RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 15 - Home.

After arriving back at the house I awoke to Taiyang opening the front door, as I was now awake I shuffled to get myself to my feet from his arms.

"Darian, just rest for now."

Looking up at him I shook my head and got down to the ground, as I did the light from the porch shone on me and I looked to my own arms to discover that I was soaked with several layers of dry and wet blood. Clothes and all were covered.

"I'm going to go and take a shower ."

Hearing me speak Taiyang didn't stop me and went off to his personal bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed.

As I walked through the halls I took care so as to not make any noise and I made my way to the bathroom that Yang, Ruby and I share at times to wash up and use the restroom. Letting my sensory jutsu out I found the girls were sleeping huddled tightly on my bed, it seems they were waiting for me to make it back to the house.

Entering the bathroom I removed my bloodied clothes and stored them away in my inventory alongside my other clothes and items. There they will stay until they are burned, no amount of washing will clean such stains so that is my only choice.

They were disposable anyway, just a grey t-shirt and black Cargopants with black Combat Boots. It was Autumn so wearing such dark clothing made sense. I wasn't going for camouflage anyway.

Now that I stood nȧkėd in front of the mirror I looked closely so as to see if there were any lasting marks on my body, I did this just to make sure that it isn't messed up. I don't want a disfigured body after all.

But as I gaze upon the body of mine, I see myself as Madara Uchiha almost as if I were him yet that I'am not. It was a truly bizarre feeling that I have to put away.

My hair was a dark navy blue while my face was tough yet immature looking, my left eye was transformed into the Sharingan so as to see how if it is changed in anyway.

As I gazed into the Two Tomoe version of my red pupil colored eye that was not of this world, I slowly began to accept that I… Didn't belong in this world. Or even the last one…

Looking into my right eye that had a purple pupil with Two Rings that surrounded the center Black Dot. My Rinnegan was the 'Eye of God' it was an eye that should rule over the heavens themselves and the very concept of Life and Death. I was to be a God.

But I only felt empty as I saw my eyes…

*Knock knock knock*

"Hey, Darian… is now a good time…?"

Hearing the voice I lowered my hand slowly from my face and answered "Yeah, but I just want to be left alone for a bit."

Hearing me answer Taiyang left after saying "Alright then, I'm leaving you some clothes and maybe we can talk about this later. Alright?"

Hearing his footsteps lead off from the room, I can only look back into the mirror. There I saw the usual me, only now I had two tears stream from my face.

'What am I thinking?! Pull yourself together!'


Slaping my cheeks I head into the washroom so as to clean this body that had dry blood chipping off of its surface.

Turning the water onto the hottest setting I immediately let the water pour over me, this was fairly cold at first but soon heated up so much that steam was rising out the window and into the night sky.

But now that I think about it, what are the rewards I managed from my hunt?

[Killed: Forest Bird; Gained: (1)SP] x12

[Killed: Forest Rabbit; Gained: (1)SP] x10

[Killed: Forest Boar; Gained: (3)SP] x5

[Killed: Forest Bear; Gained: (5)SP] x2

For a grand total of 47SP I finished my rampage. That was quite more than expected because I have absolutely no clue as to where all that meat went.

Don't want to find out.

As I'am still washing my body with my personal soap I remember that I never checked my status after this full year of training!

Let's have a look at it!

Name: Darian Uchiha / Sex: Male

Age: 6 Years / Race: True Vampire

Titles: World Traveler, Reincarnated, Orphan, Uchiha Clan Head, Indra's Reincarnation, ???, ???, Hunter, Gennin, Sensor, Berserker, Vampire Noble,

Status: Healthy

Strength: 3.1

Perception: 24.6

Endurance: 4.8

Agility: 3.2

Intelligence: 20.1

Wisdom: 19.2

Dexterity: 5.7

Chakra: 4,259/4,259 (Mid-Genin)

Aura: 12,117/12,117

Life Force: 1,000,000 Years

Life Span: Infinite

Soul Force: High Tier

Stat Point(5)

