RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 48 - Arriving at the Beacon.

Breathing in a bale of grey smoke I can feel the temperature of my lungs rise, the feeling it left behind was actually far more smooth and managed to ease my mind far more than what its disgusting counterpart is capable of.

Tossing it to the floor I snuffed out its light.

Snuffing out the cigerate that I just threw to ground I take a quick look at my watch, waiting for their arrival is all that I'm doing at the moment. I'd much rather enjoy the view than ride on an Atlas Aerial Vehicle.

Today I was wearing my armor once again, every person that arrives on campus is allowed to wear their equipment for when out in the field, if classes aren't taking place. But I on the other hand gained permission (my own) to wear my equipment when I like.

Today's weapon of choice is Kubokiribocho, I had my subordinates bring enough blood to repair it the other day.

Looking over at the arriving vehicle I see that the walkway is already extending out, the doors soon opened and outflowed several people including a person who lost his lunch in the trashcan by the door.

Soon enough I spot two familiar figures make their way down the path, side by side both Red and Gold or Ruby and Yang.

Unaware that I made it before them, both the sisters stopped in the pathway and stared in awe of Beacon Academy. Have to agree with the girls, the show does no justice for how huge the Academy is.

Walking towards the both of them I hear Ruby go off in a nerd state "Ohh, ooh! Sis! That kid has a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!" Almost walking off to follow the girl with a fire sword, Yang decides to throw some water on Ruby and pull her back "Ow, ow...!"

"Easy there Ruby, what they have are only some random weapons." Finally making my way over I start to chat with them.

But Ruby doesn't like what I say "Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're apart of us! Oh, they're so cool!" Ruby puts on an expression as if she were dreaming of using those weapons herself.

"Well why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?" Yang asked a very good question.

*Ching chang ching* Ruby opens up her scythe and leans it on her shoulder "Of course I'm happy with Cresent Rose!... I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people. But better." By the end of it she seemed rather down.

Pulling down Ruby's hood, Yang starts off again "Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?"

Lifting the hood from her head she looks up at me and Yang "But why would I need friends when I have you two?"

Suddenly I see that Yang has been surrounded by some people I've never met "Well... Actually, my friends are here." Then she speeds up her talking and begins to take off "Gotta go catch up. Kay, c'ya, bye!" Byt the time she sprinted past Ruby she left her sister spinning in place and dizzy.

Ruby who was left spinning in place was asking Yang as she flew by "Wait! Where are you going?! Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms?... Do we have dorms?... I don't know what I'm doing." By the time she finished Yang was long gone and far away.

Wobbling around from dizziness Ruby stumbled around and collapsed backwards, landing onto a shiny luggage cart.

*pah thump pah* Several thumps sounded off as the luggage went flying about. and landing on top of her.

"What are you doing?!" A voice came from above her, more precisely the person above her.

Sitting up and getting the luggage off of her, Ruby is quick to apologize "I'm sorry." She seems saddened by the incident.

Going off and raising her voice the new and angry girl couldn't hold back "Sorry? Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?!" Almost shouting when she finished.

Ruby quickly grabs a suitcase and hands it her way while a "Uhh..." leaves her mouth.

Snatching the case from Ruby's hands ""Gimmie that!" the person opens it up and grabs a vial of Dust "This is Dust mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry. "

Not understanding Ruby again goes "Uuh..." Biting back the person ask sarcastically "What are you, brain dead?" Taking out a red vial she shakes it about, bits of the Dust leave the vial.

"Dust! Fire, Water, Lightning, energy!" Shaking it about she still lets bite of the Dust empty out around us.

*Pah* I swiftly grab the vial in her hand and hold it still.

"Hold it little Snow Flake." Telling her to stop managed to have her calm down.

Looking at me the girl opens her mouth to speak to me like I was an idiot, but soon enough is left stumped.

Raising her hand to her chin she wonders how she knew me, staring me down and observing me closely, then looked at Ruby who was blowing her nose onto a clothe I tossed her.

Realization slowly formed on her face "Darian?" She ask in bewilderment.

Putting on a grin I nod my head "Yeah it's me. Long time no see Snow-" I stop speaking.

Something felt off with her. I needed a closer look.

Leaning in closer I take a better look at her face.

Almost instantly I feel an almost burning anger rise inside of me "Your eye..."

She swiftly holds a hand to her left eye, she didn't want me to look at it any longer.

Placing my hands on her shoulders I look on her with a very gentle and saddened expression "...It's blind. Weiss." Her face slightly scrunches up.

Her hand lossens it's grip on the vial of Dust. Seeing it fall to the ground I reach out and quickly grab both Weiss and Ruby, pulling them both back and placing myself over them. With my back to the explosion I hear a resounding *BANG*

*tink tink tank tonk tink* Many pieces of ruble hit my armor and bounce off back onto the ground, they even bounced off of Kubokiribocho, a few pieces were even sliced on the blade of my weapon.

