RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 38 - Grimm Pack (Test One)P.2

Staring down the towering beast only colored with black and red with a white mask, each of which are very dangerous in their own respect. The only thought that could flash through my mind was simply 'This is gonna be a fun show!'.

Reaching back over my right shoulder with the hand on the same side, I grab for the handle of my weapon and put it into a vice-grip like hold.

As both me and my opponents stare one another down, I breath in slowly… It was the first breath of air I drew in all week and so the taste of it was rather sweet as the pollution in the air was kept at a minimal.

With a heart as calm as the water of a lake, and blood slowly moving along like that of a gentle stream… My mind stabilized into its upmost peak.

Then they came.


With a beastial roar that sounded out and resonated into the surroundings the first to mke his move was the Beringal that leapt up toward the sky and raised its arms so high that they seemed to want to smash the heavens into dust.

Raised high above its head the arms of the Grimm swung toward me at a high velocity that almost seemed to break through the sound barrier and let out a boom like that of thunder as it arrived before me.

Disappearing from my spot I appeared to the side of where I was by a mere few feet, but I had no intention to run.

Snapping its neck my way, the Beringal opened its mouth out of anger that its prey dared to dodge.

But before a whisper could even leave its mouth, a large slab of metal came and greeted its face.

*POW!* A loud slapping like sound came and pounded the eardrums of those who looked on.

With but a single swipe of Kubokiribocho I sent the large four meter tall beast flying away.

*CACH!!* The beast body slammed down and let out a large rupture of noise.

The Beringal was sent flying into the pack of Beowolves that grouped up in preparation to attack at once, this lead to heavy losses as seven were crushed into a fine paste under the force and weight of the Grimm that was sent towards them.

Gripping their palms, scrunching up their faces and even having internal conflict, the youths that wished to take the world by storm can feel their Willpower deteriorate.

But then they look back up and observe the battle before them once again as if afraid to miss a detail.

Seeing their blood splatter about I can feel adrenaline flow with a higher concentration inside of my veins.

Grinning to myself I know that they are taking this slightly more seriously and as am I.

Jumping back I look to where I once stood and find a long black pole pierce into the ground below with ease, the earth around where it landed was undisturbed as if nothing occurred.

Looking to the right I find the Jorogumo squatting and in an attacking stance that signified it was the one to ambush me at my moment of distraction, or so it thought.

Not for a moment had I let it escape from my sight.

Lifting up my Kubokiribocho I swing down onto the giant spider that dared to think it was worth my time.

But to my surprise it was the Deathstalker that defended the Jorogumo with its front claws crowd in front of it, forcing more strength into my weapon I sliced through the claws and removed them from its body and even injured its face as let out a "KASHA!" scream.

Backing away it attempts to escape, but refusing to allow it any leeway I step forward. Only to be stopped by a large black blot enter into my vision.

Swinging my sword toward the blob I find that it is in fact a Beowolf that was thrown by the Beringal to distract me. But like most famous players I got a home run by sending the Beowolf back at the Beringal and caused a small cloud of bloody mist to appear.

That attack killed the Beowolf and stunned the Beringal.

From behind though I felt something head my way and so adjusting the location of my head to the right I dodged the attack with ease.

It was the stinger of the Deathstlker, a nice sneak attack, this ambush would kill amateurs with ease.

Reaching up with my left hand I instantly grabbed hold of the tail of the scorpion and put all my weight forward to swing the beast upward and before me.

With a large *Boom!* I lodged the Deathstalker into the ground and shattered its inner organs while simultaneously tearing the tail from the root leaving the arena with a large blood splatter and also a green splatter from the venom.

The battlefield was already flowing with the blood of Grimm and yet it seemed incomparable to the feeling that some received from my aura that I let leak out slightly.

It seemed to them that all I knew right now is the ability to kill.

