RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 6 - Yang is born.

"OH GOD OH GOD!!! QROW WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!" Taiyang immediately broke down and went mad as he grabbed the collar of Qrow's shirt and began to shake him.

Qrow looked at him as if he were an idiot and said "What are WE gonna do?! You moron, I can't be here to help her don't forget my semblance in such an important time. Hell I'm probably the cause of her water breaking just now." After saying his piece he handed me over to Taiyang who was hyperventilating and said as he was walking out "I'll go and fetch you a doctor but nothing more than that."

With the door shutting on his way out he took off to find a doctor for his twin sister.

"GAH! He is right, first I gotta put down this baby… I got it! I'll put him into my daughter's crib for now in my room!" Within a moment I found myself in Taiyang's bedroom and inside of a wooden crib that was placed beside his bed… 'I have a bad feeling about being here…'

And that feeling wasn't wrong in the least as immediately after I was placed down Taiyang went to fetch his wife Raven.

"Raven, here just lie down for now and whatever you do… Relax." Immediately after hearing him talk Raven yelled out not to tell her to relax and then proceeded to scream bloody murder.

'Shut up! Your water just bȧrėly broke! As long as you do relax the pain will not strain you that much!' Raven was sweating more than a pool of sweat a minute and Taiyang was running around throwing things about.

Seeing him freak out I noticed that he was doing the things that many think they should prepare such as a brass pan filled with boiled water, a warm blanket and for some reason he had a stethoscope and paddle in hand; 'I don't even want to think about it.'

I'm just glad he has given Raven a sports drink diluted with water and an energy bar so she doesn't miss a meal and lose energy.

"GAAHHHH!!! YOU MORON!!! WHERE IS THAT DOCTOR?!?!" Raven was honestly pretty furious with Taiyang getting up to his stupid antics and as was I, like can't you try harder so as to calm your wife down? Her screaming is hurting my ears.

"AH YEAH!!! Wait one second… Qrow went to get the doctor, so what should I do then?" Taiyang was confused but easily distracted so he began to mumble to himself and that only fueled his wife's rage even more.

"GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND GIVE ME YOUR HAND YOU DUMBASS!!!" Hearing the screaming of his wife Taiyang went over and gave his left hand to his wife where she then squeezed it as if it were an orange and she was in the mood for juice. I thought I heard a crunch for a second but I can only hope that my imagination was going wild.


*BANG!* Suddenly the bedroom door was slammed into the wall as it was opened with a kick by a small statured black haired beauty… 'Ruby? No that is impossible, it must be her mother Summer Rose.'

"Taiyang! I heard that Raven is going into labor from Qrow, ah…" As she came in speaking she noticed that Taiyang was kneeling on the ground as Raven was crushing his hand with her own.

"Hehehe~… Yeah I see you two are struggling. I told the both of you to look up information on the process because it would take time to get the doctor who is over half an hour from here." Though she was scolding them lightly with a wry mile she was already putting everything into position for when the time is right.


But while doing so she stumbled across me who was in the crib of the soon to be born Yang, her eyes went wide and white as she was completely confused… Looking back at Raven who was crushing Taiyang's hand and then back to me, then to Taiyang and then to me, back to Taiyang and Raven then back to me again…

This process continued until Taiyang decide to speak out that I was the adopted child of Qrow who he is now forced to raise. 'Bastard! You make it sound as if I'm the same as Qrow, just another mouth to feed!'

Waiting in this crib is killing me as I currently want to get up and PUNCH TAIYANG IN HIS STUPID FUCKING FACE!!!!!!

After another thirty minutes of despair on many fronts the doctor finally made an entrance, he was just some old geezer I didn't care much for at all. Just an ordinary village doctor.

"Now Miss Raven, it would be wise that you follow the instructions of your husband Taiyang and calm down. Relaxation will help both of us make it through the process with ease. So please don't break your husband's arm!"

"GAH! I HATE THIS!! GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME ALREADY!!!" Raven seemed as if she were a child throwing a temper tantrum, even Summer had sweat dripping down her head at how childish she sounded. But Taiyang was taking the brunt of her force as his arm should definitely not be in that position at all…

I'am in for one hell of a day aren't I?… Wait… I also have a front row seat… Oh God…!



Seriously, how has his arm not break into several pieces already? For the past five hours your arm was being bent into increasingly worst ways and I can tell through the Sharingan that your Aura has been diminishing but your arm hasn't broken.

And knock it off with all the screaming, I myself am having the instincts of a newborn child triggered and currently want to cry so as to get out of here… 'Hmm? Summer…?'

"Hello~ How are you little one? Are you hungry? I bet you are~." She seemed to want to keep me calm by baby talking me as she mentioned food… I forgot to take my nutritional gel while they weren't looking, I was to distracted by them going Super Saiyan over there on the bed.

That didn't sound wrong at all~…

*Rumble~~* 'My stomach, you have betrayed me!'

"Aaaww~ it seems that you are hungry~ Well give me a moment to get you a bottle." And within the blink of the eye she was gone… And after another blink she was back, fast.

She tested the milk on her wrist and was about to give me the bottle when something suddenly came to her as she placed her finger to her chin… Oh God, she stuck her face up to me… And sniffed!

"PEE-YUU! You stink! Time for me to take you a bath Mister!" And she proceeded to pick me up and carry me over to the bathroom where she placed me beside the tub still covered in the blanket. I took the chance to remove the Ever Changing Clothes (ECC) so that she doesn't throw them out.

"Alright, the bath is prepared enough for you to be washed in!"…

For the next fifteen minutes Summer bathed my body that was not even four months old with a speed and accuracy that I never got to even see, I completely doubt that if I activate the Sharingan that I could see her.

"Hah~ little one, you really are unlucky yet somehow you were unaffected by the unlucky semblance of Qrow and got him to take you in. Perhaps it was this eye of yours? Dunno, but while he is gone I'll do my utmost to watch over you. So no need to worry~." 'No you got that wrong Summer, I'am worried!'

As Summer wraps me in a new diaper she placed me into another cleaner blanket and then took me back to the room where everybody was at… But when we arrived we noticed that something was off… It turned out that Raven finally gave birth to Yang as she was now resting on her bed with Yang in her arms and wrapped in a yellow blanket, while the doctor and Taiyang were on the floor.

Summer only managed to dryly laugh as she placed me into the crib to rest.

'Finally, I can get some sleep! Hallelujah!'

This thought of mine was interrupted by Summer placing down a ball of yellow into the crib alongside me, it was Yang.

She was the same as any newborn, she had a small amount of yellow hair and she had small patches of blood on her as it seemed that the doctor fell from exhaustion before he could bathe her. I can understand as he was an old coot that was doing laborious work for five straight hours!

But even so, to have such a sister still brought a smile to my face and it seemed that the world around me no longer existed as I stretched my left hand over and took hold of hers.

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