RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 20 - The Grand Finale!

Looking forward I find that underneath the trees that reign above my head, let only the most diluted of light reach upon the ground and shine to allow any visibility.

Though at times the trees that act as overlord of the land in the surrounds allow even greater amount of light pass through the leaves as they saw in the wind that at times seems to even cause the great rulers of the forest to topple and bend to their will.

This bright light has no place in the dimmer areas of the forest and so the second it passed through, the light had made contact with the eyes of a certain individual. The eyes it made contact with was a black haired individual who was wielding a bladed weapon in their hands, the little girl couldn't quite stand the bright light and lifter her hand slightly to block it.

What a poor choice in movement it truly was.

Not a sound could be heard from anywhere around. No sound came from the wind, the trees didn't flutter and the ground didn't so much as have the air bounce off of it; as a figure appeared.

In front of Ruby's small figure that wielded a scythe that was a little big for her surest combat style appeared a dark figure that the light didn't seem to want to get near much less touch and interact with.

It was Darian…

"Ruby!" A voice could be heard from the golden haired figure to the right side of Ruby and left of Darian as he charged forward.

Noticing her plight Yang attempted to make a move forward in an attempt to stop me, raising her right fist that was armed and ready she attempted to slam it down from above.

That didn't work as most would expect.

Continuing my momentum forward toward the direction of Ruby who was left with her guard down, I raised my left hand once again while sending to the fist that headed my way and Yang immediately took notice of this as she also lifted her left arm to go in for an uppercut into my gut from below.

Seeing this I threw myself backwards a step and quickly regained my balance as the fist from below swept past my face into the air above, while my right leg followed suit and went into the air but instead of flying past Yang and into nothing it landed into her gut and sent her flying backwards.

*KRCHHHHHH!!* The sound of her feet digging up the ground below from the knock back was rather loud and served to show just how much force I decided to put into the kick.

"Heya!!" As my leg was still off the ground my balance was slightly off and it seems that Ruby remembered that as she immediately swept her scythe in my direction, seeing the enormous blade coming byway I put pressure into my left foot and propelled myself upwards with a kick off the ground.

With the scythe running across where I once was below I did a mid-air backflip and came down landing in an almost kneeling position, taking hold of the scythe that Ruby attempted to take back with her and retreat in the palm of my left hand I brought my right fist to my left side ċhėst and charged toward Ruby who didn't expect I would go to her.

The elbow that was sticking out from my body after I folded my arm landed squarely in the stomach of Ruby, her body jerked up and tensed so as to try and absorb the impact with her abdominal muscles and what little fat was on her gut.


But the simple attack was more than enough to knock the wind out of her even if the strength used wasn't what matched the strength I used to knock away Yang.

Ruby lost grip on her scythe and took several steps back so as to regain her balance, immediately after gaining Ruby's weapon I placed away my kunai as I didn't have a use for it, at the same time Yang appeared to my side with her semblance on full display once again. Her arm was folded back and threatened to spring forward at this very moment.

"Heeey!" Yang let out a little war dryas she prepared to hit me with all the strength she had which was her own and twice that of what I used to hit her with.

With Ruby's scythe in hand I raised it in front of me while holding it in two separate locations so as to block her attack.


But to my momentary surprise the pole that acted as the handle immediately snapped and broke apart, seeing that Yang's fist had only lost a bit of her moment and wasn't slowing down I also managed to see that Ruby was making her way to me at the same time.

Something was off about this situation, then it hit me… Ruby had a weapon!

As the two closed in at roughly the same time I lifted my right hand which was in possession of th bottom end of the pole and instantly brought it down on Ruby's left shoulder *Thwak!* sending her kneeling to the ground while I also brought up the pole half that carried the scythe blade at Yang.

Hurling the upper pole end toward Yang I used the back side that didn't have the blade sticking out and smashed it against the right side of her head *Bah!* this move instantly sent her flying off and front the right side I now had Ruby lunge upward with the kunai in hand and aimed for my right hand's backside so as to make me drop the bottom pole half.

Without warning, I dropped both halves of the pole and to my left and right sides respectively.

Ruby who didn't expect this sudden movement stopped her advance and attempted to pull back her arm, but it was to late… Appearing behind Ruby within a moment I grabbed her left hand that held the kunai and pulled her backwards and swept her up in a 360 degree turn where her back had collided with the backside of the scythe and so it didn't cause her any harm and also the bottom of the pole.

This attack sent both halves of the pole flying off into a tree across the field and with a loud *Thud!* noise I saw that the scythe blade had caught itself in the tree trunk while the bottom half had bursted into pieces.

After another momentary 360 degree turn I sent the dizzy Ruby flying off into the same direction of her dear sister she managed a small yell "Hya!", Yang was just coming out of the brush and so she let out a surprised yelp alongside Ruby "Uak!" it wasn't as cute as Ruby's.

