RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 21 - Entering Town.

"We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Ozpin!" 'How does she even remember him?'

"Yang, I'll give you one chance to stop this madness." Ruby was getting fed up with Yang and her stupid puns, seems ruining a song from her child hood is what made her join my side.

"Madness this is a boat!" '… Just, how?' Yang really seems to want and take this as far as she can doesn't she?

""…"" Ruby and I figured that if we don't react she will stop.

It didn't work.

"What's wrong you two, Zwei got your tongue?… Actually he is just over there."

Sitting down with my hands over my face I question myself 'When will we make it to the harbor? WHEN?!'

"LAND HO!" A great holler came from the Crow's nest. Hope Dad isn't up there.

'Oh, thank the gods!'

"Alright you two, I've spent enough time on this ship. Grab your things and meet me here in half and hour."

"Bro, I already have my things right here though."

Zeroing my face in on Yang's I had my eyes in a closed cresenct shape and wore a smile that wasn't happy while I said out "Half an hour, not a second less. Get a move on."

Finally understanding that she irritated me a little beyond what I could handle she backed off "Okay then. Guess I'll go and play with Zwei. Heh heh…" And off she went to play fetch with Zwei on the ship's top deck.

For the first time in three days I got Yang out of my hair, three days!

The feeling of freedom finally came back to me, what should I do with this free time!

"Now we play the waiting game." Pulling over a sack of sand I squished it down and laid my head on top. 'Ahh~ freedom… I feel like a mother of three children… UGH!'

As I lay on the floorboards rolling around in place I hear aloud a shriek "KYAAA!" "AAAHHH!!" "By the God's!"

At the same time I heard a large break in the water *BOOOOOOSSHHH!!!* And out arose a large sea monster donning a Grimm Mask. It seemed to me that it was an Eel type water creature.

Instantly I knew that it was a maturing Sea Feylong, this was gonna be a problem. Though it is a good thing that it can only be categorized as a Teen and not an Adult or Senior Grimm… Those would be impossible for the current me to handle at the moment. If it were perhaps a Beowolf Adult I also would stand a chance but each Grimm species has its own differences.

With some effort I can take down this mighty Grimm.

Yet, boy does it seem angry.

'That sure was quick, thought you'd take a little longer.'

"SHHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" It let out a loud menacing roar.

After the roar was heard aloud by many of the passengers began to flee in terror toward the backside of the wooden ship, screams were heard from all over and many people attempted to even go down into the inmost part of the ship below its deck.

It should be around a fifty years or so of age.

As the sailors were grabbing their weapons on the deck sat a young kid, he was sitting up straight and stared down the Grimm with his two eyes that could not have locked any more different from one another if he tried.

One was a purple matching that of the color that most imagined the universe to be with two black rings within surrounding a black dot and the other was red like blood with a single ring and two separate Tomoes inside on the ring also surrounding a black dot.

It was the Two Tomoe Sharingan and Two Ringed Rinnegan.

But the kid slowly closed his eyes and reopened them to show that both eyes are now a blood red with Tomoes within. Both were now Sharingan.

Opening his mouth the kid said out "I thought that you would have me waiting a little longer, you damn fish." All of this was said as he began to form unknown signs with his hands and said out "Transformation Jutsu"

*Poof!* with a small cloud of white smoke that dissipated in moments, left the figure of the kid gone; he was now replaced with a full grown ȧduŀt.

This ȧduŀt had short black hair and eyes that was the absolute opposite of the kid's long dark blue almost purple hair, he wore a long blue and white lined trench coat, with golden decorations on his shoulder and side, he also wore long blue pants that matched his trench coat and combat boots with white gloves that had unknown symbols on the backside. His backside was donned with a black coat that used his shoulders to hold on to his body and acted in a similar way to a cape.

"Well, now that prerequisite one has been met; I can kill you now."

But I met a random encounter…

"Sir please get below deck, we can attack with the cannons."

A sailor in blue and white striped uniform came to fetch the other passengers it seems.

"Don't worry about me, the name is General Roy Mustang of the Amestrian State Military and also a powerful Alchemist. This little beast is not my match. You may head inside and report of my presence to your Captain as I handle this thing."

As I spoke I pulled on my gloves so they stick tightly to my hands and began my walk forward toward the still roaring Teen Sea Feilong.

"But Sir, we cannot simply allow you to-" as he poke I rose my hand up in a manner as to stop him.

