RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 23 - Standing up...

Approaching I decided to observe for a second, for now I will not interfere.

"Hey, you! Yeah, you the Faunus! What do you think your doing around here?" In the random alleyway voices could be heard flying about the area freely without any care.

The people on the street continued to bustle on by as the scene took place, none cared for the fate of the poor Faunus that was spoken to. They themselves held an inner prejudice against them.

"Why are you doing this? Just leave me alone already!" The young Faunus was scared, a shiver ran up their spine as the words came from their mouth. Fear was taking over.

"Why? Because a dirty little Faunus like you shouldn't be in this part of town!" The one from earlier already took offense to the slight retaliation.

And of course others joined in "Yeah, you dirty things are no different from animals. The lot of you!" They all began to laugh. """Hahahahaha!"""

Tears welled up in the eyes of the Faunus, what to do next was unknown, they only wanted to flee. But alas escape was neigh impossible, surround by four street rats and backed into a corner, the Faunus couldn't work up the nerve to run.

"So, what are you gonna do about it Faunus! Are you really thinking of going against us Humans?" The leader held a strange glare in his eyes as he spoke, his hatred for Faunus was shown openly.

Suddenly a new voice spoke out "Why don't you just kneel down and beg for forgiveness from whatever God you worship, maybe that God of yours would speak on your behalf and beg me to set you free." A cold and sharp tone cut into all ears within the vicinity. Even those on the street were not spared from hearing these words.

The alleyway went dead silent after this sentence was said out, nobody could recognize the voice.

Turning his head back the leader of the street rats growled in a deep tone behind him"And who do you think you are to speak to me like that?!" He was thoroughly pissed by this sentence, 'beg to his God?' it sounded ridiculous.

It would be funny to him if the tone of the person who said it wasn't so serious.

As the leader saw the figure from behind approach from under the shadow of a building he could bȧrėly make out any features until the person stood before him. He saw a teenager with a handsome yet mȧturė and tough looking face that had one thing off… And that was his right eye, it was purple with two black rings inside.

As I stared down the leader of these youthful street rats I spoke some words that truly made my blood boil in excitement as only I'am allowed to say such words in this world. Even Salem must lower her head to the Gods as she doesn't have enough power to oppose them.

But me? With the System I hold, even Gods will one day kneel down and eat the dirt I walk upon with glee.

Hearing the leader of the street rats voice had been shifted to the person that spoke earlier, the Faunus who had their eyes shut tight opened them with a small flutter and looked to see who had come.

Everything else I had on me was inside the Inventory.

After hearing the question of the stupid leader I spoke straightly "Nobody special, I just hate the fact that you would dare to discriminate and openly show such racism to the Faunus race. This act of violence has angered me greatly and therefore you shall pay for your crime." Hearing what I had to so the lackeys spoke up in anger.

"Oh and what are you gonna do about it punk! We see four of us and one of you!" The first one I will deal with using a shadow clone, he is stupid I must say.

"Yeah, but with alone we can force you to the ground!" Guess I'll just send him packing with a single punch then.

"A kid like you should go back home to his mother!" And now this one should just drop dead!

Hearing that his lackeys spoke on his behalf, the leader opened his mouth and began to speak "Hah! And so what ar-" But was quicky cut off.

I spoke once again "You should keep your dogs on a leash, I don't want to have to put these mutts down." My tone was heavy and piercing, the three of them had staggered and could only stand with battered breath.

The pressure I was forcing on them was more than enough to make them suffocate.

Death had stood before them and they dared to ridicule him? Then they can only die!

Approaching the street rats I lifted my hand to my front side and went to make several hand signs, but from behind i heard a loud crisp "Arp arp"

With life being as shitty as it is a man's best friend isn't ever really going to leave his side.

"Zwei, where in the unholy hell have you been for the past three hours?"

Hearing me speak, Zwei explained himself "Arp arp arp!"

Creasing my brows I look down at him "What do you mean that you've been looking for a female? Dammit Zwei, I'am not about to go and pay child support for your lazy ȧss!"

"Arp arp!" Zwei got a little mad and barked back. "GAH! I don't have time for this! I'll speak to you later mister!"

Turning back to the street rats I decided that it i best to just get rid of them.

"Zwei stay put, I'll handle these punks. If one escapes you have permission to attack."

Zwei nodded in response as I resumed making seals with a single hand.

"Hey boss, this guy must be crazy!" Maybe I'am.

"Yeah, all he's doing is making those weird gestures with his hand and speaking to a mutt!" Zwei a mutt? Of course he is, in the most literal sense!

"He really is underestimating you boss, we best teach him a lesson!" You guys don't even have your aura unlocked, nothing but weaklings the lot of you!

Hearing his subordinates speak their minds, the boss who had sweat break out on his face had decided to straighten himself up "Yeah, you guys are right. He is gonna be drowning in his own blood!"

The three prepped their own pocket knives and awaited their boss' word.

"Lets cut this bastard a new one!" The boss hills red out.


The four of them had finally made their move!

Time to die!

Completing my hand signs I say out "Shadow Clone Jutsu" and with a *Poof* I see a figure appear from within a smoke cloud, it was me.