The battle was over and the girls were rather tired out from the constant beat down they were on the receiving end of today, this is just m own personal way of encouraging them and tempering them at the same time.

Looking around me I see that I left a bit of a mess in my training grounds, a scythe blade was sticking out of a tree and the ground was torn up from the several time I sent Yang flying and even the destroyed area from my stolen Exploding Tag still remained.

Though I was a little upset I wasn't entirely angry, pulling out some water I tossed it to the girls and gave a small sigh as I spoke to them.

"Sigh~ alright… That is all for today, the both of you should go and take a quick bath while I fix up the area with my Jutsu." The both of them nodded as the y drank the water I gave them and got up to head back to the house a little over a half-kilometer away.

"See you in a bit Brother! We'll grab our stuff after the bath!" Ruby was waving my way as she went off.

"Yeah, see you in a bit Big Bro and I'll be sure to make the bath quick so we can leave on time… Today was fun, though you could have been gentler." Yang gave me a wink as she set off after Ruby.

Seeing their departing backs I sunk down and wondered to myself if I was truly doing the best I possibly could, was what I achieved after all of this training enough to make it in this world? Probably not.

Kneeling down I look as if I'm about to tie my shoe laces and slowly began to pull up a pant leg of my cargo pants, underneath it was a sight that not many could say they have ever gotten to see.

The sight of a very shiny gold like bracket, there seemed to be two on this leg and there were another two just like it on my left leg as well. This bracelet was exactly the same as the one worn on my right wrist, a Gravity Enhancer Bracelet that multiplies my personal gravity by two times. All of them together is a grand total of x10 gravity on my body!

My body was so strong in fact that I had to use these bracelets so that I can get any sort of result out of my daily training anymore, my status was just so abnormal for me.

Rarely do I ever question the system, this is because I at most have ever looked at the system once to twice a year and ignore it most of the time. Only when I know that I need it's help will I use it, this is so I don't rely on it like a crutch similar to how Yang uses her semblance.

Also reminds me that I haven't unlocked my semblance as of yet. 'Sigh~'

Closing my eyes in the middle of the training ground I sat down and crossed my legs, while saying out in my head 'System, why do you think that I feel I have not achieved much of anything?'

[Simple Host, when you became a True Vampire your status began to change slightly alongside it so as to not make any mistakes]

'So that was the case, I sorta knew it in the back of my mind… The strength and speed I can show is actually many times what is shown to me on the surface, I've even been forced into having to use gravity training so find anyway of growth.'

Looking down at my hands I slowly began to make them shift them and cause my finger to grow longer and have the nails extend out as well while sharpening them, they bȧrėd resemblance to how Killua from Hunter X Hunter would shape his hands for ȧssassination.

'System, tell me the adjustments that were made with my physical body. I want to know.'

[Yes Host, your body has completely turned into the of a True Vampire. Your body is many times stronger than before but your Regeneration Factor is still behind due to it being limited, you can upgrade your Regeneration by purchasing more races with a great ability to regenerate. The physical status has also been adjusted to be that of the True Vampire race, a single point in the physical status such as Strength, Endurance, Agility, Dexterity is equal to three when you were human and for the remainder stats with the exception of Luck are actually equal to a hundred and fifty percent of what is shown]

Hearing the explanation of the system things were slowly beginning to make sense in my mind, my body intact was adjusted for inflation by the system. It was a single dollar on the surface but was intact worth that of three.

My mind was slightly blown away and my mind seemed to ease a bit as I was tad this. Maybe I wasn't all that weak in actuality?

'System, please adjust my status to be seen like that as if I were still Human.'


Name: Darian Uchiha / Sex: Male

Age: 11 Years / Race: True Vampire

Titles: World Traveler, Reincarnated, Orphan, Uchiha Clan Head, Indra's Reincarnation, ???, ???, Veteran-Hunter, Gennin, Sensor, Berserker, Vampire-Noble, Survivalist, Gambler, Slayer, Enemy of Nature, Forest Overlord,

Status: Healthy

Strength: 18.6

Perception: 43.65

Endurance: 21.0

Agility: 26.4

Luck: 13.7

Wisdom: 32.35

Dexterity: 27.9

Chakra: 8,657/8,657 (High-Genin)

Aura: 18,249/18,249

Life Force: 1,000,000 Years

Life Span: Infinite

Soul Force: High Tier

Stat Point(22)


Seeing it was truly believing it as I could for the first time in the long time let out fresh breath of relief, everything was gonna be fine and I can now advance with a newfound sense of confidence.

But I also had another questioning mind… 'What are the Titles for?'

[They are mainly for show] 'Ah, I understand…'

After that I began to think of my stats once again, they were truly higher than I thought they were…

But even so, I'll have to find a way of raising my Chakra levels… They were to pitiful to even look at, this was about the starting point of where Madara kicked off his life when he was first born as an innate genius back in the Elemental Nations.

