RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 43 - Today's Test and Handicap!

Within the walls of the arena lays a waiting room for any contestants if they feel the need to find a place to ready for battle.

As usual I was given an advanced notice that I was to be the first up for the final test set up by the school. Though at the moment I had my giant weapon and my armor stored away alongside the rest of my arsenal.

In all honesty I have no clue where Ozpin got the idea for these insane test, but apparently it was after a meeting with some powerful beings. Though I don't know who was involved I know that they aren't to be underestimated.

As I sit on a bench observing the screen on the wall above me I drink from a coffee cup in hand, it was Deathwish coffee that I bought from the System Store. Drinking this coffee is all that I needed to last me a day of work and yet for some reason I drink more of it than I should.

While taking a sip from the cup and waiting for the broadcast to begin I hear to my left the clacking of leather boots as they hit the ground, looking over to my left I find who was approaching me, it was Erza Scarlet that was making her way over.

"Ah, Darian!" She greeted me with a small wave as she stopped at my side and sat down.

"I don't suppose this seat is taken, is it?" As she looks at me and ask this question I couldn't help but let a small smile slip out. "No. Feel free to stay as long as you like."

Continuing on in silence for a moment I drink my coffee and looking over at Erza I began "So what brings you here? From your fighting power it would seem that you are more than capable enough to take down Grimm in large numbers with ease."

As if she knew I'd ask this question she didn't stop to think and said "Simple, in this world you need credibility to create a powerful force. I plan to create something similar with many others and if we were well known for our strength that would make things progress faster."

"What is it that you want to create? A guild perhaps?" Speaking out my theory she smile and nods her head "We are planning to create a mercenary type guild, Fairy Tail."

Looking deep into her eyes I see an endless abyss filled to the brim with hope and eagerness.

With a smirk on my face I stare her down and speak but two words that are destined to rewrite history itself, leaning in closer I bear my teeth in a smile and say with an overbearing yet quiet tone "For Fun."

Absolutely taken aback at my response she almost jumped up at me to wrap her hands around me neck and question me, when the TV decided it was time to get things started.

Hearing the intro to the arena camera Erza slowly sat back down and I began to sip from my coffee again trying to enjoy the extremely bitter taste as it wallows in my mouth.


*PUCSHHH!!!* Instantly my coffee was spat out "*Cough cough cough!!*" Coughing my lungs out to clear my throat.

To my side Erza was surprisded by my reaction and began to pat my on my back to help relieve me a bit.

Looking up with a face that held a look filled with embarrassment and horror I can only look on and do nothing.

"This years high school arena fight that you've all come to support is prepping to begin~! This year the school has concocted up another secret test for its potential students! This is the Amity Colossium Battles! Everyone, ARE YOU READY?!" With a booming voice that echoed off the arena walls the crowd was given the much uneeded adrenaline rush of a shouting man. But with this voice they could only similarly scream out in joy for they want to see the next fights.

Today's announcer had the affect to automatically gather the excitment of the crowd and propel their excitment forward with gusto.

To my side I can hear Erza comment in a bewildered voice "Well he surely seems... Interesting... To say the least." A wry smile hung on her face as she watched the blond haired idiot on the screen scream at the audiance.

"Now then folks! Are you prepared to hear of today's test?!" "OOoAAAHH" The crowd was pumped full of adrenaline and were fully prepared for the final test. This event happens five times a year and most missed the first four so today was the last chance to get a look at an amazing battle until the Vytal Festival Tournament.

Standing up I said a quick see you later to Erza and walked toward the opening that led to the arena.

Along the way I made sure to equip my armor and take out Kubikirbocho. This weapon may not be the best that I can get, but it's endurance is far better than others. On a full battlefield this weapon can reign supreme.

"As soon as our first contestant makes his enterence I will state today's test! SO GET READY FOR - DARIAN UCHII~HA!" Hearing the mad man scream I walked out the exit toward the field outside the arena,

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The crowd went balistica at the thought of seeing the most anticipated fighter show up first for battle. Today was to be the best show they've seen in sometime, they told themselves.

Taking steps out onto the arena I can feel the gazes land on me from every direction, the amount seems to be three times that of yesterday. I have no clue as to how so many people managed to show up today but I have a vague feeling that it involves a plan held by Ozpin as per usual.

Standing out on the flat arena I can tell that today it will be the same set up as the day before. Just a flat fighting arena that was made to take punishment.

I guess this might be the only hint as to today's test.

Taking out a piece of paper he began to shout out "Alright! Now that our first contestant of the day has made his enterence, let us get out the pool of opponents that he can choose from~!!"

*Krkrkrkrkrkr* On the opposing side of the arena I see a large gate lift up into the air and off the ground, behind it laid only drakness. then sombody stepped out. Then another.

Many people began to walk out of the opened gate, there were twenty such people in total and the only thing that helped identify them as the opposing team and not potential students was their outfits. Jailhouse inmate outfits, black and white striped prisoner rags.

'Ah, so that is what today's test is.'

Looking at the prisoners make their way to surround their side of the arena I already managed to come to a conclusion on today's test. We had to win a battle against an inmate.

'Reminds me of HunterXHunter.'

In that anime they had a similar trial that showed they had to win a battle against an inmate, doesn't matter how they won the battle; they just had to win.

With a moment of looking at them I already thought of a handicap for myself as of today. Considering I can tell that none of the inmates are redeemable, I can do as I please.

With this I can let off some steam and show what I'm made of at the same time.

The crowd knowing what is about to happens goes into a roaring state where they perpare to focus on the soon to be ensueing battle.

But before I get the chance to speak out my choice of opponent I hear from the announcer "AH! Wait wait wait! I forgot to ask one question of Darian the first challenger of today!" Looking up at him both the crowd and myself are eqaully angry at his interruption

Knowing his lack of time he quickly moves on "I need to ask for your handicap of today's challenge Darian! Ozpin wanted to make sure you didn't forget to implement it. He said that he already had an idea on what you might do and so he wrote it down for me to announce if you don't feel like talking."

Staring him down as he stands in the spokesman box under the giant Television, I gave simple nod with a look that was anticipating what Ozpin had thought I'd have gone with.

Seeing my answer he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out another piece of paper, except this one was taped shut and after tearing it off and opening it he began to speak with an almost shaking voice.

"Umm, well, uhhh..... Okay! Darian Uchiha! Ozpin came to the conclusion that you would decide to... Take on all of the inmates at once!" Hearing what the principal had thought I would do shocked parts of the crowd and others were nodding in agreement as it made sense to them.

On my face appeared a small smirk that slightly hid the contempt in my eyes. He thought he could see through me? 'Trash!'

He's managed to come to such a close match of what I had decided and yet he still underestimated my thought process. He clearly doesn't know my personality.

Taking another two steps forward I stuck my arms out and said with a loud voice amplyfied with a slight bit of lightning chakra "I've decided on today's handicap!"

Waiting for my responce they quieted down and listened in "Today's handicap is that after all opposing inmates enter the arena, only one side may leave with their lives!"

Gobsmacked the entire arena went quiet, nobody spoke no sound was made and even breathing could not be heard.

What did he just say?!

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