"It is fine, just a few minutes and this thing will be turned to ash."

Unsure of what to do he responded in a fitting manner "Uh, okay?" listening to me he headed off and decided to ignore my presence.

"Well, lets get this party started!"

Raising my right hand up I made eight separate seals with it and with my left I made six separate seals. Finally I held my right hand in a snapping position before pointing toward the Grimm and then I said out as I snapped "Fire Release: Fire Pipe" and out from my hand came a large amount of fire that shot toward the Grimm with an overwhelming amount of speed that was in the shape of a thin pipe that spewed out the flames as it approached the Grimm.

Seeing the fire reach toward it the Grimm began to charge up what lightning it could manage, but not before I rose my other hand and said out "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough" and out came a tunnel of air that went along the Fire Pipe and amplified the strength and amount of flames in an instant!

"SSHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHH?!?!?!?!"Soon the entirety of the Grimm was covered in flames as it bellowed a great roar, horrified of what trouble it has gotten itself in.


The Sea Feilong did not last long in a calm state and began to tumble around int the water that it was surrounded in.

"SSHHHHAAAAHHHHH!!!!" As the Grimm had put out the flames it now focused in on me and shot forward at a terrifying speed that was similar to a cannon ball.

But with a smirk on my face I as well came running froward toward the opened mouth that was ready to bite down and tear into the wooden boat that I'am riding on, it wanted to devour me!

'How funny, eat me? Never gonna happen!'

As I continued my charge forward I never stopped my hand signs and didn't think twice about failure, cause it would be inevitable if I were distracted.

The teeth that were bȧrėd out to the world and faced my way had trace amounts of yellow lighting run along the sharpened teeth that can supposedly bite through steel with ease.

And me, I opened my mouth only to say a few words as if I were reciting my will and testament "Fire Style: Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!!" But instead I let out an equally terrifying roar due to shear excitement!

Wrapping my arms across each other I twisted them outward to their original places and the fire began to shoot forward from my arms toward the inside of the mouth of Teen Sea Feilong that was coated in a layer of crackling lightening.


Two great roars were released upon the world, in the end only one can continue on.


A thunderous explosion could be heard from the center of the battle and resulting from the clash was a great amount of water and smoke/mist coming out, rising into the air.

After a moment of time, what vaporized water was in the air and smoke that filled the sky and finally began to settle to where the area is clear of any obstruction and within the area the smoke once covered stood high a stiff figure that was in the shape of a snake it was a headless Teen aged Sea Feilong. It has long since died.

There standing with his back straight and tall on the bow of the ship was a figure. That figure was the man who called himself Roy Mustang.

"Seems that thing wasn't worth my time." With these words spoken, like a ghost, he disappeared into thin air.

"… And then he just mumbled some words to himself and disappeared into thin air like he wasn't there! He was so cool!! He even wore his black coat like a cloak and cape, that only make him cooler! You should have seen him Big Brother, Yang!"

"Sorry Ruby, because I was sent under the deck by a certain somebody…" Yang said with a death glare my way.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry Yang but I also didn't get to see him because I was dragged by a random sailor below the deck. But seriously Ruby, why did you dare to stick your head out of the stairwell; it could have cost you your life." Though what I said was a simple couple sentences the tone I said it in was a deep tone that brought the sweat out of Ruby's body and onto her face.

"Errr… I, uh… Well…" Ruby couldn't explain her self and so I just stuck my hand in front of her mouth so as to quite her down.

"Ruby, I don't care for excuses. What I care about is your safety, please just be careful from her on out." After speaking my piece I lowered my hand and at the same time she slowly nodded her head and from her eyes tears began to well up.

Calming Ruby and Yang down the three of us made our way into town from the port and into the town we followed the road forward that stretched from one side to the other. The town took the expected architecture of a walled town in a circular shape, the size was roughly six kilometers in diameter and not entirely the largest I've gotten the change to explore.

"So, when are we going to the blacksmith! I wanna see all the weapons that are being made!" Ruby had already taken up her weird habit of loving weapons and so she showed interest in seeing the blacksmith more than even myself.

"Ruby, calm down. The blacksmith isn't going anywhere and besides, it isn't everyday that we get the chance to go in town, we gotta enjoy the time we spend here." Yang took it upon herself to calm down Ruby.

