RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 45 - Jailhouse Slaughter (Final Test.2)

All eyes were focused on me, nobody looked away. Many could feel the air thicken and it grew harder to breathe by the second.

Some swallowed their saliva as it puddled in their mouth.

Some quit breathing entirely and remained motionless as if a deer looking into the headlights of an incoming vehicle.

A few even passed out on the spot and had their bodies stiffen straight or fall over.

But all have a single thought that made them all equal no matter what happened to them or how they acted... 'Monster...'

The overflowing bloodlust suffused into the air and filled the arena as if it were a fishbowl overflowing with mud.

Looking at the body of Jan as it slowly began to turn to dust and wither away back into the nothingness whence he came.

Seeing that my weapon expanded out about another two feet in length. The blade not only absorbed his blood it also stole away his Aura and refined it into itself. His blood seemed to heavily affect Kubokiribocho as I can see a slight hue of red on its natural steel color.

Even though I did add in a bit of other metals into the blade over the years I haven't seen this change until now.

As I took a good look at my now five foot long blade I can see that quite a few prisoners took the chance of me staring at my weapon to back away slowly and hope to not become the next target.

Even Johness seems to have lost his will to fight and he backed away by over a meter from his previous spot.

The only two to have remained in place from where they stood was Stain and Buggy. Stain wanted me dead and knew not fear while Buggy knew that I had no way to hack into his body but as I took a glance at his face I could see the fear in his eyes.

I can already guess that Buggy finally realizes the hornets nest he just kicked and as for Stain? He might want this weapon, it can cut through almost anything and regenerate with the blood of others. Fits him to a 'T' I have to say. Too damn bad he'll never get it.

But other plans were prepared in advance.

From nowhere I have two seperate swords head my way from behind, I quickly crouched down and let them pass from overhead. Sweeping my leg back I kicked at the legs of the one to attack. The legs jumped up and over my whole body to land on the other side of myself.

Seems this student killer couldn't quite hold in the urge.

"You have killed one of my targets. For doing that service I will provide a reward. Death." Sweeping his arms I found that three sepearate weapons headed my way from his sleeves.

Stepping backward and sticking out my left hand I intended to catch the three swords thrown my way with a single move.

From behind I could feel it though, bloodlust.

Shifting to the side I let the weapons bypass me and towards the one behind, seems that Stain couldn't hold himself back either as he had launched himself my way in a lackluster attempt at a backstab.

Seeing the weapons head his way he ducked down and reached out to grab the last sword by the handle, successfully grasping it in hand he slashed it my way to the left side of my body. Same as before I just stepped back and dodged his attack.

From the right side stood the murderer who hasn't killed and to the left was the Hero Killer, most would think that I'm at a disadvantage being surrounded by a great potential for a Shinobi and the guy who can mop the floor with High Tier Heroes. But the sense of urgency I felt was null.

But with this small feeling of anger I can guarantee that a whole lot of people are going to die today.

Looking over the lot of them all, I can feel it inside me again, a voice in my head kept belittling me and forcing my hand. Yet I never listened.

The voice in my head was drowned out by my own screaming and roars. If not mine that drowned it out, then it was my enemies.

Taking a glance at the faces of everyone here I see hope in their eyes. Yet I meant what I said and that hope of theirs will soon be shattered.

I will make sure of it.


Weilding what I have of Kubokiribocho I lifted it up to my ċhėst level and held it steady in my right hand.

Raising it up I held it equal to my forehead. The weight of this weapon was enough to crush the surface of the floor beneath me if I were to realease my grip.

Unbeknownst the reason to everyone present, I raised the weapon even slightly higher and crouched while driving the weapon into the stage below me.

Inspecting it closely one could see a small line of red run up the handle of my weapon and slowly solidify itself at various parts.

Lifting up my half blade from the debris attached on the end was a now withering skull. A preson with some ȧssassination skill went underneath me and attempted to launch a sneak attack.

