RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 42 - Finalist Round (Test Two)

The fights were as dull as I imagined them to be... The only excitement I got was seeing some other beings from anime make their appearance.

Through the fights I managed to see Akito Wamijima, Itsuki Inami, Kazuma Mikura, Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Levi Mcgarden, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, Sakura Haruno, Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Uryu Ishida, Moka Akashiya, Edward Elrick, Shiba Tatsuya, Hitoyoshi Zenkichi, Akane, Tatsumi, Mine, Lubboc and many others... Though most were waiting in the crowd that surrounded the arena as they were either not to join Beacon or already have.

Just getting to see my competition fight out on the floor was enough to make my blood boil over in an immense sensed of excitement that nearly made me jump out and attack them on sight. But I held back in my urge to attack by saying that their will be a chance for us to spar in the future, no matter how little.

But seeing some of them helped me understand that others may similarly be here as well, I knew just how grave the future of this world is... I must not slack off if I do not want anybody close to me to have a bad end.

Inhaling the sweet smelling air that surrounds me in every direction I take back my instinct by force and bundle it up into the back of my mind where it can lay still until needed.

At the moment all of my fighting will is thoroughly held back as I don't want to accidentally kill anybody... But if it is on purpose then I couldn't care less.

"And this brings us to the Finals for today's match!!" Ozpin announced over the system to those who would lend an ear as most were to busy trying to remain seated rather than jump about and cause a scene in public.

They wanted to see the last fight of today no matter the cost!

This was what everybody was waiting for and now they could revel in the enjoyment of watching the most anticipated fight of the evening!

Bloodlust was practically filling the air as if it were a cup under the tap.

Watching as she made her way forward was a joy in of itself.

Her armor which would reflect the light back off into the sky with a nice looking longsword sword with a pair of wings on the cross guard, her boots were made of a navy blue leather that matched the color of her skirt and yet was as opposite as can be of her scarlet red hair.

Seeing who I was to fight in my next battle made me want to leap forward and toss her out of the arena with a single attack and yet I held myself back as much as I could waiting in complete anticipation for the battle ahead.

Raising up the microphone to his mouth once again Ozpin in all of his old glory spoke to the exhilarated crowd with a voice filled with purpose and excitement himself.

"Today the contestants of the Finals are made of two seperate people! On the South end of the Arena we have the most feared amongst the contestenats! Darian Uchiha!" Introducing me for the battle was more than enough to set off an explosion of cries from the audaince.

Waiting a monet for the loud shouts to tone down Ozpin spoke once again "And today the secondary finalist is the gorgous and yet dangerous Erza Scarlet!" Introducing Erza was what seemed to have caused a secondary explosion to go off that mainly came from teh men as they made groups in support of Erza.

She was not only beutiful but extremely dangerous as she has shown her prowess in her previous fights. She came out on top for a reason, she was simply more experienced than her competition and stronger at that.

Though I'm no way less than her and am in fact better. The crowd knows this as I was the one to beat down Killua and Ichigo, two of the people that the crowd focused heavily on.

Though I didn't get the chance to fight Sasuke, I could tell that he wanted to run at me with all of his might and strike me down.

What I refuse to use are any abilities that require chakra or aura which are the two energies I mainly use, I also do not want to use any weapons.

Looking toward Erza as she stands opposite me was rather intimidating. She had released her aura which she already learned to use and it consisted of a massively overwhelming Berzerker Aura, I felt that if I so much as touched her she would throw me down and crush me under her foot.

Standing opposite of her I didn't release my aura about into the atmosphere but as I reached my right hand forward I grasped the air and took hold of a Gauntlet, taking it into my left hand I slid it onto my right. The gauntlet was made out of titanium casting and a lead inside for durability and weight.

Erza didn't find the action of mine very surprising as she herself could do something similar with her Requip Magic.

How do I know this? Knowledge is power and 'Appraisal' is the king of knowledge.

A single glance and I knew she can still use Requip.