"Besides, Big Bro probably already has our next few days planned out already! Ain't that right?" She donned a sly smile as she looked my way, almost as if she were a cat hat t caught a fish.

Raising my eyebrow to her I asked "Who do you think that I'am? A nobody? Of course I planned it out!" Puffing out my ċhėst I took out my notepad from my pocket.

The first thing we were to do was to go to a local inn and drop off our stuff, but the girls decided against this after I stated the second thing which was visit a bathhouse that recently opened up; I'm the one who dug out the superheated water that was made because of underground geothermal energy.

So we made our way there and went on inside.

"Excuse me Ms." I said as I pulled out a handheld card.

"What is it Sir? We don't accept anything other than cash at this establishment." The young lady said as she took a look at the card in my hand, but then her eyes bulged out and called out "I'm sorry Sir! Please right this way!" She led us to the private section of the bathhouse built for VIPs.

Ruby and Yang were of course startled by the behavior shown by the young lady at the desk, they couldn't seem to figure out why she acted the way she did but came to the conclusion that it involves the card I held.

The card was in fact known as 'I'am the Owner' Card. Yep, after building the bathhouse I made it my own property that isn't able to be touched by local authorities or underground individuals.

Both the police and the criminals must obey the laws of the bathhouse at all times when here, or else.

Those that broke the rules never came out unscathed and in fact a few only managed to leave in body bags, but that was through the secret exits that are hidden from the eyes of civilians.

The reason the young lady acted the way she did also involved the fact that I don't interact with any staff unless necessary. So to suddenly see me and not show any recognition is very normal.

Approaching the private baths allocated to my personal usage I dismissed the young lady and headed inside.

Within the changing room it was rather empty due to it being a private room and from that I felt a bit lonely as it isn't very often that I'am separated from the girls, sure we don't take baths together anymore but I do appreciate their company as they just never cease to entertain me.

Shaking my head at a rapid pace I shook those thoughts out of my mind. Cause as I thought of the girls I could feel the blood run to my face.

After stripping off my clothing that was my usual Rangerwear with the Uchiha clan symbol that I used for training, though for the trip I used it because it was rather comfortable.

Heading into the large bathroom I found there were four separate tubs the largest had a lion shaped statue shooting out water from the open mouth that made it look as if letting out a roar.

Quickly washing down all the dirt and sweat from my body I found that the shampoo and body wash was rather high quality. Then I made my way to the largest bath.

Seeping down into the tub I calmed down and even let my consciousness slip slightly in the darkness as I almost fell asleep immediately from the warm and peaceful feeling it was as if I were being held from all sides.

As I sat in the center of the bath I was seated with my legs crossed and just absorbed the earth of the bath into my body and enjoyed myself the best o could.

But this feeling really didn't last long as a strange feeling ran along the right side of my body, ignoring the feeling I relaxed my body and emptied my mind but soon enough a similar feeling appeared on my left side.

Raising my right eyebrow I still had my eyes closed and thought to myself 'Am I having a stroke?' The thought was rather ridiculous even for me so I decided that after having this feeling along my body for several minute was long enough and I opened my eyes to get out of the bath.

But what I saw next had me shook.

To my right was a blond haired girl that was similar in stature to myself and had her arms wrapped on my right side, to the left was a black haired girl who similar to my right was holding down on my left arm while leaning in on me.

"Y-Y-Yang? R-Ruby? What are you both doing here?" My face immediately filled in with red and sweat poured down but wen t unnoticed because I was in the bath already, swallowing my saliva I finally got a response.

"Ah,, Big Bro~ They closed our bath because it was going to get cleaned so they just had us enter with you cause we were already in the same party. Hope you don't mind~." As Yang spoke to me she held my arm even tighter and leaned in closer and almost whispering in my ear cause she didn't want to be to loud in such an upper scale bath house as it is a new setting for her to be in.

"Mmm~ Yeah~ They said it would take a few hours, so we joined you Brother~!" Ruby was almost yawning as the warmth of the bath nearly put her to sleep, similar to how it did to me. She also held my arm tighter as she didn't want to slip down into the bath, but this act nearly made me feel like my head would blow-up!

My heart was racing and my face was burning due to the large amounts of blood flowing within, what the hell is going on! I've never felt like this with these two!

Growing dizzy I decided to just let tho happen and meditate so that I don't pass out.

And just like this, holding onto me and using my body for support the two girls and I just enjoyed the bath the best we could.

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