RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 31 - Going to get Zwei.

Realizing my mistake I decided it would be best to immediately set out for leaving back home, turning to the girls who were left with questioning gazes as the saw my shocked face.

With an apologetic look on my face I tell them straightly "I totally forgot that Weiss was carrying Zwei and she took him." Now it was their turn to have shocked faces as they starred daggers my way.

Ruby was the first to react "How could you let her steal Zwei!" *Foow~* *Pah!*

"Gah! Damn it Ruby!" Ruby went and kicked me ing the shin, hopping around on my left leg I try not to have it taken out by her who badly has any control over her semblance.

*PAH!* "GAH!" *Boch!*

Looking back I found that Yang had fire in her eyes as she went and pouched onto the ground. She was very angry I went and forgot about the dog I took in.

Standing to my feet they both starred daggers at me and I can feel it stab into my skin, stretching out my arms I grabbing the girls by the shoulders I promptly got them to out usual training grounds.

Appearing in front of the three pronged kunai that was set as the center piece of my training ground decor, I turned to both Ruby and Yang who were a little stumped at my sudden actions. Refusing to even try and calm them down, that was rather off for them.

But even so I still just snapped my fingers and out of air appeared Qrow's weapon that was picked up just yesterday with the help of my clone.

"You two head on back to the house, I'm going o go and retrieve Zwei. Besides I was going to go and check on those sisters once more." Hearing me they looked at one another and then Yang decided to take the lead "You already planned to go and check on them? I'm sure that even if you didn't they would have been fine, they have more firepower on that ship of theirs than I've seen you go and tinker with. And that is really saying something."

Confused as to take it as an insult or a complement I just shrugged off what she said while Ruby buŧŧed in "Yeah, I saw they have like alo~t of guns and those soldiers actually those robotic soldiers. At least some were. So yeah, I think they should be fi~ne!" She wore slightly haughty face as if saying 'I'm right, aren't I?!'

But seeing this face I just shook my head and explained the situation "You both don't know anything, knowing the personality of that Jacques I can tell you that they are both being stepped of the items I gave them. It would be good to just show off a bit." With a smile that caused the surrounding air to drop several degrees I thought of how I would deal with that bastard.

Seeing me grin both of the girls slowly back away from me and attempt to leave without me noticing their movement. They knew that at this point hell was to be paid and they wanted none of it to wash off on them.

With a slight bit of concentration I could feel the location of both the Flying Thunder God Kunai that I have gifted to the girls, spreading ht esapce around me I can feel the link and will my movement toward them.

Soon after appearing at the location of both of my Flying Thunder God Kunai, I realize a single fact that stands out more than any other.

"Where the hell am I?" Where I appeared wasn't what I was expecting at all.

Assuming the girls still had the kunai on hand the worst case scenario would be that I appeared in their room, but it would seem that this isn't the case.

Where I was could only be described as cramped and lonesome.

It was a storage bay.

Seemed that my kunai were taken from the girls and placed here until further notice, looking down on the kunai that were left lying onto of a crate I grabbed them both and held one in each hand.

I decided to take it upon myself to return them to who they now belong.

Walking up to the steel door that locked into place I found that it need both a hand and voice recognition to allow entry. This was actually a quite secure location and I can only think of two people who would have access to it.

They will learn now that it s unwise to anger me.

With a harsh glare appearing from my squinted eyes, my hand was laid flat on the surface of the steel sliding door that separated me from the rest of the ship. And with a deep yet quite voice I said out "Almighty Push".


The force was so great that the steel door bent outwards and smashed into the surrounding steel corridor that was empty and free of any life. Yet almost immediately after I breached the door I saw a red light began to flash and an alarm sound off, the thumping of foot steps was all heard all around me and I can tell that the forces of the ship were rushing toward my location.

And so I did what most would find unbelievable.

With merely a single hand sign I sound out "Transformation Jutsu" and with a large billow of smoke covering my body I waited.

Not even two minutes later I saw the first of the soldiers arrive.

Seeing my figure crouching on the floor in front of the room they instantly raised their weapons up and pointed them in my direction, the one in charge of them all spoke to me in a rather commanding tone "State your name and business! Was this caused by you?!"

He knew he had all the writes to question me and even shoot me down at the moment, but as the smoke was still disappearing the only thing he heard in response was "I see, is this a new way of speaking to your superiors that you have adopted?" Saying this I stood to my feet and turned around.

The one who spoke to me had his face go white in horror, he had actually just accused his superior of a criminal act!

