RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 32 - Planning out the future.

Sitting alone at the dinner table Taiyang was found be searching through his Scroll at an almost unprecedented rate for him.

He was moving his fingers as fast as his eyes can see the screen, he almost seemed robotic. Though it isn't like he actually knows how to use it other than for simple reasons.

"Hah~ What am I gonna do? I mean the kids already know everything they need for the next several years, they work best together and Darian is even better at stuff than most instructors!… Sending them to a training academy of any sort would just be a burden to them."

What seemed to be on his mind was whether or not he should send the kids he has raised since birth off to school and train as a hunter/huntress. They would be many years ahead of the others and they would have to tone themselves down a bit and ȧssociate themselves with weaker trainees without being overbearing.

This challenge though was horribly easy compered to the worst… They would have to separate into different classes and rarely get to see each other outside of being at home!

The three of them are rarely apart if at all and their interactions with others is so minimal that it even left Ruby with a very introverted personality that is much like her mother's though much worst.

"Hah~ And I doubt Darian would agree to just let his sisters be trained by some random instructor." That was the absolute worst part, Darian flat out refuses to allow any of his teachings to go interrupted.

He almost beat Taiyang black and blue because he thought that it would be fun to add on to his fighting styles. The very thought of seeing any changes made to his fighting style that he taught them infuriated him to no end.

If the girls didn't stick up for him then he would be in a hospital bed.

"Damn, what am I gonna do with these kids!" Taiyang got fed up with all the thinking and finally yelled out.

But much to his dismay "Heywhatyoudoing?!" Was heard from behind.

"GAAAAHH!!" *BUM!* Taiyang went crashing to the ground due tot the sudden fright I gave him.

With sweat pouring down his back and his face turning a pale white color, he turned his head to meet the face to face with his adoptive nephew; Darian.

"Oh, hey Darian… When did you get back?" With a wry smile Taiyang made his best effort to keep a straight face.

"I just got back with Zwei, he already went up to my room to rest after today's events." Not really caring for his mood I decided to just answer.

But of course due to the suspicions I had for what he was doing. I paid close attention to everything around him.

With a small nod Taiyang didn't care for my answer, looking me in the eyes he seemed to have come to terms with the future and asked me "Darian, can you go and get the girls? I need to speak with the three of you."

Seeing that something was on his mind and seemed to be related to his problems that he was pondering over earlier I also got serious and nodded.

'He might be thinking of sending us off to Signal Academy, it would be best if I just skipped town before I make it there and leave a note'

Making my way upstair I first decided to go to the restroom before I got the girls.

It would also serve the purpose to clear my head and organize all that has happened today already.

I mean, seriously, these past few days have been quite rough; I even lost an arm.

Walking up and opening the door I walked into the restroom, but as I looked up my face instantly went white and sweat poured down like it was raining.

The condition of mine was worst than Taiyang who I spooked moments ago.

In front of me was Ruby… She was already using the restroom and didn't lock the door.

'…Oh fuċk me!' I thought with a very depressed voice.

"KYAAAA~!" Picking up anything that was on the side of the toilet she threw it at me at increasingly horrendous speed. From toilet paper and magazines to the scented candle. All of it came barreling at me.

And I knew that if I dodged, it would only worsen my fate.

So it all made direct hits.

The last thing I remember was a red objected heading my way.

Five minutes later I was sitting on the living room couch.

Beside me was Ruby who refuse to make eye contact and still had tears well up on the side of her eyes, she wouldn't speak to me because when she tried her stuttering made what she said impossible to understand.

At the same time my right eye was surrounded with purple skin from taking a candle to the face. A glass encased strawberry scented candle.

Today couldn't possibly get any worst.

Sighing my heart out, I just wanted to go and recover from this.

'Maybe I can just use the Mystical Palm Jutsu before I go to be later?'

While Taiyang was trying to soothe Ruby he signaled me to get Yang.

And so back up the stairs I went.

Trudging my feet up the steps I had to think up a way to get Yang without running into any problems.

After a few moments I decided the best way to go about this was to get Zwei to go and fetch Yang in my stead, so entering my room I say out "Zwei, I need your help." With the most straight face as possible.

But this time my words were slowly being swallowed down my throat once again.

'Not again!' I felt despair for the first time all week.

My face which was already pale went so white that a piece of paper could only be it's match, my lips went dry and my hand which had held the doorknob tightened and almost crushed the metal I held in hand.

After finding that I was still out and only Zwei was in, she decided that rummaging about in my room for clothes was a great idea. She had found some nice shorts and shirt, but as she was getting changed and had only her undėrwėȧr on I invaded the room just so happen to see her.

