RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 29 - The People in the Shadows…


In an unknown location sat many chairs with only a few people around a table, they each were talking and describing how they plan to do as they like.

When one large figure listened to another, he let out a deep and dark laughter "Zehahaha! Don't tell me you went and sent more troops after those members of the Schnee family Doflamingo!" Looking down at the man to his left he crossed his arms, he found it rather funny how he didn't like rich families.

The man who was laughed at went by the name Doflamingo and that can be seen in his choice of clothing, mainly the pink feathered poncho and sunglasses he wore. Doflamingo may have had a grin on his face but he wasn't happy at what he heard.

"So, Teach how goes it in the search for that fruit of yours? Failing as always?" His sarcastic remark was his attempt to jab at the large man that dared to look down upon him.

But he immediately regretted his words "About as well as the search for yours, but at least I got my Dark Dark Devil Fruit. That leaves me with only one left to find, but you still have yet to find your only Devil Fruit, would you like my help you damn weakling?!"

These words left dark lines under Doflamingo's eyes as the anger he felt was more than he should have to bear, if he had his Devil Fruit then he would have killed this overweight bastard already.

"Don't push your luck Teach, let me remind you that it was my troops who found that fruit of yours." Saying this the grin on his face slowly began to face downward.

"Ah yes, I never thanked you for that… And never will!" Now he was getting onto the last nerves of Dofalmingo.

Opening their mouths to shout at one another, both were quickly cut off by a couple of figures who walked into the room. Looking at them they could only keep their mouths shut for the moment.

A man wearing a black garb with a white cover and a katana at his left hip had been the first of the two to speak out "Doflamingo, Black Beard, the both of you should really figure out a way to cooperate with one another. Killing the enemy is our goal, not each other." It was clear he didn't like infighting.

"Hehahaha! My oh my, sorry for all the trouble. It is just that I didn't expect you to be back so soon Aizen!" Dofalmingo stared down the swordsman in front of him and refused to back down.

Hearing Dofalmingo speak the one named Aizen spoke back "You don't seem to understand where we are ranked in this world. Currently those bastard on the other end of the spectrum are finding how we work and are fully intending to chase us until our deaths. I don't mind removing you from this organization and throwing you to the streets."

Dofalmingo didn't seem in the least bit worried as hs grin was fully etched onto his face "Hmhmhm! Knowing you Aizen, that is something that would happen in a matter of seconds. So I guess for the moment I will back down."

Finally the one to side of Aizen had decided to enter the conversation the person wore a completely black overcoat with a black band in the middle, black sandals that exposed his toes and on his face was a mask that showed only a single eye and had a pattern of rings with what seemed as commas "It is good to have some personality but it is also true that we do outrank you Doflamingo, I suggest that you learn to respect your superiors before I personally teach some manners to you."

Now Teach decided to involve himself into the conversation "Zehaha! Madara, do you really think that us pirates would lower our heads so easily or are you really that stupid?!"

These words thoroughly angered the man in the mask who named himself as Madara.

The temperature in the air had lowered while the air itself grew thick and hard to breath, yet even so none of the beings present acted any different.

*Back!* A loud crash was heard and the footsteps that followed it seemed hurried.

A random person entered the room, looking at the beings in front of him he almost fell to the floor out of fear of his mistake but he decided to steel himself and looked directly at Doflamingo.

"Doflamingo! We have an urgent problem!" He said out in a clear voice.

Hearing the voice of his subordinate, the eyes of Dofalmingo grew cold and said out in response "Tell me what is so urgent to interrupt my talk with everyone here?"

The subordinate lowered his head an dared not to look his boss int he face any longer saying to him directly "The hourglasses of both the ȧssassins Arnold and Jack have suddenly destroyed themselves, the one of Jack even went so far as to turn to dust!"

These words had struck a chord in everybody present, they looked at the messenger as if he just said a member of the God Faction came to wipe them out.

Aizen was the first to speak "What do you mean turn into dust? Most hourglasses are just shattered yet recoverable, to have one turned into dust means that the life is unrecoverable. Are you sure that is what happened?" His face was overcast with a shadow as he asked this question.

Hearing the question of Aizen the subordinate didn't delay and said with a salute "Yes sir, the hourglass was turned into a fine dust and chances of recovering his life are none!"

Everybody in the room could now feel an invisible pressure weigh on their minds, this matter was far from simple!

Who was the one that had killed the ȧssassin sent after the Schnee family members? A bodyguard? A member of the Justice Faction? A member of the Neutral Faction? Or just some passerby? Perhaps it really could be a bored member of the God Faction?

The last one in particular truly sent shivers down their spines. Any member of the God Faction could easily wipe them all out much less some random ȧssassins!

But until their identity is found, there is no true reason to show any fear in the least.

-Back to MC-

It would be nice to have Ruby and Yang gain a couple extra friends that they can rely when in great need.

"Um, excuse me Madara!" My line of thought was broken by Winter who was following behind me with Weiss at her side.

Turning to the both of them I can see that Weiss had a look of 'Oh, so that is his name!' quickly I decide to correct them "Hehe~ Sorry about this, but my real name is not Madara but instead it is Darian. Madara is only an alias of mine." I was scratching my chin with wry look as I told them.

