RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 19 - Sparring Ring!

Within the depths of the forest that seemed to have only grown in a greatly sizable amount over the past several years, laid a wasting away Japanese-esk shrine that was fighting off what it could of mother nature.

Underneath the surrounding vegetation was a great winding and twisting tree that was found alongside a shrine that consisted of many mossy boulders three miniature red Torii Gates and a single three pronged blade that stood tall as it was embedded within the boulder. Here there was a new addition to the decor that caused the atmosphere to grow almost bloody in the surrounding aura, it was the great sword known as Kubikiribocho that was wielded by the young man that trained to his utmost limit every day in this location, it was impaled within the ground in front of the pile of boulders as if saying 'here I'am' to all who stand before it.

Infront of the tree, three pronged blade, red Torii, boulders and even the great sword Kubikirbocho were three living figures.

The three figures were standing in what seemed to be a line, one large black haired figure stood in the middle and on both the left and right side of the figure stood a golden haired individual and another black haired figure.

Standing in the center of my usual training ground with my arms crossed I have on my sides the lovely Ruby and Yang to surround me from both the left and right so as to give them a small advantage in this spar. I don't want to be seen as too petty.

Ruby had in her hands a dulled practice scythe that I created solely to be used for spars and as for training? I have taken it upon myself to give her a sharpened scythe so as to give her some sense of responsibility. This weapon wasn't' modified by me and therefore does not have any inkling of a gun on it.

The outfit worn by Ruby was dressed in an outfit commonly referred to as Light Ghillie Suit F in the game called Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, this is the same game where I got my Rangerwear M that was colored to my specific taste of red and black with the Uchiha clan symbol; Ruby had her outfit colored with red, black and white so by the end of it her taste of coloration was met and so was the noticeability meter was off the charts. She even wore her signature red riding hood that was hand made by your's truly.

Yang was equipped with a different version of her gauntlets that are loaded with rubber pellets rather than steel pellets as I don't want anybody to be filled with metal during a sparring match. But same as Ruby I remained true to my words and gave her rounds with a higher content of gunpowder and steel pellets, so as to give her the thought process to be slightly more careful during spars and on the battlefield she can go all out but only permitted to use those in an actual battle and training.

The clothing Yang wore was greatly modeled after the outfit worn by Maki Shido from the series Toji No Miko and the only noticeable difference was the lacking of the coat that was to be draped over her shoulders and the fact that her boots were more combat oriented than for that of being stylish.

In my right hand was a single blade that was reminiscent of the three pronged blade that was pierced through and into the boulder that ran along the northern outskirts of my training grounds, the blade in my hand has but a single blade and is known simply as a Kunai. This is my weapon of choice in this battle, though it is not the only one because of several others hidden among my body.

The clothing I wore was my usual Black Konoha FlackJacket that was used often for my sparring gear or even battle gear, my boots were black and steel toed while on my hands were the usual Shinobi hand guards that protected the backside of my hands while around my neck is where I wore my forehead protector with the Kanji for Shinobi on it that was similar to the united Shinobi force that fought Madara.

With this gear that I was donning, I looked somewhat like Madara would have possibly looked had he the chance to live in Konohagekure in the world of Naruto. I was dressed to fight and that is what I have come here to do.

Besides, to me those hawks meant a lot as they were a part of my passion of battle. Those hawks I raised from the day they hatched and to have one of their unborn children smashed into my face was as if they spat on all that I had done.

That egg smashing into my face may not have been much at all to Yang, but to me, to me that was personal.

Hearing the whistle of the winds as they brush past the trees and through the bushes, they seemed to almost want to avoid the area where I stood as the wind going around my person was beginning to howl like a miniature storm rather than whistle a small tune.

The sweat that accumulated on the foreheads of both Yang and Ruby had slowly made its way from above their eyebrows down to their chins where it slowly slid down before coming to a complete halt.

The drop of sweat dangled from both of their chins and swayed with the wind as if it were dancing… And then it fell.


Without warning Yang thrusted her hands backwards, Ruby had pulled her scythe to her right side and launched themselves at me.


Though it can't…

The first to arrive at my side was Ruby who had always trained her speed to its maximum capabilities.

"Heeii!!" She shouted out as she attempted to runs at angle while also sweeping her scythe into my direction, as I separated my arms I lifted my right hand that carried my kunai and rose it to ċhėst level while my arm was outstretched yet still had my elbow bent just enough to not lock it in place.

*TCHRS!* The sound of clashing metal was heard not even two second after the bang that set off the match had been heard. Sparks flew in every direction from the point of impact.

"HEY!" As I focused a little more on my right side so as to deflect the scythe of Ruby from my left Yang immediately caught up and hollered as she threw out her fist so as to hit me on my left cheek and stun me or send me flying.

Keeping my right hand up with my kunai pressed against the scythe held by Ruby I turned my head and stretched out my left arm at the same time that then immediately went over the right fist that Yang was hurling at me and stretched out to grab her upper bicep. Upon grabbing her upper arm and holding her fist that I had land under my arm in my armpit I then twisted my full body and dragged the entire body of Yang and hurled her toward Ruby who was still in a deadlock with my kunai.

*POOH!!* Both of their bodies slammed into one another.

At the same time they both let out "Gaaahhh!!" As they began to tumble away from me to the outer area of the circle that was fifty meters in diameter and acted as our ring to spar inside of.

