RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 36 - Here Are The Rules.

Looking toward the stage and setting my eyes on he who dares to question my punctuality I can feel anger grow inside as he is innately many times more useless than myself.

"Sorry for showing up so late, you Old Man." Instantly I let a minor curse escape my mouth.

The silver haired and glasses wearing old man who was actually looking rather middle aged let his eyebrow constrict a small amount as his gaze lowered upon me. He seemed slightly upset that I spoke so rudely to him in public.

But no matter how well he handles the curse of mine, others have taken it many times worst.

"Hey! You who showed up late. Who do you think you are?! Nobody can talk to Ozpin in that manner!" The first to speak out was a guy that seemed not worth my time as his attitude spoke of his childishness. He wore the average clothing for martial artist within the faunus community and I can see bear ears on his head.

Others quickly caught on and began to to curse me as well.

"This ċȯċky fellow should learn not to say such rude comments to the principal of the school he is trying to attend."

"It seems that it is true for some people to be so arrogant they become blind."

"Even plucking out his eyes and replacing them with mine will not guarantee that he can see how much he is screwing himself!"

"Trash will only give trash results at the end of the day with their trash attitudes."

But it seems that even if I'am not affected, it cannot be said for another.

"Ahem!" A single person cleared his throat and with this single puff of air, the entirety of the colosseum went quiet.

Ozpin stood on his center stage with a twitching brow and coffee mug cracking slightly as his grip on it grows.

Looking my way, Ozpin opens his mouth to speak… But how could I let him do so?

"Ozpin, it has been a long time since we met face to face like this." My words were straight forward and cold, almost as if it were a low growl.

With these words i spit what saliva accumulated in my mouth onto the ground.

Simply nodding his head to my actions, he decided to listen as I speak "Incase you were wondering… To this day I have found no information on my mother. Even with my recourses I can still only find nothing… Not even any of your recourses looking for any clues on the matter!"

He stared into my eyes as they filled with immense rage.

One was blacker than the night sky and redder than fresh blood after it has left the wounds of the human body, my right eye was a light purple that matched the color of a Morning Glory and within was held five separate rings that seemed to cut the eye into several separate parts.

Ozpin seemed to have been able to tell the immense power of my eyes as he had unconsciously backpedalled a single step, a single drop of sweat slid down his cheek and his pupils dilated heavily in fear. The muscles on his back grew tense and the thought of running came upon him as his legs shivered in preparation for battle… Or to run.

But with a single blink of my eyes my Mangekyou Sharingan deactivated and the overflowing bloodlust that crashed against the strong willpower of Ozpin had immediately vanished into thin air. Yet since my Rinnegan was still activated, Ozpin was still able to feel as if a mighty God was over watching his immortal soul.

After the crowd had quieted down from seeing that Ozpin and myself had an overlapping past, Ozpin looked them over and tapped the stage with his cane that he had held on his left wrist before.


With a single tap on the wooden and steel floor, the entire stage had used its internal engine to power itself up to move backwards and went to the outer perimeter of the colosseum.

Now that the stage was in a position that overlooked the entire arena and the crowd was silent Ozpin decided to take it upon himself and speak of what everybody came here for…

The test.

"Potential students of Beacon academy! Welcome to the final test for those who wish to enter Beacon without any previous teachings from other schools or are lacking recommendations."

"Here at Beacon, this test will only be given out five times per year and you all are the final group allowed to attempt! Congratulations!" Lifting his coffee cut into the air, he tipped it backwards and drank a bit to help celebrate for his participants.

Heck, even all of those around me began to have smiles stretch on their faces and shake the hands of those whom they are familiar with.

But this moment of celebration was cut short "But even if I hate to be the bearer of bad news, I must state that only twenty of you will be selected to enter at the end of the testing period. Meaning that two-hundred and fifty-four of you will not be attending the first day of school in exactly nine days time."

Hearing these words, plenty had no change in their expression but for some others, sweat poured down their faces as they listened on to the words that carried a blatant threat of not being able to make it.

Ozpin could see that his words had caused many to become very uncomfortable and tense in a matter of moments. A sly smirk appeared on his face as he looked down upon the attendant of the test from above and already came to a conclusion on all of those who had actually held a chance to enter Beacon.

This was due to his massive network of information that floated around the world and could get him whatever information he needed/wanted at his leisure.

Yet what puzzled him was that I had attended the test.

With my network, forcing myself into the roster of his school would be a very simple and easy matter to handle.

But that would still be him just underestimating me as he is very aware of my full power.

"The test of this year consist of three separate levels!"

Hearing the straight laced test that Ozpin will hand out, a few even let out the breath they unconsciously held inside of their lungs.