"Show these bastards who is in charge around these parts." The clone simply nodded his head to my order.

"What the hell is this?" The boss had his mind spasm as he looked at my clone.

Not wasting a moment of time my clone charged forward and decided to play with his prey.

The first to make his way and stab at the clone at his first lackey the one who dared to think that numbers is everything.

As the bastard threw out his arm while clenching the blade he attempted to stab the clone.

My clone didn't take this move very kindly and decided to grab the right arm that was thrust forward by the wrist and drag it down causing the bastard to lose his balance and fall toward the ground where the knee of my clone came up and smashed into his chin.

The bastard was battered and went unconscious he then fell to his backside.

Another bastard saw that after his pal got knocked out my clone let his guard down and his muscles were relaxed. Seeing his chance he rushed forward with his blade in a reverse hold and slashed at my clones back.

As the blade approached, my clone seemed to have disappeared.

Unbeknownst to the street rat, my clone was under him. Throwing out his fist my clone had his fist pound straight into the gut of the street rat that thought his strength was more than mine.

*PUH* The punch was a direct hit to into the solar plexus, this punch from below caused the thug to go flying back up into the air and crash to the ground.

With the second opponent's unconscious body on the ground, my clone looked forward toward the boss, as the third made his way to me.

"If your clone is that strong then that must mean you are the weak one!" He was truly correct I couldn't understand how he figured it out.

Unlike me, my clones do not die as they are not even alive!

Smirking at his ridiculous claim, I raise my arms and take my stance for a fight.

Remaining close to the ground, I suddenly disappear and in my place was left a few leaves blowing in a small circular wind.

The only thing that could be heard was "Leaf Gale!" and from below my right leg had kicked out the thug's legs causing him to fall forward and toward me where I waited for him.

Like the second thug, this one had a punch rise up and strike but this time the opponent was hit directly in the face causing the bastard to go flying back into the air and land on the ground with a tumble!

He wasn't worth the breath I wasted breathing while beating him!

"KYA!" Hearing a small yelp I looked over to see that my clone was standing still and staring at the boss of the street rats, who held the Faunus in his left arm while his right held a blade to her neck.

"Hah~ I knew it wouldn't be easy. Hey you, get over here!" I called to my clone.

The clone listened and came back, all while the thug boss was yelling out "Back up! Come closer and your little Faunus brat gets it!" While inching the blade closer to her neck.

Ignoring the brat I looked to my clone and signaled to get ready.

Understanding my subtle gesture he indicated that he was ready whenever.

The both of us looked back at the thug/street rat boss that held our little Faunus captive.

The thug boss had no idea what we were thinking but seeing us back up he let down his guard slightly and that is all we needed and so my clone lifted his hands and danced them about as if playing the piano.

But at the tips of his finger there was a very small blue line being propelled out.

Suddenly the thug boss and came back to his sense and attempted to close the blade's distance back to the Faunus' neck…

But his arm couldn't move, he was trapped.

This brat is now the marionette doll of my clone from the chakra strings he snuck around his joints and muscles. His fate is to only be played until his demise as of now.

But I didn't care, he needs to be taught a lesson.

Pulling my arm back I took my launching position, and then I shot forward as I thrusted out my fist and placed a dent in the bastard's skull. Not literally, but he could use a doctor on that nose of his!

"Damn brat, you really aren't worth the clothes that you wear. And they are just scraps of old rotten cloth."

Saying these words I relax my being and dispel my clone and with a bout of smoke he was gone, all the experiences made its way into my head and I felt the fight happen in my very being.

It was a small yet fun fight.

Turning to the Faunus I ask her "Are you okay? I can take you to a a doctor If you want." With these words the girl broke down and held onto me.

Even going so far as to sob loudly, but because all the surrounding people disappeared after the fight started only Zwei and myself saw her tears.

Patting the girl on the back I placed my arms around her shoulders as they shook and comforted her the best I could, only after a few minute of letting out the tears and anger by smacking into my body did she finally calm down.

Able to finally talk she looked up at me and said straightly "Thank you" with a very tiny and small voice, had I not have great hearing I wouldn't have been able to hear her.

She was rather adorable and not wanting to scare her I decided to introduce myself.

"Ahem, sorry for the late introduction. My name is Darian, Darian Uchiha. But you can just call me Darian as I don't mind." The title Faunus girl nodded her head and with a look that said 'Oh no!' she opened her mouth and was about to speak.

When from behind I heard a sharp "Arp arp!" looking back I saw Zwei standing on top of an unconscious street rat, seemed he didn't know when to stay down!

Pointing at the cute corgi I said to the Faunus "And this here is Zwei, my partner in crime! Hahaha! Just kidding, i'm no criminal but Zwei is my little buddy." Saying this I squatted down and ċȧrėssed his head making sure to feel his ears.

Seeing Zwei the girl backed up a bit and decided to finally introducer herself.

"Um, my name is Blake, Blake Belladonna. And would you mind keeping, uh, Zwei away from me?" With this she decided to get behind me.

And with a smirk I decided I wouldn't listen to her.

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