Facing forward to the body that is slowly yet surely decaying into nothing I lay the majority of my focus on the incoming Beowolves that are attempting to use the opening made by the Deathstalker.

Yet they have yet to realize that they weren't worth anything upon this battlefield.

Lifting up Kubokiribocho I point it toward the three Beowolves heading my way as the last one made an attempt to come from behind me.

Without an Alpha Beowolf the rest of them aren't worth anything as they can only create minor strategies of ambush and numbers.

So the lot of them are basically just cannon fodder for the two remaining Grimm that are stronger than the four of them combined.

Swinging toward the three Grimm to my front I aim to slaughter the three of them at once, but with a slight deviation I let my body make an almost complete 180 degree turn that let my large blade crash into a black pole once more.

The Jorogumo doesn't know when to give up and so it still waits until I attack to strike at me.

But that fact that it dared to think that it only has to focus on sneaking around and attacking due to its tough carpace will lead to its downfall.

Knowing that its attack failed twice already the spider jumps back and attempts to leave as quickly as it could, though I gave chase and appeared before it and swung down my oversized cleaver down onto it.

As my weapon came into contact the legs that it used to defend were sliced through, the moment of resistance that the third leg gave was enough for another Grimm to be thrown my way.

As it is hurled toward me I stretch out my hands, my right places Kubokiribocho as a footing in mid air and my left grabs out.


The Beowolf that landed on the bottom of my weapon instantly blew up into a bloody mess that left nothing to realize that it was once a life form.

It was now only a puddle of blood as it landed on the floor of the arena.

While I was shot across the arena and landed onto the opposing wall that led up into the seating area.

*BOOM!* A loud rumble was let out again as the dust picked up from the area where I landed.

Watching the dust cloud all around the spectators came to the conclusion that I smashed into it and died on impact or at least am left heavily injured.

… How wrong they thought.

The dust took merely a couple of moments to settle and inside where I should be…

There was nothing!


Where they hoped to see me, was empty of everything but the dust that settled and debris from the landing.

But little did they know, that the ambushes of the Grimm were child's play in my mind.

It was hopeless for such beast to think that they can sneak up on me!

*FWOO!* The sound of the wind slightly picked up.

As the attention of the spectators was lured to the sound, what they saw left them speechless.

The beast died to its own spear like appendages.

Nobody knew where I was and so they looked about, but as long as they relied on their eyes and not their souls to feel out my position they will never be able to find me.

I was at my peak due to the fact that I gained a chance moment. To hit them where it really hurts.

By using their crap tactics.

Raising up my clenched right hand, I put some strength into it, more than enough to deal damage and yet not enough to make my enemy into a blood mist.

Just enough… To send 'em flying.

Jumping out of my hidden location of the shadow that was on the ground under the Beowolf farthest from the Beringal I shot toward the other Beowolf and threw out my punch!

The attack was unexpected and quick, this combination left no time for anybody to notice and yet the only thing that gave me away was the crunching of the ribcage of the Beowolf who's ċhėst I caved in!

The attack caused the Beowolf to fly across the arena.

As the crunch was heard by the ears of the Beringal it looked over to inspect the situation. Only to find its sight blocked by a familiar black blot.

*BAH!* The bodies of both Grimm meet and let out a pounding slap like sound that came from their flesh meeting.

The attack was so unexpected that the Beringal had no time to stabilize itself and was sent flying over two meters into the air, as for the Grimm that was thrown at it? It had long since been reduced to a pile of formless flesh.

Appearing at the side of the already air bound Beringal, my fist was ready to shoot out once more and then without even the slightest of sound the head of the Beringal had spun around twice. The beast was now no more.

Now dead, the corpse of the Beringal had found itself landing atop of the last Beowolf.

The battle ended in utter silence.

All Grimm were no more.

Taking my weapon, I went toward the opening that lead down to the waiting area for the fighters.

Making my way through the entrance, the area behind me had been shaken to life with an explosion of noise.


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