RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 16 - Opening up.

Waking the next morning I could feel the heat of the sun coming through the window it was warm and almost seemed a bit kind.

As I slowly woke, I felt new and as if a weight was lifted from my being and yet in the back of my mind I felt as if nothing truly changed.

So what was it?

Have I changed? Or am I the same as always?

'Doesn't matter…'

As I removed the covers from my ċhėst I could feel a new weight, though it was light I had to say it was rather annoying.

Lowering my eyes and looking down my in my sight I saw the figures of two beings, Ruby and Yang were on my ċhėst.

Shaking my head with a wry smile I decided to nudge them awake.

*shake, shake, shake, shake~*

As I slowly shook the two of them up their eye lids fluttered and I could see their consciousness slowly coming to them.

"Hue~" Yang looked up at me while making a stupid face and Ruby was getting up while drool slipped from her mouth.

"Alright time to wake up, the both of you c'mon." Saying this I shook them a bit more and waited for them to get up themselves.

Only to hear this response:


'Hah?' I was a bit flabergassted at what I heard.

The two of them just simply laid back down to sleep.

With my veins slightly bulged and teeth clenched I said out loud tot he girls "Wake up dammit!" Without restraint I threw the both of them from the bed!


*Boom, thump*x2


Yang decided it would be best to get up in my face.

With a gentle smile I grabbed her left shoulder and looked her in the eyes.

With a slow and deep tone I spoke to Yang "Yeah, that is what I'm wondering. I don't remember becoming a pillow." All while the gentle smile never left my face.

Though I did try to smile like a little angel, all I can see is Yang quivering. Ruby was just rubbing her forehead as she bumped it.

Seeing this I stood from my bed and walked around Yang.

Going up to Ruby I made several hand signs and placed my right hand on her forehead and said out "Mystic Palm Jutsu" while my hand glowed a gentle green light and that light healed Ruby's head of its scruff.

Feeling the warm light on her Ruby was becoming sleepy once more, but this time she fought it and looked at my hand "Waaahh~! Pretty~!"

Smiling a more natural smile I looked upon Ruby and could only feel a warmth fill inside my heart. She was truly to innocent.

But while I was doing this behind me was a little lass who was staring in awe, completely loss as to what I had as a possible Semblance… Healing?

"Big Bro, how'd you do that?! You gotta tell me! C'mon~!" Yang pulled on my arm and began to whɨnė a bit as he wanted to know how to pull it off, she did want a semblance different from her berserker one after all.

As I turned my head to her, my hand made its way to her head and rested on top "Yang, I'll tell you and the Old Man everything today. Don't you worry. Okay?"

Hearing me speak, Yang looked up to see a genuinely gentle smile look down upon her as if it was from a guardian angel. Subconsciously the hands of Yang had tightened their grip.

But even so, I removed her hands from my arm and went into the bathroom to change my clothing.

In the mean time I also had the girls put on their daily use clothes that I picked out myself, Ruby wore a black and red one piece frilly dress and Yang wore an orange t-shirt and tan cargo shorts. Both had on sneaker style shoes as they aren't used to anything else.

Putting on my clothes I wore tan cargo pants and black boots with a white t-shirt, the only weapon I carried on me was a knife that was strapped to my right boot in case of an emergency.

With ourselves ready for the day we could take on the whole world, these two with cuteness that suited them in their own style and myself with battle and bloodshed.

Making our way to the training field out in the side yard after breakfast that consisted of eggs bacon and a salad with both strawberries and banana slices.

Yang and I both prepare to train by stretching our joints and muscles the best we could with several different warmups. Today we would be training in our own skill sets and so it didn't matter what clothing we wore.

While Ruby… Ruby was also stretching a bit but she wasn't quite keeping up with both Yang and I as she wasn't used to it. But even if she was stretching she wasn't allowed to begin training until next year so for now she is only going to play as we train.

It is a good thing that I also took a bit of time to make a soft target for Ruby to punch at if she felt like doing so.

"Alright the two of you seem to be ready for the training ahead of us today, so lets get right into it. You both know the drill!"

