RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 4 - Qrow makes a choice.


The door that was cracked open allowing the voice that I found oh so familiar, was now wide open and a figure stood in a lanky manner within the doorway.

That figure, it seemed so familiar that I simply could not take my eyes away from it. Due to this great concentration my right eye of mine had formed into that of the Rinnegan unconsciously just so that I could have a better look.

And only then was I truly sure… The person in front I knew greatly well… His name was Qrow Branwen, the uncle of Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose…

'What the hell is this drunk doing here?' As far as I knew, this was not the island where Yang and Ruby were raised on. Though not very far at all.

"And what do we have here? What a mighty pair of lungs this one has, I'll take 'em!" Qrow was drunker than ever before and whatever was in his flask would explain it. But that doesn't really matter at the moment… Did he just say that he would take me? 'WHAT AM I?! SOME CLAW MACHINE PRIZE?!'

"Sir, you cannot be serious. I can tell that you have had far to mu-" The mistress of the orphanage seemed that she actually wanted to talk Qrow out of taking a child with him due to him being completely drunk off his ȧss, but she saw that he was actually looking my way and it came to her. She can get rid of the brat that cries in the middle of the night due to a dirty diaper and she can then put the older kids back to their regular chores rather than have them watch me.

It was a win-win as Qrow will get the kid he is eyeing and she can get the kids back to work.

"Really~? I was thinking of having a kid myself, my sister is 'bout to have one so why not? I mean, i'd make a cool dad, I think?" Qrow saw her point and actually calmed down and thought that it would indeed be best to think before he acted.

Getting up Qrow made his way to the door and while doing so the mistress decided to persuade him "Sir, if that child is the one you wish to care for then that is complexly fine with me. All I'd need is your signature and scroll number so that I can contact you later on."

Qrow looks at her weirdly and calls her out on it "What are ya' sayin' this time? Ya' just said not to?" He is used to being frank and can realize something was off, even if his judgment was screwed. He's basically an airhead at times while drunk.

"Sir, it is just that I do believe that the child is deserving of a home. You see, when he was born his mother immediately passed on and his father was reported as a dead due to a Grimm attack many months ago. He has nobody left, so I just wanted whats best for him." The mistress attempts to use my sad past already as a means to get rid of me. I don't like her even more now.

"Then what about the others? Don't they deserve happiness?" Qrow can see a bit past her charade and presses on, "Sir, the other children are already promised teaching at nearby institute when they become of age. They are used to not having a family and love each other greatly, the only one that hasn't integrated yet is this child. So rather than disturb the lives of the older children why not give him a chance?" The mistress had such a great argument that if I had not known her true nature then I would have believed her.

Qrow was wary and decided to leave "Thank you, but I'll be taking my leave. Was a stupid idea anyway."

As Qrow took his steps toward the door so that he can leave, I knew that it was now or never. If he didn't accept me after this then I would be screwed beyond belief.

Raising my tiny hand to the back of Qrow who was heading out the door, I said within 'Universal Pull!' and a force had appeared from my hand that managed to reach Qrow's back.

And it pulled on him, it wasn't a strong force that can force him my way but this force was enough to let him now that a force was acting on him.

Qrow turned my way and noticed that I had my hand raised, curious as to what that force was he came forward and looked into my makeshift crib that was on its last legs. As he looked down, he noticed something that was far to great to ignore… My Rinnegan, an eye that was completely purple in color and had a single ring that surrounded the dot of a pupil.

"This…" Qrow reached down and picked me up from my crib, holding me cradled in his arms I could smell the alcohol on his breath that was so strong I myself nearly got drunk off the fumes alone.

"I Qrow Branwen shall take this child as my son."

With this very sentence, Qrow held me to his ċhėst as he scribbled down his signature on a contract that stated he was now my legal adoptive father from here on. He grabbed what recourses that were provided as to help him care for me as he himself will have to get the rest of the supplies later on.

And we set off, Qrow didn't talk much but that was because his lips were on his flask as usual. He truly seemed to be younger than he was in the show, even his drinking seemed to keep him in a good mood, I'm vaguely sure that because he is drinking right now it straight tells me that he has always been this way and that it only gets worst later on.

Our travels were interrupted…

By what? Well let me explain… It was Qrow coming down from his drunkenness and hitting a hangover. He is currently lying against a tree trunk passes out.

This dumb son-of-a-bitch. During the time he was out of it I had to use the daily dose of nutrition gel so that I wouldn't starve.

After five full hours Qrow finally decided it was time to wake up. Me? I was cultivating the entire time, didn't want to be left in the dust by those powerful beings in this world after all.

"Huh? Where the hell am I this time?" Qrow decided to get up and look for his flask for a drink, as he does this his hands runs onto the cloth that I was wrapped in and conveniently placed in its fold was his flask. I was put in charge of protecting it while he slept. Or so he said.

"Mngh~ Never to early for a drink I suppose." As this moron opens the top to his tasty poison I remain on the floor watching him with my Rinnegan in use as he might be suspicious if I deactivated it. But my expression told all who looked at it that I was fed up with Qrow already.

As he sips his booze I only watch him and he seemed to notice that he was being watched as he began to look around with a weirded out look on his face.

"Hmm, swore I could feel somebody watching me… Must be my imagination." 'Oi, I'm right her you dumbass!' I couldn't help but quip in my mind.

While looking into his flask he begins to question if it was his booze… "What did they put into my booze? Anti-depresents and happy pills or something?"

Sighing out he continues on "Well best to just get back to work." Qrow, he went to pack his stuff up and he finally took notice of me.

His favorite flask dropped to the ground from his hand and he began to rub his eyes as if he were perhaps seeing wrong.

"That is not a baby… Hahaha… Must be seeing things." After saying this he then looks back at me where I then look him in the eye with my right side Rinnegan.

"You've gotta be kidding me, I have to watch this squirt! Who's kid is this?! What did I do?!" As Qrow was panicking I can tell that he was about to burst out of here without me and I'd say that by this point I would much rather take my chances out in the wild than stay here.

But suddenly his scroll went off… "Hello…? Yes, this is Qrow Branwen… Ah, the child? Yes, about him… Can I return him?… Hello? She hung up… FUCK!"

Ah, he cussed loudly out of anger. That's not good.

"Hah~ What am I gonna do?! My sister is already expecting a child, I can't just show up with this squirt for no reason! … Or can I?"

He then looks down at me and I think I saw a light flash through those eyes of his… I knew he was up to no good… And I was right,

"Hehheh… Uchiha? Let's add something onto that… How about Saul? Yes, Saul is good!" 'No it is not you damn drunk, don't name me in other languages freely!'

"Well Saul Uchiha… I have decided that since you are coming with me you will have to earn your keep and so, why not become the bodyguard of my future niece. What do you say?" he then proceeds to put a hand on the top of my head and nod it in rhythm to his next words he speaks in a baby voice "That sounds fun, I'd love to! Also my name is amazing thank you!"

Smiling he looks me in the eyes and say "Great, then lets get along and head over to my sister's place!"

'This bastard! How dare you! I demand you take me back to the orphanage!'

Yet these wishful thoughts of mine were to go unheard. And we were off once more.

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