RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 46 - Strollin' Around Downtown.

The sun has set and night is beginning to take the reigns. Darkness sets in and the streets go quiet, thinking to myself as to why I was banned from nightclubs I got the thought of just entering and beating up any security personnel.

But in the end I decided against it, wouldn't look good on my reputation to go and beat up legit business owners... Unlike Junior.

While thinking of which secluded bar might just let me in for a drink I decided to put away my armor, that would probably help with making it past the doors.

Inserting the red armor that I've worn for many years I can feel the wind as it glided off of my black cloak. With this I made sure to also keep away my hidden weapons incase of a metal detector, As for the Rinnegan? I let it be.

What would they do? Gouge put my eye?... Well I wouldn't put it beneath them.

Checking over my stuff once again I make sure that I don't seem threatening, maybe with these handsome looks I'd score a free drink if it's a female bartender!

The only thing that I kept on myself was displayed openly, it was a very bloodthirsty Katana that I came across some years ago, it was in a horrible condition when I first got it but after a while I reversed its age to before it was rusted over and faced mother nature.

It's a beautiful black blade that reeks of fresh blood when held to the nose, it constantly wants to escape my control and feast on the blood of countless beings. But it absolute refuses the blood of the innocent, it'll even grow weak if forced.

Truly a strange and intelligent sword, the sword's spirit within must be thousands of years old to reject my commands.

Placing the blade on my left waist I can use it if attacked by an enemy or as a detector for unscrupulous fellows. But then again I do have the System for that don't I?

Shrugging my shoulders I know that I can't always fall back on it.

Thinking of a good location I set off for the center of the city.

... (One Hour later)

Welp. Seems I'm lost.

With that in mind I reach and grab his shoulder, *Puh* with a small sound he came to a grinding halt. The man as he is forcefully stopped gets a little angry and defensive, that is until he sees the piece on my hip.

As I open my mouth to ask for directions he looks up to me and almost gets a little giddy. Disgusted at the sudden turn of emotions, I let him go.

Releasing my hold I back up a step as he catches his breath. Looking back up at me he finally speaks "Are you a hunter?!"

Confused at the sudden question I lift an eyebrow and he ask again with a tad more urgency in his tone "Are. You. A. Hunter?!"

Upset at how he spoke to me I frown, but of course I know that people won't act this way for no reason. So I answered in turn "Yes. Why do you ask?"

Though reluctant to hear him out for a request, what other choice do I have? Drink in a bar that may or may not take my money? Or go out and be a little active?

I'll take on work anyday over just sitting in a random bar next to a drunk who has an attitude.

As the man hears my answer he begins to tell me what he knows. "Down that road, the infamous Roman Torchwick, a wanted criminal is robbing another Dust shop! When I saw I ran for it in case he decided to attack civilians."

Hearing this man I only heard up to Roman Torchwick and immediatly decided to leave after the man was done. As he saw that I was heading in the direction of where Roman was he thought to himself 'Such a cool and noble Hunter!'

Little did he know that in my mind all that was going through it was the fact that Roman owed me for the time he borrowed some money. Being a bad guy and what not he just decided not to pay me back; that and he was actually sorta poor at managing his personal funds.

Making my way downtown, displeasure was the only emotion on my face. I also felt like I should remember something, but that doesn't matter in the least! 'Roman You better have my money!'

Seething in my petty anger I find myself traveling past several side streets that go along the main road, up ahead I can see a Dust shop; kinda strange how its open this late.

'From Dust Till Dawn' quite the nice name for a Dust Shop, probably has good buisness considering the location. Only Dust shop for several city blocks.

Seeing the bastard at the counter with his stupid orange hair and dumb white suit and tacky bowler hat... Who am I kidding? It actually seems kinda cool.

Though at a distance he seems like a weird white blob if I don't concentrate. Kinda funny imagining him being stepped on and going *splat!* 'Hahahaha!!'

Anyway, as I'm approaching the dust shop I see a figure go flying. *Crash!* Out the window.

'Why is this scene so familiar?' Feeling as if I saw this exact plot scene somewhere I continue forward and resume examining the scene. 'Things just got interesting!'

Observing the figure that landed outside the building I see a pair of beutiful and strong legs coated in black and slightly redish stockings that extended out from similarly colored boots and very well made boots. Running my eyes up I soon find the girl's skirt that was slightly blowing in the wind, focusing on it I find that the wind blew a little harder and gave me a wonderful view of underneath!