Staring each other down as I adjust to the gauntlet on my hand I can tell the looks of the audience changed sharply as they had not seen me take such preparations before in any fight as of yet.

All were handled with only the use of my bȧrė hands and fist. Only now I have worn a protective item other than my red armor. And it was just a gauntlet to signify that I still have yet to meet my match.

'Boy have I changed...' There was basically a sweat drop on the back of my head.

As we both take our stances in preparation for battle I place my right foot forward with my right hand and gauntlet slightly protruding as well while my left arm is at my side. Erza grabs the handle of her longsword with both her hands and places her right foot slightly forward as well, she also strangely placed her hair into a ponytail prior to taking her stance,

Both of us refused to break eye contact as Ozpin continued to hype up the viewers of the fight.

Finally he began what I wanted to hear "Alright, I want to see what the both of you two are made of... Let the battle commence!"

As soon as his words finished, the stadium suddenly went quiet as if they had all lost teh ability to speak at once.

Even the howling of the wind was rendered mute as both Erza and I shifted slightly in our positions.

Our breathing was synchronized and our minds were blank, today only one of us will make it to the top.

If I lose then I lose, but if she lost then it might be a humiliation for her.

*Fwooh~* The wind had finally sounded.

And yet at the same time I had made my move!

Lurching forward onto the ground, I was found to be already in front of Erza! Raising my right hand outward I shot it toward the gut of Erza in an attempt to immediately incapacitate her, though as expected she immediately shifted her blade to the right and blocked my attack.

Using the force of my blow, Erza jumps back to stabilize her stance upon landing.

Unwilling to let her go I launched into the air as well and came down with my leg to smash down upon her! *KRCHASH!!* The stadium rumbled under my blow and picked up a cloud of dust into the surroundings.

Erza initiated her counter by smacking the flying stones back at me with the side of her blade.

Deflecting each hit of hers I found dents to appear on my gauntlet that shifted the plating around slightly and made it easier to attack my arm underneath.

She noticed this as well and as we met once more for a scuffle she launched many attacks toward my arm in an attempt to disable it, she knew that holding back would only bring her harm and did everything to prevent me from going on.

The battle grew more intense as loud cracks of air were popping around the arena and causing devastation in our wake.

We knew only combat and nothing more as we slowly attempted to gain the advantage.

Eventually I managed to get in a solid hit and cause Erza to fly up into the air where the dust we caused to appear had collected into a cloud.

Waiting for her reentrance I made sure to solidify my stance so that I can attack as she falls down... Though it seems she was through playing around and as she reentered the arena I noticed instantly that her form was different!

She had Requiped!

Coming down onto the earth below she wore a black and brown spiked armor that I instantly recognized! And in her hand was a six foot long spike mace... This was Erza's Purgatory Armor!

From everything I know about it......…. I know absolutely nothing?!!??!!

Forcing most of my power into my right fist I throw it toward Erza who is coming crashing down upon me, I knew that Erza was a bad opponent for an extended fight and yet I gave her the chance to literally get the drop on me.

How foolish to have not laid out a few more cards sooner!

*CRUH!!* My left knee dug into the ground below as soon as I made contact with her mace, she could change the weight of her armor and mace!


Sweeping up a cloud of dust so high that all visability in the arena was rendered nill the audiance was left stunned at the explosion that was caused one after another. This was like a warzone filled with explosives!

The fight caused many to have their blood boiling and even sent others into wonder about our full power and yet when the cloud of dust cleared up enough it was found that Erza was leaning on her mace... While Darian was lying in a whole!

It seemed that the battle was over and the outcome nobody expected had occurred!

Darian had lost!

The crowd lost their minds over this fact and went wild in cheers and cries as even Ozpin was left dumbfounded... But a win was a win and a loss was a loss.

Gripping the mike in his hand he wore a smile that wasn't really a smile and opened his mout to announce the results.

"Erza Scarlet has -!!!"


