RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 7 - She would have been a nice mother.

Awaking from my sleep, I feel a warm sensation it felt so comforting that I didn't want to move from where I was.

I feel as if something was wrapped around me, like a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer it was soft and felt as if a part of me. Nothing could make me want to move at this time. Nothing.


Snapping awake I forced my self from where I was with these bȧrėly mobile arms of mine.

Tumbling forward I land on the bed that was below, but how exactly did I fall onto a bed from where I was at?

"Darian! Are you okay?!" Hearing a voice I can feel something come toward my direction.

Instinctively I raised my hand and shouted inside 'Almighty Pu-' but… I was cut off.

Being swept up from the bed I was being carried in the arms of somebody "Thank goodness, you seem to be alright! You worried me half to death you know!" these arms… Were quite warm, they felt safe.

Snuggling up, I wanted to meld myself within this warmth for the rest of my days. It felt as if something I long since lost had finally come back to me.

I truly felt at peace.


But I awoke once again, the struggle of my body multiplied by many times. I wanted to escape more than anything!

Nobody could stand before me without receiving the brunt of my wrath 'RELEASE ME!!'

Fear overwhelmed my consciousness and the struggle only began to grow inside as I wanted to escape from the arms which dared to hold me.

'Let me go!'

As I struggled the arms only constricted me and began to tighten up as the pressure that was put on me grew at an accelerating rate, I couldn't match it at all.

My energy was completely drained from my body, sleepiness began to take over me.

This was it, this was all the fight I had in me. My fate had been sealed, all was lost.

"Darian, it's okay. Everything is okay…"

Hearing the voice I only raised my head a bit to see the face of a cute woman, it was Summer.

Her eyes had tears in them, her face was sightly scrunched up and the veins in her eyes stuck out a little more than they should. As I look up to her I can feel that my center of balance was beginning to mess up a bit.

Summer fell to her knees, she was still looking down on me. It seems she could tell what was going on in my mind as she took my hand and wiped away her tears "It'll be just fine Darian, so please calm down now…"

She was looking down on me with an unspeakable kindness, one that offset countless years of torment that was struggling in my heart. I felt free of pain for the first time.

'It doesn't hurt anymore...'

Holding her white hood I pulled myself a little closer and felt the warmth that I longed for and I held on as tightly as I could almost as if for dear life, I didn't want to let go. Ever.

Waking once more, I found myself wrapped in a white blanket and being held in somebody's arms. Looking up I expected to find Summer, but lo' and behold it was actually the newest mother Raven.

"And why exactly do I have to carry this child? I understand that this one is mine but the other has no relation to me! Take him back Summer and Taiyang!" She seemed rather upset.

The both of them ignored Raven and just wore teasing smiles "Hehehe~, no can do Raven. For now lets just have the children think that you are the mother of both of them~."

"Yeah Raven, no harm no foul so all is well!"

Fully incensed by this Raven about threw me "Why I otta! Fine, for now I will hold these brats but afterwards they are to go back to the crib! Got it?!"

""Yes Raven~"" Both Summer and Taiyang called at once.

"Why you?! - Huh?"

Looking down Raven seems to have spotted me… Not entirely sure if this is good for me in the least.

"Hey Raven~ He never got to eat his bottle before he slept earlier! Why not feed him now~!" 'Summer you're playing a dangerous game, leave me out!'

"HA~H! Yeah right! Like I'd feed this brat! As I said he ain't my kid dammit!"

While Raven stared down on me from her position of sitting up in the bed I could only stare up at her and hope she won't hit me over the head.

"Well anyway Raven don't hit the child. Besides why did Qrow go and adopt Darian anyway? I didn't know he wanted a kid." Summer decided to take the heat off of me, but I thought that Taiyang already explained?

"Ah, I know what you mean Summer. Well the reason Qrow went and got himself a son all of a sudden was because he was blackout drunk when he met him, though that was only the first of a few reasons such as that eye of his." Summer and Raven both looked at my Rinnegan that I had on full display.

"That eye just like yours has some latent power, though I have no clue as to what it is. But I know that it involves some sort of magnetism or gravitational force as Qrow has seen him throw away mosquitos and pull items toward him. This just might be the surface of his abilities." Taiyang made sure to let them in on all the information he had on my eye, though not completely wrong he wasn't entirely right about the Rinnegan as that is only one of its several abilities.

As the two began to imagine the extent of my abilities and possible power later on, Summer rethought what she heard.

"You said that there were other reasons, right?"

"Yeah the other reason I know is that Qrow decided to have him as my daughter's, Yang's bodyguard. Though I don't entirely like the idea."

"Mmm, it would be a bit of a waste to have him watch over Yang her entire life. He could have a near infinite future if this is merely the surface of his power after all." Raven is thinking such things apparently, she outclasses the others in thought greatly but it is sad that she has no real back-bone.

"Yeah it would be, but then what should we consider him? My son? Not gonna happen, my hands are already full with Yang alone!" Taiyang shrugged off all responsibility of me in a moment. 'Bastard!'

Summer was now looking down on me from above, she seemed to be inspecting me rather closely 'Don't tell me!'.

"Hmm~ guess I'll take care of him! He can be the older brother of Yang~ that would be so adorable!!" 'I knew it!'

Snuggling me closely I can hear Summer's heartbeat through her clothes and ċhėst, it was warm.

Looking back at Raven I notice that her top was pulled down on the right side, she also held up Yang to her brėȧst that was exposed and Yang just suċkėd on her nɨppŀė as she wanted to have her fill instinctively.

Watching the process I can only smile wryly in my head as my face cannot quite show it just yet.

*Le Growl~*

My stomach seemed to have growled in french. 'So embarrassing!'

"Hmm? Darian, are you hungry? Sorry but Mommy can't make milk just yet~." Summer was saying very stupid things as expected, but seriously you are my Mom now?

But she seemed to have realized something "AH! THAT'S IT!"

"Geh! Summer what is 'it'? And please don't yell in my ear." Taiyang was cleaning out his ear after Summer went off like an alarm.

"Raven can you feed my new son? Pretty please with strawberries on top?" Summer gave he a winning smile as she held me by my armpits in front of Raven.

"Summer, don't step out of line. I'm not gonna feed a child who isn't mine, so don't ask again." Raven wore a scowl as she spoke these harsh words.

'Yeah Summer, please stop.'

With a slightly disappointed look Summer lowered me a bit "Okay then…"

Not expecting her to give up so easily, Raven actually was slightly confused and had a small smile appear on her face. It was a beautiful smile "I'm glad that you understand Summer, then would you please take the child and -"

"… Guess I won't ask you, Darian go ahead and eat!" Suddenly Summer forced me onto Raven's left brėȧst that she uncovered within the blink of an eye… 'Bou, Summer you are insane!'

With my lips on Raven's exposed nɨppŀė I unconsciously began to drink the milk that flowed out. As I did so, a hand landed on my head.

Scrunching up my eyes I thought 'This is the end!' and I should only hold still as my mouth kept drinking.

But as I awaited my fate, I felt the hand on the back of my head slowly stroke it. It felt nice.

Listening in I heard Raven's voice "Dammit Summer, now that he is on my brėȧst I can't just remove him 'cause he would freak out. Nothing more than that, alight?… Wipe that smirk off your face!!"

Seems she and Summer were getting along just fine~.

As I continued to eat, I felt the mother warmth that I had never felt before surround me. I just soaked inside of it.

And that warmth enveloped me whole.

With my conciseness sinking into a form of darkness the warmth kept me from thinking of anything that wasn't happiness. Letting the warmth take over, I fell asleep in Raven's arms.

'She would have made a nice mother.'

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