RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 27 - Taking a Human Life.

Looking at her opponent Winter carried her sword to her centermost part of her body and helped it mange the weight buy adjusting her own center of balance. This was but merely the most basic thing any god swordsman should know, but for Winter who was still a trainee an action like this had come naturally and therefore made this woman a genius with her blade.

Winter had never fought in a death match with anther human being until this point in her life and had only fought with youthful Grimm, this battle will tempura her will and make her question herself entirely, if she cannot take the life of this human then her career is over long before it has begun.

As I look over at Winter I accept the fact that I'm merely a clone that was sent to watch over her and help defeat this person that titled himself as an ȧssassin before a being who had the life style of a shinobi ingrained into his very being.

Looking and gauging the current power of Winter I discover that Winter seemed to be no more than five years my senior in age for this lifetime and that makes me question whether or not she is younger than she should be.

Most things written about Winter in her back story said she should be in her mid twenties and as I remember what she was to look like in the future I can only think to myself that she is indeed younger than she should be.

But for now that doesn't matter…

As my glare pierces through Arnold the self proclaimed ȧssassin, I try and see who exactly he is, who he works for and of course any weaknesses on his person.

The only thing that I can come up with is his lack of speed in favor of strength, the defensive Semblance of his can stop or rather cushion the attack damage of physical attacks by 50% and elemental attacks by only a roughly 20%.

This information alone tells me on how I can take care of him, though I hope Winter is thinking a bit of what I currently am. And without the usage of the Rinnegan or Sharinga as I'm merely a clone this battle might be a little tough.

With a sigh I just let it be.

Looking down at the semblance of Winter I have a feeling that she is truly willing to work alongside us, I can only imagine how it feels to work alongside somebody who came from nowhere to help you in you most dire time of need.

After Winter had heard Arnold antagonize her with his words, she decided that she will be the first to strike.

*Fwuush~!* Was how the wind sounded as six separate figures had sped up to an unbelievable speed at the person who had stood across from them.

Winter could only wield her blade and ran out with the ȧssistance from her own Semblance glyphs in hope to make an accurate strike on her opponent before he could have he time to dodge.

But as she made this move she had forgotten the simple words said before the person who helped her had left. And that was this man's Semblance.

As she neared in toward her target, it was already to late to try and call off the momentum from her body, this was now a do or die moment.

So without any hesitation whatsoever Winter thrust out her saber that carried all of hr moment and attempted to pierce through the heart of her ȧssailant.

But as she did all that rang in her ears were "Is this all you have?!" From above, Arnold swung down his mace in full knowledge of where Winter would strike.

As the mace came down on top of Winter all she could think was of how stupid her actions were, she should have truly listened when she could.

His body began to immediately distort.

She almost let out a yelp in horror as to how to explain this to her savior.

Not a peep escaped her mouth though as suddenly the clone had distorted a large amount and then the most unexpected thing that was almost unimaginable had occurred.

The persons body had morphed and transformed into what seemed as "Lightning?!" Arnold has called out and Winter whispered to herself. How was this possible?!

The blue lightning latched itself onto Arnold and entered inside his body causing his muscles to spasm and convulse almost tearing them apart to smithereens! This attack caused the clone to permanently dissipate, but due to not wanting to disturb their creator the other clones immediately reacted and swallowed what bit of consciousness had escaped from the clone that disappeared.

Arnold seemed to have never felt such a pain before as his breath was already haggard a bit and his skin was slightly black due to the burns.

As he was still slightly paralyzed due to the lightning Winter immediately jumped into action and with her glyphs had charged up to Arnold, as the ȧssassin saw this a bit of sweat accumulated in his forehead.

"No…!" He could bȧrėly let out as the saber came into contact with his neck and with a single swipe of the blade tore a chunk of flesh out!

The blood oozed down Arnold's neck and he cold feel it leave…

… Yet it wasn't near enough to kill him, his Semblance prevented Winter from tearing out a lethal amount of flesh. As Winter saw the failure she could only retreat and wait for another chance to occur.

Seeing the failure of the attack, Arnold immediately gave chase to Winter. These clone were slightly fed up and decided that this trash needed to learn his place.

The bottom of the food chain.

One clone immediately jumped from his position that was atop a nearby rooftop and looked at Arnold who was slowly giving chase to Winter 'How dare you ignore me?!'

With this sole thought in mind the clone formed several handselas that did't resemble those that had been used before him and seeing this at the corner of his eyes Arnold could feel the shiver run up his spine out of fear.

Immediately trying his best to stop and run away, but it was far to late as he head the voice speak "Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu" And as Arnold heard the words spoke he was reminded of what the last clone said "Lightning Release: Shadow Clone Jutsu" and then morphed into lightning greatly shocking him.

As he turned back to look, he immediately knew his mistake.

The fireball shot his way was already two meters in height, and was being hurled into his direction. His mouth loosened as he looked at it, it was jaw droopingly scary.

Speed was exactly what he lacked and this fireball could easily catch up.

In but a moment it had caught up and blew up in his face, this explosion brought upon great damage to the surroundings and Arnold as burns had appeared on his arms making them almost seem unusable at this point.

But this didn't stop Arnold as after the explosion was gone he immediately running off as he was now thoroughly spooked, this was above his level by such a large amount!

