RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 5 - Meeting my Adoptive Uncle and Aunt.

After three weeks of dealing with Qrow I'am completely done with him, he keeps bitching that I'am a pain in the ȧss and refuses to actually learn to care for me. He has almost gotten me killed on five occasions and mopes whenever he is refused service in a bar because I'am with him.

He is basically a man-child and I'am done. Just done.

Never in both of my lives have I ever gotten the chance to meet such an irresponsible person, whenever he tries to feed me some milk he caries around in his it spoiled twice, burn my tongue six times and he forgot to pack enough to feed me over our trip so he resorted to random ground up fruits that tasted so bitter I almost passed out.

But now, after three long weeks we completed our trip… I almost felt like crying tears of joy. Such a joyous occasion!

After the three weeks we made it to our destination, the Island known as Patch this is the Island where Yang and Ruby were raised by Taiyang and occasionally Qrow and this here is where I will supposedly live for several years as well.

We walked toward the inner part of the Island by following along a dirt path that seemed to be rather new.

Toward the end of the path, laid a log cabin that seemed to be no older than a few months almost as if it just recently appeared from nowhere and Qrow decide it would be best to walk up and knock on the door before anything else…


He seemed to not care to much even though I know exactly who it is behind that door and not even a moment had passed before the door swung open and out appeared a rather muscular figure with golden blond hair.

It was Taiyang Xiao Long.

Taiyang saw who it was and put a smile on his face at Qrow's arrival "Qrow! Good to see you man, how are you doing, Raven is just insi-"

But he was cut off by Qrow by him saying "No time for talk, to tired. Here hold this." Qrow then went inside and crashed onto the couch. While Taiyang… He only looked down at me…

"Qrow has a kid? Awesome! Look at that amazing eye of his!" As Taiyang was marveling over my Rinnegan I could hear some cluttering from the stairway, I could tell who it was instantly through her voice "Taiyang, did you say Qrow just now? Has my dear brother come to visit?" She seemed to play the role of a cool beauty, though I would appreciate losing the sarcasm.

"Ah Raven, come here! You're gonna want to see this! Qrow has a kid, can you believe that?!" Taiyang was ecstatic that his fried finally grew up and had a child, just like him who has a daughter on the way!

While Raven on the other hand couldn't quite wrap her head around the idea that Qrow would go and have a child, "Are you sure that it is his? What if he just picked it up… That sounded better in my head, anyway I highly doubt that the child would actually belong to him."

After saying her quick piece she walked over to Qrow with her nine month pregnant belly, it almost seemed like a waddle if you were to ask. "Qrow, wake up and explain to I your sister the situation. I know for a fact that you wouldn't have a child on your own, unless that semblance of your got you into trouble again."

Qrow though tired hated it when somebody were to bring up his semblance "Just so you know, I accidentally got in over my head in booze and adopted the squirt. Now I'm stuck with the brat for life."

'So his semblance did screw him over again…' Was the only thought that ran through their minds.

"But even so Qrow, I know you better than that. Your instincts are sharp and almost always ready, so even if you were drunk under the table you should be able to not adopt a child. So how did this brat override those instincts of yours?" Raven knew better than to just trust his word, Qrow was an expert Huntsman of the highest calibre and couldn't just make such a stupid mistake that most normal people wouldn't make.

"Yeah Qrow, even though I'am overjoyed that you got your stuff together. I cannot help myself but to think that you failed in some sort. That is what came to me after realizing you only brought a child and not its mother along… So what is this little guy/s name anyway?" Taiyang wanted to point out the flaws of Qrow but only ended up cooing my way as if searching for a response and if I had teeth I'd have bit his finger off. 'Stop waving your damn finger in my face!'

"The kid's name is Saul, though he already had a last name. It's Uchiha, Saul Uchiha" Both Raven and Taiyang were a bit weirded out that Qrow gave him a name, but also at the fact that he only had a last name before.

"First lets start with that name you gave him… I don't like it. Raven! Let's think of something else to name him as! Let the game begin!" 'Don't go around and make a game of it!!'

"I couldn't agree anymore. Saul doesn't exactly do it for me…" 'Oi! I'm related to somebody named Saul!… Or well was… Doesn't matter!'

"Then how about something like Kratos! That sounds strong!" 'That name reminds me of a game, no.'

"No, we should name him something else… Like Luna!" 'That's even worse, no.'

"Then maybe… Xander? Yeah, Xander sounds good!" 'That'll… That'll work. I guess?'

"Mmm… Let's put that on the maybe section, lets go with Darian! That would be best I think!" After giving the second choice of a name Raven puffed her ċhėst a bit and the guys were both dumbfounded… She picked a good name! 'Mmmhmm, I like this one!'

"Hahaha! I couldn't agree anymore Raven! Darian sounds like a wonderful name! It's short, sweet, it and rolls right off the tongue, the ladies will love it!" 'Where have I heard that from? Also, it doesn't roll off the tongue…Still good though.'

"Then it's decided to be switched over to Darian, also the name doesn't roll off the tongue."

Taiyang avoided Raven pointing his fault out by looking over at the couch "So anyway Qrow, why did he have a last name before you picked him up?" Qrow simply answered that the nurses at the hospital I was born couldn't think of a name to give me and just used my last name to refer to me. He found that out after messaging the mistress of the orphanage.

"Well anyway Qrow, he's your child now so you gotta care for him." Qrow looked Taiyang in the eyes and said "Sorry, you care for him cause you are his Uncle now. Also, if I stick around the kid to long he'll probably die. Almost did on the way here, but even so he could be used for other things you know; like a bodyguard"

Taiyang looked at Qrow in disapproval of his stupid actions "Qrow, I know I can be considered his Uncle now but that doesn't change the fact he is now your son. You should take care of him, like I will my child." After saying this he laid me down on the couch next to Qrow.

Raven decided to ask her questions now "So what is this about the bodyguard? And what about that eye of his?" While saying this my 'precious' Aunt Raven picked me up by the arm pits and stared into my Rinnegan.

"For the bodyguard position, just have him protect your soon to be born daughter. As for his eye, I cannot really say, all I know is that it can pull objects toward him and push them away." Qrow didn't feel like moving and only gave a rundown of what he knew. "At least I think that is what it can do."

"What do you mean by that? Is it his semblance or something more… Like Summer Rose, who has those powerful eyes of hers?" Raven was wondering in complete bafflement as to what my eyes can do or exist for. But after looking into it more she put me back onto the couch.

"No clue, I only know they can do this because the kid managed to hold me back a bit when I tried to leave the room he was lying down in and on our travels he blew away mosquitos that were biting him" Qrow was only growing more tired by the second and it sounded like he was almost out of it.

"I see… " After getting what Qrow knew she decided to leave the room.

"Qrow, I know that you mean well. But seriously you gotta have some self control, your drinking way to much and I feel that it will only get worst in the future. You are my friend/brother in law and I want to help, so I will watch over the child when you are not on the island but when you are here he is your responsibility… Okay?" Taiyang decided to just compromise knowing he would get nowhere with Qrow who hasn't slept in days.

"Mmhmm, gotcha-" But suddenly Qrow was cut off by a crash of a broken plate.

Getting up and grabbing me both Qrow and Taiyang ran into the kitchen where Raven was heading into just a mement ago… There they found that Raven was kneeling on the ground "Raven! You alright?!" only to be quipped at "Do I look okay to you?! HUH?!"

Looking onto the ground Taiyang and Qrow both notice a puddle of water… And cold sweat ran down their faces… 'HER WATER BROKE!!'

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