RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 40 - Hitting inside the club!

Settling upon a goal I finally figured how to have fun for the night.

Acting on impulse is just so fun and thrilling once in a while that I simply cannot help but to give in.

Approaching up to the bouncer I reach forward and grab ahold of the collar of his shirt.

"Woah! What?!" Snapping awake at being lifted up I held him up to my face, he wasn't that much shorter than me so lifting him up to my face still let his toes touch the floor.

"Hey man, put me down! Do you know what you're doing?!" This fake gangster thought he could look me in the eyes and say such stupid shit.

Raising my chin up I let my eye look down on him from above in a condescending manner. As he saw my action I could tell he was growing a little more angry than I should let him.

"I said, put me down!" Hearing him speak and seeing him grab for my arm, I came to the conclusion, I decided to listen.

Raising him up higher over my head I saw his struggle grow and I still looked at him as if he were nothing but garbage as I say to him "Okay then."

Watching the front doors man pass out, I walked over him with Yang in tow. But I also looked back and saw a bird, or more precisely a Raven. Starring it down, I walked into the hallway leading to the club deep within.

"So, hey bro... Why knock out the front door guy? We could have just walked past him, ya know?" Yang looked around at the paintings on the wall and asked a question I saw coming.

But ignoring her I just continued inside.

Entering the dephs of the building I go down two flights of stairs and reach an underground area, listening to the music that was playing I heard it was a song that I helped recreate: Red like Roses Pt.1

With this one I actually had to use a shadow clone of Ruby to help sing it, I just hope she doesn't find that out.

Walking into the main area, I found a large crowd of people that seemed to be having the time of their lives, I spotted the bar that was placed on the right side, the Dj was in the back overlooking the crowd.

Looking the place over once I felt that I saw someone familiar, the only thing that came to mind was some punk I fought a couple years back. Escaped once, shame on me.

But even so, I don't care for the little bastard what's his face.

Walking past the crowd on the outer part of the dance floor I spot what seem to be two beautiful ladies standing next to the bar area. Walking forward I fix my hair a bit and clean my cloak.

Approaching the bar, I walk up behind the two ladies that caught my eye.

Sitting beside them I look to the bartender and say "Bourbon on the rocks..." looking over at the ladies I also say out "And get these ladies whatever they want, it's on me" and gave a small wink to the one in red.

As I was doing so I tried to chat up with the ladies after I got my drink, this place was an underground joint and I did look old enough to pass for twenty so there was no hassling me. The only reason I got my hands on alcohol before was through bribery.

Seeing that I was getting nowhere with my tactics I look over at Yang who was sipping on a soda that had a little umbrella, but the already irritated guy on her left side was getting even more upset that a minor wandered into his club.

"Aren't you a little young to be in this kind of place?" He seemed very dismissive of Yang and turned around to leave when Yang piped up saying out "Aren't you a little old to be named Junior? Besides, my big brother is acting as my guardian." Pointing over towards me.

As junior hears this, he looks my way and knows that something is up, talking back to Yang "I can see that. So anyway, seems you know who I'am... Got a name Sweetheart?" 'Seems he's asking for a beating.'

Yang lifts her eyebrow to this and approaches "I've got several, but instead of Sweetheart..." slowly she lets her finger slide down his ċhėst, and grabs hold of his 'jewels!' "You can call me Sir!" Junior calls out with a "AURZT!" The weirdest cry of pain and distress I've heard in a while.

By this point even I'm tensed up at seeing her grab hold of Junior, as for his men? They were prepping for a battle, even had a gun to my head.

Now I simply cannot walk out of here.

Makes sense, I heard Monty Oum created some artwork about her.

Is she also in this world and not just something that will never evolve into something greater later on?

Anyway back to Junior who is in the process of his interrogation via his future children "I've never seen this person before, I swear!" With an audiable 'crunch' sound Yang leans in and ask loudly "Excuse me?!" She seemed angry. Very angry.

"I swear! Sir!" Giving Junior some room to breath she deliberated over the thought for a moment "Hmmmmmm… Seems we've quite the audience looking this way. Must be kinda embarrassing for you. Awkward!"