Stabbing her scythe into the ground the earth began to tear apart as it split from the force used to send her flying was finally washed away after her feet landed on the ground and stopped her from moving any farther.

Raising her clenched hands beside her face on both sides so as to stand in a boxing stance Yang turned her head to Ruby who was crouching low to the ground and had her scythe sticking out behind her on the right side.

Now that I focus in the scythe of Ruby I notice that something was a little off about it, at the very end of where the pole that went through the blade and held it in place was in fact something of mine that went missing a few weeks back.

My eyebrow immediately shot on my right side and made a momentarily surprised expression, what I saw was a piece of paper that was plastered to the end of the pole that ran through the blade and it didn't seem to be just any paper but rather a paper bomb! And it was already lit aflame.

'What are you doing?!'

Though I asked myself this I knew exactly what she was doing, though the paper bomb of mine that was taken was in fact an experimental version and therefore was made weaker it was still a bomb and if used incorrectly would be very dangerous. It was a paper bomb that could be lit by aura instead of Chakra.

'Hah~ This brat, I swear even if it won't cause real harm it can still leave a mark if anything went wrong!!'

"Ruby!" Before I could try and take the scythe from Ruby, Yang ran toward the scythe of Ruby but it was not to remove the scythe from Ruby's procession but rather it seemed she and Ruby planned this!! "I got it!" Ruby responded to Yang.

Yang jumped into the air and made a 180 degree turn to face me mid air, when she came down Yang landed on the blade of the scythe and then… *Boom!!* A miniature explosion appeared in the correct angle of the blade and fired a bright yellow figure my way after the surrounding light had already disappeared from the Exploding Tag or paper bomb.

So they already created this attack!!

"HAAAHH!!" Yang let out a great breath of air in the form of a shout as she pulled back her fist that had released the shell that was fired earlier and replaced it with a fresh one that laid in reserve.

With my kunai held in front of my face with my right hand and with this I also held out my left hand as if to catch anything that came my way. Thrusting out my right hand and kunai I was immediately met with a fist that didn't want to shake hands and without even hearing a distinctive click what met me was *BANG!* as a volley of high speed rubber rounds made their way to my body and yet they were deflected as they came into contact with the kunai in my hand.

As I blocked the attack with my kunai the blade was propelled behind me and had left my hand, at the same time Yang was blown into the air and flew over my body yet from behind I had saw with the corner of my eye a rose petal.

Turning my body completely to the left side I raised my left leg into the air and slammed it down and stuck the bottom of circular hole at the end of the kunai handle, this strike had fired the kunai out and downward toward the earth below and it flew at a great speed that most could not seem to see.


The kunai had struck the ground almost instantaneously, yet in the process it had drawn blood… A shallow cut had appeared on the left arm of Ruby that was in position to pull her scythe out to strike against me.

*Swoosh!* Immediately Ruby pulled back to Yang who still had her eyes red and hair a golden glowing blond.

"Uhhh, Sister. I don't think that worked at all." Ruby was having a miserable look on her face.

Yang had a look of anger as she replied back to Ruby "Tell me something I don't know…"

Looking at the two of them bicker I could only sigh out as the girls were obviously growing at a rapid pace that even I hadn't quite expected. So I decided to tell them both something they didn't know.

"Sigh~ guess I'll let the two of you know of our plans for the next week then. Now seems to be a good time as any." After saying these words I shrugged my shoulders and gave a look of 'whatever' with my eyes closed as I raised my hands up.

"Plans? We haven't made any plans, so what is it Brother?" Ruby was actually quite curious and sounded a bit excited at the news.

Yang was a little upset though "And you tell us this now? Trying to get out of a fight huh?" As she then smashes her fist together.

"Well, I was gonna tell the both of you before you tried to make a serving of eggs on my face earlier…" With this I actually made a 'what can you do about it' kinda voice as I was sorta fed up with Yang.

"So? What are they, what are they, WHAT ARE THEY?! Tell me Brother!!" Ruby was waving her hands up and down at her sides, as she was yelling out she even began to hop from one foot to the other.

Looking at Yang who was slowly beginning to calm down with a bit of embarrassment I spoke "Well, we're heading out to go and collect my Dad's weapon Harbinger that was sent in for repairs while he is out on a quest to collect students. So we're heading over to the port to get on a transport ship and go to another port town and collect Harbinger from the local smithy."

Now the both of them had their eyes shining a little bit, but were still a little gloomy.

"Ah, that sounds awesome. But then Dad would have to come along too huh?" Yang was quick to the point and expressed her doubts.

"Hahaha! Don't worry Yang, Taiyang is staying here and we are the ones heading out to collect it. The fool already used up all of his leave days and so he has to go in for work, we'll be the ones fetching it ourselves and so we are to head out in an hour or so to make it to the town." Erasing her worries I spoke out with a laugh.

Happy with the pleasant surprise, Yang pumps her fist and then says out "Alright! Then with our plans settled, lets get back into it!"

She was itching for round two.

Guess I'll just have to show her what I'm made of then!

With these words, all three of us ȧssumed our stances to duke it out once more.

Yang had swapped out the shells and let the empty one fall to the ground, Ruby patched up the small cut and crouched while holding her scythe out behind her as it pointed to the ground, I had pulled another kunai from my back pouch and held it in front once more.

Time for round two!

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