RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 24 - A Small Date?

"Hahaha! Sorry Blake, but Zwei is here to stay! So you should just get along with him!" Laughing off her words I just say to put up with my furry little ally.

"Sigh~! I'm starting to regret not running away." Hearing her say this I wryly smile to myself 'Zwei is makes you want to run away and not those thugs?'

With a huffy expression she turns around and attempts to leave with out saying anything.

Catching on I quickly stop her "Alright, alright. Calm your horses Blake." Holding my hands up in surrender I stop her from leaving.

Staring at me until I make my choice I decided to sigh out and turn to Zwei, speaking to him I say "Alright Zwei, you did good work today. But for now return to the girls, they might need the extra help." Loosening up his facial expression Zwei looked at me with a face as if saying 'Oh really now?'

"Arp arp!" Hearing his little disrespectful tone I couldn't help but bark back "Oh yeah! I'd like to see you try and go a week without trying yourself you damn dog!" 'I'm not trying to court her you dolt!'

As me and Zwei were practically at each others necks Blake interjects again "Can you really understand what, your dog, Zwei is saying or something?"

With the straightest face I could must I stared her down and said "No, who could actually talk with animals?"

Hearing my response both Zwei and Blake stare at me now, with a nervous cough I then say "Yeah that was a lie, I can understand Zwei because of a mind communication tool I use. Anyway Zwei, you should get going now." Hearing me, Zwei finally leaves without an argument.

"You are so weird." Hearing Blake speak from behind I just say "Tell me about it…"

Leaving the alleyway behind both Blake and I head down the main street of the town, Turning to her I ask her what had happened and she replied in kind "Those thugs, Humans, held hatred toward the Faunus and decided to take that hatred on me. I was just going to the bookstore, yet they did this." With a sunken expression we continued forward.

Soon though, Blake realized something. She just generalized Humans!

Looking back to me I just gave her a hopeless smile "Er - Sorry?"

With her face completely red, she was filled with embarrassment to the point he wanted to jump into a hole and hide there. "Uuu~"

Looking at her expression I couldn't help but laugh a bit "Hehe, yeah. Sorry for teasing you just now." Hearing me speak she looked up and in her eyes was what seemed a bit of fire, approaching me she began to flail her arms on me in a rather cute manner.

Giving a small chuckle I made up my mind "Well Blake, since you were heading to the book store I'll escort you there. Besides I'm free for the day."

After she settled down Blake looked up to me and had a bit of blush on her face. Even the ears on her head were laying down flat as her lips quivered a bit. She seemed as if she was gonna cry again.

Taking her by the hand I lead the way to a nearby book store named Berns Library, seeing the name I almost guffawed out loud. Entering inside the shop was fairly standard with the register up front and the many rows of books labeled by genre.

Blake decided to head into the fantasy section to find a decent book she described as sweet and yet bold. She basically wanted a fantasy with battle yet a touching romance I guess. Don't really think she knows what she wants.

As she is distracted I decided to approach the counter up front, arriving in front of Berns I spoke to him as I reached into my pouch.

"Hello, you must be Berns" look at me he speaks "Sure am, what can I do for you?" Pulling out from my pouch was a book a very particular one. Seeing this book in my hand he questioned me "Are you here to sell me this book? I've never seen it before." Shaking my head I explained that I wrote it and wanted to gift it to the girl that was accompanying me without seeming pushy.

As Berns heard this, a clear smirk appeared on his face. Reading my mind he decided on a plan.

Spending time overlooking the choices in which she could buy from the store she settled on a certain one that had a story of an ȧssassin that fell in love with a convict whom she couldn't be with after his capture. Sorta weird story where she hunts down the people who wrongly imprisoned him. 4/10

But seeing the price tag she struggled over an internal warfare, seeing this I approached her "Blake, something wrong?" Hearing me she turned back with an almost crying face 'Since when were you so cute?!'

With her ears laid flat she had tears threatening to fall down "I- I can't afford to pay!"

She looked so adorable I just had to pay for it "Don't worry Blake, I have more than enough money spare to pay for it." Taking it from her I went up front and she just followed behind me.

