RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 17 - Training is Important!

The sky can be seen far above the earth that was below with an almost bellowing color that signifies that of water and freedom, it was clear as a lake which can almost shine with a new sparkle as if recently waxed and open because not a cloud could be found within its great vast and open area.

This scene was a usual occurrence on a small island where not ver many thing usually get done, here on this island laid the housing of a very minor amount of people.

In one particular household the day truly begins the second the sun rises over the ocean that extends out as far as the eye could see.

"Ruby Rose! Come out of the house this instant! It is only the second day of training and I will not stand for it if you do not train alongside Yang and I." As I stood outside of the house calling to Ruby within I made sure to let her know of my intentions and that was to train.

After our touching moment from the night and the day after a week ago, I wanted her to join Yang and I in training for real rather than just watching.

The first day sort of went how most would expect, she was dead tired and collapsed at the end of it all.

Of course as her older brother I felt like crap, but this was for her and I had to put my foot down.

Poking her head out of the window I spot a black and red haired figure, with a smile I waved her over to me "Ruby, c'mon we gotta get to training soon!"

She responded in kind, by sticking out her tongue "Mmnnnn-!" 'Gah!'

"Grrr~ Alright, if that is how you want to play then so be it!" I was not really known for my calm personality when it came to training and battle.

Without any reservations I decided to form several familiar hand seals, any Naruto fan would know of them "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Hearing me shout, everybody turned their heads my way.


Seeing a cloud of smoke suddenly appear Yang and Taiyang had not one clue as to what to make of it, why summon a cloud of smoke? And what is a Shadow Clone?

As the cloud of smoke cleared out came not one, not two, but three Darian's. All of which had their eyes set on Ruby who was awestruck by her brother's performance of making more of him appear.

"What the hell? Just what kind of tricks does Darian have up his sleeve? First the force of gravity, then the healing and now creating clones of himself? I'm getting to old for this~!" Taiyang was left going through a sudden mid-moment crisis as he lacked the mind to wrap around the incident before him.

"Alright, you stay here and train in Chakra control. I can stand on top of boiling water at this point but it isn't enough. So think of something,"

"Mm, got it boss man. I guess I can try and work on the Rasengan, we did get some rubber balloons, and rubber bouncy balls when Taiyang brought us toys from out in the city that one time. After that we could work with Chakra strings and then try to infuse Nature Energy into the Rasenga and finally we can try to walk on air with only the use of Chakra and not the flight of the True Vampire Bloodline."

"Man, I completely forgot about the being a vampire thing and all that. Mmmm~. Alright then, go ahead and practice that way for the moment and we can move along together later."

"Understood!" The first clone then went off to find the water balloons that were laid somewhere in the house.

While the first clone was given his task I look at the second one.

"You are going to help me with Ruby. She needs somebody to oversee her training while easing her into it unlike how Taiyang the crappy instructor over there was doing yesterday."

"Of course, if he wants to rot away in a Hunter School then he can do that after he officially get his license. But for now he needs to learn that at first he has to be gentle and ease Ruby into training because not everyone is as crazy as you are at training."

"First off, you mean US as we are one dumbass and second we have to go and catch Ruby before we can get her to train! Now stop lolygagging and get a move on!!" The clone is just being a pain while he is here ain't he?

In the distance I hear Yangs voice "Don'tcha mean Loli-gagging, eh~ Darian?"

"GAH! Yang! First off, where did you hear that from? And second, shut up! I don't mean that!" With a red face I was hooting at Yang for her insensitive joke.

While Yang and I were going at it, Taiyang was recalling an anime that mentioned the same joke he heard last week and began to sweat heavily.

"That went well, now did it not Darian?" Yang was squatting above me overhead as she looked at my exhausted and scrunched up face from above.

With a slightly choked up voice I spoke out to her "Haa~ Alright, well you seemed to have found out a single flaw of my Shadow Clones. They send EVERY experience of theirs back to my head and so that is why I refuse to use them. Happy?" I wanted to appease her appetite known as curiosity with this,

"Nope." Didn't seem to work.

"Gaaahh~ Fine, they also are destroyed with a single solid blow. Now?" A little more information wouldn't hurt, so I decided to spit it out.

"Nope." The 'Nope' really must run in the family huh?