Ruby stood straight and placed her hands behind her head while wearing a ridiculous smile "Thanks Brobro." Hearing her brought a small smile to my face as well, standing straight I began to brush off the dirt that got attached to my armor.

Weiss watched me wipe off the dirt while a faint pink hue appeared on her cheeks, she turned away arms crossed and played with her hair. After a moment I finally heard "Thank you." And I could practically feel a sense of relief wash over me.

Folding my arms across my ċhėst I look over at Weiss, holding two fingers to my forehead and wave them to her I said "It's been a long time Princess."

"It's Heiress actually..." A voice comes from behind me, glancing over at who interuppeted me I let a little surprise show on my face.

"...Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. One of the largest producers of Energy propelent in the world." Lifting her left hand I see she's holding a vial of Dust that probably went flying from the big bang that just occured.

"Seems you know of me? Well I'm glad for the recognition." Staring over at Ruby she let off a haughty smirk.

"The same Company known for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." The girl who interuppted us earlier left it off with a high note.

Flustered at the accusation Weiss began stuttering "Wh-why you dare, the nerve of!" Ruby was left cracking up in the background.

Reaching over I took the Vial of Fire Dust from the girl's hand and gave it to Weiss, with a mighty laugh I joined in "HA! Agreed, I've actually met her father and he's more like a Fuherer!"

Not understanding what I was getting at, all three girls looked at me as if I were stupid "What? Not funny?"

Wasn't really meant to be funny but whatever.

Looking at the girl who joined in I nodded at her "And it is wonderful to see you once more, Blake."

Hearing her name the girls all stare at me, but the one in black who just showed up covered her mouth with a small gasp of air. "D-d-Darian? Is that you?"

Placing my hand to her head I rubbed it, while feeling my hand through her hidden ears in her black bow and replied "Well, who else could it have been?"

Knocking my hand away with a small push of the hand Blake backed up a bit. "Yeah, don't know how I didn't recognise you at first. With that eye of yours and all."

With a wry smile on my face I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that comment. Seeing my face the girls quickly made up and got a laugh out of it.

... I wish I could say that the four of us could have spent some more time to catch up, but Weiss recieved a call on her Scroll from Winter and rushed off to answer it. Blake wanted to check out the library before the announcements were made and so she took off, but not before send a smile my way.

And like that I was left with Ruby.

Looking at her I was about to suggest we take off, but I noticed a nervous young man approach from the side ready as if he were about to ask a quesiton. He wore the basic combat armor and had a large rectangular box on his back as if it were to carry his equipment inside.

Pure shock came over his expression as I almost saw sweat pour down his face like rain.

*Pa thump* He stood at attention with his hand above his forehead in salute "SIR! Jaune Ark, Private First Class of the Marine Corp at attention! SIR!" He was as stiff as a board and knew who I was, why wouldn't he salute to me? I was his superior.

Waving my hand down I told him "No need soldier, you aren't under my command at the moment. Your job is to merely train here into becoming a Huntsman."

Learning that it was okay to relax, Jaune sighed with relief and let his body become looser as he wasn't scared anymore.

Remembering his orginal goal he asked me "Uh, Sir, do you-" But I waved him off.

"Just refer to me by my given name Darian when we aren't within the perimeter of any of our territories."

Nodding knowingly "Of course... Darian." Somewhat uncomfortable he replied back with a stiff smile.

Waving my left arm beside me I introduced "This is Ruby, she is my little sister. When you do not have anything to do, be her friend and help her out."

Leaning his head to the side to get a better look at her he looked back at me and nodded with a new and confident smile that said 'I've got this!'

Stretching his hand out he took her hand for a handshake "I'm Jaune, I work for your brother."

With a squiggling smile Ruby could bȧrėly hold in her laughter "Pfft! Aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?"


Letting the both of them take off while I just went toward the place where we were supposed to meet up for a minor ȧssembly, though I never told those brats as I wanted to let them learn a lesson of 'Know where you are, before you take off randomly.'.

Though they probably wouldn't care.

Walking inside I quickly found Yang and stood beside her, she didn't say anything but gave me a quick highfive as she was still talking with a couple of the people she took off with earlier.

Looking around I found the place to be similar to the colloseum as it had seating above the stage that it circled around, the crowd was large and rather tight fitting. I've finally taken notice that there are even more people that I haven't seen up to now, some I would much rather leave unamed and others are the Heroins and/or the Hero's of their stories back in their realms.

But here, they are just like any other person, some are stronger and others are weaker. At the end of it all, they could be monsters if given enough time to grow in the right environment.