Reaching the counter I pay for the story and Berns speaks to me "Did you find everything you wanted?" Nodding my head I said "Yes, we did." After ringing us up and I paid with card he asked "Alright then, is this for a gift?" Saying yes it is he asked again "For who is it?" I responded with point at Blake and saying "This beautiful girl" hearing me Blake practically bursted with steam.

Smirking at us who seemed to be flirting Berns followed up with "If it is for her, then I guess I can add this in for free." Pulling out the book I handed him earlier he then slipped it into the bag, wondering why she got a free item Blake asked out "Why are you just giving that away?" Hearing the honest question he quickly made a great excuse "Well you see, this book was written by an amateur writer and he thought of giving out a limited amount of books at a cheap price to get out the word of his work before he went big. That was just recent."

After she got the explanation, both Blake and I waved at Berns on our way out. I feel as if we'll meet him again later on.

Walking down the street we both headed back into the bargaining area of the market district, we walked past many stalls as little Blake held the bag with the book she bought inside and the one she was gifted in hand and reading a tad bit.

"This book, Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, seems to be a rather interesting story. Whoever wrote it might actually be a great future author. It is a story following an ex-Pirate Captain named Jack Sparrow. I look forward to reading it later." Though what she said was rather dull, her eyes were filled with excitement.

"Seems that you are filled with hope for that story aren't you?" Looking back at me she gets a little red and lowers her head "Yeah, I'am." Seeing this display I place my hand on her head and pat it while rubbing her ears. Her face was a little scrunched up art first but soon relaxed and became red as she enjoyed my hand rubbing her head gently.

Seeing our action a nearby shop keep buŧŧed in our time spent together "Hey, the young couple!" Hearing him callout to us, Blake immediately jolted up and smacked away my hand and then kneeled down while hiding her ears from me.

Following her and kneeling down at her side I then asked her openly "What? Do you hate it when I pet you ears?" Hearing me she shakes her head, surprised at her honesty I then wore a smirk and asked "Then what's wrong? It is rather cute how you decided to hide though."

Jumping up from her spot she had a face that was flushed red and covered her ears, looking down at me "Uuuuu~ Stop being so mean!" Almost immediately I had a nosebleed at this major moe.

Chuckling to myself I approached the shop keep "So, what do you want? Interrupting the date I'm having with my girlfriend, this better be important." Hearing me he let out a hearty laugh "HAHAHAHA! Sorry, I just wanted to ask if your girlfriend would like to try on one of these accessories I'm selling."

With a twitching lip I was about to yell at the man, but I was beaten to the punch "What are you saying! I'm not your girlfriend Darian!" She was furious at me.

"Haha, sorry Blake. I just wanted to tease you a bit, you're rather cute when you get angry." Her face slowly shifted to shock, joy and embarrassment. She just wanted to drop dead after I openly said such things to her.

"Trssssu~ Lad, seems you've got a keeper. Ya' know what, I'll give you a single item free if you buy an item of equal value. What do you say?" The shop keep still wanted me to buy from him.

Sighing out I approached his wares and took a look as I dragged Blake behind me.

Amongst the items he had the only things he had that I set my eyes on were of course a few different bow strings that I can tie to Blake's hair. Picking up a black one I immediately tied it around Blake's ears while also carrying a red one, blue one and even a white one just so she can switch between them later on.

She reluctantly agreed as she was already gifted so much by me. I saved her, I cheered her up by arguing with my dog, I escorted her to where she was going, I paid for whatever she wanted and even was mistaken as her boyfriend by shop keeps and didn't deny it outright.

Leaving the area both of us head out and enjoy the time we spend together once more, this time after only fifteen minutes though, we were once again interrupted. This time, a man came flying out of nowhere.

"Blake, get back!" Shoving Blake behind me I held out my hands and caught the poor bastard who came flying from nowhere. *Pah!*

Looking at him I only determined him to be some random drunk and promptly threw him onto the ground where he belonged.

Raising my eyes up I could see where he had come frying from and over there I saw a sign showing it was a booze stand. And there was a young lass there who was of the same age as me, 11 years and trying to get her hands on some.

Annoyed at her attitude I decided to confront her, putting on a small scowl I said to Blake "C'mon, I need to speek with that little lass over there." I then pointed in th direction of the girl who threw the drunk.