There was absolutely nothing I wanted more than to get up at the moment, but I couldn't so I decided to just give in. "If you are asking how much it hurt to get kick in the junk by Ruby through the clone, then the answer is that I felt every once of pain. Now help me up would you? I can't walk." With a pleading face, I looked up at Yang.

"That was what I wanted to hear." Though she was struggling to contain her laughter she relented and helped me to my feet and let me use her shoulder to lean on.

After I regained my bearing I stood in front of Ruby who was sitting on her legs on the dirty ground which I was forced to lay down upon after a serious blow dished out onto the clone. But now was not the time to force her but rather persuade her… Let's do this!

"Ruby, today you will be just doing Endurance training. But since I will admit that you did in fact get me earlier I will allow you a break once you have fallen from exhaustion. When that happens I will help you by providing strawberries and water with ten minutes to rest."

"Mmmrgh~ Don't wanna." Of course she wouldn't agree so easily, I was just making it a little easier on her. Though I refused to rid her of it completely.

"I know that you don't Ruby. I didn't want to do such things either. But have you seen me skip out on a day of training since I began? No, I always did my best and that is why I now have the chance to teach you a bit of what I know. Hell I'll even throw in a bit of the fighting style I stole from my Dad (Qrow) with the backup weapon of his I found in the shed."

"… Hah~ Yes!" Seems even little kids had their own prides, she agreed when I basically showed off and said 'Well I work hard, you should to and since you don't want to then I'll use my own time to teach you. And if that doesn't work I'll just use your favorite fighter against you!'

Basically she knew how hard I'am working for her. It brings a tear to my eye!!

Or she truly wants to fight like Qrow does and I truly don't want to find out what motivates her more as my heart could shatter!

This thought ran rampant through my head for one reason, Qrow didn't save her and Yang, I'm the one who saved them and yet she still want to follow in the foot steps of Qrow!!

'WHY!!' Inside I was curled up into a ball while grasping my head and screaming.

Though on the outside I was rather normal. "Glad to see that you have some spirit! That is only one step to becoming a great Huntress in the future Ruby! Just the first of countless many!" With a small push of motivation I can see that Ruby actually got ready for training in her head a bit.

Seems she has a natural talent when it comes to the things she loves.

While thinking of the training regimen for Ruby I have decided that it would be best to have her start out with Endurance training and then move onto both Agility and Dexterity alongside balancing afterwords. With the first is to help her toughen up a bit for later training and the other two is to help he get ready for training in combat techniques.

It's also good to note that I have taken the liberty of teaching the girls in academics as well, though Taiyang does it far more often as he is older and is a teacher in training for the combat school Signal Academy. So I only step in when I have to correct him, I do have an entire library of books stuck inside of my skull now. Couldn't have do it without my Sharingan!


Alright then, time to move onto my own training!

But first I wanna take look at everything that I need to check… I rarely ever check anything within the system after all.

Opening it up I zeroed in on my Inventory as the first stop.



Asura Path Robotic Arm (x1)

Ranger wear/Uchiha (x9)

Street wear/Military (x10)

Black Konoha Flak Jacket (x3)

Akatasuke Robe (x10)

Tobi Mask (x5)

Grimm Mask (x5)

String (x1km)

Steel Wire (x200m)

Steel Razor Wire (x200m)

Explosive Tag (x25)

Kunai (x100)

Shuriken (x500)

Large Chakra Scroll (x2)

Combat K-bar knife (x10)

Food MRE (x20)

Water Gallon (x100)

Power Motorcycle (x1)

Steel Katana (x2)

X-Blocks One (x2)

PX4 (x2)

M9 Pistol (x3)

9mm Ammo (x1,000)

M4 Carbine (x3)

5.56mm Ammo (x10,000)

RPG Launcher/w Grenade (x5)

Summer's Brush (x1)

Summer's Hood (x1)

Taiyang's Sneakers (x1)

Yang's Scrunchy (x1)

Ruby's 'Little Red Riding Hood' book (x1)

Qrow's Feather (x1)

Raven's Feather (x1)


After looking through it I find that I have a bit too many items and I should probably rid myself of some of them, though that will never happen. The list will just adjust in size relative to the items within.

Moving on from the Inventory, I decided to access the Quest section next as it might have some that can be completed soon.




Name: Teacher in training.