Turning their heads to the voice, the crowd, Ozpina and Erza were shocked to find that Darian was slowly patting off the dust on his cloak and was rubbing his bȧrė hands on the cracks that appeared on the armor he wore.

Everyone was silent as they looked upon me as I slowly cleaned my clothing and body by patting on it. They were in complete shock as to what they were seeing.

They saw that Erza crashed down on him with a direct attack that decimated a portion of the arena and yet here he was silently cleaning himself off.

It was almost as if this attack had bȧrėly fazed him in the least...

"What the... Is he immortal or something?"

"Man, he simply can't die huh?"

"I'd be dead if that hit me..."

"What are you saying? You'd be ground into a paste!"

Members of the audience quietly commented to themselves and others as they looked at me unaware of my true capability.

Yet even just this had caused them to be stirred up as if a hornet nest and they began to buzz up those around them into shouting about.

The arena was once more filled with roars of enjoyment and laughter as they cannot believe the battles they get to see as of today!

But the most unexpected thing was what came from Erza herself!

The entirety of the audience went quiet after hearing her speak out.

The words she said had thrown them from heaven straight to hell!

With a small smirk on her face, Erza said out "I give".

Two words, five letters, the most surprising words to have been spoken all day.... Erza Scarlet has given up the match!

Hearing the words as they were spoken, Ozpin himnself almost lost his cool but soon decided to make the announcement "Due to Erza Scarlet forfetting the match... The winner of todays match of student on student... Is Darian Uchiha!"

The crowd didn't want to celebrate but rather cry and yet they could hold back and shout out in excitement as they heard the results!

At the end of it all, in the end the winner was indeed choosen Darian Uchiha!


As I heard the results I couldn't help but frown slightly as I knew that Erza wouldn't so easily give up like this.

Approaching Erza I could feel the eyes of the surroundings on me as I made my way toward Erza.

Stopping in front of her I asked out "Why?" A simple question.

And yet the answer I got back was equally as simple "I don't need to win" and yet I was more confused than ever before!

'You don't need to win?' This was something that I simply couldn't fathom for several seconds. But then it occurred to me that Erza was easily already on the top of the list and she didn't mind giving I, a worthy opponent the win that was inevitable.

But yet deep inside I was slightly frustrated at such an answer, it almost sent me over the edge in anger but I kept myself tied up and didn't act out.

Looking back at Erza I found her hand sticking out to me with a smile on her face.

"It would be best to continue this when you are willing to go all out... Don't you think so?" Hearing her speak her mind was what cleared my head of any doubts.

With a firm look of expectation on my face I could only imagine our next spar!

Gripping the hand she gave to me with my now bȧrė right hand I gave it a good grab and single shake in anticipation for the future.

Seeing our action the crowd blew up into pieces and noise filled the air enough to almost drown my ears unto their demise.

This bit of sportsmanship was enough for both myself and Erza to gain the hearts and imagination of those who watched on in wonder.

With a smile etched into the faces of everybody Ozpin made the final announcement to alert us of tomorrow.

"Ok potential students of Beacon and audience!" The crowd came to a grinding halt as they listened in on tomorrow's task.

"Tomorrow is the final round of test for everybody here who is seeking to enter my school for this year!"

Shouts rang around in enjoyment for the anticipation for the information on the final round of matches.

"Tomorrow your willpower shall be tested, this round was actually specially prepared due to how many contestants had shown up with above average abilities and powers."

Sucking in their breath they all leaned in closer to better hear what it is.

"The next round of matches consist mainly of!"

'Of? Of what?!' Everybody had the same thoat go throught their mind as they reveled in what it might be!

Could it be that they would have a senior aura master force pressure onto the students to see how long they can last?

A test to see hwo versatile or powerful their abilities are?!

Maybe it was just a scavenger hunt or a dungeon dive?!

What the hell could it be?!!??!! They all questioned to themselve and yet refued to say it out loud.

"A...... Surprise!"


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