RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 39 - Hitting Up The Club!

Walking through the cold and desolate city area, I find myself wandering aimlessly about. There doesn't seem to be a soul in sight as I slowly began to whisper from my mouth...

"Damnit. Working lately makes me want to go and shoot out my brains onto the walls. Hah~" Pinching the bridge of my nose I sigh out and attempt to alleviate some of the stress.

Tomorrow is the day for test two of three and it'll be at least slightly more interesting than today.

Besides I really have grown tired of all the work that I've been forced to take on as of late.

I've constantly been in and out of laboratories, battlefields and even enemy bases that the sore feeling of stress has grown on me like a thick layer of moss.

All of my subordinates have been keeping a distance as they know that at anytime I could snap and rage about to de-stress myself by beating them in the arena or just at random.

Considering my few options of going back to base to work out, eat, teach and just mingle about with my troops the option I took up was to enjoy myself in the city for the night.

Nothing cures stress as some good booze.

Placing my hand to my chin I slowly began to talk to myself once again "Guess for now I can just search around for a good place to drink."

After saying this I got into information gathering mode.

Listening around to the voices of the very few people who walk the street at this time of night, I managed to catch wind of a decent club a few blocks down, taking in what they said I get going.

"So, the place I've heard of seems to be a really good club that's nearby. Sounds somewhat familiar though, guess I'll head that way for now." I had a small feeling swell up in me from my instinct that the club will be slightly entertaining for me.

Hopefully this entertainment ain't half bad.

Walking through several side streets and allyways I came across an almost hotel looking building that sat beside the expressway that was next to it above the city streets.

However upon my arrival I did find that the club was lacking among the variety of 'guest' as there was nobody to be seen outside the building other than a single bouncer who was sleeping on the job in his chair. It seems he was placed there to just prevent unwanted folk from entering.

There wasn't even anyplace for me to park my car! … If I had one.

"Though the outside lot looks rather empty, I have a feeling it is anything but on the inside, I can even hear the music from here. Maybe I can bribe the guard to get inside, or just sneak past?" Thinking to myself I weighed the options of forced entry, bribery, sneaking in or just straight up leaving and going elsewhere.

Exiting my mindscape I look back up at the front entrance and notice that I wasn't the only person to get the bright idea of going to a nightclub for a cheap drink or two.

A single person was making there way over.

Sighing out loud I note to myself about the club life "But seriously, some of the woman who go clubbing are hella hot. Like her…" But as I was speaking I stop mid sentence.

Looking closer at the figure of the girl she had an almost hourglass shape going for her, she was wearing some sort of sport outfit that mainly speedsters would wear when hauling ȧss down the highway and had golden hair that seemed almost 24carrot.

She was practically the definition of sėxy.

But as I was thinking this fleeting thought of mine, I notice it a little more and then squit my eyes to allow my eyes to focus in better "Wait, doesn't she seem rather familiar?" She reminded me of somebody I knew, but who?

There isn't anybody that she reminds me of off the top of my hea-

But then it hit me when she looked my way, as she got a look of surprise and called out "Big bro! Is that you?!"

With the way she called me I knew of only two people who called me as such and when I looked once again at the girl walking my way with an upbeat step I came to the conclusion... I ran into my Little Sister Yang. 'Seems coincidences do exist...'

While she was doing this I can only pray that she didn't hear me diss her slightly when I said I'd use her as an example.

"It really is you!" Running up to me she jumped at me, taking a step back I felt that if I were to dodge a fate worse off than death awaited me.

So I can only endure as I was sent flying alongside my sister as she squezed my head.

*Pomch!* The sound of us landing on the concrete wasn't the worst sound that I've heard but it still managed to irritate my ears slightly.

Landing on the ground I was used as cushioning for Yang and I slid my back on some dirt and pebbles.

Looking up at the girl who held my head in her embrace, what I saw was a smile that threatened to tear her mouth as she just seemed so happy to see me.

And the reason for this was simple...

"Ever since you stop talking to us three years ago we thought you died or went missing!" I in fact lost contact with Yang for a few years.

"Alright, alright, calm down. Lets just go inside and catch up over some drinks." Tapping on her arm to signal for her to let go, I of course decided to go along with what I was planning already.

Patting down my black long sleeved mantle I have a small feeling aching at me and so I look Yang in her eyes "No alcohol for you. Only soda."

Only I will be drinking whiskey tonight, she can down a lemon-lime soda if she is thirsty.

"WHAT?! Oh come on! You just met your cute little sister after so many years and you don't intend to give her a good night out?!" She seemed genuinly hurt that i'm not going to buy her anything with alcohol.

She already tried to get her way by pouting and using excuses.

Seriously, I do feel bad for leaving her behind but it was a rather sticky situation I got caught up in over the years and if she got involved then dying would be the least of her problems.

But that doesn't mean I will waiver.

Staring down on her with a single ring filled an d purple eye she couldn't help but twitch in response. "Sorry, but only those with an immunity to the dangers of the substance are allowed to drink in my precence. You know for a fact that I gave Qrow a beating for doing it in my precence before." Being unswayed by her simple argument I ignore her and make my way to the door.

Even though she wanted to mess around with the brother she hasn't seen in years Yang had said nothing as she knew that I'd punish her if she were to continue with her antics.

Besides, I'm giving her the cahnce to speak with me.

Looking at him sleeping on the job made me a little angry as I hated when my subordinates did anything similar and so I thought of doing what any reasonable person would do when within the territory of another person.

Cause mayham of course.

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