Objective: Help Yang and Ruby learn the basics of two fighting styles.

Bonus Quest: Help Yang and Ruby learn up to high school level Academics.

Difficulty: E

Reward: (Yang and Ruby will fully comprehend the fighting styles)

Bonus: (Maxed Teaching Skill)

Punishment: None



Name: Meeting the Mains.

Objective: Meet with all future member of team RWBY. (2/4)

Bonus Quest: Befriend them all. (2/4)

Difficulty: E

Reward: (10 Random Anime and Manga compete series), (200 SP)

Bonus: (Slot Chance x2)

Punishment: None



Name: Go Fetch Zwei.

Objective: Go out and find a new family member. His name is Zwei.

Bonus Quest: Unlock the Aura of Zwei.

Difficulty: E

Reward: (Zwei will love you)

Bonus: (Zwei can understand you better than most)

Punishment: (Host will lose Tamer Skill)



Name: Become a Beacon Student.

Objective: Make it into Beacon Academy without recommendation.

Bonus Quest: Receive a perfect score and the acknowledgment of Principal Ozpin.

Difficulty: B/X

Reward: (Slot Ticket x1), (1,000 SP), (Chakra Steel Ingot x2)

Bonus: (Add a Ring to the Rinnegan).

Punishment: (Host will lose the Rinnegan).



Alright, I currently have four quest that don't actually seem to be very harsh on me other than the last one. Good thing I already planned to get into Beacon Academy long ago.

But without a recommendation would mean that I cannot go through the school system here in this world as a single letter or word said in favor of me by somebody will most likely have me fail the quest.

But upon seeing that bonus reward, I knew that I have to step up my training game if I want to make that extra Rinnegan Ring count. Hopefully I can get at least one more ring before then to make it my fourth one to give me the Animal Path after the Human Path.

If I'm lucky I just might get to the Preta Path! or even… The Naraka Path! But the chance of it being the Outer Path is nonexistent. So I lost all faith in that happening.

Moving on I decided to access the newest addition to the System as I have ignored it for the last year due to my training regimen. So after I go a look at my status a few nights ago I remembered that this gem existed.



Name: …

Level: 0 (0/100)

Guild Master: Darian Uchiha


Functions: [Shop:1] [Status:1] [Chat:1]

Enemies: None


SystemPoints: 0

Money(Lien): 0

Treasures: None


The Guild currently lacks a name, I do have a few in mind but even so I also refuse to name it at the moment as it would just be a pain to force others to conform to it early on. So I'll save that for later.

The Leveling function seems to have a sort of control over the level of other functions and which ones I can currently access. The higher the Guild Level then the higher the levels of other functions and it also unlocks more to use, I can also have a higher membership section and appoint others for certain positions other than an ordinary guild member.

Currently the only member is me, I can make others join up until the limit. Also it seems that the Guild Function also allows me to designate some beings as enemies of the Guild and place a certain Bounty on their heads. The only restrict is that I must place the bounty as a deposit and must have a member of the Guild in the presence of that person to designate them as an enemy.

The Guild also allows the other members to gain SP from the killing of other living beings just like me, later on I can probably set what the percentage of SP I get automatically upon them gaining some.

Lien, also known as currency is the main staple of Remnant and can be used in most shops. The easiest thing to get in the menu and can also be used in the Currency section of the Guild Shop to buy low tier items. Higher tier items require SP and maybe some other rare treasures as compensation, such as Dust or perhaps even the corpse of a powerful enemy that is absorbed and sold into the Guild Shop.

There isn't much else I can say about the Guild Function, the Guild has few yet useful functions it seems and it can possibly grow even better later on.


After my long look throughout the many functions of the System I grew rather tired of the repetitive reading that I had to do, it was boring and lost my full attention half way through.

(Probs like this fan fic)

But now I'm getting to the good part!

The Slot Tickets!

Through the quick and small description, the System will randomly pick anything from any universe to ever exist and give it to me for every ticket. Though the System had made it to where I will not get anything below a certain value as well. Which is nice as I don't want a random scented candle or the like.

But even so, I'm just upset that it is made to have a higher percentage for choosing items from a universe where I have gotten an Inheritance from. Basically this is due to me now having a higher affinity with that universe, and this also applies to universe I have visited.

After secluding myself in a nearby area where I usually find myself training at I open up the System screen and say out "System, use one Slot Ticket."