Blessings: <Indra> <???> <???>

Elements: Fire(X), Blood(X), Storm(SS), Wood(A), Yin-Yang(AA), Water(S), Earth(A), Wind(A), Lightening(B), Shadow(S),

Bloodline: True Vampire, Uchiha, Senju,

Skills: <Martial Student:9> <Thrower:4> <Cleaning:6> <Sneaking:8> <Swimming:4> <Cooking:4> <Speech:7> <Acting:8> <Chakra Control:4> <Illusion Arts:9> <Farming:4> <Taming:6> <Sealing Arts:3> <Tracking:7> <Singing:6> <Instrumental:2> <Blacksmithing:2> <Crafting:3> <Hacking:2> <Scheming:5> <Driving:2> <Sword Student:4> <Blunt-Weapon Student:3> <Leading:5> <Shooting Arts:5> <Aura Control:2>

Abilities: <Sharingan(Two Tomoe)> <Rinnegan(Two Rings)> <Healing Factor(A)> <Shapeshifting> <Telepathy> <Flight> <Intangibility> <Vampirization> <Devour> <(Semblance/Locked)> <Berserk>

Inheritance: <Madara Uchiha>

[Status] [Appraisal] [Store] [Quest] [Inventory] [Technique] [Guild]

(Slot Ticketx3)

SP: 622


Seems I'm now a vampire… Yay~!… Fuck me! And I also got a new Berserk skill, oh happy days~! Sighing out I just continued on, there is nothing I can do to change it anyway and I'm to mentally exhausted.

My growth in this year was more focused around sensing Aura and Chakra, I trained my technique of sensing them, molding them and even using them at a rapid pace. My growth was slightly slow in Aura because I focused more on my Chakra than anything else at the moment though.

In the future I will still go along the path of not training the body as much since I can make up for it with ninjutsu and the like. So expanding my reservoir is essential.

Even though I say such things it can still be noted that I have reached a level of three times the physic of the average grown man back in my first life. But this level of power puts me at the average civilian in this world.

After exiting the bath I grab the pajamas given to me by Taiyang, these were originally in my drawer in my rooms I can ȧssume he went in there to get them. Those clothes were the ones that I can throw away as I like and the ones in my inventory were personal.

These ones were just a plain full sky blue in color with no additional decal.

Placing them on my body I leave the bathroom behind and leave my towel to dry on the rack.

Heading down the hallway I go to my room.

But after approaching the door I remember who is within, so I stop my movement and stand in front of the door while staring it down with a single Rinnegan active as usual.

Looking at the door, I can only feel regret and anger.

The regret I felt was from going out today and I couldn't contain my feeling of hunger from my vampire bloodline and so it had taken over me, causing me to slaughter anything in my path. Even Taiyang was attacked by me, had the two in this room come along, even these two little angels would have been attacked by me.

There was noting more in this world I hated more than myself at the moment.

My deeds were inexcusable. 'I was to weak...'

'…I was a monster.'

Turning away from the door I walked away, as I looked up I see that downstairs the kitchen light was on. 'Strange? Thought Taiyang went to bed?'

Making my way down the stairs I can hear a little bit of pitter patters as bȧrė feet step on the hardwood floors, they most certainly weren't Taiyang's. Seems Ruby and/or Yang was wide awake.

Walking into the kitchen I can only scratch the back of my head as I ask to se what's going on "Alright, what are you doing up at this hou- Bour~!"

As I was speaking something came and smashed into my stomach.

Feeling the pain, I lurched over and looked down on what tackled me.

As I did all I could hear was a small gasping whisper from the red figure that hit me, it was Ruby that tackled me in the gut head first.

Raising my head I spot two more figures, both with a head of yellow hair. Seems Yang and Taiyang couldn't not get involved.

Looking back at Ruby I knelt down and held her. She couldn't even form proper words due to all the gasping and sobbing.

After I held her for a solid ten minutes. She fell asleep again due to exhaustion.

'Heh~ I'm far to used to this.' I smile wryly to myself as I pick-up Ruby and go to place her on the couch.

