RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 8 - Biding my time.

Raven is gone…

She left only a few days ago, not anymore than a month after Yang was born into this world and it was only enough time so that her body can recover from giving birth to her child. She just packed her weapon and used a gate of hers, never to return.

She seemed angry and disappointed, she refused any and all contact with Yang since the week after her birth. She refused to bond with Yang and therefore I know that she will never be able to use her semblance to contact her.

Raven spent the last few days just sitting in front of the window and was thinking about something though I now not of what it could be, so I could do nothing as she prepared to set off.

And now she is gone, due to this all happening so suddenly Taiyang seemed to almost age a few years overnight. Depression slowly set in and attempted to swallow him, in this time Summer was caring for both Yang and I her new son.

Me? I always stayed at Yang's side, I basically refused to leave it and just stayed there the whole time. When we were bathed it was together, when we were fed it was together and when we slept it was together.

I guess in my own way I was comforting not only her but myself while doing this.

Taiyang, he was grumpy but still had the mind of an ȧduŀt so handling this much grief while going on with life should feel normal to him but the loss of Raven truly hit him hard.

Not that I could do anything.

So in the time that Taiyang was moping around and Raven went missing I was training my Chakra as much as I possibly could, allowing the energy to flow through me and allowing my cells to devour the energy was a lengthy process that kept me in a meditative state for almost three hours every cycle and it wasn't getting any shorter.

I'm just happy that I feel rather energized at the end of it.

As I opened the system I saw that the price of a Chakra cultivation technique cost quite a bit so I refused to spend any System Points on a low grade one. It would bring me no benefit to use something of that scale.

Suddenly I remember that I haven't spent much time on Madara's memories since I arrived here, the reason I didn't collect Madara's cultivation technique was because I was reeling in the basics of all of his other skills first and some fighting experience.

Besides, Me already knowing a low grade cultivation technique didn't help me in remembering I could do that.

But now that I know what to do then I should get to work promptly.

And so I did, I scoured throughout the memories of Madara Uchiha and collected all the information he had on Chakra so as to improve my growth.

The information I acquired was worth well more than it's weight in gold and diamonds. The technique I picked up was considered a Top Tier level Cultivation Technique. My growth rate in the amount of Chakra I have inside my body will soar in speed and I could equal the amount of Chakra Madara had at his peak before his 'death' within fifteen years time.

Though I have no clue if that will be enough as the speed is including that of the Senju blood that flows within my veins as well. But now that I think of it, Madara did at one point die of old age… So me getting to his level in fifteen years or so is basically a monstrous level.

But that is if I only focus on the growth of my Chakra pool and not include the control of said Chakra, being able to control it well might give me the skill needed to become a Sage and/or have the ability to have overpowering jutsu like Madara; in the Naruto series Madara was known for having extremely powerful jutsu that can overpower an army.

This stems from both the fact that he purified his Chakra but gained an immense amount of control over it. Not just his Chakra pool alone, that by itself could never bring about such devastating affects.

But even so, I really should take into consideration my Rinnegan and Sharingan.

They, just like my Chakra, are a part of my body.

So when night falls and the house is quiet I activate the Sharingan and force what Chakra I have in the Sharingan so as to help purify and saturate it enough so that it can evolve into the Two Tomoe version and so on.

But as of now the effects are at an all time low and are basically useless to even attempt.

So I can only work in shifts to train my Chakra, for five hours a day I will empty my pool of Chakra into the Sharingan or Rinnegan and refill it so as to expand the pool, I then for another five hours in the day will have the Chakra flow through my body and control it this way and finally at night for five straight hours I will train both the Rinnegan and Sharingan in their usage.

The usage of both Dojutsu is rather limited at the moment due to the lacking of a target to focus on and train with. No pain, no gain. 'So true...'

This is a decent training regiment to start off with, but even so to get enough time to do it I can only do the training in intervals so that I decrease the chance of being interrupted by the depressed Taiyang or Summer who is caring for both Yang and I.

And so, while doing this I also played the part of a child and playing quite often while using a slower version of cultivating Chakra so that I can be distracted and not harm my body.

Playing with Yang and Summer while Taiyang watched over us was actually quite nice and so I settled into the role of a baby with ease…

I cannot look them in the eyes while they do those things.

For an entire twelve months this is how things went on, but suddenly I began to notice that Summer and Taiyang are getting awfully comfortable with each other and came to the conclusion that their relationship is starting to form.

"Summer, Yang… Darian." Taiyang entered the room with nothing but saying our names, though he did pause at my name like a little bitch.

"Oh? Taiyang! Why don't you come over and play with your daughter~." Summer was pushing Yang into the arms of Taiyang as she held me to her bosom/breast. They are quite soft might I add. Heh heh~.

Ah, Taiyang is glaring my way as he cradles Yang. He must have noticed me enjoying the brėȧst he is unconsciously chasing after. Damn geezer!

"Darian why don't you and Yang play together~? You are practically cousins so all is well!." That scary looking smile on your face says that you are pissed off you know!

"Are you sure Taiyang? I mean, you could use more time with your daughter after all-" As Summer was talking I saw that she was taken away from the room by Taiyang, Yang was placed beside me where she was just playing with a plastic key set.

Heh! I have no idea what to do with Taiyang!

But with all seriousness… I have no idea how this relationship is gonna go. I mean I was a bit of an anime fan in my first life but even so I have no clue on certain things that are thrown into the open.

'Yang, what am I gonna do with this couple of idiots?' They have no clue on what to do. How did they even begin their relationship? Was it here and now that it began? No clue.

Another six months have passed and I gotta say that Taiyang is all over Summer to the point where he almost forgets he has kids to watch over, he has got to be the most irresponsible person I know other than Qrow.

This is because he actually got Summer pregnant and when he found out he passed out immediately, though it turns out it is from both joy and unease as he will have three children to care for and all three are from different mothers while one isn't even his kid.

So, he's taking the news rather well as he hasn't offed himself from despair.

All's well, ends well. Right?

Wrong, he ended up watching over Summer even more than ever before as he was worried for her health and this drove on for far to long to the point where he forgot the optimal age to take Yang out for her first haircut. I mean, later after she gets her semblance then all hell will be released and as for myself I might kill him if I go get a haircut.

The reason for me not wanting a haircut is because Madara acknowledges that Uchiha are only to cut their hair after a major loss in battle or being disowned from the clan. So cutting the hair of the Uchiha is considered a great offense and will cause others to look down upon those with short hair. But even so, the Uchiha have their hair grow at a much slower rate due to most nutrients go to the brain and eyes over the hair.

Basically it's an Uchiha thing.

So, because he forgot to take her to get a hair cut for nine months I can say for sure that he is in for hell later on.

And I will be eating popcorn in the background.

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