RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 41 - Beginner Rounds (Test Two)

Walking onto stage I can hear my eardrums bellow out with the vibrations caused by the ensuing shouts of the crowd. Today's testing ground is the same as the day before.

Only instead of Grimm today we battle each other in combat.

If I were to have it my way, then this will be mortal combat and only the winner will live to see the rising sun the following day. Yet, killing is prohibited.

Truly is a pain I say.

But forget that. Now is the time of battle.

Looking up at the old man who will be today's narrator I stare him down as he preps to speak.

Ozpin began with clearing his throat "Ahem! Students, today we will hold out several matches amongst ourselves according to our ranking. Today I Ozpin the Principal of Beacon Academy will be the narrator as my most trusted ȧssistant Ms.Goodwitch is currently handling unrelated affairs outside of school..."

Ozpin goes on about his excuses... I swear he is almost as boring as Sarutobi and his "Will of Fire" speech. Honestly, he is annoying me to death!

Just get it on with the fighting!

It is a good thing that I didn't actively listen. That'd be a waste of brain cells.

Placing my hand to my forehead I shook it in annoyment.

Supposedly I'm the first to go as I was the one with the highest scoring from yesterday, all others who attempted to exceed it have perished and in total that amounts to six more bodies plus another five from carelessness.

These lowly students are so full of themselves as they can kill one or two weak adolescent Beowolves and so they think they're on top of the world.

Guess what? They weren't.

And now they are nothing more than corpses.

Looking back at Ozpin on top of his mobile stand I observe him put his hand into a closed box.

Within I can tell he placed a multitude of pieces of paper... This seems to be the way that Ozpin will select our opponents for battle.

Letting out an evil smirk I decided to ruin the several people that managed to piss me off yesterday.

With a deliberate use of one of my newer abilities [Telekenisis] I forced Ozpin to grab hold of a piece of paper with the name of the one who dared to question if I were to use a roundabout method to enter this damn academy!

That blond haired bastard is gonna be beaten within an inch of his life!


"The first contestant for today is the person with the last test highest score. Darian Uchiha! He defeated a Large Deathstalker, Large Jorogumo, Large Beringal and even six Beowolves! He is the MVP for the Grimm Slayer Test!"

All of the surrounding test takers who heard Ozpins words could feel the sweat pour down their necks and backs as their eyes landed on me.

But none had quiet down and let out resounding shouts. This achievement is rarely found amongst the first year students and much less outsiders.

Even so as for the classification for the Grimm that he stated I can only say that these Grimm were not truly that old at all. The three larger creatures were of ȧduŀt age, not elder age where they are even stronger or even the Ancient age... There even seemed to be older ones but I have not found any within that variety.

But the Beowolves were only at a teenager age, the larger Alpha Beowolves are actually just Adult Beowolves! That is the difference, older is equal to a larger size and greater power!

Grimm are a race that will only grow stronger until their deaths. That is the most basic of things I've understood.

As I am having a slight internal conflict within over my incompetence of understanding the Race known as Grimm the opponent that I was to take on has made his way forward onto the arena.

"Today's first match will be between yesterday's MVP and Erya Uzruth! These two will fight each other off in a spar and only one of them will come out on top, so let us see who will be the victor through their own means!"

Open his arms to the sky, Ozpin practically signaled the crowd of potential students and current students who attended to roar out in excitement as they got to watch the best of yesterday and the man who angered him fight.

No amount of speaking will prevent this battle! That is the thought that ran through their mind as they saw the look in my eyes as they laid upon Erya.

He had been so brazen as to question the fairness of my examination. This fact alone means he is very deserving of death.

But the way he dressed deserved my disdain. He had a disgusting shade of blond for hair, he wore white clothing with patches of black and gold trimmed armor pieces, he even carried a katana as if he knew how it can be used.


Yet, within his eyes I saw the most disgusting thing of him as of yet. His disdain for everybody around him, especially when his eyes were laid on a Faunus student.