As Taiyang was getting ready for our day of training ahead of us by pulling out a few hand guards and wooden swords I had decided that now is when I should speak out.

"Taiyang." I said directly.

"Hmm?" He seemed confused as I never really speak in a very serious tone unless necessary, I'am mostly laid back after all.

"I have something to say to not only you but every body here. I'll even take a moment to tell my Dad later on when I get the chance." Hearing this Taiyang knew to take what I'm about to say with full seriousness.


Though I wanted to tell them I had no idea where to start, the amount of secrets that I have, the amount of sins I committed, the amount of blood I have shed, the amount of lives I've taken, the horrors I've not only seen but committed.

There are simply to many.

Taiyang seemed to notice this predicament of mine and spoke out to me, he said it with a light and understanding tone. He didn't force me to speak he only wanted me to understand that he can be trusted.

"Go ahead and speak Darian, were family and that means you can tell us anything, as long as it is at your own pace. Do not force yourself."

Nodding my head I came to my resolution and so I decided to speak out. I began "I'am… More than what you think of me…"

They seemed quite confused as to what I was saying, but they knew that I would continue "I'am Darian Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Gram Hisoka and… Well I'd rather not bring up the last person that I'am…" That one I long forgotten about. Or rather the one I have ignored all these years.

Bewildered at what I was saying Taiyang directly asked me "What do you mean? Madara, Gram who are they?"

Looking him in the eyes I told him "Madara he is my Ancestor, he is also me or rather, I'am him and he is I. The memories from the entire life of Madara had entered my mind long ago and also had a couple other persons, in essences I have lived three lives already and am on my fourth one. At least you could put it that way."

"Madara, he was a many with his own goals. He wanted nothing more than peace and yet all he had ever brought was war after war and now I can remember his whole like of hand. The last thing he ever achieved in his life before he died once, was to train up a person to resurrect him and the at the end of the second life was when he brought an illusion that controlled the world."

"Gram Hisoka was a much weaker being, but Gram, he was a being that refused to bend down his knee and kneel to anybody. Even when he was labeled as a waste he refused to up and die so he continued on in whatever way he could so as to change the fate of the world. He died in an explosion as he held the head of the woman he loved and luckily he had managed to distribute enough information that gave a sharpened edge to the powers of the world."

Saying all of this out, I had unleashed a bit of my secrets. Though if anybody else were to hear they would think that I'am crazy. To tell such secretes could bring a great destruction upon my family and/or myself.

This is also against the code of Madara, but to Gram, this was also a fem of making peace with this life of mine.

Shocked thoroughly Taiyang looked at his daughter Yang and she also looked at her father, while Ruby couldn't quite grasp what it was I had just said.

With everyone in a daze, one from spilling out more than he could afford, two from having understood the severity of what the first had said and finally the last was just starring at two birds on a tree branch.

"So you are saying that your Ancestor gave you his memories and life experiences? That is truly bizarre, I've never heard of such a thing. Are you sure that is exactly what happened?" Taiyang couldn't just allow himself to just go and accept what had left my mouth, he almost wanted to completely refute it. But he sub-concisely understood that this is greatly possible in the world of Remnant; in this world Gods exist.

With a serious face I answered "Yes. Even these eyes of mine are not exactly what they seem, they belong to my bloodline and my Ancestor Madara. As for Gram he has not given me much at all rather than an insatiable will to live." After saying what needed to be said I closed my eyes…

And opened them.

All three of them were unprepared, up until now I had only one purple eye that was unique solely to me. But now I had a second.

"Darian, this is -"

Cutting off Taiyang I rose my hand to his face and spoke out "I'am not done."

Then I closed my eyes once again… And reopened them to reveal the Two Tomoe Sharingans in place of my Rinnegans.

Now they all froze like statues, just how did I have another eye I've never shown before?

"Darian, what the hell is -"


She was furious, she seemed to want to know as much about me as possible and I had been hiding such a secrets from her for her entire life.

I'm basically labeled as untrustworthy in her eyes now.

