RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 44 - Jailhouse Slaughter (Final Test.1)

Looking down on the arena with his mouth open and sunglasses crooked, the clear look of shock at this random statment threw him off inside of his mind, he almost yelled out profanity like the rest of the audience.

Clearly nobody thought that I was able to handle such a situation.

Listening to their jeers and their taunts would usually have made me want to turn this arena into a mass grave but I decided to forgo such a conclusion as I see it as unnecessary.

Seeing that my handicap was that only one 'side' was able to leave with their lives many came up with the bright idea of stomping on me all at once.

How foolish.

Some cracked wide grins that exposed their teeth or lack there of. Many wanted me dead and others just wanted to escape, some didn't even bother and just went to sit down and wait until the situation resolved itself.

Looking at each and every single face of these prisoners I can see some more faces that I recognize. Of course most I couldn't care if they died.

The first one I recognized was Minene Uryu, she was one of the few that decided to sit the fight out, considering that she specialized in explosives it made sense that she didn't have the need or will to fight.

Of the few that decided to come forward I recognize four of them: Kei Munakata, out of the four in front of me he is the one that I would like to kill the least. He could be more useful than others for an instructor position.

Number two: Johness the Dissector, a random criminal who appeared in HunterXHunter, a nobody who is throwing away his life. He seems to already be flexing his wrist for when he tries to grab at my flesh.

But the freshest memory comes straight from number three: Chizome Akaguro, a villain from my Hero Academia as in the same series as the announcer. No idea how they managed to catch him but he still managed to get his hands on a couple knives and his face is as usual twisted and ugly as he silently walks in my direction almost as if he isn't walking my way.

Number four managed to surprise me and even made me want to kill him on sight: Jan Valentine, a vampire from the Helsing series; I knew I'd meet more vampires but for me to meet this fuċk face first pisses me off. Almost as much as that damn smirk he has on while walking towards me. God, I want him dead!

These guys seemed to have been reading my mind as they decided to speak in the order I introduced them.

Speaking from where she was seated she looked over the four heading my way directly and only shook her head "You four are walking to your deaths, I've heard what this guy is capable of and going against him is low on my list of priorities."

Shifting his arm slightly Munakata pulls out a spear out of seemingly nowhere, looking back at Uryu he squits his eyes leaving only a fierce and piercing gaze to rest on her. After doing so he say "He has become to arrogant, therefore I will kill him. He has challenged us and I want to get out of here, so I will kill him. You are weak and submitting to him, therefore I will kill you next."

Johness didn't care, cracking his knuckles and flexing his wrist he ignored the advice of Uryu with simply arguing back at the both who are staring eachother down. Uryu wants to see the four of them become a mist of blood from an internal explosion while Munakata wants to bisect Uryu for attempting to dissway him from killing. Glancing at the two he scoffed "Damn brats, let me show you how I rip the flesh from his body. I'm going to take my time."

As he stepped forward he found a blade to his neck, slowly a drop of blood slid down and the knife was retracted, with cold sweat flowing down his back he looked at who he drew his blood to find Akaguro or more commonly know as Stain 'The Hero Killer' ŀɨċkɨnġ the drop of blood.

Stain glanced at Johness who was scared stiff, he wore a frown as he glanced over the others and found that they too were staring his way and said with a husky voice "Today I will be using your strength to get rid of this abomination that people refer to as a Hero. But that doesn't mean that I'll let you live afterwards. Only True Hero's deserve to live, False Hero's and Villains deserve to die. This is because you scum are causing the world to become more and more disgusting by the day."

Taking his eyes off of them he now looked my way and let out his intentions "The weak deserve to be culled. While the pretentious deserve an execution." Lifting up his blade he got into position to make a charge in my direction.

But before he could do that he was interuppted by hand on his shoulder, following the hand up the arm he finds an ugly face that's sporting a silly smirk without worry of death. Jan Valentine was messed up in the head and so whatever came from his mouth was to be expected.

