RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 28 - Taking a Human Soul.


Huffing out a great amount of air that couldn't manage t stay in her lungs Weiss made her way throughout the back alleyways of the streets of the port town that would have normally been filled with random passerby's.

Unsure of the reason as to the emptiness, she can only hope that somebody if not anybody would save her.

Because, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot shake off the person who is after her.

A voice echoed out and off the walls from behind her "Oh little Schnee~, don't run away~! I only want to cut you up!" Hearing the voice that sounded as if it were talking down to a child Weiss could only feel the sweat slowly inch its way down her back and off of her face as her berthing only grows worst.

This wan't the only thing that had worried her as well, she felt like vomiting as she could only imagine as to how her sister Winter is doing. Because one had decided to follow after her, sh can only ȧssume that they split up.

Without a weapon and no control over her semblance, Weiss was a sitting duck without her guards. It was to bad that they were killed in an ambush. A simple yet effective method.

The voice had rang once more "Come out from where ever you are~!" It sounded closer and more clear, her muscles began to slowly spasm and shiver in response to the voice.

Her throat grew dry and felt as if it were on fire, she had been running for almost half an hour and having no chance to rest would gravely hurt not only the body but also the mind.

Time seemed to tick down at a horrifyingly slow pace that made the world slow down, she could hardly think as all she knew what to do was run away and try to survive.

Yet in the end, was it all for not?

"Found you!" Now the man was right in from of her in an open courtyard.

Looking forward, she almost didn't want to accept that he had caught her.

Opening her mouth to speak, the words just won't come out. She was scared and had forgotten how to speak.

The ȧssailant who saw that she fell upon seeing him, put on a little shocked face and sarcastically said out "Oh my, did I scare you brat Schnee? Im so sorry~!" He truly seemed to want to play with her before he completes his job.

Looking up at him, Weiss had no clue as to what to think nor do, she knew she was going to die today and the very that of dying brought great fear to her.

For her entire life up to this point she had been pampered by her servants and protected by her guards, without them at this moment she was nothing more than useless.

Seeing the scared look on Weiss' face, Jack licked his lips and said out to her with a just as usual sarcastic voice "My, you the great Schnee family heir is scared to such a state, what would everybody think when they see you like this~?"

Listening in on his voice, anger now slowly grew inside the heart of Weiss, she was greatly angered with how he mocked her family so casually.

No, the word angry doesn't even begin to tell of the pride she has in her family's name!

But none of that mattered.

Jack wasn't pleased by the look of anger on Weiss' face, what he wanted was her fear and not her hatred.

The voice of Jack was now very low and cold, different from his mocking tone from earlier "Well, this is rather boring. Say Schnee, you should just die already."

"Huh?" Hearing the voice that wasn't very loud or overbearing, Weiss was left slightly confused at what she heard.

But what happened next told her all he had said.

Jack promptly leaped at Weiss who was still left crumpled on the ground and brought down one of his dual daggers at her neck, fully intending to remove her head from her shoulders in one swift strike.

Nearing his blade in closer, he was met with resistance.

*CHI!* Another thrown blade had intercepted his dagger.

Due to the sudden attack, Jack thought it was best to back up and recollect himself before attempting to reengage the target that was before him.

A simple voice that wasn't overbearing or extremely cold exited the mouth of the individual who decided to step in "Keep you dog paw off of her you damn mutt."

Hearing these words the veins became visible on Jack's head and on his eyeballs, greatly showing how angry he was at this simply insult. But it didn't stop there as he also heard "What, did your mother and father not teach you to respect woman? If not, then you must be some bastard child."

Now the anger inside of him was boiling.

Weiss who was on the ground couldn't help but look up at the man who had just saved her with that strange looking knife. Looking at where it had landed she discovered it was a three pronged blade that was probably created to be thrown and help catch swords or daggers, it also had a loop at the bottom to possibly tie something through it.

But back to looking at the person who had saved her, she can only think that he was overly dressed to be picking a fight.

She also knew not of who he was or even possibly his name.

Nothing about him was known, other than that he was here to save her.

Knowing this much she felt that a tinge of warmth had grown in her ċhėst and on her face.

Staring down at Jack the ȧssassin that was told by Arnold to get Weiss, I can only feel a deeply insatiable hatred form in me 'How dare he attack Weiss!' This thought alone was enough to push me on the brink of destroying this town and leaving not even ash in my wake.

But my urges can only be pushed down, at the moment I'm left with merely a sixth of my usual chakra levels and currently I can tell that him and I are at similar levels in aura. Not much a disadvantage if you account for my experience and style of fighting.

