RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 30 - Taking Off.

The night was present and very cold, pitch black was all that the eyes of a human would be able to pick up around this time, yet down below amongst the earth life was still active as always.

Within a single large room a boy crept about, he picked up item after item and kept them to himself, his feet were agile as if they never touched the ground and with this not a sound was heard all around.

The boy looked up at the occupant of the room and sighed to himself at their uncleanness and lazy attitude, finally he spoke to himself "These girls really need to learn how to clean." His whisper almost had gone unheard.

Looking up on the first bed in the room I spot four figures asleep and piled on one another, all of which I'm quite fond of and cannot bring myself to be mad at.

The first had her long hair spread out like a pond of golden silk, another had rather short hair with a very deep and dark red color mixed within, the third was a newcomer with silver white hair that almost represents ice itself but this little lass also held tightly in her arms the last figure which was my loyal companion who was rightly titled as man's best friend.

Sighing out once more I continue to pick up all of the things the girls left on the floor such as the DVDs they watched which were 'Loonie Toons' and 'Tom and Jerry' until late and fell asleep while watching them, I picked up the toys they see to play with Zwei and I also cleaned put the empty bags of snacks that littered the floor.

Though they at times tried to act older, I knew that deep down they treaty enjoyed to just be treated as kids. They loved having fun and having a good laugh, these days would last forever and so I decided to just let them do as they please.

Looking over at the oldest of our group who was sitting on the secondary bed I can only let out a wry smile as she refused to ȧssist in cleaning this mess by saying that the inn staff should be the ones to clean it.

Though she acts this way I can only make the conclusion that she is trying to prevent me fro seeing her more honest nature, that is because I doubt that such a forthright person like Winter would be willing to sleep somewhere which isn't clean and impose unnecessary work to other.

Currently at the moment she was trying to read one of the stories that I had brought along and was rightly name as 'Monsterologist' reading the horror story she was completely immersed as she read of the way the 'Mad Hunter' was going about his business with the kid he had taken under him.

She found the story to be greatly intriguing and after picking it up hasn't put it down.

After cleaning up the mess and straightening everything out I decided that the time was right for going to bed, losing an arm was quite the experience. And now I have a story that can top any other at a party 'Oh you defeated a few Grimm? Have I ever told you about the time I had my arm cut off, replaced it, and killed two ȧssassins all within minutes of each other?' Sounds almost as cool as falling from twelve thousand five hundred feet.

Anyway, after cleaning the mess I make my way over to the sole desk and chair that was placed in the corner of the room with a spare blanket in hand there is where I decided to sleep as I didn't want to make Winter uncomfortable in the least.

While making my way over to chair from behind I hear the clear coughing sounds of someone from behind, looking back I see that Winter has placed down the book she was reading onto the nightstand and was staring at me sharply. She then asked out in a calm yet cold voice "Where do you think you are going?" The voice sounded as if she were not questioning me but rather ordering me to speak.

With a wry smile on my face I told her directly "I'm just going to sleep on the chair and desk, I cannot bother the girls, get another room or sleep in the same bed as you. My hands are sorta tied and so this is what I thought is best." Scratching my head my wry and innocent smile shown brightly to the point that it would blind most.

But seeing this action of mine, Winter could only sigh, she decided to lift the covers on her left side while softly flattening out the creases on top. Looking back at me she directly let out an order to me "You will sleep here fro the night." To be honest, I wasn't somebody that was thick headed in the least, at times I just feel that some lines cannot be crossed so easily.

For the moment, I was to tired to refute her and with heavy footsteps made my way froward to the left side of the bed that I would share with Winter for the night. Sitting down I was wearing black pajama pants and socks with a dark red shirt for the night after another bath that I had taken earlier. Winter was wearing clothes that I went and bought for her to wear after she had taken a shower while Weiss was the same.

Both of their clothing just consisted of white sweat pants and white tank tops, as for the undėrġȧrmėnts I just had Winter choose for the both of them as I was using my scroll. During that time I found that Weiss wasn't used to the town and was finally acting normal while she looked around with a great curiosity.