Yet he was the one to meet Death in the end.

... Standing up from the ground I let thje skull slide down my blade and clatter onto the ground. This time it was left mostly intact as he wasn't a vampire.

But his technique reminded me of that of a Shinobi from the Land of the Rock. Shame that his techniques were unable to go undetected.

Finally I can get down to buisness.


Running toward my left and right side both Munakata and Stain rushed forward with both hands grasping a pair of weapons. Knives on my left and swords on my right.

Thinking of how to rid myself of the both of them I think of a potential use for Stain. After that thought wiggled its way into my brain I knew it would be best for the future.

Stain was easily the fastest and had already managed to reach me while Munakata was still two meters away.

In the short preiod that he had gained ahead, he truly showed his worth.

Stretching out his right arm the knife in his hand made an attempt to go for my juggular and slice open my throat in one fell swoop, his left knife had stretched toward me almost similtaniusly from a different angle and its goal was solely my blood.

Making his attempt to draw my blood and kill me similtaniously was rather flattering as it meant he knew just how dangerous I was in comparison to him.

But not even a centimeter away from my neck and right leg, both weapons were stopped... By other weapons. When Munakata had attacaked me from behind I swiftly grabbed his hands and swung his swords to fend off the knives from reaching me.

Taking the moment of surprise I kicked upward to the jaw of Stain, he saw my movement, Stain bȧrėly avoided my attempt to diable him and moved backwards in retreat.

Munakata who was still in my grasp had made an attempt to shift his torso and draw out what seemed to be throwing needles, with a flick of his wrist he'd be able to lodge at least ten of them in me at this range. But he seemed to have forgotten a single fact.

I'm still gripping his forearms.

Bringing my leg back down from the kick to Stain I swept it around and kicked up Munakata's legs out from under him and tossed his body forward by using his arms as leverage.

*Pah!* Stain drirectly caught him after he regained his balance as he didn't have the leeway to dodge.

Watching the both of get into position to strike again I felt only calmness wash over me.

And then I quickly threw out my right arm to the side! *BOo* *TIng*

A sniper attemted to take my life while I had my guard down. Glancing over I stared him in the eyes and saw him drop his weapon in fear.

As I watched him I jumped back from my position and continued to look where I once stood. At that spot stood several weapons of a random ȧssortment.

Focusing back on the only two worth my attention, I see Stain up in the air waving his knife toward my face again. Munakata didn't seem to have any guns and brought out a crossbow, which he quickly fired.

This time I stepped forward to dodge past the attack of Stain, he saw this and did a flip over me and landed behind my back turning the blade in a reverse grip and thrusting at my back to get between my ribcage.

Once again I stretched out my arm, this time my left, and held tightly my weapon of choice for Stain.

The bolt that was fired from the crossbow.

Entirely mid-thrust with his knife he didn't have the time needed to react! My speed was simply something he was unable to cope with!

*Puchi!* A strange squelching sound was made as the bolt dug in and shredded his heart. His knife also managed to pierce my skin, yet only a drop of blood flowed down before the wound regenerated. Even that blood soon vanished as if it never existed.

It seemed as if his final attack meant nothing.

As they all loocked on as the Hero Killer's corpse fell to the ground, it dissappeared from sight. Out of thin air! It was gone!

Of course I had a use for Stain as he would be of some use even after his death.

Seeing that a dead man had dissapeared the entire crowd half expected him to reappear and attack once more. But as they saw me wield my weapon they knew that such a thought was merely that.

Raising Kubokiribocho I rested what I had of it on my shoulder, few of the inmates still looked my way. Only those who have truly gone through life and death battles or those who truly wanted me dead still looked my way while the rest cowered.

Munakata had a face that said what he thought, I could tell that he could finally feel the pressure. He knew that I wasn't somebody he could freely mess with.

And yet he didn't care.

Leaning forward he had pulled out many weapons at once.