Not daring to look me in the eyes he lowered his head as he continued to speak "I'm sorry Sir! General Ironwood I thought that you were speaking with the head of the Schnee company?" Glaring down on him I spook slowly and firmly so as to get the message across "I don't remember when I have to tell you of everything that I do. Now get back to work! I have to go and inform Jacques of what has just occurred and as fro the rest of you? Just secure the area and let nobody near."

"YES SIR!" All of the soldiers said in response to my order. I could get used to the feeling of ordering so many people around.

Arriving in front of an evenly secured room to that of the storage bay I notice the name placard on the side of the door saying Jacques Schnee on it, arriving in front I pressed the buŧŧon that was similar to a doorbell.


The bell sounded and within a moment I see on the screen next to the door was the face of Jacques, seeing me he questioned me "Ironwood, what seems to be the problem?"

In an instant I told him what seemed to be a decent report "There seems to have been an explosion in the storage bay, we were lucky that the explosion was separate from the dust and nothing major happened. But for now I decided to come in and question you on ALL the items stored inside the bay area."

Jacques quickly caught on and knew that I was asking if he had stored something in the bay area that I was wasn't aware of and with a harumph the door slid open.

But as he looked my way I could see that his eyes lit up and his tail waged a bit. It seemed that Weiss noticed this and looked at me strangely, she had no idea what to think of how Zwei suddenly began to like Ironwood.

"Ironwood, speak." Jacques seemed to want to chase me out of the room as soon as possible and I decided that I didn't want to bother with him.

Making a single hand sign in front of my ċhėst Winter had seemed to notice that something was off and released what I was doing and so an idea popped into her head.

He eyes grew wide as a cloud of smoke came out of nowhere and enshrouded me, Weiss looked on in confusion and tried to squeeze Zwei but he jumped up and walked over to the puff of white smoke. Jacques was frozen in shock, he had no clue as to what he can possibly think.

The smoke began to settle and they can see that the figure of Ironwood had shrunk in size and figure, kneeling down I stretched out my hand from the cloud of smoke and placed it on top of Zwei's head.

When everyone in the room saw the hand stretch out of the smoke they knew that it wasn't the hand of Ironwood and instead came to another conclusion. The voice that came out and complimented Zwei with a simple "Good boy" only solidified their ȧssumptions.

After the smoke disappeared and their shock was almost completely settled in, I looked up and said out "Boo…"

Standing up Weiss immediately ran over and jumped at me.


Winter came over and knelt down at my side as she slowly took Weiss off of me and held her in her own arms. Weiss just held onto her sister as tight as she could and almost refused to let go.

My rage inside almost burst out and burned Jacques into ash.

Approaching his desk I looked him up and down and found that he was missing a part of his pant leg while their was a bite mark on his left hand, his hair was messed up a bit and sweat was stuck to his face.

Standing in front of him I may have been only 4foot 10inches it doesn't mean I wasn't intimidating. Staring him down I knew that his psyche was messing up slightly with every passing moment.


Not even in the blink of an eye, I had appeared in front of Jacques. Seeing me this close he backed away and fell over his chair that was behind him.


Looking up with a slight fear in his eyes he saw a change appear in my own, he saw my eyes change shape and color.

One eye became red while two tomoe marks appeared and circled around a center dot with a line connecting them, the feeling he received was an overbearing wave of bloodlust that made him shiver and grow stiff in fear.

He felt weak in front of the eyes that stared at him from above.

Fear that was stimulated from his very instincts as an animal had overcome him and he felt as if he were nothing more than a calf on the chopping block.

Looking down on him I paced a blade on his neck and spoke very little "From now on you must remember… I can kill you whenever I want." And as the blood from a small cut slid down the three pronged kunai I slowly pulled it away.

Seeing that I had drawn blood from him without noticing he knew that my words only told th e truth of his situation.

I was serious.

Walking away from him I then handed back to the girls their kunai that had been taken from them, this time I made a knew seal on them and bound the kunai to their Aura so that they can call the kunai to their hands at anytime.

Picking up Zwei into my arms I looked back at the girls as they looked gazed into my eyes.

Letting out a small smirk, I disappeared from their sight once more.

A small voice entered their ears as I left "If you every need my help, just call for me."

Not even a moment after I had gone the door shot open and walked in the real Ironwood who had a squad of soldiers in tow.

Seeing the state of the room he had came to the conclusion that whoever came and infiltrated had no ill intent and only wanted to leave a warning.

Looking down he saw that in the hands of the girls was a three pronged blade that they had confiscated earlier at the order of Jacques and he knew that he shouldn't take them from the girls this time.

With a sigh he knew that life wasn't going to be easy since Jacques had gone and angered somebody who he shouldn't have.

Leaving the room he decided to do his best to protect the girls in place of the person who had taken upon himself the task of doing so.

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