Satisfaction ran through my body as I gazed upon the figure in front of me. She slowly turned around and brought out her weapon changing its shape into a large... Scythe?

*Boom!* The scythe entered the ground after the girl maneuvered it and got ready for battle. 'But with all seriousness why does this scene look so familiar?' I almost feel a shiver run up my spine as I continue to think of what is going on.

As I'm lost in thought I hear Roman's voice for the first time in a while "Uh oh. Seems that not only Red here wants a piece of me. But also Reaper over there." Hearing him speak I look up in his direction, at the same time the girl who's confronting Roman looks my way.

Seeing the face of the girl I feel sweat accumulate on my brow and back. It finally came to me, I finally remember where I'am!

The beginning of RWBY!

It was the first episode! And that means the girl who's buŧŧ I was ogling was... Ruby!

... Silence pervaded for a moment as Ruby was looking at my face. She even took the chance to turn off her head phones.

Standing straight up, I crossed my arms and put on a hardened face. But slowly I let a smile slip out from between my teeth. With a gentle gaze I looked over Ruby from afar.

As the realization came upon her who I was Ruby has almost screamed in joy at the moment, but as she was about to let go of Cresent Rose I hardened my face one more and almost barked out "Rule Numer 3: The fight isn't over until your enemy Submits or Dies!"

Seeing her flinch as she received my instruction she whips her head around and resumes her stance. The reunion can wait. But an opponent cannot.

Seeing the small exchange Roman had taken notice of our relationship and knew that he should make his escape. Looking at his Rent-a-Thugs he simply said "Well... go get them." Hearing his order they brandished their swords and exited the building.

As they marched over one ran in front and slashed his blade toward Ruby, knowing what I've taught her I feel as calm as the wind.

Ruby dodged his slash and blocked the second slash with the shaft of Cresent Rose, quickly yanked the forward end of her scythe out and slammed it against the first thug which sent him flying into some garbage cans.

The next two grouped together and attempted to use teamwork to confront Ruby, but she had swept them up like dust.

Brandishing Cresent Rose she smashed it into one of the thugs and sent him flying into the other. Both ended up over twenty feet from their original positions and out cold.

But the trickiest came up from behind. Weilding his blade he chopped down at Ruby's backside.

This thug thought he was slick, Ruby specalized in speed and got out of there when she felt the threat from behind. Appearing behind the attacker she kicked at his rib cage and before you know it, all the thugs are out for the count.

Taking it from his mouth he speaks down on the thug below "You were worth every cent, truly you were." Tossing his cigar to the floor he snuffs it with his cane and looks at Ruby and I.

In the background a police alarm was going off as it approached.

Immediatly he went on "Well, Reaper, Red, I guess we can all say it has been an eventfull evening." Raising his cane and pointing it our way, a cross hair sight popped out "And as much as I'd love to stick around... I'm afraid this is where we part ways, once again."

Firing his cane at us I hear the whisting as it flew through the air and smashed into the ground, unlike the original series, Roman fired a smoke grenade round this time around.

As the smoke filled the air I can tell that Roman made his way over to the ladder, unwilling to let him go I slap out my hand and blew the smoke away! *Whoo~!*

As if a great Tempest made its entry, all the smoke flew away as if it were escaping from the pits of Hell.

Seeing that the smoke cleared Ruby looked around and spotted Roman on the ladder accross the street, without even looking she asked the shopkeeper "You okay if I go after him?" to which he responds with a simple "Uh huh."

Getting the response she wanted, she made her way after Roman and following after her I went to the building as well. Ruby decided to forgo the ladder climbing and use Cresent Rose to shoot herself up the building.

*Bang!* Within a moment she was there, so was I. Small distance teleportation is nothing with my Semblance .

Mumbling under his breath "Persistent..." Ruby gets ready for a fight.

*Whirrr~!!* Suddenly a small airship or Bullhead flew from the street below!

Roman jumps into the airship after the door opens and a spotlight distracts Ruby, turning around he pulls out a Fire Type Dust Crystal while shouting out "End of the line, Red! Reaper!" Throwing the Dust Crystal onto the rooftop, Ruby sidesteps as she doesn't even know what it is!

Raising his cane, Roman fired!

Seeing the shot head toward the crystal I raise my hand and prepare to stop the explosive with a small use of the Deva Path.

But seeing a familiar figure appear, I lowered my hand and remained still.

*Boooom!* A small explosion goes off and shakes the building!

Seeing the explosion Roman hollars out "Woohoohoo!" But soon sees the purple sigil behind the smoke cloud.

