RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 18 - Time Skip~

Within a sea of trees, the birds were singing delightful songs as they are in search of their mates absorbing in the aura of calmness that always placed them at ease which was formed by the forest.

In a small open area of around two hundred meters in diameter where the trees are not living and the grass is far gone, the dirt was compressed in a small layer that separated the air from the soil below. Lying impaled within the solid bolder that was a part of a nearby pile that was covered with moss and other plants was a rather penurious blade with three prongs that was engraved with several unknown seals, this three pronged blade seemed to be the center piece of a makeshift shrine that resembled that of the Ancient Japanese Style. All of the boulders and shrine was enshrouded by a large winding tree that seemed to overlook the ground with a might authority.

This was the training ground of a certain young man.

Here he can be found swinging down a giant broadsword with full force, the amount of pressure given off by every swing is enough to slightly sway the leaves of nearby trees. Here he would swing the blade with a great zeal until he could swing no more.

By nearly lifting the blade and forcing it to the ground, the air would soar and carve itself into the surroundings almost making a small storm appear and real havoc about.

That amount of swings is around a two hundred and two times with all his strength before the energy is depleted and he collapses from exhaustion. But this is only if he were to stand still as he does it, moving would cause his stamina to dissipate at an even faster rate.

As the years have past me by it has finally been five full years and then some so I'am now eleven years old in this lifetime. Roughly a year less than the average of a Genin fresh out of the academy in the world of Naruto, with this I'am almost considered a teenager and along with that fact comes the growth of my body.

Puberty or rather just the beginning stages.

My stats have made a rather large upward turn in the time I have been training. Let this show the world that I'am already far ahead of most, almost to the point where I just might be strong enough to take on a small riot of civilians with sticks… Nah just kidding I can't handle them but maybe I could handle a trained group of mercenaries?


Age: 11 Years / Race: True Vampire

Titles: World Traveler, Reincarnated, Orphan, Uchiha Clan Head, Indra's Reincarnation, ???, ???, Veteran-Hunter, Gennin, Sensor, Berserker, Vampire-Noble, Survivalist, Gambler, Slayer, Enemy of Nature, Forest Overlord,

Status: Healthy

Strength: 6.2

Perception: 29.1

Endurance: 7.0

Agility: 8.8

Intelligence: 22.5

Luck: 13.7

Dexterity: 9.3

Chakra: 8,657/8,657 (High-Genin)

Aura: 18,249/18,249

Life Force: 1,000,000 Years

Life Span: Infinite

Soul Force: High Tier

Stat Point(22)

Blessings: <Indra> <???> <???>

Equipment: <Kubokiribocho(S)> <Rangerwear/Uchiha©> <Steel Combat Boots©> <Gravity Enhancer Bracelet(x5)> <Kunai Pouch> <M9 Pistol>

Bloodline: True Vampire, Uchiha, Senju,

Skills: <MartialArtist:5> <Thrower:9> <Cleaning:8> <Sneaking:MX> <Swimming:5> <Cooking:8> <Speech:9> <Acting:MX> <Chakra Control:6> <Illusion Student:3> <Farming:5> <Taming:7> <Sealing Student:1> <Tracking:8> <Singing:MX> <Instrumental:6> <Blacksmithing:4> <Crafting:5> <Hacking:5> <Scheming:6> <Driving:2> <Sword Student:9> <Blunt-Weapon Student:7> <Leading:6> <Shooting Student:5> <Aura Control:5> <Survival:4> <Teaching:3>

Abilities: <Sharingan(Two Tomoe)> <Rinnegan(Two Rings)> <Healing Factor(A)> <Shapeshifting> <Telepathy> <Flight> <Intangibility> <Vampirization> <Devour> <(Semblance/Locked)> <Berserk>

Inheritance: <Madara Uchiha> <Might Guy>

[Status] [Appraisal] [Store] [Quest] [Inventory] [Technique] [Guild(…)]

(Slot Ticket x0)

SP: 1,427


Not only have my stats increased and risen in numbers over the years but so has my Chakra reserve and Aura reserve. I can say that I have an even greater amount then I had expected, this is because over the course of the years I had mainly worked with my skills and crafting alongside my body tuning.

With this I made it to opening the Third Gate: Gate of Life… Though for the time begin I can only keep it open for under a minute due to me just being able to open it and as for the First Gate: Gate of Opening I discovered that I can hold that gate open for more than three hours before my body begins to feel the extra stress and shut it down.

So all of this was a great little sweet surprise for me.

But it is far from enough for my current self, I have to make the amount of Chakra jump up to Kage Level before I reach Beacon Academy in six years as it will greatly increase my chances of achieving both quest.

Guess I'll have to do something about all this.

The worst part though is that I haven't managed to make my Rinnegan or my Sharingan upgrade in tier at all in this time! Like what are the prerequisites? I must know!

'Dammit Madara! Why don't you know this?! Ah- Right he was supernatural talented with the Sharingan and achieved a full level Rinnegan after the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan… Wait, how will I get the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan(EMS)? Questions for a later time!'