"What do you mean, this stuff can't be that much Lien! It simply isn't that good!" The young girl was yelling at the bar keep who was wearing a wry smile as he saw the girl's display of strength a moment ago.

Approaching from behind I called out to her "Hey you! Don't go throwing drunks at people. don't know who taught you to do that but throwing such garbage my way will just get you killed!" I was obviously pissed, throwing people at me while I was on a small date? How dare you!

Obviously ticked at what I said she turned around and yelled in my face while pointing at my nose "Oh, well I dare you to try and kill me then! If you got the balls to do it then go ahead!" You could practically see the words 'Pissed' written on her forehead she was so angry.

But that didn't matter to me in the least, cause this girl looked very familiar and as I compared the personalities I could almost stand there only in shock.

Stiff as a board the girl was obviously even more angry that I didn't follow my threat, before she could yell at me from behind me came a voice "Darian, are you alight? Is something the matter?" Blake was worried that I suddenly went stiff and was worried I angered somebody that I shouldn't have.

Raising my hand up from the side to stop Blake from speaking anymore I only stared forward at the girl in front and asked in a somewhat hushed yet sturdy tone "Your name wouldn't happen to be Rebecca, now would it?"

Surprised that I asked such a question she took a small step back, yet immediately her tone took a turn for the worst as she sounded as if she would kill me "And, why is it to you? Looking for a fight?"

Before she could react I held out my hand and offered a small smile.

"Sorry about that Rebecca, I'm no enemy. I just wanted to yell at the fuċker who threw a drunk at me, didn't think it would be a friend of an old ally." Hearing me say what I did, Rebecca just put on a weird look as if I were lying the whole time and she knew.

"Old friend,I ain't got any!" She sounded as if she were growling by now.

Raising my hands up "Doesn't matter, it's just me saying that I'm willing to give some small favor."

"Favor?" She now had a look of confusion on her face.

"Yeah." Looking at the bar keep I said "Give this girl two orders of anything she wants and I'll pay upfront. Also, add to the list of items: Six things of Bourbon, Four things of Whiskey, One thing of Absinthe, Two things of Rum and finally Ten things of Sake. I'll pay right now." Pulling out my wallet I had pulled a pitch black credit card out that said on it 'Spartan' and upon seeing this card the shop keep immediately got all items requested.

Setting them out I took the bottles and placed the best I could inside of a backpack I bought moments earlier, Rebecca was provided with Two things of Whiskey.

Seeing my offering to pay, Rebecca wasn't polite and took it without a word; but even so she looked my way with a questioning look.

Upon seeing her take the stuff I reached into my bag and did the same as earlier with Neo, I said to her "If you ever need my ȧssistance with anything at all, just insert your Aura into this blade and throw it at the ground. I will be there in less than a moment."

Looking at me as if I were stupid she asked "And how exactly does that work? Are you some sort of wizard?" But now it was my turn to look at her as if she were stupid, doesn't she know what a semblance is?

"Well after you insert your Aura into the blade my Aura will lock onto it's position and teleport me to it in a matter of seconds, this acts in a manner of a semblance." I explained it simply but she had a dumb look on her face as if I just explained to her how the human body works at the atomic level.

"And what is Aura, or a Semblance. I can't follow." I almost felt like punching her.

Resisting the urge to yell I decided to sense for her Aura, and low n' behold the damn Aura was still in hibernation.

"Hah~ Seems that your Aura is still sealed away, I'll release it for you but you have to trust me on this." Not entirely understanding what the issue is she gives me her hand, taking hold I slowly push my Aura into her Aura Passageways and unlock it from the inside by clearing them out.

A bit of light exits her body and I can feel the Aura activate, energy washes over her and the light calms down slowly. Stretching her body she looks at me as if saying 'Continue.'

"Well anyway, the Semblance is a sort of special ability that is unlocked by a user of Aura later down there path of life. It can unlock at any point in time and bring about any sort of ability." She starers at my face.

"Y'mean like that eye of yours?" Nodding my head I say "Yes, like my eye. Except that my eye abilities are many more than that of others."