Somebody interfered. And that somebody is Glynda Goodwitch.

Letting out a simple "Hm" after the smoke cloud cleared, Glynda held her fingers to her head and waved her wand. She immediatly shot out several Magic Missile type attacks towards the Bullhead.

The damage she delt was more than enough to set off several alarms aboard the ship, even Roman nearly fell out of the ariship as he made his way toward the ċȯċkpit.

Saying out "We've got a huntress." Roman took over the controls as his partner in crime got up to deal with the situation.

Before that person got ready Glynda shot a sigil into the air above the Bullhead and created a small storm cloud that creates lightning. Seeing the storm suddenly appear above left Roman at a loss for words as he let out "The Hell?"

But as Glynda nearly threw down her wand, Ice fell out of the storm cloud. Ice.

Stabbing into the Bullhead, more alarms went off as the turbines recieved minor damage, one ice shard nearly stabbed into Roman's head!

The person to look out the door finally arrived, she had on black heels while wearing a red dress with black lining, she wore clothing the opposite color scheme of Ruby. She even had a blue flower pattern on the left right side.

Her face and torso couldn't be scene by normal means as the shadows blocked it from sight. But I knew who it was.

More than likely she remembered me as well.

She raised her arms and gathered fire on them, many markings seemed almost engraved on her as she created the flames.

Firing a single blast at Glynda was all she did. Glynda saw this and immediately swept out her wand to ward off the flames, splattering it the remains around her.

Seeing what occured the girl in the red dress raised her arms and fired the flames back upward into an explosive like pillar. Luckily Glynda noticed the action and was observing her surroundings, so she backflipped out of the area of attack.

Waving her wand out front again she gathered all of the pieces of the roof that scattered from the two explosions. Compressing them in the air Glynda made a large javelin from the debris and fired it at the Bullhead.

Unwilling to be captured the girl shot out three rounds of explosive fire at the javelin destroying it, but GLynda was also unwilling to back down.

Glynda reformed the javelin, albeit smaller, and fired it at the ċȯċkpit where Roman held the controls.

Roman saw the attack coming and swung the controlls to have the airship take the attack instead of himself.

The small javelin smashed into the wingspan and did some minor damage before it broke apart, Glynda then decided to form what remained into three arrow like rounds and fired them into three seperate spots on the Bullhead.

Stabilizing her footing the girl onboard used her ability once more and created similar sigils to Glynda and shotout a wave of fire which destroyed the three arrow-like attacks.

Seeing that she was out of ammunition, Glynda backed down. But Ruby had an idea and transformed Cresent Rose into its sniper mode, firing shot after shot she managed to hit accuratly on the girl aboard.

But no matter her aim, the girl simply destroyed the bullets as they came.

After blocking several rounds she was fed up and attacked the building where Ruby and Glynda were. Seems I was forgotten.

Six sigils appeared on the rooftop and prepared to blast upward, seeing this GLynda used her Semblance to push herself and Ruby out of harms way.

*BOo,bOo,Boo,Booo* Several explosion resounded behind them as they landed away from them.

Looking upward, Glynda could only look onward as the Bullhead closed the side door and transitioned into plane mode for a quick escape.

Ruby ignored the escaping Bullhead and looked over at Glynda. "You're a huntress!"

Glynda was upset and gave Ruby a stink eye.

But obviosly this didn't make Ruby stand down "Can I have your autograph?" She said with a cutesy pose.

'Oh boy...'

Walking up to the both of them I slowly clapped. *Pa,pa,pa...*

Irritated, Glynda looked over to find me walking her way.

Slightly surprised she retained her stiff attitude. "Darian Uchiha. Why are you here?"

Waving her off, I pointed behind her and then to the place where Roman escaped to.

Seemingly she caught my drift.

"You were here to ȧssist he with apprehending Roman Torchwich?" Or not.

Walking past Glynda, Ruby made her way towards me.

Looking down on her from above and her looking up at me made quite the scene. But soon enough Glynda had a light flash in her eyes. Seems she's finally remembering something.

But before she could speak her scrolls sounded off and she walked away to answer it.

Ruby finally began to talk to me. "It's great to see you."

A smile returned to my face "Same to you. It has been some time."

Going back to her usual self she responded "Yeah. Real long."

As we wallowed in our time of enjoy each others company once more, Glynda approached once again.

Maybe this time she'll let Ruby go if I give the word?

But before I could speak I saw her face, she seemed serious at this time "The both of you are to come with me." Looking up at me she finished with "Especially you. Darian."


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