Several minute pass by and I can see that Ruby finally made her way here and that Yang stopped talking with those nobodies, waving Ruby over "Ruby! Over here! We saved you a spot!" I then see her leave Jaune behind with a wave.

Behind Jaune I see a muli-time champion fighter, who was also on a cerial box that I sometimes ate for the prizes.

Turning over to Ruby, Yang asked "How's your first day going, little sister?" Frustrated and with her arms crossed Ruby snapped back with "You mean since you ditched me and Darian while we both almost exploded?!"

Looking at Ruby with her hands on her hɨps Yang didn't know what to say other than "Yikes. Meltdown already?"

Tired of having to deal with her sister Ruby waves her hand and continues "No, we literally almost exploded and made a hole in the front of the school... There was some fire..." Holding her hand to her chin she went on "And I think some ice."

Not believeing Ruby, Yang asked "...Are you being sarcastic?"

"*scoffs* I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage! And then she yelled at me! And I then I almost sneezed. And then Darian took her Dust and talked to her. And then there was an explosion, luckily Darian shielded us! And then she almost yelled again. And at the time I felt really, really bad! And I didn't want her to yell at me!"

From behind Weiss heard it all, shouting out "You!" Leaping into Yang's arms Ruby almost yelled out "Oh God, it's happening again!"

Digging into her pockets Weiss went on "You're lucky that we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

Finally realizing her mistake Yang says subtly "Oh my God, you really exploded."

Getting down from Yang's arms Ruby said "It wasn't my fault, it was your dust." She then promptly had a leaflet shoved in her face "What's this?" Taking it she took a look.

Weiss just said the Schnee Company motto in return "The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damage sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy-to-follow guide to Dust application and practice in the field." As Ruby stared at the leaflet I can see that her eyes almost went swirly and steam come billowing out of her head. She was so confused and didn't understand.

Looking up Ruby went "Uhhh..." Weiss fired back "Do you really want to start making things up to me?" Ruby gave a small nod and spoke unsurely "Absolutely!"

"Then read this and understand the contents." Saying that Weiss was about to turn around and leave but decided to stick around after seeing that I wasn't preparing to leave.

Yang wanted to make ammends and felt that she knew Weiss from somewhere "Look, uh... It sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot! Why don't you just start over and try to be friends, okay?"

Hearing the idea Ruby turns around while answering "Yeah! Great idea, Sis!"

"Hello Weiss, I'm -" Stopping Ruby it was my turn to reintroduce everyone "Ruby, this is Weiss Schnee, several years back we all met in that port town. Remember?" The both of them are slowly beginning to remember "We all shared a room for the night. You all had fun togeher and Weiss refused to let go of Zwei." The realization is still dawning on them "And then it turned out that they took Zwei with them and I had to chase after them and get him back."

"""AH!""" Seems a third voice came up.

Looking back I can see that Weiss also realized who these two were. Seems that Weiss also forgot about them and only remembered me because I visited her a few times several years back.

Looking away from me as my gaze lands on her Weiss plays it off that she didn't just realize.

On the other hand, I can see that Ruby and Yang are both holding in the urge to go and give Weiss a big ol' hug!

"Haha! I'm glad that you three finally remember! Now you can all get used to one another much easier. Maybe you could end up on the same teams?"

Hearing what I said Ruby went over and held both Weiss's hands "Yeah! We could totally make a great team, Weiss!" Walking up and placing her arm arround Weiss's shoulder Yang said "Yeah, it'd be great for us all to be on the same team. Right Darian?"

"It would be. But the chance of that is really low."

Not continueing on I just look up at the stage.


Finally after a quick mike check Ozpin began his small snnouncment.

"Ahem... I'll keep this brief." Yeah right.

"You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and aquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people." Ruby took the chance to see every one around us, I ignored her.

"But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy that is in need of purpose, direction." Small bits of murmuring begins in the crowd.

"You ȧssume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Concluding his speach, Ozpin wanders to the side of the stage with his cane in hand.

Glynda takes up the mike "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready." Hearing this many look up and take her words seriously.

"You are dismissed."

With that said, most of the crowd began to disperse around us.

Yang had no idea what to say about it all but said to Ruby "He seemed kind of off." Ruby nodded and also said "It's almost like he wasn't even there."

Walking over Jaune did a small salute "Sir." and then relaxed.

"You wouldn't mind introducing me to her would you?" He decided to show a little confidence and used me as a bridge.

Raising my hand and placing it on Weiss's head I introduced her "This is Weiss Schnee. Don't anger her."

"Ah, well I hope that she can see past my..." He lifts his thumbs up to himself "...Devilish looks."

Facepalming Weiss shook her head.

'It is going to be an interesting time at Beacon.' I thought to myself as I left with the girls and Jaune following behind.

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