Seeing me, she was left stunned.

One might expect that Yang might try and act as if nothing was wrong because of how close we were and just how Yang usually is.

But they would be wrong.

Yang is only that open with girls and never men. Not even Taiyang or Qrow could escape her wrath.

Raising her clenched fist which showed many bulging veins, her eyes turned red and welled with tears just like Ruby, her hair spontaneously combusted and caught fire and then she threw out the punch towards me as she charged with closed eyes.

'Uh-Oh!' Was my last thought before blacking out once more.

Waking up on the couch again I discover that I'm now missing three teeth, this is because I can still taste the blood and have a gap in my mouth.

Looking up I spot Taiyang who was on his own separate chair and had a wry smile stretched across his face as he looked my way with his eyes shut. He seemed apologetic.

As I get up I see the girls, from what it would seem, the girls have already learned of what Taiyang was thinking about earlier… Making us go to school.

"Dad, do we really have to go to Signal? I mean we have learned so much from you, Uncle Qrow and Big Bro. We should be set up until at least Beacon by now." Yang didn't agree with it at all, she knew just how great the environment is already here for her.

But Taiyang wouldn't have any of it, shaking his head he told them "I'm sorry kids. I just don't think that making the three of you stay in this environment forever is a good thing. Working together the three of you are unbeatable, but when apart and working with people outside of those you always train with the teamwork you have together is nothing in comparison."

Everyone understood that it is a valid point and so he continued "You girls should also learn to be self reliant and learn of ways to act like actual huntresses than kids with weapons. That is why I think you should also go to school, to learn of serious responsibilities that haven't quite sunk in yet."

Hearing this Ruby said out with a loud murmur "But what about Brother? You didn't say he needs to learn anything!"

Taiyang seemed prepared and I already knew what he was gonna say. So I just did it for him "I've already flown from the nest girls. I'm quite independent at the moment."

The both of them were confused and so I just gave a few examples "You know that hot spring back in town?" They nodded "I own that hot spring and three others just like it. I also own a quarter of the pier and i'm also starting up my own organization and company."

Both Ruby and Yang knew what I meant and they believed it too, the service we received at the hot spring was superior to all other VIPs and while at the pier I had several high ranking people complement me as I walked past.

Seeing that they came to terms with it but wanted information I obliged and told them the name of the organization as well as that the only two members other than myself were my Father Qrow and Uncle Taiyang.

Telling them this seemed to lessen the shock, though they still held suspecting eyes as they looked at me.

But then Ruby jumped up on ht couch where she sat and practically screamed out with glittering eyes "CAN I JOIN!" She seemed so adamant about it, but I had to let her know a few things first.

With a smile that asked 'What am I gonna do' I told her "Ruby, this organization of mine is mainly gonna be about destroying as many Grimm as possible and hunting down dangerous criminals. I don't think that you should join."

The thought of putting my cute little sister in the way of danger never crossed my mind… But the way she reacted to what I said told me she is still a trouble maker.

She just say down and puffed out her cheeks to sulk and pout while saying out "But you saw me on the toilet and now I can't get married. So you should take responsibility."

My face went black as I heard her say these words.

*Cr-cr-cr-cr-cr* My neck seemed to make several cracking sounds as I turned my head to face Taiyang. Currently he pushed his lips together and whistled a shitty tune, 'how suspicious' I thought to myself.

Continuing to refuse and make eye contact I knew that he wouldn't dare to face me.

'So he is responsible for this!' Instantly my anger jumped and I wanted to tear Taiyang apart limb from limb and finish off his worthless life.

But I controlled myself and turned to Ruby with a straight face and asked simply "How?"

Her eyes lit up and she leaned in towards me and said out "Marry me!"

My mind went blank, I honestly thought she would just make me enter her into the organization by force.

This curve ball was unexpected to say the least. It was also highly cliche.

'Probably the fault of Taiyang!'

Behind me I hear "Achoo!" from Tiayang who still seemed very suspicious.

Looking at my Little Red Riding Hood of a sister I place my hand on her head and rubbed it gently while saying out "Alright then I guess I can do that!" My voice was so confident because I thought that she would eventually just forget about it later on.

But then I hear from my side "Me too." Turning over I saw that Yang was staring me down with he red eyes that signaled her Semblance was at work, I immediately nodded to her request as I didn't want to lose anymore teeth.

Seeing that they both got me to agree with their request, they locked happy as can be.

With great big smiles, the girls looked my way and leaned in toward me. They approached slowly and confidently…

Then ""… Then let us, your wives join!""

It was in such synch that the only thing that was heard from my mouth was a simple "huh?"

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