RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 37 - Grimm Pack (Test One)P.1

Clearing the arena of wild untamed Ursa and Beowolves was such a grueling task to have been done so many times in a row.

Over sixty matches and yet another failure has come.

The excitement is swiftly cut short, blood runs cold and silence pervades about.

An area filled with hopes has once again been slathered in blood.

As the entirety of the stands goes quiet, looking down from above, Ozpin can only shake his head as he looks at the seventh student corpse that was laid upon the arena floor below him.

Everybody here was clear that Ozpin would not step in to save their lives, they took this test with the full knowledge that the chance of death was very high. Almost insurmountably so.

In his mind Ozpin can already hear Glynda yelling at him again for his decision to let those who over step their bounds die in the test.

But all of this was to prevent people from taking on more than they could handle. A few deaths of the arrogant can save the lives of possibly hundreds of future hunters.

So after the third death that came, everybody on the field would only sit back and watch with stoic and calm faces. They were slowly learning and adjusting.

Of course, Ozpin would not stop you if you attempted to save another student from their demise.

But who would risk their own skin for another?

Two girls and five boys have died and had their bodies ripped apart on the field below.

Yet, this was merely an example to be given so that the majority wouldn't dare to overestimate themselves.

This was no game, but a match of life and death.

Looking down at his Scroll, Ozpin knows full well that this next match may just be what the doctor ordered to clear up this damp atmosphere.

"Challenger number sixty-two for today's test of Man vs Grimm, will be Darian Uchiha. Please step onto the arena floor after it has been cleared of the body and Grimm."

With a push of a buŧŧon, the entire arena floor sunk down and switched out for a clean slate with a forest as the surrounding biome.

All the onlookers who didn't dare to watch the battles had all at once raised their heads.

Because the one whom was up next was the man that Ozpin placed some importance upon.

Slowly I made my way to the center of the Arena and there at the center I stood with my weapon on my back.

Those who looked at me were struck with a feeling similar to when one looks at a powerful being, not that of a celebrity, but that of a legendary warrior. They felt as if they could almost see a mountain of corpses just behind where he stood.

The could feel that the impending battle will be a magnificent one, one to never be forgotten.

Looking my way Ozpin was aware that now would be the time to ask an important question 'What would be my handicap?'

"Mr. Uchiha, please step forward to the terminal and select the opponent and the number of which you will fight. Remember, the type and number of them slain will add to your final score and decide if you pass this test."

Hearing him speak before he went for a sip of his coffee I had decided to immediately step forward and reach into my pocket.

"Ah yes, may I also ask what you have decided to make for your handicap this test?"

He said in a clear tone that echoed throughout the crowd. Everybody was excited to hear my answer.

Looking up I gave them the easiest answer "I plan to fight very powerful Grimm". My answer was simple and vague, yet overbearing.

But hearing my answer, most were left unsatisfied and began to make a ruckus amongst themselves and displayed their incontent. But I ignored their little feelings and inserted a chip into the terminal, one that override the admin locks.

Seeing my actions, Ozpin went to make a swift counter measure against it. His typing speed was great and quick in number, but how could his human abilities possibly overcome a powerful High-Tier A.I.?

He was far to late.

And besides, it wouldn't be very fun had he won the match.

The terminal immediately began to select and grab the three requested enemies that I had hand picked beforehand for my upcoming match.

In my personal opinion, it simply wasn't fair… For my opponents.

And so two-thirds of the arena lowered itself into the floor, and then soon after rise back up.

One third was split into three separate parts and made it a sixth the size of the arena. Showing how many opponents were coming my way.

Now the air was quiet. Nobody dared to move or breathe a single bit as it might be their last.

Specifically their size as some others have heard only rumors of.

The first panel arose and out came a large Scorpion like Grimm that was well over five meters in size, 'about the size of the one that appeared in RWBY'.

Most who saw this were thunderstruck at its huge size, none have seen such an aged Grimm of this calibre, most have only seen baby and smaller Death Stalkers before hand but none would dare to say they have seen on of such magnitude.

The first beast alone showed how much Darian was putting on the line for the test. Even if he fought only two Beowolves alongside this beast he would still rank very high.

But that wasn't the end of their shock as they saw the second platform ȧsscend…

Onboard was something most have never heard of before other than in rumors, it was an ape type Grimm or in other words it was a four meter tall Beringal Grimm. These beast have strength far beyond that of humans, one of this size could practically kill almost everybody here with a single attack.

This beast was standing at a staggering four meters in height, it was about as old as the Death Stalker that was beside it and was fully prepared to squash the puny human before it.

It was an ape type Grimm that had enough strength to easily overtake that of most hunters and due to the fact of it being an ape it is often found in packs or clans of some sort as they are out in the wild.

But even so, these beast are so great, one Beringal is enough to cause mass devastation if left unchecked. Making large packs of them a feared presence and a highly hunted one at that.

No hunter would willingly take on two powerful beast such as these and dare to think they can not only fight them but kill them! He must have lost his mind!

And this isn't even the end! There is still one last platform that is ascending!

The heart rates of all those that are watching, are left beating in an erratic manner that is unmatched by any in the immediate area. They could feel the tension fill the air as they are left wandering just what the hell this test taker is doing.

They are in for one hell of a show as well, no matter if he can defeat these Grimm or not.

He will be killed or kill them.

As they calm themselves by breathing deep breaths, some almost begin to choke on the air and their own spit as they stare at the last platform that has finished its ȧssent.

What stood tall on the platform was a beast so terrifying, all the other contestants went pale in the face… The beast that showed itself was more than enough to scare away almost ALL new hunters who wouldn't dare to cross within their time of training, and this wasn't just because of might but was a matter of appearance as well.


An audible sound of swallowing saliva could be heard through out the arena as it was dead silent.

None wanted to make a sound in fear of attracting the attention of such a scary Grimm.

Even the sound of swallowing had brought slight fear in those that observe the field before them as if they were the ones challenging the crazed beast.

It stood on eight legs, a body of pure black with lines of blood red run all across, the mask fit easily around all of its many eyes.

The Grimm that next to none have seen in person was far more intimidating than most would wish to believe…

It was the Spider Grimm, named as Jorogumo!

This was a monster amongst monsters! A spider type Grimm had such an ȧssortment of ways to get rid of its enemies it simply wasn't funny.

The legs acted as both spears and blades, the shell was durable, the mouth could tear through bone with ease, the web was sticky and tough and finally the venom was both acidic and deadly to the blood. It was a master of sneak attacks, but with its massive size of three meters it can take down even two Beringals if it get the jump on them.

Essentially the Jorogumo was a master of killing and its body was a weapon to be feared.

Though its only flaw was that it was a 'Jack of all trade, though a master of none' and this showed that it is very versatile and yet it still wasn't up to par as the other Grimm that were meant for battle.

With this set up of enemies, none dared to take Darian lightly anymore, hell even those that called him out earlier were shaking in their boots in fear of the thought that Darian could actually kill such horrifying beast.

And this wasn't even the end!

Their was still a third raising itself up from the basement, it was the deciding factor in today's match.

Will their be even more of such might beast or will something else come out?

Perhaps supplies or reinforcements?

These thoughts were quickly dashed as the last third had came to ground level, on top sat the most well known of Grimm and that is a pack of Beowolves!

It was exactly twelve of such beast, this was a full dozen of Grimm that could slaughter a random village in only a matter of minuets!

Such a number of Beolwves requires somebody with considerable skill to take out… And he plans to take on these Beowolves alongside such ancient giants?!

Darian Uchiha, a fuċkɨnġ monster… Or a pure idiot?

Which ever it is, blood is going to flow…

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