As both Weiss and Jack look my way they discover that on my face was growing an angry grin that threatened to swallow them whole.

Though the grin was just a small gesture the both of them can feel a great deal of pressure slowly leak out from it and threaten to cut them down where they were whether or not they were friend or foe.

Even with this pressure weighing down upon him Jack was no dog, but he did bark out "You bastard, you want to insult me? Good! Then I will make sure that you die today!" Crouching down Jack prepped both of his blades and he'd them in a reverse grip in preparation of stabbing the person who had dared to step out and speak to him.

Seeing that he was getting prepared for battle, I myself decided to get ready as well.

With on eye as Rinnegan and the other as my normal eye, preparing my Flying Thunder God Kunai in hand I also pressed out an active shield to absorb damage.

Standing in front of Weiss was the best position I can get at the moment, protecting her is my only goal so that is all that is needed.

But with one last preparation I took a look at the status of Jack and found that he is mainly focused on speed and attack, his semblance is what the system called 'Ghost Blades' and from that I can imagine it involves creating blades and throwing them about in a manner similar to Penny.

As these thoughts go through my mind Jack had already took up his blades and attacked my in a frontal ȧssault, it would have been impressive had he a speed I could only see with my Sharingan. But I expected to much from him

Waving his twin blades out he had attempted to straight forwardly cut out a chunk from my neck, stepping back I easily dodged by the width of my hair and with this distance I immediately rose my right arm in an attempt to stab the blade into his gut but as I had guessed he had jumped back after his feet touched the ground.

Looking up I can tell that he was scared of that simple strike of mine, as would I. It was a special technique where I forced aura into my kunai in a manner where it would cause a phantom blade to extend and cut whatever it touches; that includes aura.

Sweat poured down from his head but the amount of fear he felt wasn't that much so that he would give up so easily.

Getting back into his fighting stance he had wasted no time and leaped up and above me while turning his body in an attempt to use his blades with the momentum of the spin and strength of his muscles.

Forcing more aura to flow throughout my body I awakened my muscles upper limits and strengthened them so that they would not tear and be destroyed easily. Extending out my two kunai blades I thrusted them at the two blades heading my way…

And caught them.

These three pronged kunai were created with the thought of catching other blades so as to help in close quarters combat, they would catch the blades and leave the enemy with a slight opening as most don't expect their attacks to be caught.

*CHING!* Sparks flew out in all directions and fell upon my hair that flew back slightly from the air pressure caused from the attack sent my way. Had I not stopped it, this would have sent me flying.

Unnerved at the fact that his attacks were so daily felt with, he retreated once more and took on a horse stance as if her were preparing to throw a punch. But instead of thrusting out the blades in his hands he had extended out his arms to both of his sides and slowly released his grip on them, allowing the twin blades to fall to the ground and pierce it which left them standing straight but burrowed.

They seemed lonely…

But seeing that Jack didn't immediately come and punch my way, I was wondering if perhaps he was preping his semblance and in the end I was right.

From Jack's mouth came out ten blades that to the eye seemed almost ethereal where they couldn't interact with anything, but my danger radar was sent off the charts. These blades are much more frightening than I gave them credit for.

My very life was on the line this time around.

Taking up my kunai I decided that it would be best to remain on the defensive until I can adjust to his pace of fighting.

Jack who had finished his preparation for battle suddenly let out a battle cry "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEE!!!" He very simply called out DIE and while doing so waved his hands forward, upon thrusting out his arms the etherial blades that surrounded him had turned red and shot at me with speeds that far surpassed the speed of Jack himself.

Shocked at the sudden turn of events I fended off all the blades that made their way to me by deflecting them into the ground, while I did so I activated my Sharingan to get a better grasp of where all ten were at.

Seeing them dart to and fro I can stop them from getting past with ease, they were of no threat to me but attacking in this situation is near impossible and can only hope for my clones to return and ȧssist me in battle.

I also knew that if I were to use my Rinnegan Deva Path I could blow away these ethereal blades but the cost of chakra may run me dry so I can only wait for my clones to dispel themselves and send their chakra remnant back to me. Besides, I have no proof that the Deva Path would destroy them, pushing them away and then having them come back to an exhausted me was a horrible plan.

In this battle even a moment of opening shown by him and I can go kill this bastard. But to get that opening will cost me either chakra or clones.

The speed of the blades increased slowly over time and I can bȧrėly keep up with them as they do not require a wielder to be swung about and can therefore move in unpredictable manners that I cannot fathom without laying my eyes upon the body of the person who swings the weapon about.

But since the one who controls them is so far away and merely had his fingers dance about as if at the end of them is a string and uses that method to control his blades to attack me.

