wind, as I turn my head up I see a yellow haired individual… It was Taiyang, he was taking me back.

"Taiyang…" I could bȧrėly let out his name with a small voice.

Hearing my small whisper, Taiyang came to a stop in the center of the woods. As he looks down on me I can see in his eyes, pity. 'Don't look at me like that...'

"Seems you're finally awake, were almost back to the house so just sleep." Without giving me much thought he looks back up and continues his journey albeit at a faster pace.

As I continue to look up at him I try to speak, but my voice wouldn't come out.

I tried my best for several attempts… I tried again and again and again.

Finally I managed to let it out "Why... Am I... This way…?" before I finally blacked out once more.

Unbeknownst to me Taiyang said a few words I will never hear "You are you and that is fine, no matter if you are a devil or demon I still accept you. So please take care of yourself."

And like that he continued on back to the wooden home of home of his.

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