Just watching the way he walks as he moves up to me seems to have my blood flowing in the a torrent.

"As the announcer for today's matches, I finally declare that the First match between Darian Uchiha and Erya Uzruth has BEGAN!" Ozpin finally announces the start of the match.

Looking at a foul smirk on Erya's face I reached back for Kubikribocho that was laying against my armor and lifted it high above myself and ... let go of it.

The force behind my arm as it picked up my mighty weapon was far from little as Kubikirbocho was sent flying high above the stage and then came crashing down.

With a resounding *BOOM!!* The arena let out a small quake as my giant blade was inserted into the concrete like floor that was used for today's battleground.

Dust was picked up and sent flying to the surrounding area. It seemed almost as if a giant vehicle was what landed in the center of the arena.

All of the surrounding spectators looked on in awe as their gaze landed on my beloved weapon as it was left stuck into the ground, yet the great overbearing feeling it gave off had not settled in the least almost as if it would jump out and slice you into many piece at any moment.

"Today, my handicap for my challengers is that I will not be using any weapons. Only my body itself will be used to beat all of you down." The words I spoke were simple and yet they knew that from yesterday, I will be bȧrėly held back.

Yet I continued on "I will also put into place the fact that I will not leave within one meter of where I currently stand, These are the handicap I will hand to the lot of you!"

Using my feet I dug out the concrete in a perfect circle that went one meter in diameter around myself. For the fights of today, I will not leave this circle when I'm to battle.

My enemies can only come to meet their defeat.

"Now come at me, you damn mongrel!" Laying my eyes on Erya, it seemed as if I were looking at a mere pebble that sat beside a mountain.

Of course out of the entire lot of candidates for Beacon Academy the ranged weapon users were praying to fight me for an easy win.

And accross from me, I can tell that Erya was angered by blatant provoication to him and his so called 'honor' of having to got to his opponent who looked down on him.

"Tch! You damn fool." He seemed to be quite angry.

Grasping the hilt of his katana in both his hands he pointed it toward me with his right shoulder more outward than his left. He stood facing me and focusing his Aura more around his feet and his weapon.

From what I remember, his main way of attack is to immediatly attempt and overpower his enemy with speed and then a single powerful attack. Though usually he would have a few slaves for buffing and healing him.

But here he is by himself.

And besides...

"Shukuchi!" Dissapearing from his spot, the crowd had lost sight of Erya.

He had was gone!

Quickly, almost as if teleporting Erya appeared infront of me. It seemed he felt extrodinarily confident in his blade skills.

With his blade held high to the sky Erya hollared out in my face "Void Cutt-"

He didn't manage to finish.

My left hand swung out in a half clenched state and hit on the left side of Erya's face. This caused a wripple to appear on the surface of his body. And ultimatly, he was sent flying away.

'He is far to weak.' was teh only thoat taht ran through my mind durring this minute of annoyance for myself.


A loud crash was heard from where Erya landed on the wall of the arena.

Those from the day before had come to the conclusion that Erya was more than likely dead from the attack.

Silence was all taht was left in the arena.

Not a sound could be heard as Ozpin made his way to Erya who's body fell to the ground.

As he tightened his eybrow2s he made a rudimentary check on Erya's well being and made a quick discovery and it was far from pleasent.

'His body may be strong, but after his Aura was smashed in the first attack, he was left greatly damaged after crashing into the wall. Though he does have a pulse.'

Standing up Ozpin looked me square in the eyes as he sipped from his coffee mug.

"Erya Uzruth has survived the match and was thrown from the Arena! The winner of today's first match is Darian Uchiha!"

The announcement caused many of people to let out the air in their ċhėst.

This was soon followed by the crowd letting out the tension in their bodies by screaming into the sky!

The arena was filled with noise as I made it onto the next round of selection.

Time for round two!

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