Turning back to where I was just laying down on the bed, I decided to forgo the use of the comforter provided by the inn and used the blanket I had pulled out instead. Winter let out a small sigh but said nothing, she decide that it truly was time for bed and turned off the lamp light that was left filling the room with a dim yellow light.

She laid back and rested, but being unable to sleep she decide to start a small conversation to help tire her out "I can see that you and these girls are very close" responding to her with "Yes, we have been close for as long as we can remember."

This small conversation quickly got deeper as she began to poke around "I've taken notice that none of you three look anything alike. I mean the girls have similar facial structure if you look closely and yet that is all that is similar. If I may ask, what is your true relationship?'

Of course she would want to know, this isn't some show where nobody ask for confirmation and with that thought I directly told her the truth "Ruby and Yang have the same father who is named Taiyang Xiao Long" hearing what I said she asked back "And yet Ruby is named after Rose" with a slightly downcast expression that went unseen I continued "Yes, Ruby is named after her mother Summer Rose."

It seemed that she was finally catching on "So this Taiyang had an affair?" With a quick glare that also went unnoticed and disappeared just as quickly I responded to her with "No, his first wife up and vanished a month after giving birth to Yang. It was only about nine month later that Taiyang noticed the feelings of Summer and with a healing heart had gotten tougher with her, I don't remember how long later but Ruby was later born."

She seemed to be content with what she heard but also even more curious "Why did his first wife leave, umm…" as I decided to tell her I said "Raven Branwen, she left for unknown reasons and to this day she hasn't made any attempts to see Yang" Of course her curiosity was overflowing when I continued to answer unimpeded "Then this Summer, after Ruby was born did she also leave?"

"No" the short answer wasn't enough and so she continued "Then tell me, what is your relation ship with the family?" Of course that was easy to answer "I'm the adopted son of Qrow Branwen the twin brother of Raven and was taken under the wings of both Taiyang and Summer not long after being adopted. There I was raised by mainly Summer as Taiyang was still recovering from him being left by Raven. Summer in my eyes was my mother and Taiyang almost made it as a father while Qrow just like to Ruby and Yang is more of an uncle and yet I call him father."

Hearing all of this I looked over and could see on her face was a gently smile, with a very sleepy voice she said out loud "Summer Rose, she raised you? It would be a pŀėȧsurė to meet the mother of such a wonderful person. The others might deserve some praise as well and one deserves a good smack." While balling up my hand into a fist I could feel a bit of pain flash through my heart. But even so, I truly wanted to just tell her everything about Summer.

Summer would be mad at me if I just kept moping around, looking at the sleeping face of Winter who was sleeping on her left side I smiled as if I were staring into the face of one of my own sisters. She was a kind person behind that false mask of hers that was made from ice.

Shutting my eyes, I had retired for the night.

Early the next day I notice that everybody was already up and getting packed to live out the rest of the day.

Though it would seem that both Winter and Weiss were completely putting away their items and the like, with a straight face I could only think that Ironwood came to get them and is on his way over. My face grew slightly dark at the thought that Jaquez Schnee would be coming slog as well.

Few beings could anger me as much as arrogant punks who only rely on the poetical power and money in their pockets to try and do as they wish. Infront of a being with true power, this false power they have acquired over many years is far to worthless.

Heading out of the inn I take the girls out to eat breakfast, at the same time I can feel several beings stare in my direction and none of which were here with good intentions. It would seem that those who think they are worth anything have decided to come and take a peek at the being who dared to disrupt their plans.

With my Rinnegan active in a single eye, they would more than likely attribute the deaths of two top ȧssassins to me, I stood out and gave an imposing aura out that made all who dared to look my way suffocate on the air itself.

But from behind as we all make our way down the street I heard from Weiss "Hey, I never asked but what is up with your Big Brother's eye? It is very unique." After asking her question Weiss backed away a little when Ruby decided to explain "Ah, his eye is like the way he users his semblances! They are all really powerful and we found out that the more rings in his eye the more semblances he has!"

Hearing the answer that was rather unexpected both Winter and Weiss looked my way in shock, more rings in my eye mean more semblances?!

