RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 25 - Plot against the Schnee.

Panting and out of breath two figures escaped from the ever clutching grasp of the dark and empty alleyways that connect the town in unknown ways.

Running through the mainsheet that was strangely just as silent as the alleyway they escaped from, the two figures could only run onward in hope of some sort of salvation, though on the mind of one individual was the thought of how to save the other.

Yet nothing came to mind and the figure could only writhe in anxiety and anger, today was not their day.

Looking behind them, their was a similar amount of figures, two figures of ȧduŀt size were a ways off and slowly moving in. These figures acted almost as if they were hunting a wild animal and keeping enough distance to make their prey move until they drop from exhaustion.

Letting time move forward will only be meaningless.

The situation is quite dire and can be bȧrėly salvaged if handled correctly in time. This possibility is nill.

With enough hope, the chance that escape could be possible in the least; as of now it is none.

Exhausted both physically and mentally the girls begin to surely slow down, they were in fact not used to long distance running as they endurance is lacking and foundation is still unsteady.

Lifting up her blade from its sheath she came to an almost sudden stop that greatly surprised the younger of the two, looking back at the one who decided it would be to stop all movement the youngest couldn't even catch her breath as she just wheezed out the air that couldn't stay inside of her ċhėst.

The older sister held her blade out front of her, it seemed to many around that it was a silver dueling saber. This weapon was made personally by the girl who wields it and it is her partner in battle.

Now with her weapon at the ready she stood her ground prepared to hold off the very hell that is tumbling in their direction, as the moments pass by, the resolve in her heart is strengthening and steadying itself inside her.

The figures that are making their way over obviously notice this and grow smiles on their faces as they prepare to take down their prey which they have grown bored of toying with.

The older sister said to the younger one as she stood her ground "Go on ahead, I will catch up in a moment and until then do make sure that you just continue to run away as far as you possibly can from here." These words were said in the calmest manner possible, it seemed that the older of the two has resigned to her fate and decided to stay behind and give the younger the time needed to run away.

The younger sibling could only stare wide eyed at her big sister who had decided to remain where she was, with quivering lips she could only try and ask "Winter! Why are yo-" But was immediately barked at by her older sister "Weiss! This is no time to ask questions, we can talk later!"

As Winter had turned back to face the opposing side, she could only steel herself and do what she can and allow for her little sibling Weiss to escape if at all possible. Her death only came second to her for this moment alone.

But those who were hunting them took a great displeasure in this action.

Looking at the two girls who were having an emotional moment they could only sneer as their insides were writhing at the ugly sight, they couldn't let such a pathetic act continue any longer.

The skinnier of the two spoke up and said "Hey Arnold, you want to show these brats that now isn't the time to be having a loving familial moment or what?" Hearing his partner speak Arnold turned his head to him and replied "Yeah Jack, these brats need to learn the basics of mannerisms; even if by force."

As the two of them finished their chat their sneers could only widen on their faces sat they continued the approach. They wouldn't let them escape any farther than here.

"Weiss, go now! These two are hell bent on killing us, the least I can do is make it a little tougher for them. For now you are to try and make it as far as you can and hopefully make it to a nearby safe house or Atlas compound." Raising her saber to center mass, Winter knew that today she can only accept her death.

As Weiss looked on at her sister, she wanted to speak out and convince her but she choked up and the words wouldn't come out. She missed her only chance as she could see the ȧssassins were closing in.

Turning around she could only take off, running off with her eyes leaking tears. She couldn't do anything, today her sister's fate was sealed.

"Hey Jack, one actually decided to escape as her sister has steeled herself to die. How pathetic, go and teach her a much deserved lesson. He will surely be proud of our method for teaching the younger generation. Especially these spoiled rotten rich brats."

Nodding his head, Jack listened to Arnold and decided to get a move on and close in on his prey.

Seeing the action of a single of the two, Winter was stumped. One was left behind to fight her as the other decided to take off after Weiss. Today, fate was as cruel as can be.

Winter decided she may as well try and get a hit in on him before he gets to chase Weiss.

Seeing him approach at a massive speed Winter moved her entire being into place and struck out with her saber, to no avail. "Hahahaha! Missed me!" Jack called out as he jumped over the saber that was swung his way.

Arnold saw that Jack was getting his job done and knew that it was time for him to move into position and finish the part on his side.

"Alright you little brat, the boss wants you dead and so you've gotta die. Don't take it personally, its just a job." Arnold may have spoken these words but the smile that was filled with bloodthirsty intent hadn't left his face the whole while.

Knowing what his true thoughts were Winter decided to say what she wanted up until the last moment, but first she's gotta know the answer to a pressing question "Who is this boss of your's? Tell me his name at least!"

She wanted to know at least this before she meets her end, she wanted to know who she had to wait for in the after life so she can strangle them on sight.

Hearing the stupid request of Winter the burly Arnold did let out a small reply "Kill me and you may learn. But until then, you have no right to that answer." His voice was as low as can be and was letting out the killing intent inside him out to the world.

Moving forward toward Winter who had her saber at the ready, he lifted his arm that carried his signature mace that could not only crush with it's weight but also cut into the flesh of those he strikes.

"You can go ahead and die, Schnee!" Jumping in the air he lifted his massive mace up and swung down with his power in an attempt to destroy the girl on the ground.

'How can I block this attack?!' Winter was filled to the brim with worry as she had no clue on how to retaliate against this man. Lifting her blade to shoulder height, she then prepared to thrust out with all of her power and below her on the ground was a familiar glyph of the Schnee family.

This glyph was created to make her speed up and accelerate many times her usual speed, the likes of it could normally not be seen by most before they are stabbed clean through.

Seconds seemed to last for hours as Arnold the ȧssassin came down with his massive body and weapon, time seemed slower than most could ever dream.

Tensing her muscles in preparation to stab at her opponent, Winter gripped her blade's handle to the point her hands turned even paler that usual.


A shadow had come from the likes of nowhere, seeing this sight, Winter resigned to her fate and lowered her weapon. She was about to be killed by the man she thought ran after Weiss, today she can do no more than she already has.

But fate still seemed to be toying with her heart, as the shadow that appeared from nowhere was facing toward Arnold who was quickly approaching the ground at full velocity.

The shadow then raised up a single hand as if grabbing out at Arnold, with a voice that seemed to be wishing to drag their souls straight to hell and freeze them over a couple of words were spoken "Almighty Push!"

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