Thrusting a spear toward me, and slashing a shortsword was what he did after getting in range.

Holding up my blade the attacks seemed to have met an immprenitrable wall. Nothing he did could get past the defense of a single weapon.

Pushing out at him he was forced back "Kid." Suddenly I broke the silent combat with a single word.

Sliding back and coming to a stop he looked my way in a moment of silence.

Finally he spoke "I have no reason to speak with you. Because I am going to kill you." Saying this he slowly lowered his weapons and then began again "But I don't suppose I could really stop you now can I? Go ahead so I can kill you afterward." He seemed as if he was giving me the chance to speak my last wards before he dropped the guillotine on my neck.

Saring him in the eyes he also stared back into mine. Though unlike his who was clouded over in killing intent mine was almost forcing him to kneel with an almost Royal Aura it had let off.

The pressure he felt wasn't what like he felt normally with inmates or criminals, he had the faint thought that he was staring at some sort of king!

Watching as the sweat accumulated on his forehead was funny for a moment and yet now only buisness was to be spoken "I could use a tallent like you. Join me. Don't force my hand."

My words were spoken as I tightened the grip on my sword.

He could either listen or be taught his postition. 'Speak softly and carry a big stick.'

This is a cruel world... And after so many others were thrust through time and space alongside myself, the planet has only grown more dangerous to live in.

Any member of the God Faction could rid me of my life at any moment. Yet the last time we met, the being didn't take action. I was truly lucky they were in a good mood.

A strong talent like Munakata needs protection or faces the threat of being erased.

Working under me is his only hope to survive if his ȧssassination talent were to spread.

Taking a moment and even placing his had to his chin as if thinking, raising his head after ten seconds he then spoke "That will not happen. Today you will die so it doesn't matter."

Before he could even blink, I was already in front of him, I placed my hand on his left shoulder to bring his body down lower and then shot out my right knee into his gut.

His eyes went wide and he questioned what had happened and yet he could do nothing but regret.

*Pumph* a sound as if hitting a thick pillow was heard, and Munakata slumped over slightly more. He was out cold.

Gripping his shoulder I threw his body behind me near to where I walked on stage without so much as glancing back at him.

Looking up at the three people closest to me I then took a glance at Kubokiribocho and after letting out a sigh I slowly shook my head. Counting all the prisoners left behind I didn't have enough people to restor my weapon at the moment and I was getting rather bored after it turned out that nobody was at their fullest state.

Everyone here was tired and weak. Enemies not worth my time.

Tossing what I had of my weapon over my right shoulder I heard it land into the floor of the arena *Kuchunk* was heard as the floor split open and sent more debris out.

Jumping backward onto the handle that stood proudly as if stretching toward the sky, I landed and stood on it as if staring down on all these worthless trash in front of me. There was no real talent or anybody worth mentioning.

The sniper was an alright shot, but I have better working under me.

Johness was just some mass murder who didn't know any real technique.

And so on.

All trash like this should be thoroughly burned into ash.

Breathing in I made a single handsign in front of my chin, the Uma Sign.

"Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku!" Saying these words, many couldn't make sense of it.

It was spoken in a dead language that none could translate. Yet, they had a feeling they knew what it meant...

Flame so dense that my figure seemed to be spitting out a river of fire from my mouth. The flame was so thick that it climbed over itself and barreled into the direction of the opposing inmates. Nobody even imagined that their bones would be left.

The fire was so hot that if the Arena didn't have the barrier to protect the crowd, many, many would have died. Some would have been turned to ash while others just be burned alive. The lucky ones would just recieve heavy burns.

Watching as the sea of fire knocked against the barrier the entire crowd was shocked still, only a few screams and hollars could be heard.