"The first of which will put to test the most basic thing that all students of Beacon should be capable of… That is to kill Grimm!" Ozpin spoke clearly and without hesitation, he spoke to intimidate and that is what he did.

Those around me began to shift slightly where they stood and their faces instantly tensed up. They knew now that these test they'd be given was no multiple choice but rather that one of life and death.

They can fight and have a chance to die but also join Beacon or they can leave now with their flesh fully intact. Most beings would be unable to make such a choice, but well over half of everybody here are people who can hold themselves in an actual fight with ease.

The reason I think such things is due to the fact that contrary to popular belief, not everybody who tries to make it as a hunter is one that can fight on a battlefield. You can take Jaune when he first joins the academy by getting his hands on a spare recommendation notice or Doctor Ooblec who isn't a fighter but a historian.

"Now, now… This is merely for the fighters. Those who have taken up the way of the pen over the sword can head down to the testing rooms under the arena where they will be given a written test. Please head down after the announcements."

Roughly forty percent of those in the crowd nearly feel to their knees and thanked the gods for the fact that Ozpin took them into account.

"But of course, most of those who paid attention would be able to notice that with two separate groups would lead to the fact that only ten members would be allowed into the school per group. Making the end result of twenty in total." Sipping on his coffee, Ozpin paid no heed to those before him and instantly destroyed their thoughts. Only the best of the best would be allowed into the academy!

"The second test was put into place to see how you all can handle an opponent who can think on a similar level to yourselves…" He pauses his words to take a sip of his coffee mid sentence for dramatic flare.

Instantly, everybody put his words to thought and came to the same conclusion… "You all will be fighting amongst yourselves in a martial battle of skill, determination and of course luck." Ozpin confirmed their thoughts, this caused the atmosphere to grow thick and heavy all around.

Those who had shaken hands earlier, they now looked at each other with animosity and trepidation. Those who decided to enter the academy through the test placed under the arena felt safe and secure as they can avoid the conflict above the ground they tested under.

But of course, the one who received the most stares and looks filled with disdain and hatred was myself. All of them dared to look at me with eyes that said 'This punk will be squished by me!'

Seeing the looks of those who had their eyes aimed my way, Ozpin decided to move along so that I would be unable to snuff the life in these meat bags.

"The third and final test, it has been decided to be a test of Willpower or even just a way to see into how my potential students think. It will be what truly decides whether you can make it in this world as a hunter. The information of this test is going to be withheld so that it does not affect your results in the tests prior to it." Ozpin wanted to speak not of the third and final test.

Hell, even I was unable to have my information center gather any leads on what it may be. This leaves not only myself but all contestants at a potential disadvantage if they show up ill prepared.

But hearing these words, one person decided to try and cause trouble even in this dire time.

Stretching his hand to the sky he stared at Ozpin with a ċȯċky smile stretched upon his face, once Ozpin finally noticed and pointed at him with his cane, he looked my way after gaining permission to speak "Sir, with the words exchanged with this contestant here. I find that you two know each other on a certain level outside of a school relationship. I'm just speaking for those who are taking the test these next few days… Will there be any 'special' treatment toward him?"

"Yeah! If you give him treatment that isn't similar to us, then how will everybody here trust your judgement at the end!"

"I want him to understand that just because he knows you Principal Ozpin, he cannot do as he wishes!"

"Yeah! He has to work just like us for his spot in the school!"

Everybody quickly rallied against me and wanted to burn me at the stake. But I cared not for them and their trivial actions.

With sweat slightly flowing down his neck, Ozpin was placed into a rather difficult position for once in a long while.

Looking my way I can see that he is waiting for my thoughts on this simple matter, with a small nod of my head I can tell he understood that he must go along with it but also not give in.

With a look that seemed unmovable and rather blank Ozpin said out loud his decision on the matter "The words you speak are true. Darian and I do in fact know each other outside of school."

Hearing that he admitted it so straightly, many were ready to jump on the matter and have me removed from the arena. But Ozpin would rather cut off his hand than remove me from the test area.

"That is why I have come to a very reasonable way of restricting Darian so that there is proof that I will not let personal relations affect the way I run my academy! And that is… Darian himself will think of a handy-cap to give himself for every single test."

The words he spoke were in fact quite reasonable, he wanted to show to an extent that his judgment wasn't flawed and also that he was placing some emphasis on me.

He allowed me to choose my own restriction that would hold me back in every test.

Ozpin is a man of knowledge and wisdom alright. He easily let everybody know that he cares more for me than them while also satiating their slight anger and leaving them no room to complain with a straight face.

Raising his arms out to the sides as if to praise the sun, Ozpin looked up and said out "Then let us have the first test commence!"

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