Shaking my head free of these thoughts I put away Kubikirbocho inside my inventory and head back to the house, along my trip I recollect my memories of all that has happened in past years.

Taiyang became an official instructor at Signal Academy alongside Qrow who was also taking up Mercenary work for the academy and those with cash, Ruby began to train with her new Scythe though it is only light practice for now, Yang got her gauntlets that were hand made by the very hands of myself and I also gave them a few upgrades and I also finally I got Zwei into the family turns out he was in the pound in a neighboring village. 'Turns out Corgis are a herding breed and the owners were expecting a farms to adopt him.'

Due to this Zwei just might be the toughest dog I have ever gotten the chance to meet, after his Aura was released by me of course.

Also in my free time over the years I hunted any Grimm on the island, it was what got me the points that I have at this point and rarely if ever spend. Emergency use only I say!

Coming upon the house I see Yang in the front yard doing pushups with Zwei on her back, I decide to hang back and enjoy the adorable little show.

Slowly I inched my way up for a better look at the act and made sure to put my stealth skills up to what I deem the perfect level to not be discovered without using all my effort.

But as luck would have it Zwei, as always impressing me he, managed to hear my approach from afar. Quickly turning his head my way the cute little black and white corgi immediately jumped up to its feet.

"Woah~ Zwei?! What are you doing, don't just jump on me?!" Immediately Yang freaked out a bit because Zwei suddenly started to act strange.

"Arp, arp!" He let out two loud barks in my direction.

"WOAH! Zwei! Stop it!" Zwei proceeded to jump up and down on Yangs back until…

Yang collapsed *Bach!* And now Yang is on the ground with dizzied eyes and for a second I thought that I saw birds flying around her head.

Rushing toward me he "Arp! Arp!" barked out twice and jumped on my legs.

"Hey little buddy, yeah I'm happy to see you as well. C'mon, lets go and get Yang." Pulling Zwei along I arrived in front of the still tired Yang.

"Hey sleepy head, if you don't get up soon ants might get in your hair."

Still groggy after the incident Yang vary manages to grumble out "Then I'll burn the bastards…"

"Pft, Hahaha! Alrighty then, guess I'll go inside after checking on Ruby." Taking Zwei alongside me I headed off to the other side of the house where Ruby has focused her training area.

Luckily for me the both of them are working on the sides of the house and not the front or backside, front has a path into the village and the back has my garden and falcon cages. Yes, I took up falconeering as Madara was quite fond of it during his life.

The skill needed to care for them is actually kinda laborious, but even so I still decided to let the birds go after I set off for the academy or something.

Heading over to the right side of the house I see that Ruby was standing on the hilt of her scythe after it was stabbed deeply into the earth below. The scythe was not Crescent Rose, I haven't made it for her just yet. It also wasn't the spare of my Dad Qrow's scythe, rather the scythe was the old one that hasn't been put into usage for well over ten years. Good thing I have done maintenance as practice for my work of the years.

"Err Ruby, I understand that you want to be like my Dad bu-" I was cut off mid sentence.

Ruby just wanted me to quite down "Shh… Trying to concentrate. Later." I didn't like that.

Speaking once more I tried to challenge what she said "Okay then, if that's how you wanna play then let's-" but was cut off with…


Growing tired of this choice of manners, I gave in "Sigh~ Zwei, go get 'em." And ordered Zwei to dish out some punishment.

Quickly he let out a single bark "Arp!" and made a bee-line straight ahead. 'She is starting to get into my head!!'

Running up to the scythe Zwei reaches the blade that is planted into the ground and looks up at Ruby, she didn't hear my order to Zwei and is still standing like a pretty little flower, time to topple her over.

Zwei lowers his body down to his stomach and preps his paws for battle, he raises his buŧŧ in the air and… fuċkin bolts.


Hearing the strange sound Ruby cracks her eyes "Hmm? GAH ZWEI!!" Ruby manageds to peak through her eyelids and noticed Zwei dashing to her. But she didn't have the time to avoid and *Booof~!* was heard as Zwei tackled her off the scythe hilt.

*Bach~!* was heard as Ruby landed on the ground with Zwei under her head. In the time that I had Zwei I had taught him how to help if somebody falls and it turns out that his body is a natural pillow. 'Course in the time I have trained him, becoming a pillow isn't all that he has learned.

Groggy Ruby refuses to get up but still lets out "Ooooohhh~ Ugh! why?"

Squating down to the ground I look into Ruby's eyes and say "Let us take it as a lesson not to ignore your brother. Alright Ruby?"

She bȧrėly manages a "yes~" *Pomph!* After agreeing her head fell back on Zwei who was panting up a storm after this bought of exercise.

'Seems I went a bit overboard', scratching my chin with a single finger I wore a wry smile.

Accepting I made a small mistake I get up and say to my loyal companion "Zwei stay here, Imma head in and check in with Taiyang. Said he had an errand for me to run later."