The only reason that I have not fallen behind this bastard's blades in speed isn't all due to my eyes but also the fact that I'm slowly picking up in how he controls the blades with his fingers.

Though one of them is slightly off and almost bȧrėly moving.

Ignoring that finger I focus mainly on the others and continue to swing my kunai in a defensive manner where it almost seems as if a storm of fire is about to erupt form my hands as the ghost blades continue to ever so slightly chip off bits as an extreme velocity that is unseeable by most outsiders.

In fact, had Jack not met me today he could have been a super power amongst the ȧssignation force of the world in the future. But his luck ran short when he met me.

… Or so I had thought.

As my Sharingan had came back to watching the blades head toward me I learned quickly that one was gone…

My blood ran cold and I had a thought come to me that I hoped wouldn't be true, but turning my head and activating my right eye's Sharingan over the Rinneagn and then I saw it; a blade was going straight toward Weiss.

It was the stray blade that was controlled with the one I had ignored.

A huge mistake and now it cost me.

Seeing the blade head her way at what seemed to be a speed that was almost instantly, Weiss let out a small yelp and held her head in her arms making her best attempt to survive.

For a solid moment she heard nothing and raised her head to see if it was safe.

How wrong she was.

Before her stood the figure of the man that had come to save her, but now her face lost all blood inside and had gone even paler than it normally was.

She was horrified by the sight of seeing the man's arm fall to the ground.

The sight had almost scared her soul from her body, she nearly collapsed.

*Bach* With a low thud the arm that was separated from the body of her savior had hit the floor but it also instantaneously turned into dust.

Nothing in her life scared her more than this. Fear was all she now knew.

"GAH!" With a low shout while clenching my teeth I felt the pain of losing one of my arms, it fell down and turned to dust upon hitting the ground with a thud.

The semblance of his could actually cut through aura like nothing and could burn my body into nothing, I was left in shock at how powerful this random person was.

But even so…

This event greatly angered me, looking forward at Jack I switched my eyes from the Sharingan into the Rinnegan while also stretching out my remaining left hand out to my side while grasping the air.

What I had caught seemed to be an almost exact replica of my arm, it was a creation of my Asura Path, my first step into being a non-human life being.

Holding the synthetic android arm up to my stump that was where my old arm once was it had extended out cables that stabbed into my flesh bringing itself closer and attaching itself onto my flesh, it drilled into my bone and melded with my muscles.

"AARRGH!" With a loud shout I let out all the pain of having my flesh carved into by a foreign object. It was much more painful than having my body sliced apart piece by piece but I could only endure it.

Looking down at my new arm, I was met with a great surprise.

It was as if I had never lost my arm in the first place, it was one with me and I couldn't tell where my real body ended and the arm I attached began. This was truly something else.

This wasn't the end of it either, I still had to deal with this bastard across from me.

He had a grin that was equal to my own when this battle first began, though his was not nearly as intimidating.

Trying to act intimidating he opened his mouth to speak, but how could I let him do as he pleased?

Throwing out a storm of blades, I pierced them all into the ground around him.

He was surrounded.

Seeing this he had grew scared of what is to come and did everything he could to bring back his blades and protect his own life, but his fate was sealed after angering me.

Appearing at his left side I sliced at him with the very kunai that I had 'jumped' to and then as he looked over I was gone. Next I appeared behind him and cut open his back, then it was in front, then it was at his left once more and then his right side. This continued until not a single part of body was not covered in some sort of damage

It was so bloody..

He also couldn't retaliate because of my speed and the fact that his semblance was deactivated when he lost his control over it.

He was as good as dead.

But I wasn't satisfied, not one bit.

Standing in front of him who was on his knees and facing the sky with his moth open and blood pouring to the ground I could only feel the anger in me become more resolute.

And then it happened, I can feel it in my eyes.

So as I could feel it, I stretched out my right hand which instantly latched on and grabbed him by the face. While doing this all I can shout is "Give me your soul!"

Chakra came out of my hand and covered both his face and my hand, then with a slight tug of the wrist I pulled out red bodied energy that was in the shape of a human.

It was his soul.

Holding it in my hand the soul did what it could and did its best to struggle from my hold all to no avail. And then I decided it to be best and integrate it with myself.

Absorbing the soul into my body was no big deal as it felt as smooth as drinking water, it felt almost natural.

But even so, what I had slowly discovered in the soul of this man by looking for the one whom he calls 'Boss' I could only gnash my teeth together out of anger.

I knew that something like this would happen, that was only further solidified by meeting Rebecca earlier today.

With a rumbling voice that threatened to shake the heavens with a mere whisper I spoke out a single name "Doflamingo!"

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