"Unbelieveable! Darian... He created such a huge amount of fire! This is even more than the famous Hero Endeavor! I'm sure even the infamous Fire Fist Ace couldn't hold a candle to the amount of fire! I don't even believe that there will be bones remaining of the inmates caught within!" Present Mic didn't let the chance to let his announcer side go unnoticed, he quickly filled in the crowd on the knowledge of what was happening as they were to scared to process what was happening.

He himself didn't want to speak, this was a sight many times more horrifiing than what he was used to and was also afraid his reputation would go down the drain. But his personality wouldn't let this matter go for simply that.

As he continued on in his rant, I stopped exhaling flames and straightened my back up to overlook my work.


The fire still raged on, but there were no more screams.

Nobody was left to make any sounds or beg for mercy. They themselves probably never gave mercy when asked so I will only show in kind.

Turning back to where I threw Munakata I saw two more figures than there should be. With the small mistake of throwing the bastaard over there I made the point that I didn't want him dead. So if I get rid of the other two then I'd only be smacking my own face.


Putting Kubokiribocho into my inventory I fell back to the arena floor. Looking in the direction of the three, I could see two pairs of eyes filled with fear and one who was unconsious.

Walking their way I can only see them try to stand to run, but their legs were like jello and they flopped back to the ground. After that failure they looked at one another and nodded, the both of them then ȧssumed the dogeza position in apology and hopes I wouldn't turn them to ash.

Every step I took echoed in their ears, they wanted to run and hide but knew that it'd be useless by now.

As I came to a halt in front of the both of them I looked down and stared at the back of their heads.

Shaking in their shoes they heard me finally speak "Minene Uryu." She twitched, slowly lifting her head she looked at my blank face and almost sighed in relief but dared not "Y-Yes?"

Seeing she understood her position I contnued "You, alongside this Clown-" Buggy also began to shake "-and Munakata will work for me from here on out." Hearing what I said the both of them finally fell flat on the floor in relief.

"Follow me and bring along Munakata. Work begins tommorow and I'll have someone pick the three of you up."

Scrambling to their feet the both of them helped lug Munakata along as they followed along.

They didn't dare to refute and only went along with what I said.

After seeing what I was doing and listening to what I said, the audiance finally understood the meaning of my words. Instead of 'only one of us will leave' it was 'only one side of us will leave' meaning that I had the thought of recruiting some people from the begining!

Some couldn't understand my thought process and others didn't want to even think of how I possibly thought. But one thing was for sure, they all underestimated me till the end!


Walking down the stair case to go toward the locker room, I for the first time in a while decided that it was best to finally look at my Status. Rarely if ever will I take the chance to use the System and after all this time I feel that it would be best to take a look at my Status.

Pulling up the menu, I could only smile at my hard work.


Name: Darian Uchiha / Sex: Male

Age: 18 Years / Race: True Vampire(?)

Titles: World Traveler, Reincarnated, Orphan, Uchiha Clan Head, Indra's Reincarnation, ???, ???, ???, True Hunter, Kage, Master Sensor, Berserker, Vampire-King, Survivalist, High Roller, Massive-Slayer, Enemy of Nature, Forest Overlord, Soul Lord, True-Vampire Student, Commanding General, Natrual Enemy of Grimm, Enemy of a Million, Killer of a Thousand, Music Emperor, Dragon Slayer, Undead Overlord, Beast Master, Man of a Hundred Faces, Nature Sage, Enemy of a Church, Savior of a Hundred, Enemy of a Military, Heretic, Most Wanted, Hidden Hero, City Destroyer, Army Smasher,

Status: Healthy

Strength: 92.30

Perception: 112.44

Endurance: 83.31

Agility: 101.02

Intelligence: 70.29

Luck: 32.77

Wisdom: 75.54

Dexterity: 134.09

Chakra (Low-Kage): 2,345,912/2,465,912

Aura: 1,448,190/1,448,190

Ethernano: 491,382

Life Force: 902,460,576 Years

Life Span: Infinite

Soul Force Tier: Soul Lord

Stat Point(93)



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