But the one who was truly shocked was Yang as she yelled out "HEY, he got another ring!" Everybody looked at my eye and found it was true, a third ring appeared in my Rinnegan which showed I had activated the Human Path as well.

Ruby rushed up and latched onto my leg with an iron grip while staring up at me in awe "Hey, hey, hey! What is the new semblance this time?! Huh,huh,huh?!" She was so exited that I almost fell over with her sudden action. It reminded me of how she always latched onto Qrow's arms.

Patting the top of her head she let out a mischievous smile, eyeing her peaceful smile I once again swore to protect it.

Looking at the other girls who were quite excited to learn what I could do, with a sigh I deicide to tell them. Though with an extra clause…

"Whatever I tell you girls today will not leave your mouths without my explicit permission, am I understood?" MY voice was rather demanding and dark, yet none felt like I was lying to them.

Nodding to me in response I knew they had endless curiosity and so I policed down a Sound Barier Seal that prevent any and all noise from leaking out, looking at them I straightly told them "My eye is known as Rinnegan: currently I have unlocked the usage of three abilities which include Gravity Control, Technology Creation and the newest which is Soul Manipulation. They are all rather self explanatory and I will not go into detail, this is all you will get."

But even so, as I finished saying my piece I found myself looking down at my right arm with a slight frown.

Winter and Weiss both seemed to understand that I had used the Technology Creation ability to replace my arm that was cut off. They both felt slight guilt but I myself didn't dwell on it and let it go with ease. Soon enough I can regrow it anyway.

After a hearty breakfast that consisted of many different plates of food from pancakes, waffles, sausages, eggs, hash browns and even steak all of us decide it would be best to get ready to send off the Schnee sisters.

Though they were with us for only a little more than a few hours I have discovered that they all had gotten along greatly to the point that they almost seemed to be related to one another. I found that the ones who gotten long the greatest was obviously Weiss and Zwei who Weiss refused to put down. Ruby and Weiss already seemed to get under each others skin a bit and fought every now and then, Yang and Winter got along greatly while I could be seen as the center pillar that none of them disliked in the least.

Winter asked me if I could let her have some of the stories that I have or if I could send them to her later on, I responded that the ones I have on me are the only copy and thatI would soon publish them. Winter was rather shocked I could write stories (Even if from memory or from the system) and said she would be a rather large fan if I decided to become a writer, thought for me it would only be a way of obtaining money and nothing more.

Finally after I paid for the meal and ushered everyone out the door Winter turned to me which gathered the attention of all the others "Is there a chance we could meet in person again? It was truly a pŀėȧsurė to get along with you and the other girls, I hope that we all might become friends from today forward." Her eyes were clear and her voice was steady and gentle, she truly wanted to get along with us all and be our own group.

Smiling to her I reached to the leather bag on my leg I pulled out not one but two separate three pronged kunai, one Thunder God Seal Kunai was handed to each of the Schnee sisters. With a puzzled expression I told them "This kunai acts as the point of destination for a Teleportation ability that I have acquired some time ago, just insert your Aura into the handle and stab it into the ground/wall/or enemy and I will be there in your time of need. With this I can visit you or help you when you need my help." My smile was rather gently and as were my eyes, but the feeling everybody around felt was that I was firm and reliable.

After hearing my explanation and keeping the kunai away Winter was rather puzzled at how many abilities I had, she never heard of somebody with a as many semblances as me ever before. But even so, she didn't roy into it and understood that she should never speak of it to anybody.

She would be sure to remind that to Weiss later on.

Finally it was time for their departure, Ironwood had shown up with his Atlesian Airship and several others in tow as they flew over the town. Landing one on the outskirts both I and the girls all gathered around and awaited for him to come out and get the Schnee sisters.

Jacques Schnee the current head of the Schnee Dust Company and Schnee Family itself, this arrogant punk isn't worth the skin he wears over his muscles. He will die by my hands soon enough.

But that wouldn't be very youthful of me and so he will live on until I cannot bear his stupidity andy longer. Or perhaps I will be beaten to the punch by one of his own kin.

With his head held high and followed by several armed militants this royal pain in my highness decided it would be best to automatically provoke me.

Just the fact that he acts superior in front of my is laughably infuriating.

