RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 26 - Shinobi and a Schnee.

"Almighty Push!" Hearing this deep and damning voice call out Arnold still held nothing back and let his mace fall down unto the earth below preparing to smash both the intruder and the target in a single swipe.

But as his mace swung down at the intruder of his fight he slowly began to feel a great resistant force act against him and force back his mace, realizing this he could only strain his body and push forward against the force with all his strength.

His mace seemed to be almost immobile and was left almost in complete suspension in mid air.

Feeling that he could actually go against the force even if only slightly, he smiled a great amount that almost seemed maniacal.

But these hopes of going against this ability were dashed away into the wind as the person who appeared looked him in the eyes with one that was purple and had had a couple rings while the other was blood red and had what seemed to be commas inside.

He could feel an immense amount of pressure come down on him as struggled to fight with all of his might.

Death had come knocking and he refused to leave without his life.

"So, you are an ȧssassin?" The voice this time around was rather light, yet he could feel that the person before him with words alone could overpower him with ease.

Struggling to answer he let the words he thought bȧrėly slip from his mouth "Yes, I'm an ȧssassin alright" After speaking he could vaguely feel strength return to his limbs and yet… He knew today he cannot escape.

The force that acted against him grew and multiplied several times *Bang!!* with what seemed to be a small explosion Arnold was sent back flying far and almost made it a hundred meters in distance before he crashed into a building that was located at the end of the street. *BOOM!!*

Next to nothing would be able to survive such a devastating attack, for civilians that is.

Surprisingly the building acted like a cushion and stopped most of the damage from reaching Arnold at all, lifting the debris that laid upon him and threatened to crush him into a fine paste.

Appearing from the debris that was the end result of a single attack from the figure that appeared from nowhere, he knew that today he had his work cut out cleanly for him. If Jack were here then this would be over quicker.

Looking forward at the person that decided to interfere in his work his anger soared and yet he couldn't quite control his curiosity so he obviously called out "Who are you and how dare you interfere in my work!"

Hearing Arnold speak I could harpy contain my arrogance as this bastard dared to think he was above me! He must learn his place "You have no right to know, yet today I'm feeling rather generous. You have the opportunity to call me by a name that next to none are allowed, you may call me Madara! I'am what is known as a Shinobi."

As Arnold listened to the person speak his name, he was sneering inside, this name was one that he hadn't heard of before! He doubted even his boss would know of such a name. As for the Shinobi bit, he heard of them but didn't take them seriously.

Behind the person who claimed his name as Madara, Winter was in absolute shock as she had no idea on what to do. This person had come from out of nowhere to protect her and even sent the would be ȧssassin flying as if he were a kite without a string!

She couldn't even comprehend as to why he would help her all of a sudden and with such confidence.

Who was this 'Madara?' she thought quietly to herself.

Seeing the sneer rise on Arnold's face, my displeasure only grew and was on the brim to burst out and destroy all around myself. 'How dare you wear a sneer while looking on me?!' My pride consisted not only as Madara, an Uchiha but also myself as well and this was beginning to boil and I was getting sick of it!

"I see that you have a death wish you damn brat! As an honorable shinobi I will give you with your lackluster ability the chance to die at my hand!" Only at times of battle will my killer instincts that I have foreged over the years come forth, today I will play them like a fiddle and then kill them.

Forming several hand seals I had decide that for now it would be best to savor this battle through the usage of several clones instead of just taking him on myself.

At the end of the day Weiss couldn't save herself in a life and death situation.

So that means this falls upon my shoulders.

Making the last seal I say out loud "Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu" and with the bursting of five separate clouds of white smoke, I split my chakra levels into six different bodies to prepare for a nice battle.

Seeing these exact copies appear from out of nowhere both Arnold and Winter came to the same conclusion and that was 'He has dual semblances!' Seeing such a thing was extremely rare for them as it was almost unheard of!

'Even boss only has a single Semblance!' thought Arnold as sweat slowly dripped off of his cheek and made its way down to the ground.

Winter finally decided that she must speak up now or never! "You, Madara, I know that this may be selfish of me to ask but I'm left with no choice!" Saying this she then lowered herself into a bowing position, seeing this I can only listen to her as she made her request "Please save my little sister Weiss, she is to young and unable to protect herself. Please!"

After saying her part she readied her weapon and began to walk over at the man that dared to attack her and Weiss. This ȧssassin must die!

Nodding to her request I said out as I turned my back to leave "Alright then Winter, you will fight alongside my clones and take that bastard down. It'll be fairly easy without the help so go ahead and get some experience from it."

My words seemed to greatly anger Arnold as veins appeared on his forehead, these words sparked a flame inside of him and now he will do all he can to kill these brats!

Waving back at Winter who looked at me rather strangely I said out "Besides, that defensive semblance of his seems mainly affective against physical damage and not elemental damage. With this knowledge the fight should be slightly easier."

Now Winter knew not of what to think, he says that the fight would be easy as damage of an elemental attack is more effective against the ȧssassin. But looking at the clone he had made she wondered who they would be useful, could he have a third semblance?

As the thought crossed her mind she shook her head greatly, she never once heard of a person housing three separate semblances inside of them. Not once.

Preparing her dueling saber for battle she then set out for battle as a few glyphs made their way under both her feet and the five clones that were created by Madara. This battle would not be easy and can be very drawn out due to the defensive semblance of the ȧssassin, but that mattered not for today she had the back up of five clones that the creator deemed as more than enough to kill the ȧssassin.

"Alright you lot, let's kill this criminal!" Winter for the first time in her life had openly declared she would kill another human being!

"Well then Schnee, show me your metal!"

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