Here I could grow an infinite amount and nobody could stop me!

Snapping my eyes open I stood to my feet, with my arms outstretched as if I were about to give my praise to the sun or ask an army of Shinobi to go war against a powerful opponent.

Slowly I brought my hands together and as they touched I can feel a bit of inner peace as I finally worked up the courage to use 'that' the most difficult seal to perform that I had created on the basis of a Space-Time type Justu/Seal.

A wave of energy began to spread out into the surroundings as it slowly distorted and changed shape in a manner almost as if I were in a giant vat of water, the air itself was trembling as it could only obey.

Making the required hand signs I half my hands together as I focused greatly and from my mouth I said out "Space-Time Release: Absolute Realm Seal" and tun the quaking slowly came to a halt as a purple light flashed in the distance and slowly converged into a dome like shape similar to that of how Guren used her Crystal Release but instead formed a perfect sphere.

Here in this sphere I'am a God, the entire area within is under my absolute control. The sphere can only be seen by those who are able to see chakra so very few in this world will ever be able to see it.

Though this Seal is greatly powerful is is not without flaws it is only a kilometer in diameter and took two years to completely set up, I'm sure that in the future I can set one up almost instantaneously after I improve it though.

It works in a manner of not using Space-Time but outright controlling it.

With this Seal activated I got in some practice of using it by repairing the damage within the area of affect by shifting the earth to reform into its old look of perfection, I took the scythe from the tree it was impaled inside of and reattached it to the other half to reform it as good as new.

Taking it upon myself I then carried out the growth of new vegetation and the much needed repairs of the forestland that I have been working on with my Wood Release in secret.

This is the second time I have ever activated the Absolute Realm Seal, the first time I felt an almost immeasurable amount of power and almost lost my sanity, though this time I was mentally prepared and therefore I was unaffected.

Even so, I still have never went all out in a single attack before; now is the chance!

Setting up a smaller barrier within the larger one I have separated my training grounds from the house perfectly, now I can let out all of my power with this one strike!

Letting the Aura and Chakra inside my body intertwine I began to slowly create several more hand seals than most should ever have to do for a single jutsu, the amount of handguns I made was in total three hundred and forty two as I completed them I placed my hands together and said out "Storm Release: Plasmid Mine Field Jutsu".

After finishing my jutsu, out before me small orbs of electricity began to form at an extreme pace. The number of them grew and their pretense was enough to cause the earth to shake in fear.

The Strom Release was a type of real ease that didn't just control lightening but plasma itself, with this I could create a miniature sun if I so wanted to do so. The miniature balls of plasma began to form into a spherical shape that was reminiscent of a ball of water or in other words like a Rasengan.

Though unlike the Rasengan, these orbs of plasma had enough power to melt down anything they touch. The only reason I managed to create the number of them I did, was because the Absolute Realm Seal would pull in the Natural Energy of the planet and conform it into usable Chakra and therefore I can use it for my jutsu.

With a grand number of orbs reaching of up to one thousand strong, I held my hands outward and… Clapped my two hands together *Clap!*

All one thousand of the orbs of plasma had decided to go off all at once, not much noise could be heard due to the fact that the Seal had prevented it from escaping and shaking the continent.

Nothing was left, nothing could be seen in the area I kept the explosion in side of, all of the forest and rocks and earth were just gone as i they went up in smoke; which they did.

Forming more hand signs I said out "Earth Release: Filling Basin Jutsu" with this jutsu the ground once more began to take shape and fill itself in flattening out the area as if it had never changed.

But the jutsu I used was not enough as the forest has yet to return and only a large field of dirt was laid out before me. Concentrating on a different route for my Chakra I did my hands seals for the final time today, as I completed the set I said out in a great and overbearing voice that left even the growls of dragons in the dust "Wood Release: Deep Forest Emergence" and new life was created from the earth below.

An entire forest had grown from the earth and taken over the surface area in a matter of seconds, the world seemed as if it were untouched for millions of years and the previous picture of a lifeless wasteland was forgotten; all in only a few seconds of time.

After several minutes of fixing the area and doing what must be done to return it back to its usual position, I teleport my body to the porch of the house and quickly deactivated the Seal. If anybody of power were to find this Seal they would do whatever they could to try and steal it.

Even the Gods would be greatly interested in such a Seal, as for Salem… She would do everything possible to find a way to replicate it to use for herself.

The only catch that I truly found with the Seal is that it is only in its beginning stages and later on will be wide enough to engulf the Universe with ease, but that would require an insanely high Affinity with Space-Time.

The day I will see that just may never come.

Shaking the thoughts of a nearly impossible future from my head, I open the front door and go inside.

In the living room I see two figures with their lug ages at their sides, with a smile on my face I said "Well then, let's get a move on!"

They both responded in kind with "Mm!" and "Gotcha!"

With these few words, we made our way to the door, we were ready for our trip outside of the island.

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