Nodding her head she then says out "Thank you, I'll be sure to call you if I ever need any help." Waving at me as she leaves I then decided that today marks the beginning of something major, yet for now it is best to be ignored.

After all is said and done I just hope that Rebecca, or rather Revy doesn't ruin all of her health by drinking like I imagined she would.

Turning back to Blake I called her over to leave "Alright Blake, let's get goi-" But I stopped saying anything as I noticed the tears in Blake's eyes.


"Gah! Er- uh!" Lowering my head I could only apologize "I'm sorry for ignoring you." Wiping away her tears she walked up to me and said with a hushed tone "Aura, unlock it for me as well" Hearing her request I immediately took her hand and looked into her eyes.

Her face went red in embarrassment and I slowly let my Aura clear the passageways inside her body, within moment I could feel it leak out from her body as it was rather warm and still aplenty as an other.

Pulling her into my embrace I gave her a good hug and held her for a moment.

Letting Blake free I sit myself at the bar and grab a bottle of whiskey, seeing my action Blake was a little upset as she didn't take me for a serious drinker "Are you really going to drink alcohol? It'll kill you, wait a second, you even gave that girl earlier some drinks!"

You could almost see the fire burst from her eyes.

But I held my found this time, opening the bottle with a small *Ch* I place it to my lips and let the spirits wash down my throat with a slight burn. After a moment I look over at the exasperated Blake and told her my sole reason "In a world as dangerous as Remnant, you can die at any point in time, any sip of spirit I have can be my last and so that is why I drink."

She looked at me with a disapproving and judgmental gaze "Cause you are scared?" She asked openly and this attracted some attention, in reply I said but a few words "No, I drink so that I can give my competition a chance!" Hearing me say my answer the neighboring drinkers roared in excitement.

The reason I drank was to have a little pŀėȧsurė in life, and this small amount is no more than water to me.

Leaning down to Blake's ear I whispered in "That isn't entirely true, I just drink good alcohol occasionally, this is the first one I've had in months as I only drink when I hit the peak of an emotion. This time it was happiness."

My answer caused her face to heat up, while she was embarrassed, I had just continued to slowly sip my whiskey. I'll probably save over half for later.

Drinking up I remain seated next to Blake and we then talked at the bar for several minutes about how we were just both visiting the port town before I had looked over my shoulder and saw a man come running over to the two of us. With a wry smile I can only look over at Blake and hand her a three pronged blade like I had given to Rebecca earlier when I last saw her. Knowing what it was used for she put it inside a pouch I bought her as we walked around earlier and knew to keep it safe unless for an emergency.

"Blake, there you are! I have searched several different bookstores for the past half hour for you and here you are at a bar counter! I need an explanation young lady!" Approaching from behind was a rather big fella who wore a purple outfit that showed off his hairy ċhėst, sporting a tough looking beard the man spoke in a harsh tone as he tried to scold his daughter.

But before the man could get an explanation he turned to me who was the only person beside Blake "And who do you think you are?! Taking my daughter to these sort of places you damn Human!"

In an angry fit the man looked for no explanation any longer and charged my way out of rage, he probably thought I would take his 11 year old daughter to get black out drunk and take her away.

Truly I do feel like it is slightly deserved on my part for not leaving and even buy alcoholic beverages in the time I spent here, also I do look like I'm about 13 years or older in age due to my body be worked out constantly.

So I can sorta understand that he would attack me, hell, if I personally saw my cute daughter with a stranger at a bar who was older than her with a bottle of whiskey in hand I too would want to bash his face in.

"Wait Dad, no!" Ignoring his daughter who was visibly shaken by the fact he charged at me with his fist at the ready, ready to pound my face in that is.

With a single smooth motion his fist came at me in the facial region, upon closer inspection I can tell that his full strength wasn't forced into the attack and he just wanted to send me flying a couple of feet and with a possible bruise on the cheek.

But like any reasonable man, I decided to show off.

Secretly I formed a hand seal with my free left hand.

Upon the punch finally landing, the unthinkable happened.

A cloud of smoke suddenly appeared with a *Poof!* when it cleared I was gone and replaced with the half empty whiskey bottle I was sipping on, I had used the replacement jutsu on the bottle rather than a log.