Looking over at his men who have their swords at the ready he saw this as his chance and took it with "Listen blondie, Sir. If you wanna make it out of here alive, I suggest you let go of me. Now!" He was speaking almost as if under his breath but the threatening was still there.

"HA Ha Ha! You think that you can speak to her like that? You must be a madman to speak with my sister in such a way!" All eyes were on me as of now. They tensed their muscles and even Junior sweated bullets.

But even so "Big Bro, don't worry I can handle this." Looking her in the eyes she nodded her head as if to show that she has the situation under control.

Finally Yang released Junior from her hold with a final "Urgh!" and he struggles to limp away while pulling out his sunglasses and saying out "You're gonna pay for that blondie!"

Following up behind the retreating figure of Junior Yang decides that the best way to leave was the same way we came in, without a care in the world.

"Hey Junior, no reason to be so upset! Let's kiss and make up. Ok?" This suggestion though quickly caught the ear of Junior and he stopped in his tracks and as for me? I wanted to rip his skull from his shoulders after his response.

"Huh?!… Well, okay?" Leaning down in on Yang I see his face near her and... *BAM!* Like team rocket took toward the sky!

Crashing through the glass pillar which I find to be very unsafe, I hear an almost scream like sound come out of nowhere as Junior grunts in pain and surprise.

The entire crowd bolts for the doors and attempt to leave as Junior is on the floor seeing hearts and after a bottle of vodka (hit him) fell unconscious. His men in suits gather around Yang as she bust out her gauntlets.

After I beat down the bartender who came my way and subdued the girls who wanted to also pick a fight I just sat on my stool and finished my drink watching over Yang as she causes the dance floor to somehow warp in shape from a small blast and even got the music to drastically change with the lights alongside it!

Like Protagonist Aura much?

Grabbing the bottle from the counter I continued drinking on Junior's dime.

The beatdown afterwards were much like how I remember them through the Yellow trailer all of those years... Wait, I just remembered who Junior was speaking to earlier! It was Roman!

Watching the fight once more I see that Yang has destroyed two more glass pillars and is currently dodging bullets as she goes to attack the Bear Head DJ.

His attempt to put several rounds into my sister was swiftly dashed into the wind. Much like his body. After receiving a proper beatdown that left the DJ booth damaged.

Totally willing to admit it, the way Yang reloads the Gauntlets on her arms is very cool. She empties the shells which were red hot after sucessive shots and cooled off after reaching the ground, she then reaches behind her for a belt of shotgun shells and throws it up into the air for it to wrap around the gauntles and click into place to fire away.

But what I'm most proud of is how Yang used the ammo, she actually mix matched it like I told her to! One round was used for a wide spread, the next was like a slug and another was Dragon Breath! Hell, even the classic rocket rounds are included!

Proud! How proud I was!

But since the girls Melanie and Milsha were currently rubbing their behinds on the ground right now, the next one to pick a fight was obviously.


Also, why were the twins rubbing their behinds? You don't need to know that weird voices in my head!

Watching Junior challenge Yang to a fight was like watching a child fight an ȧduŀt. The both of them were on different levels.

Shaking my head in silence I look down on both Melanie and Milsha who were just bȧrėly getting their barring once again. As they looked my way I can see that both of their faces went red in embarrassment, not saying a word they sit down on a stool each and relaxed.

Neither of them wanted to look me in the eyes.

Watching the battle wrap itself up I can tell that Junior managed to snag some of Yang's hair. Giving him a small prayer in my heart I watched as Yang crashed through the window carrying him on her fist.

Downing the last of my drink, I look to the twins and give them one more wink and "Till next time, ladies."

Seeing this the both of them lowered their heads and nodded in response.

As I stand up I take out my Scroll and send over one message to Yang [Gotta go now. Sorry we can't catch up with each other~! But don't forget... We have the rest of our lives to sit down and talk with one another.]

Walking up the steps and through the hall I simply cannot prevent myself from getting pumped up for tommorow's test.

With a wide smile I picked up my scroll and made a call.

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