RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 47 - You Want To Interrogate Me?

Finding myself inside of a dark room with a single light in the middle brings back alot of memories... That I'd much rather leave buried in the backyard.

Besides, can they get anymore cliche with this interrogation room?

What I mean by that is simple. It's so fuċkɨnġ boring just waiting around!

Give me a coloring book at least, you monsters!

Shaking my head in disappointment at my current situation, I continue waiting while silently cultivating my Ethernano.

The only person in the room besides myself is my adorable little sister Ruby. We're both due for a small scolding from Ms.Goodwitch any moment now.

Seeing her crestfallen face and slouching figure, I really just wanted to rub her head and hug her! But I can't, not here at least.

*Bang!* 'Speak of the Devil...'

Slamming open the door, Ms.Goodwitch entered into the interrogation room. In her hands she held onto a Scroll and a... Jockey Bat? Why would she use a Jockey Bat?

Kinda kinky, don't ya think?

Listening to the clacking of her high-heels alone as they stepped onto the floor beneath made me want to jump up and tear them from her feet.

But the opposite can be said for Ruby, considering the fact that I never taught her a way to fortitude her mind I'm partially to blame for the fact that she is being increasingly intimidated in this situation.

Sweat accumulated on her forehead and I can almost smell the fear from where I currently rest. Wait, I can smell fear. Or more of, I can smell the chemicals that your body makes when you're scared.

All I can do is listen in as Goodwitch scolds Ruby. Seems she's gonna do this one at a time.

"You do realize just what could have happened today. Do you not?" Speaking this she continues to pace back and forth on the left side of Ruby.

Hearing her words Ruby lets out "They started it!" But it mattered not.

"If it were up to me you'd be sent home..." Goodwitch looks over Ruby "...with a pat on the back..." Ruby looks up to her with a smile "...And a slap on the wrist." Goodwitch followed that sentence up with *Smack!* swatting at Ruby's wrist.

"Heh!" Ruby lets out an almost animal like yelp.

Finding myself slightly annoyed I end up shifting in my chair. The annoyance visable on my face.

Goodwitch continues on with a much calmer look "But, there is someone here who would like to meet you."

The door opens up and in comes a familiar figure, in one hand a mug of coffee, the other held a plate of Cookies and on the same arm was a walking cane. It was the old bastard.

Stopping in front of both me and Ruby, the old man starts with acknowledging us both, He began with me "Darian Uchiha." Nodding his head he looks to my right "Ruby Rose." He leans in slightly closer "You... Have Silver Eyes."

Clearly uncomfortable with his boldness Ruby has a slightly upset face while only managing to let out "Uh, um."

Moving on from his statement, the old man points at the Scroll in the hands of Goodwitch with his mug. Asking simply, as the video shows Ruby fighting "So, where did you learn to do this?"

*Pah.* A thump came from the back of her head.

"Owwie! Ow ow ow!" Glaring over at me she looks like she was about to bite, but glaring her way sent her packing.

"A-and from my Brother, Darian." She lets out a little peep of a voice as she spoke this.

Glancing over me and then going back to Ruby the old man continues his questions. "So, both Signal and your Brother taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

Hearing the second question Ruby speaks a quick answer "Well, one teacher in particular!" Very matter of factly.

Hearing this the old man says softly "I see" and then proceeds to place down the platter of cookies.

Before Ruby had the chance to grab any of them I snagged one first, with a quick bite I was already done. "Taste is good." Looking over at Ruby "No poison here."

With a small grin she lets out a small giggle and digs in.

Watching Ruby eat her fill the old man begins to prattle on "It's just that I've only one other scythe weilder of that skill before... A dust old crow."

Sighing out I say to her "Eat or speak, choose one of them. Not both." Being slightly embarressed at being called out, Ruby swallows her food, "Ah he, sorry."

Begining what she said again "That's my Uncle Qrow!" Almost beaming with happiness she goes on "He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing..." The old man begins to sip his coffee, waiting to see what's next "... And now I'm all like. Huww, aaa, watcha, hooaa!"

A small smile began to appear on the old mans face as he listened in "So I've noticed." Setting down his coffee "And what is an adorable little girl such as yourself doing in a school designed to train warriors?"

...The mood suddenly slowed down again, Ruby understood this and took her answer seriously.

"Well, I want to be a huntress." Sitting accross from her with his hands together he responds "You want to slay monsters?"

"Yeah... I only have two more years of training left at Signal and then I'm going to apply to Beacon. See my sister and brother are both starting there this year and she's tring to become a Huntress and I'm trying to become a Huntress because I want to help people. Ruby was getting proggressively faster as she continued to talk on. "And my parents always taught us to help others, so I thought 'Hey! may as well make a career out of it!' I mean the police are alright but Huntsman and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and really, gosh, you know!" By the end of it Ruby had began to enter her fangirl state where she begins to geek out.