Opening his mouth many in the audiance nearly colapsed at hearing what he said "Jeez man, your ŀɨċkɨnġ that blood up like a hooker does with my dɨċk. The name is Jan Valentine and let me tell you this ya damn ghoul. I'm gonna go and skull fuċk this bastard before you get the chance to get near him. You see, I don't share my food with any old faggoty fuċk such as yourself, so why don't you go and suck yourself off in the corner while I feast on this little shit? Ah?"

Looking around at the people that starred at him Jan was wonderiung what they wanted, looking down he checked his fly and found it was closed.

Growing immpatient at the lack of action and the interactions of the inmates I've decided that it was enough time for them to have prepared. Now all of them will die.

With a single pull of the arm I lifted my sword from my back and weilded it on my shoulder to red in preparation for a strike, finally understanding the situation all of those across from me got ready for a fight.

Seeing that they understood I let a smile etch itself across my face and swung down Kubokiribocho in a chopping motion toward the most annoying of all, Jan.

Today this vampire will die!

Seeing that he was the first target in mind he made a step backward and prepared to dodge to the side.

But a fit of laughter entered my ears as somthing seemed to appear in front "Gyeyahahaha!" But it didn't matter to me, bisect them now, questions later.

As many saw that a figure appeared to have flown in front of me and that I didn't stall my blade they knew that today many would face their death. Watching on as my sword cleaved through the person's shoulder many closed their eyes to avoid the sight of death.

But somthing strange happened, my sword cleaved through a bit too easy at first and then stopped mid way through!

As my sword came to a stop I looked my opponent in the face and found someone who I didn't care for in the least. Buggy the Clown the torso of Buggy was flying infront of me and Kubokiribocho was stuck in his ċhėst, though he was cut in half he didn't care as he pulled the seperated body together and surrounded my sword in his uncutable flesh.

Letting out slight giggles he stared me in the eyes "Do you think that you can kill the great Buggy with a mere sword?! How foolish of you! Learn your lesson from this!" As he said his final bit his torso twisted backwards into a weird position, using all the force he could manage and put great pressure on my weapon.

Eventually a *Chink!* was heard as many cracks began to appear and then eventually *CHICH!* as it snapped in two.

Most of my sword was stuck within the body of Buggy and small bits fell to the floor where they got stuck and stood strong as if ready to pierce any foot daring enough to step on them.

For such a large weapon to not only have no effect on an opponent but also snap into two seperate piece caused a collective gasp to be let out amongst those who managed to witness it. Those who had their eyes closed had opened them to see an unbelieveable sight.

The main weapon of Darian was snapped before the battle even began?!

Gloating at the fact that he broke my weapon of choice Buggy bagan to howl in laughter "Gyahahahahahaa! Did you think that you could defeat me! Well let me tell you this, nobody has ever taken on the great Buggy and lived! GYahahaha!"

As he celebrated in breaking my favorite weapon the killing intent I let out went unnoticed by him, unlike everybody else who could feel as if they had a hand clenched around their neck, everybody but Buggy felt like they were suffocating under the pressure.

The crowd collectively looked my way and saw a sight that they'd never forget.

*Chuch* From behind Jan was stabbed clean through with what remained of the broken Kubokiribocho, looking back at me and into my eyes he said with his final breath "You fuċkɨnġ pussƴ...." and slowly the blood left his body and onto the end of my sword, leaving behind a husk of a body behind.

The first death of many.

Seeing this sight many were scared, they finally found out what made my weapon special, Kubokiribocho can use the blood of living beings to repair itself. This weapon would be a monster on the battlefield and wouldn't fear being broken.

In the world of Remnant the Hunters would have various weapons with unique functions specified for that Hunter. But to see a sword use blood to regenerate was a first for every single one of them. No technology was able to recreate this effect!

... Now it begins!

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