The bottle that came into contact with the fist had bursted and sent whiskey flying all around and mainly onto Blake's dad who had attempted to punch me.

With the glass on the counter and whiskey on his face, he knew he had been beat.

Wiping down his face he turned around and opened his eyes to see his daughter standing in front of I who had escaped.

With a slightly unease expression he asked "Blake, what are you doing? This man was probably just trying to take you after he drank you under the table." He then said to her "Step aside." Which Blake responded in kind with "Dad, for the past two hours I was with him after he had saved me from a group of thugs. Only he was sipping on the drink that you smashed and I know that he can be trusted, even if only a little. I want you to stop!" Blake had become slightly cold and very clm as she spoke to him.

Rubbing his head with a look that said 'What am I gonna do?' he had decided to just forget about it then as his daughter vouched for me "Fine then, I guess I should introduce myself." Pointing to himself with his thumb "I'm Ghira Belladonna, Blake's father. I have to thank you for saving my daughter, so, thank you." After saying thank you he lowered his head slightly.

Seeing all of this I just shook my head "It's fine, Blake is a smart and tough girl, I bet she could have made it out of there even without my intervention. No real reason to thank me… But I would like an apology!"

Hearing what I said Ghira could only swallow the saliva that pooled in his mouth *Gulp!*

He had a little bit of pride and to have tried attacking the savior of his daughter was something that shattered it into dust, apologizing to the savior he attacked would leave him without even the dust.

But looking up at the angry eyes of his daughter he could only lower his head again and say out "I'am sorry for jumping to conclusions, it is my fault entirely!" He seemed to be almost groveling.

Lifting her father up from his position Blake raised him so he can look mer in the eye, raising my fist up I pushed it toward him but in the end it merely tapped his ċhėst with the backside "It's all good, don't sweat it at all." With a grin I just shrugged it off.

"Mm, thank you. But even so, for you to be drinking is really something that influenced my thoughts." He was slightly suspicious, but I didn't care.

"I like to have a sip every once in a while is all!" Hearing what I said he gave me the same look as Zwei did "Then what is in the bag?" but it was Blake that asked the question.

Looking at her with a confused face I asked openly "What bag?" Hearing me she looks at my back and discovers that it was missing, now she was confused on how I got rid of the evidence.

"Sorry for my daughter, she is at times naturally suspicious. Hehehe~." Staring at him I can only say in my head 'never laugh in that manner ever again.'

After the three of us had talked for several minutes we all decided that it is time to separate, speaking one last time to Blake she asked me "Are we ever gonna see each other again?" A simple question that I already have an answer to "We can meet, definatly, all you have to do is insert your Aura into the blade I gave you. Worst case scenario, we can meet at Beacon Academy. There at Beacon both of my sisters and myself already plan on entering at the age of seventeen years, we can meet there for sure if you enroll as well."

Hearing the explanation from me she was very happy with it though still reluctant to just leave.

Seeing that her after was speaking with the bar keep and attempting to find their best spirit, she turned to me and leaned in… A kiss was placed upon my right cheek.

With a blushing face, Blake took off and joined her father at the counter. She glanced my way with her red eyes and ears flat, she didn't seem to want me to leave; but I had to go.

Waving at her, I then disappeared into the crowd.

Leaving behind the market district I made my way over to the hotel earlier than scheduled, sighing out to myself I decided to just ignore all that and trudge on forward.

Today was the first date I've been on in a long time, with a small smile I just remembered all the fun I've had in this life and I was almost brought to tears as I had enjoyed it all.

This was probably the funnest life I've had yet.

Continuing on toward the hotel I decided to plan out the rest of the days the girls and I have left in the town, Yang and Ruby will over course like to check out the public training ground, Zwei the park and butcher, myself could find just going around anywhere to be a little fun.

It didn't matter what we did as long as we do it together.

Nodding my head at the suggestion I was about to continue my journey. but then I once more saw something that I probably should't have.

Two girls were running down the main street that seemed almost scarily empty, this sight almost made me want to just turn around out of anger.

Refusing the urge to just leave, I march onward in preparation of the trouble that is gonna appear before me.

"Sigh~ Damnit, just as I wanted to relax. Best to just use the opportunity to play around!"

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