The three of us watch her in silence for a moment...

Until the old man began to talk "...Do you know who I'am?"

Now a grin gone to a smirk Ozpin or the old man lets out a single chuckle "Hello."

Ruby returns the favor "Nice to meet you."

Opin continues on "You want to come to my school?"

Ruby leaning in and with a low voice let out all her excitment in a few words "More than anything."

Ozpin looks up at Goodwitch who gives him a simple "Hmmph" as if she3 couldn't be bothered. Looking back at Ruby Ozpin continues with "Well okay."

Ruby with a wideing grin on her face stood up from her chair. "Please follow Ms. Goodwitch out into the neighboring room. There you will fill out a couple forms and I will remain here to chat with your brother."

Goodwitch immediatly goes to leave the room, trailing her out was my little sister. She stopped mid way and looked back at me, with a simple nod she brightened up and left,


"So what is it that you want Ozpin?" I had a feeling that I knew the exact reason for me being held here.

Propping my chin up on one hand I lean in "Oh? Do tell."

Sippin his coffee he began a small list "You've waged war on the Atlas Military over a rather disturbing incident..."

"She was a friend. She needed my help and so I acted. The damn Atlas Military thought it was so damn cool and yet I killed an officer for her at first and then an entrie Company of soldiers. Then a fleet of their Naval and Airforce. These bastards dare to think they can live after what that officer did, well they're wrong."

He let out a sigh which I cannot tell the reason for "I whole heartedly agree with you. And yet just recently you turned around and worked for them?"

Lean back against the chair I folded my arms "Gotta pay the bills somehow. Highest bidder gets my left hand."

Squinting his eyes he went on "I see. Then tell me about your military force? How did it come to be?"

Scoffing at the stupid question I decided to answer "Simple. Just got a bunch of people who wanted power and trained them into super solders. Each and every member of my Corp is easily able to meet the older requirments for your school. But after you updated it a few years back, I can only say that around 10% can make the cut."

"Out of how many?"

"More than enough." A condicending smile was etched onto my face as I stared stright into his eyes that seemed to almost tremble.

"Not just yet." And a simple answer.

Now he's getting into the real subject "You see Darian. I've stumbled across the fact that you've made contact with the God Faction... How was the experience?"

My face grew dark and the air grew just as thick, remembering that time made my anger soar accross the sky. I almost leaped at Ozpin to release my frustrations by repeatedly attacking his face.

But my anger mattered not, for if one were to see my body only cold sweat of fear could be seen as it flowed down. The amount of pressure I felt was unreal. The horror I made out cannot be unseen and the fear I felt is forever ingrained inside my soul.

A lesson I'll never forget.

Do not fuċk with a God, if you yourself are not equal.

With my voice gruff and dark I question him "You mean... two years ago?" After speaking I swallowed my saliva with a heavy gulp.

Sipping his coffee as if blissfully unaware of the bear he just droopkicked Ozpin steadily lets out "Yes. With the one known as....... The Truth?"

Nothing could be heard, it felt unreal, remembering that time brought me great pains.

But for now, there is no story to be told "That day. I don't know what happened. But death was not an option. So I made a deal..."

"Deal? What kinda of deal could be struck up with... The Truth?"

Letting out a small chuckle I looked Ozpin in the eyes "A deal. That could change fate itself."

Ozpin himself seemed to understand what I had hinted at and yet he only looked at me incredulously. He dared not to even breath.

"You mean to tell me that you've..."

"Yes... I did exactly that..."

His face went dark, he couldn't handle the news well at all. He seemed to be physically sick after hearing my answer.

Seemed almost as if he were cursing me in his mind for my rash decisions... And the only reason he would do so is for the fact that only a handfull of people in the world know. Even few members of the God Faction knew. And it was only those who dared not to speak of it. Else."

His hands were almost quivering as he lifted his mug for another sip.

*click* Placing the mug back down the both of us just sat in silence.

"I can't seem to tell if you are Mad, Stupid or an outright Genius. But whatever it is. Seems the cogs of the world are begining to truly turn. Whatever it is that lays in wait for the world will be waiting for you it would seem." Ozpin couldn't hold his emotions.

It seems that he knew too much and yet too little. He needed more than what it is that I provided him and what he has gained.

The cogs of the world are turning.

Now what do these cogs do?

Lead the world onward?

Or into ruin?


Stading up from my chair I leave the room, from behind I heard a simple sentence "Ah, by the way Darian, you've officially become a student at Beacon Academy. Welcome."

Hearing these words I can feel a change in my eyes as I stand still, awaiting for the process to finish.

"... By the way, your first day is two day from now. Don't be late!"

"Heh!" Like hell I'd be late. I want to have at the least a little fun before I'm sent into an enternal damnation.

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