Standing no more than two meters away he didn't decide it to be necessary to approach his own daughters and spook with a tone of self-righteousness, almost as if he were the one who saved his own daughters lives "Winter, Weiss, I'm glad to that the both of you are in good health. You had me worried sick when I found that all of your armed guards were killed not far from here, I do apologize for being late but I must ask how it was that you made it out of there?"

His words may say that he is worried but I found no such feeling within the words.

With a frown I decided it would be best to step forward and when I did, all guns were drawn and pointed my way.

Staring them all in the eyes I found that not one of them was unprepared to shot me down where I stood and that feeling of them wanting to kill me nearly pushed me over the edge in anger.

I as well released my killing intent.

But as I began to get ready for battle, a figure stepped out in front of me.

It was Weiss.

Staring her father down and with her arms out as if separating me and them I knew that she was willing to pay me back in full.

She actually seemed ready to die.

Staring them down with my eyes I slowly placed my hand on her shoulder and moved her aside, looking deep into the eyes of Jacques I found the understood his position at the moment.

I can kill him if I wanted to.

He understood this, even if only instinctually.

Placing his hand to his mouth he decided to clear his throat with a couple coughs and then spoke "Seeing as to how my daughter decided it would be best to protect you, I can see that you must be their savior. Please forgive the rudeness of these incompetent soldiers."

With a firm voice that threatened to crush Jacques I spoke out "These men have been forgiven, besides, I would gain nothing from killing them or making an enemy of the Schnee Dust Company or the Atlas Military. So from today forward, I hope that you learn to be slightly more humble when speaking or else somebody might cut out that tongue of yours in anger."

He quickly caught on and decided it would be best to leave "Hmph, well then I guess that I will head back onto the ship and wait for you all to say your goodbyes." Leaving he brought along two of the armed guards as his escort, not daring to look at me.

When he saw this Ironwood could only sigh out and look at me with a strange glint in his eyes "You do have my thanks, these girls are the future of the Schnee Dust Company and it wouldn't be good to have them suffer. Thank you." He unexpectedly lowered his head a bit, he understood that what I had done was more than just save the lives of two girls. I had save the future heiresses of the Schnee Dust Company.

I myself couldn't stand being placed on a pedestal and so I told him to raise his head, doing so he waited for me to speak and so I did "There is no need for you to lower yourself, the one who dared to speak to me in such manner is the one who I would like to see groveling at my feet and not yourself." Understanding what I said he let out another sigh and frowned a bit.

Looking back I saw that both Winter and Weiss were looking at me with a strange glint in their eyes, I then said "I guess this is where we parts ways, but I'm sure that we will all meet again some other time. It was truly a pŀėȧsurė to meet the both of you." My smile was gentle and my words sounded as if harp. The girls faces warmed up a bit and then nodded as they passed by me and headed into the ship.

They were happy they got to meet me and make friends with my sisters, this was a new experience for them and they will full heartedly remember it for life.

After the both of them entered the ship I looked back at Ironwood and with the activation of my Rinnegan I I spoke to him with a voice so overwhelming that he knew Jacques was no match "Remember Ironwood, those two mean quite a bit to me, protect those girls at all cost and please don't forget that I'm sure we will set once again later on." Blinking my eyes and deactivating my Rinnegan I then turned around and left with both Yang and Ruby in tow.

The both of them were rather sad to just let their new found friends leave like this but just waved at the ship as it finally took to the sky.

And within the ship only Ironwood was the one who learned of how powerful the person he just spoke to truly was, this was only by Winter speaking what she thought was appropriate to speak about and that was the fact that only two ȧssassins haas come and wiped out their guards while I alone killed the both of them in mere minutes.

Slightly perturbed by the information he then after a few questions found I was the adoptive son of Qrow, Taiyang and Summer. With this information he knew that today he really found an extraordinary person. With a slight bit of hope, he thought to himself it would be great to have me ion the Atlas Military.

While I on the ground knew all that was happening due to the Eavesdrop Seal I placed on Winter, with this I knew that I could only ever hope to not be bothered.

And so me and the girls stayed in town for two days more before finally heading home.

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