[Acknowledged Host, System is using 'one Slot Ticket'…]

After doing so a screen of a single allotted slot machine appeared. And on the side was a buŧŧon that said 'SPIN!' in large letters on the red buŧŧon.

And I lifter my finger and slowly nudged it to the screen before me, holding my breath my heart rate picked up and sweat formed on my brow.

As my finger inched in towards the screen…

It went straight through…


'What the fuċk is this shit?!'

[Host, System is beginning to acknowledge that you must be a so called 'Idiot' a minority of the human race]



[Acknowledged, spinning commencing]

After I yelled at the System inside of my head, the Slot Machine on the screen began to spin and after I waited a full minute…

[Host, you must say when to stop the machine]

"Geh!" 'I knew that dammit!'

[Sure you did Host]

'Just stop the machine already!'

After putting up with the System for so long this is the first time it had dared to act like such a pain in the ȧss. Sighing out I just hoped to get something good.

Looking up at the screen the spinning was gradually stoping. Slowly it was almost over.

And after it stopped [Congratulations! Host has Won; Equipment: Kubikiribocho]

Silence filled the air as the wind and flown through and pat my single standing figure amongst the sea of trees that surround me. For some odd reason I thought that my luck would keep on getting worst…

I was wrong.

With a great grin on my face I held my hand out in grabbing motion and allowed the great Decapitating Carving Knife from my inventory upon this new world.

Out of thin air, with no sound or warning appeared a large broadsword that was almost as if not taller than a full grown man. Along the blade was a circular hole that let the sharp edge continue along it, and in the blade itself also laid a full hole that left the edge unaffected and though that hole was not as sharp as the semi-circle; that hole is perfect for decapitating human foes. At the top end of the blade was a curvature that didn't prevent the sharp edge from forming, on the other was a large handle adding extra length to the sword and it also turns out that the handle can be removed so as to help in transportation. The back side of the blade had no sharp edge but was rather ribbed and ready to crush whatever it hit.

But the looks of the blade were only the beginning of such an amazing sword!

This blade was once said to be almost capable to cut through anything, and this ranged from wood and rock to steel and flesh! But the most infamous ability of Kubikiribocho was its ability to absorb the blood of those it kills and regenerate itself, a brilliantly made weapon who was made alongside six other blades of similar legend and power.

Though in all honesty, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to amazing weapons; even for the Naruto Universe.

Standing on the forest floor with a sword that I had only ever dreamt of wielding, the one wielded by Zabuza Momochi on the the day of his death and given back to him on the day of his resurrection. A weapon meant solely to kill off in batches, it was perfect.

Extending my arm out with Kubikiribocho in hand I weighed the blade and came to the conclusion that the sword was rather pointless for me to use at the moment due to the immense weight caused by the Regenerative Chakra Metal it is made of.

For the moment I can only say I can get out of it a good fourteen or fifteen swings by the time I'am out of energy to swing it anymore. Though I can tell that with this blade in hand I can walk through an ocean of enemies and come out the other side with this sword in mint condition and my body soaked in my enemies blood.

"Hisss~ Hahahaaa~…" Sucking in a great and mighty breath only to spit out a satisfying sigh, I allowed the great weapon to disappear back into my inventory.

"System, spin the Slot Machine with a Slot Ticket once more. Allow only two minutes to spin."

With a smile on my face I awaited for the end result of the spin…

And what it came to was something that I quite didn't expect… Yet was possibly just as useful to me as Madara's Inheritence.

[Host has Won; Inheritence: Might Guy]


The only thing I can say was that I could hardly believe what I was just given, I have just gained an Inheritance. And not just some random one, but an Inheritance but the Inheritance from a true Taijutsu master, the best in his field where not even his apprentice could match without preparation!

Guy was one of the few who Madara Uchiha refuses to forget about, he was the very best Taijutsu master that Madara had ever crossed; and this was coming from Madara AFTER he had gained the Sage of Six Paths Mode and became a being who was as close as could be to a God without actually being one.