But of course the clones wouldn't and Winter sure as hell would never allow Arnold to escape so easily. He was to die today for his sins.

The same clone that shot the fireball was still around so accumulating the last of his Chakra he formed several hand seals as he followed Arnold who was attempting to flee. Opening his mouth to speak the words that came out were a true shock as their previous ȧssumptions were batted away "Water Release: Severing Wave!" And from his mouth once more shot out a new attack, but of the opposite element!

Sweeping the water stream that came from his mouth in the direction of Arnold the clone had targeted the most vulnerable body part at the moment and that was the left arm that seemed to be flapping in the wind behind his target.

As the stream of water approached it had sliced through the ground and demolished all that it soughed as if it were a blade cutting throughout the stone with ease.

And then… The stream of water came into contact with flesh. What water hit the ground afterwards was died red in blood.

"AARRGH!" Arnold hollered out in pain as he went craning into the ground.

Inspecting his arm, he quickly found that it was intact well over several meters away from him. It was cleanly cut off with the high pressure water.

Seeing the bloody sight the eyes of Winter had shrunk and she breathed slightly hard, looking at where the clone once was she could easily know what it had tried to do and that was simple. It truly was trying to kill with everything it has in him.

The other clones looked at Arnold as if looking at a corpse and nothing more, they didn't even acknowledge that he was alive any longer. And saw him as if he were already dead.

Approaching Arnold who can no longer move well due to the pain in where his arm once was the clone opened his mouth and asked a question that troubled him slightly "Who exactly is that bossman that you speak so highly of? I need a name!"

The look in his eyes showed that he simply was going to kill him if he refused.

Winter could not stop herself from calling out "Yes, who was the man that has such a grudge against the Schnee family?! Tell me at once!" She attempted to be overbearing as she spoke, her face that was pale as can be gave her away though.

Arnold gave a sneer as if her were not about to die and said with a wicked tone "Grudge against the Schnee you say?!" Hearing him speak Winter could only nod her head in agreement to what he said and then he continued "Sorry brat, but my boss has a grudge against all those with power and fortunes! You were doomed to die by him the moment you were born you damn bit-"

Being cut off, Arnold was quickly met with a kick to the face and sent flying into the air.

The tone of the clone that spoke to him earlier had grown only colder and overbearing as he finished his hands seals and said out "Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Opening his mouth just like the last clone out came a current of water, but this current took on the shape of what seemed to be exactly what he said; a dragon!

The dragon that had formed had took quick action and attempted to what seemed to be a mighty roar but not a sound but rushing water could be heard. The large maw was still wide opened and zeroed in on the distance between itself and Arnold who was left in mid air and plummeting to the ground.

Flying toward the single armed Arnold the dragon was met with close to no resistance as it flew out and chomped down on Arnold's torso crushing a lung and most of his flesh.

"HAh Hah hah hah!" Arnold was left almost life less as he wheezed for what air he could grab, his blood was leaving his body at a massive pace and almost seemed to empty him out. This didn't stop one of the last two remaining clones to come forward and stand over him while gazing into his almost lifeless eyes.

Slowly the clone kneeled down and asked in a tone of voice that seemed to make hell freeze over "Last chance, who was it that sent you?! I already plan to find out and I will, but why don't you make it easy on me?" The voice was menacing and yet Arnold could feel almost no fear toward it any longer.

Saying with what almost seemed to be his final breaths he said out "Go to hell, you dumb ugly bitch!"

Looking down on him the clone said out in a tone that seemed as if he were talking to himself "So, these are your last words." With a disapproving look the clone formed hand seals and grabbed out at his right hands wrist as a buzzing noise could be heard.

But then it slowly grew in audio and almost sounded as if a horde of birds had come out to pick at Arnold's flesh, blue lightning had coated the hand of the clone as he said with what seemed to be the last words Arnold would ever hear "Lightning Release: Chidori!"

And with this, Arnold's ċhėst was pierced clean through without any resistance it had seemed. His heart was now destroyed.

The last clone that remained was preventing all of the memories from reaching the original incase it might distract hims from battle. He then turned toward Winter who's face was paler than a sheet of paper, she saw a man get killed in front of her and she had ȧssisted in the battle.

Even if the man attempted to kill her, she felt disgusted.

She wanted to empty her stomach.

But then she turned toward the last clone who was staring at her and asked in an almost inaudible tone "What is it?" But the clone easily heard it and said "The battle is over and no information was gained, I can only hope that you learned something from it."

Winter was slightly taken aback, he actually wanted top train her and give her experience in battle while in the midst of it?! She almost couldn't believe it.

But then before she could ask anything the clone said to her in a straightforward tone that didn't allow her to reject "We must go and get your sister, the original should probably have cleaned up his opponent. As long as he didn't play with him that is."

Hearing the last part of the sentence Winter could only let out a wry smile and follow the clone.

After fifteen minute of running to where the clone sensed the original, they finally came upon the group. They consisted of John the Assassin, Madara the Shinobi and finally Weiss the heir of the Schnee corporation.

But the first thing Winter saw scared her half to death, Madara had pushed Weiss… And had his arm severed.

It then fell straight to the floor. And disappeared as if blown away in the wind.

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