"Heh heh~ Yeah, sorry. Just like how when I use the abilities in my purple eyes known as the Rinnegan these eyes the Sharingan constantly need a flow of that energy so maintaining them requires a lot of effort for me with a small pool of that energy."

Though they understood they just couldn't believe it.

"The same can be said with other skills of mine, like that healing I displayed earlier on Ruby! The same energy was used as a fuel to help her with healing when done correctly."

My small remark made a huge wave.

"Healing! What is this about healing?! Explain!"

"Uh, earlier Ruby hit her head and I healed up the bump. It is just one of the many uses of the energy that I control known in Madara's and Gram's memories as Chakra."

"Chakra? This energy has so many uses! How can I train in it?!"

"I'd love to teach you guys on training Chakra… But you'd have to be born with the energy to be able to use it and the chances of that is literally one in a billion! You guys just don't meet the requirement. Sorry…"

Though later on I may just be able to find a way and place the energy in their bodies.

But even if those two were let down, one really didn't care.

"WOOW~ Brother, your eyes are red and shiny~! They look beautiful~! LIke my name! The gem, Ruby!!" Ruby didn't mind, she was just interested in the Sharingan.

Holding Ruby down with my arms so she doesn't get close to my face I wore a gentle smile as I spoke "Hmm~? Thank you Ruby, I like these eyes a lot as well. Though the energy needed to use them is quite a bit because I cannot control them completely. So seeing them will only come once in a while." I was scratching my cheek with a wry smile as I explained this to her.

"Awwww~! That's no fair! I wanna see them more than that purple eye, it looks weird!" She was pouting as she said this to my face.

"Geh!" 'The Rinnegan is an eye seen once every thousand years! Seeing it every day is a blessing! Also, that is my eye that you are insulting!!'

"You make brother want to cry Ruby, please stop." I practically had ghost tears stream down my face.

"Ahahahaha!! You sure don't change, unlike those eyes of yours!" Yang seemed to find my situation with Ruby to be entertaining.

"HAH~! What about you and the hair that I gotta throw a bucket of water on whenever you go to the beauty salon?" I decided to humor her and snarkily replied back.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY PUNK?!" She was mad now.

They really didn't care that I was holding things from them, this made a warm sensation flood through me. Even though I fought with Yang and was a little annoyed by Ruby who's Aura I unlocked.

"Hey, Darian I can tell that something ain't right."

Taiyang came up to me after I was left to my thoughts.

"You're right, Taiyang. The greatest curse that I carry is that with the Sharingan everything that I see will be engraved into my memory forever…" I spoke slowly with a deep voice.

'…This is only one of the curses I must suffer…'

As if he could tell the situation was serious his face toughened up "I see, but isn't that a good thing? I mean you'll never forget what you don't want to! So there is a plus!" By the end though he had a goofy looking and large smile on his face. He wanted to cheer me up.

"You are right Taiyang…" he is truly in the right.

"Then why don't we get a mov-" He wanted to have me ignore what was swirling in my head, but I didn't let him.

"...but I will also be unable to forget whatever it is I want to forget no matter what…"

He could feel something was wrong and his smile disappeared instantly "Darian…"

"My eyes were wide open after I was taken out of my mother during her surgery. I saw her face as she passed away and embraced death with a smile…" My face scrunched up and turned white, water brimming at the edge of my eyes and feeling was being lost in my legs.

Taiyang instantly knew… He launched himself forward and held me tight, the pressure coming from his arms was enough to smash a boulder it seemed but the pressure did no damage to me. Rather the pressure seemed as if it were instead protecting me.

As we sat there… I continued.

"But that doesn't matter, cause amongst this world… There is no person that feels more love than an Uchiha… So all is fine." But I didn't decide to continue onto the 'Curse of Hatred' nobody needed to know of it.

'When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred...'

Like this me and Taiyang sat there hugging and letting time pass us by.

From behind, two warm and soft beings grappled onto me.

'These two brats! I love them too damn much!'

And like this I can feel my heart slowly open up as today I told them a little of what I'am capable of.

'Today was a good day.'

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