This is why Guy holds the title of strongest Taijutsu expert in all of Naruto history and not Rock Lee who can at the end of Shipudden and beginning of Boruto only open up to the Seventh Gate: Gate of Wonder … Or at least it is said that he can only open up to the Seventh Gate and is unable to open the Eighth Gate, though that is hard to believe since he was a Taijutsu master that is on par with Guy-Sensei after the time skip into the Boruto series. So that begs the question, is Rock Lee capable of opening the Eighth Gate and has he already surpassed Guy after so long? / I think he has.

Getting back to the inheritance of Guy-Sensei, I can only remain in place and think to myself 'This is just the beginning of the perfect Close Quarters Combat skill that I o' so desperately want and need. Step two would be getting my hands on the Seven Heavenly Breath Jutsu and incorporating and mixing it with the Eight Gates Jutsu and with this I can outclass anybody in hand to hand combat.

Finally the last spin had come… What could it possibly be?

'Begin the spin of the last Slot Ticket, three minute spin.'

[Acknowledged, beginning spin…]

Sitting on the ground I can only begin to regulate my breathing patterns before I have the chance to observe the prize for my last spin of today.

As I slowly wind down from my excited state and begin to cool my head off.

After settling down I get off of the ground and begin to do a set of exercises so as to get my body ready for my next round of training after I check my last award for the day… 'I wonder if my luck will be any good?'

With a wry smile I continue to shadow box until I complete my first set.

Suddenly, a prompt appears before me… I almost stumble to the ground out of shock at what I see, sweat begin to well up on my forehead at a quicker pace and my heart beats out of control!

[Host has Won; Item: Scroll of Seals]

*Gulp!* I forcefully swallow my saliva.

My smile forms into a grin as I gaze upon the prize… It was truly something I didn't expect I would acquire.

It was the scroll that contained all Forbidden Jutsu that was discovered and used by the Leaf Village at some point. These Jutsu are known and referred to as Kinjustsu and are greatly frowned upon when in usage, they are labelled as Kinjutsu when they meet one of three requirements and those consist of: Self Harm, Bypass the Law of the World, Mass Destruction.

But Konoha also has been known to place in Jutsu that they refuse to allow anybody to use, this includes many powerful Jutsu and other Jutsu that are stollen from other villages.

My award was something that could easily allow me to reign over most Remnant if put into good usage, though these Jutsu will still have a limit that they cannot surpass at some point.

Even with the very rare Inheritance of one of the best Taijutsu masters ever and a scroll that contains all Hidden and Forbidden Jutsu of Konoha, I still feel a little disappointed that I din't acquire a Tailed-Beast of any kind. They would have been just as if not more useful than these awards.

'But who would dare to spit on free power? Not this guy!'

Collecting what I'am given I cannot say in the least that I would throw it away, these items are by far the best of the best and nothing less! These are something that are perfect for the current me!

As I finish searching through the items I've gained and the functions of the system after so long spent on them I decided the next best course of action would be to immediately get to work with training both Ruby and Yang in the ways of Taijutsu and their other respective skills such as shooting, scythe wielding and of course boxing and defensive arts (ways to minimize damage).

Putting everything into my inventory I face toward the direction of the house and head on back, I will be here at home training these girls to fight better than anybody else could for as long as I can.

This can go on for as little as a day to as long as a lifetime, they will be under my tutelage until I deem them fit to leave my care and take off on their own or until another person deciders to teach them in my stead.

As I inch my way toward home I hear the voice of Yang as she and Taiyang begin their early afternoon spar and off in the distance I see Ruby face down in the dirt right where I expected her to be after the amount of endurance training she has to go.

But even so, I cannot simply just walk into a live battle situation.


Something came and smacked me in the face.


Crashing into the ground onto my back I begin to wander just what the hell it was.

Looking onto my ċhėst I see something that I absolutely hate seeing more than almost anything in this world… A stain.

Currently I was wearing my Rangerwear that I put on for training purposes and on top of me was a dead fish… 'Where the hell did those two even get this thing?'

Though I took a second to think about where exactly it had come from, I paid no true heed to it.

So I just stood up.

As calmly as I could and with a gentle voice that sounded light on the ears I said out to both Taiyang and Yang as well sat eh Ruby who was badly moving at all "…Seems you all need to learn just how hellish training can get. Time for you worms to learn what it means to FIGHT!!"

And with these words, a long time of training is already foreshadowing the future for all before me.

But strangely inside, I didn't care. I just wanted to have some fun with these fools.

Teaching them a small lesson won't hurt… Would it?

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