But as they heard my words once they then had no idea what to think so they just flat-out asked me, Weiss asked me "An alias? Why would you need such a thing?" While Winter beside her was gripping her saber on her waist.

Looking at Weiss I just told her "Those fellows that went after the both of, I doubt that if they had ran away they wouldn't look for trouble later on and that way I can remain anonymous. But as they are now dead I had checked for any listening devices but found none, so the only people that have heard of my alias are the both of you."

Hearing his answer they both found that it was rather normal, giving a self proclaimed ȧssassin your real name? That is asking to be hunted down and killed!

Taking her hand from her weapon Winter decided that it truly would be best to continue on and follow Darian their savior until they are both picked up.

But even so, she still wondered of their destination "So where are we going Darian?" She didn't truly expect an answer but she still had to ask.

Hearing her quest I looked up to her and said straightly "Oh, my sisters are still waiting for my return. We're going to go and meet up with them both."

A quizzical expression appeared on the face of Winter and Weiss, why take us to see your sisters? But the both of them couldn't just leave as he did save them and owe him more than he thinks.

Walking forward and talking so as to familiarize themselves with one another, they were soon to arrive before the number two hotel in the town known as Flask and Rest. This place was meant for those who were staying for a night or two and then taking off, or the adventurer type also known to many as hunters/huntresses.

Arriving at the front desk I speak to the man who resides over the bookings and asked him "Hello, the name is Darian. I'm looking for my sisters, the both of them should have already checked in earlier alongside my dog Zwei. Which room are they located in?"

Seeing my honest appearance the deskman was a little suspicious, but seeing the beautiful and even more honest girls behind me he nodded and told me they were located on the third floor.

I only knew so much since my clone dispelled himself so as so give me the information of the exchange at the blacksmith earlier, he didn't wait to see where my sister put themselves up for the night.

Thanking him I headed on up the stairs to my room that my cute sister had booked for the day. Now that it is 9 PM they should both be preparing for bed. Knocking on the door I called out "Ruby, Yang! It's me Darian, open up!"

Within the room I can hear a bang and crash alongside the tumble of some items. With sweat running down my head and a wry smile I waited for the door to open up.

*Cree~* Seeing the door open I wondered as to which of the two opened up, looking down I spotted Zwei "Arp arp!" He then jumped into my ċhėst and began to lick my face saying he was happy I came back.

Seeing Zwei I was also quite happy and pet his head many times, he enjoyed it a bit and calmed down.

Behind me I look to find that Winter seemed to want to pet Zwei but held herself back, as for Weiss she wanted to hold back but she couldn't and in the end came up and grabbed Zwei from me.

Unlike how most see the Schnee family she began to baby talk to Zwei "Hello! Who thought I would get to see such a cute little dȯġġƴ like you here~! Your so cute and I think we would be the greatest of friends!"

Though as I watched, it seemed Zwei didn't mind as I hadn't taken him back from her and just let Weiss hold him. He was a very laid back dog.

But as I turned back to look into the room I came to find that it looked almost ransacked as if a burglar had come. But I knew that both of my cute sister made this mess. It almost reminds me of how they trash my room when they please.

With a vein appearing on my head I clean up a bit of the mess and quickly uncover two girls with eyes that refused to meet my own.

Staring them down I asked the simplest question in mind "Why did the both of you trash the entire room mere hours after getting here?! Now I have to go and give an explanation to the owner as he has to send people to clean your mess!"

I was so close to blowing a fuse and exploding! But Yang, as always, refused to accept blame and changed the subject.

Looking over at Weiss who was hugging their dog and Winter who was stroking Zwei's head, Yang decided to use the two against her brother and said out with a suspicious tone "Big Brother, who are these girls? Don't tell me you went and found yourself a couple of wives while out on the town?!"

She said it in a tone that was slightly surprised and suspicious, but I could easily see through that acting of hers and said to her while poking her nose "I was working, unlike the two of you who only mooch off of others."

"Hehehe~" Yang could only let out a wry laugh.

But as she looked behind Darian she saw the faces of both the girls go a little red, even Weiss had quieted down and held up Zwei to block off most her face from sight.

Winter quickly adjusted her psyche with a cough and spoke out her mind "Ahem, Darian. I thought you said we were going to meet with both of your sisters. Are these two truly your sisters? You three don't look anything alike."

It almost seemed like she wanted to point out the possibility that we were not related in the least by using out looks alone to justify it.

Though my face went heavy I didn't even let out a sigh and turned to her saying "Yes, these two girls are indeed m sisters. I've known the both of them since their birth and always cherished them since. They are my family, make no mistake."

My tone was neutral and I only said facts, nobody felt offended but could see that what Winter said had gotten to me even if only a little bit.

But then they heard a sharp and higher pitched voice speak out "Hey! Leave my Brother alone!" The person who spoke sent a small glare at the two Schnee sisters.

Seeing that she upset everyone with her words Winter lowered her head and apologized openly "I'm sorry for what I have just said. It is just that I'm still recovering from earlier."

Hearing what she said Yang looked my way and I looked back at her, slowly a smile appeared on her face that was as if saying 'heh~ I understand'. My own face grew a little dark and I decided to tell them of the earlier events.

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