But mid transport I'm stopped by Taiyang who then takes Ruby from my arms and gently wakes her.

As she regains consciousness Ruby sees me again and in a small voice calls for me "Brother~" which I can only respond to with a pat on the head.

"Yeah, I'm back."

As I say so I hear from behind.


Hearing the voice I look back and see Yang looking at me with an angry yet sad face.

From behind me Ruby was getting onto her feet and was helped to the dinning table where we were now all seated at.

As I sit at the head of the table, directly across from Taiyang and at my sides were both Ruby and Yang, I could only image of the scolding I was going to receive from the three of them.

Though they did accept me and love me a bit it doesn't mean that they weren't put into a tough position by my disappearing act.

As I sat there wondering what they wanted to say to me I hear Tiayang speak up "Darian, what happened today…" Hearing him bring up today I couldn't look him in the eyes, I could only lower my head in shame.

Opening my mouth with quivering lips I tried to speak, but before I could I only heard.

"…It doesn't matter to us."

"Huh?" Looking up I was surprised at what I heard.

It seems both of Yang and Ruby knew that something was different and asked Taiyang to explain because they seemed to know what he was speaking about.

"Today, it wasn't your fault. I can tell that you had no control. I know you wouldn't do such a thing." Taiyang, he spoke quietly and smoothly… He wasn't trying to comfort me, rather he just stated the truth.

Taiyang spoke to me and told me that it wasn't my fault he wanted to make sure I knew such a simple thing? 'Of course it isn't my fault.'

"You had no control over yourself and I could tell that you tried to fight it."

He spoke as if he were in my shoes, as if he knew that I wanted to fight that feeling more than anything. "What do you know?" My thoughts escaped my mouth.

Taken aback Taiayang still pressed "What do I know? I know how you truly are and whatever happened wasn't something that you would do!"

"Of course I wouldn't do such a thing! What do you take me for, a MONSTER?!"

I shouted back at him and this caused the girls to pull back a bit.

"I don't want to be whatever it is that I'am, I'm more than just some monster! YOU HEAR?!"

Letting my mind row freely I shouted out what I thought they would say, it only brings back those horrid memories from then. I never wanted to think of them anymore, but him speaking this way only makes my blood boil.

Even though I shouted and even though I wanted to let them know that I wasn't me. With my teeth clenched together I had a face on that could scare away even the most horrid of criminals, my anger spread throughout me and I cold almost not control it any longer again!

But before I knew it they had embraced me, it was unreal.

'Why are you…?'

Immediately my anger disappeared out of complete surprise and sudden shock.

Then a voice spoke to me…

"Darian, even though at times I know that you are much more different than those around you. I know that just like them you have a heart, you are you and what happened had happened for reasons unknown to us. Though I'm sure one day you just might be able to tell us…"

Taiyang spoke straightly and firmly yet it sounded soft to ear. Another voice sprang up "We are family you know? Darian you are my Big Bro and I love you" it was the voice of Yang.

To my right I hear one finally voice "Mm, Brother… I love you too you know~. OH! And welcome home!" It was the voice of the angelic and energetic Ruby.

"Mm, yeah. Welcome home Darian." "Welcome home Big Bro!"

Hearing the three of them welcome me back, it had a mysterious feeling appear inside my heart. Was this happiness? Or was it satisfaction? I wonder what it could be.

I've never truly felt this sensation before.

After I placed my hand on my ċhėst as if I could feel what is running through my heart, I look up and I found that my vision was rather blurry and I couldn't see anything in front of me. What was in my eyes were, tears. I was crying.

Suddenly I began to wildly sob, the air was being caught in my lungs and I was huffing up a storm. A lake almost formed from the tears that collected on the table.

Trying my best not to choke up any longer, I looked up yet all I could let escape my mouth now was "… Th… Thank… Thank you. I'm… Home!" And plastered on my face was a smile never before seen in any of my lives, it was covered in mucus and tears while on a bright red face while scrunched up. But out of all my smiles, it seemed to be the brightest of them all.

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