"Arp." He barked as he understood.

As I walked away I take out a dog treat with a green box with red letters that spelled out "Zwei Snacks" and pulled one out. Tossing one to Zwei he opens his mouth and accepts the treat.

"Good boy, nice catch!" Giving a small chuckle I continue inside the house.

Walking into the main room I sit on the couch and turn my head to Taiyang who after confirming that I was ready to listen began to speak in a semi-serious tone. "Darian, you see the work I need done is quite simple… Because I used up all my sick day leaves for the semester I decided to send you, Yang and Ruby out to get Qrow's Scythe that is down with the repairs." His words were puzzling to me, to say the least.

"…And this happened, how?" Suspicious as to what it is I'am hearing I ask a simple question.

Hearing my question Taiyang puts on an exasperated look "Sigh~!…He went and damaged it in a spar with a powerful Hunter when he was blackout drunk some days back. Now he is out fetching some students who went over the time limit of a quest given to them by the Academy and bring them back if at all possible." By the end of what he had to say he had his face in the palm of both his hands.

Even I was placing my left hand to my forehead and pressing on it in frustration "That damn idiot, I got Taiyang. I will go and pack the things for the girls and we'll head off in a few hours."

Noticing the wording I used it was now Taiyang's turn to be puzzled "A few hours? I was gonna see you three off in the morning though?"

With a small smirk I explained it the best I could without sounding suspicious "A while back I memorized the timetables for the ships that dock in the port, one leaves in five hours and we can make it if we leave in two and still have an hour to buy last minute supplies. Unless of course you want me to catch the secondary ship that sets off at noon tomorrow."

Understanding that I know what I'm doing Taiyang is just wearing a wry smile and wondering just how I can do what I do "Yeah that is not gonna happen, but it does seem you're prepared for all eventualities Darian. It's a good thing that the girls will have you watching over them while you are in town, remember to be safe and get enough rest while on the ship and in town." By the end he just wishes me luck and reminds me to keep the girls safe.

A wide grin on my face I nodded in understanding "You got it Pops, I already have a schedule that the girls will agree with in mind for the trip."

Now he smiles gently "That's music to my ears…"

Pulling a leather bag from his back pocket he hands it over "Now here you go, some Lien for the trip and then some for souvenirs if you get the chance."

Taking it into my hands I thank him "Thank you Taiyang, I'll be sure to tell you that the girls are in good capable hands while on this trip."

Hearing my promise Taiyang practically pushes me to the stairwell "That reassures me when it comes from you Kiddo, now go and pack already."

Head up the stairs I go and pack the items me and the girls will need for our week long trip which consist mainly of snacks and clothing for the girls as I already have enough supplies to last me years.

Leaving the front door and stepping out onto the porch of the house I let my eyelids rest together and heave out a small wisp of air from my mouth.

Suddenly I felt het air distort in front of me, my eyes snapped open… "GAH!!"


Flying off of the porch from where I once stood I land in a nearby bush.


With my legs sticking out I contemplate what just happened. And came to a quick conclusion.

Jumping up I looked back at the porch several feet away "Alright, the both of you seem to be way over the line of what is acceptable. So, what's up?" Tilting my head up while questioning the girls I sorta already figured it out.

The both of them looked at me rom above and this pissed me off a bit as it seemed they were looking down upon me in the figurative sense. Grabbing the thing that slammed me in the ċhėst and lifting it up I take a look at it…

*SLURP~!* With this I was met with a warm and wet feeling run across my face.

"Zwei, now is not the time." Speaking to the go I held by the scruff of his neck I look back at the girls who had their lips wiggle slightly.

"Oh, so this is funny huh? Then why don't I give you girls the chance to see something absolutely hilarious!" Standing up both Ruby and Yang had questioning looks in their eyes.

Raising her hand beside her face Ruby was the first to question me "What do you mean Big Brother? Their isn't much entertainment here?" Nodding her head on the side line Yang spoke "Yeah, not many things to get Egg-cited about around here!"

*Swoosh~* *Pach!*

"HAHAHAHHAHA!! Big Brother! Your face! Hahahahaha!! That is hilarious!!" Ruby was on the ground laughing and Yang was smirking to herself.

Something slammed into my face… Taking my hand and wiping across my face I removed what it was and opened my eyes to look, it was a fresh egg, the yoke of a hawk egg was on my hand at the moment.

A vein instantly swelled on my forehead and I yelled out "GRR!! YANG!!"

Realizing what she just did her face turns pale "Uhhhhhh… We can talk this out. Right?"

As I bȧrėd my teeth and Ruby stopped her laughing I spoke slowly and sternly with an angry tone "Yeah, we can talk this out…"

Heaving a small sigh of relief Yang places her hands to her growing ċhėst and calms down, Ruby followed suit.

"…After we get out of the sparring ring…"

Yang's eyes snapped open and looked down at me in horror "Oh God, no!"

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