RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 51 - Landing Strategies!

Rummaging through my locker, I gathered what gear I would be using.

Sitting on the bench I placed on my ċhėst plate, pauldrons and kusazuri. The armor consisted of three main separate parts, though the pauldrons are always attached to the ċhėst plate.

Reaching back in I drag out Kubokiribocho that I pulled from my storage.

Attaching the handle to the blade was a matter of a few simple twist of my wrist. Just like that, Kubokiribocho is ready for battle; the same as I.

Today, is the true beginning.

Not the beginning of my story, but rather that of team RWBY.

My story began long ago... I had thought so anyway.

But the truth of the matter had shook me.


Looking up inside of my locker I see a little figure staring at me with a great smile on its face.

With a slowly rising emotion on my face I look at it, then I look to my right "Whu-" then to my left "What?..." then back at the little figure again "What the hell!"

Stretching out my hand I quickly took hold of the mini Nobbu. "Nobu~" It let out a small cry in joy as I held it.

Looking down at it I remembered that I hadn't seen it all morning and then it suddenly appeared in my locker. 'Seriously?'

Stuffing the cute thing into a small bag, I tied it to my neck. Sticking its head and arms out it observed where it hung from with a shimmer in it eyes. "NOBU!" It enjoyed the view and couldn't wait to travel like this.

Placing my hand on its head I could only ask it "Don't show yourself too much. Okay?"

With a small nod it climbed into the pouch with a small "nobu" under its breath as if trying to be sneaky.


Standing in front of my closed locker, I can only begin to move my plan into motion.

Walking past Ruby and Yang I overhear Yang trying to convince Ruby to find someone else for her team and use the fact that she has few friends as an excuse.

In the distance I can see the backside of two familiar figures. One with bright orange hair and a pink skirt, and the other had black hair with a green shirt(tunic?). They should be both Nora and Ren. 'Strange how thin Ren is, I thought he'd be taller as well?'

"WHAT THE?! I don't need to break out of my shell! That is absolutely "Ridiculous!"" Oh, it actually happened. Both Jaune and Ruby spoke in unison.

Watching Jaune wander off like a lonely spirit I couldn't help but feel my lips twitch at how pathetic he looked, I mean with the training he received he is better but not by much apparently.

"Darian? What do you think?"

Looking to my right I see both Yang and Ruby staring at me, "The what now?"

Rolling her eyes Ruby began to repeat herself "Do you think I need to 'break out of my shell?' and join a team with complely new people?"

Looking between her and Yang I can only shake my head "Listen the both of you. It doesn't matter who's team you end up on, the both of you are sisters. Forever and always. If you end up on the same team, then great and if not then it won't matter. Just accept it as it is."

Turning away from them I move along, but came accross another interesting duo.

"...Hmm. I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the pieces fall where they may."

A cute red haired girl and the lovely Wiess are talking. But seeing as her question was answered Wiess was about to talk when I began.

"Fate... As in Destiny. These can truly be left up to a single thing. Luck." As I finished I was already planning to leave when my shoulder was grabbed.

"Oh, Darian. Perfect timing." Wiess was the one to grab my shoulder.

"I was just thinking that the three of us would make a great team together!" She seemed happy as she spoke and yet I already knew that she only wanted the best team in the school.

Shaking my head to her I moved my shoulder and removed her hand. "Who knows little Snow Angel. But chances of that happening are very low indeed. Let's leave it up to our Luck to decide for us."

Quickly buŧŧing in Jaune decided to use this as his chance "You know... I personally think that we would make a great team together. Wiess."

"Oh. You have got to be kidding me." Wiess would have facepalmed through her head if she could. And I've got to agree, this little insubordinate bastard needs a beating.

"So, how about we get ready and prepare for this little exam. What do ya say?" Jaune was leaning into the obviously annoyed face of Wiess.

Behind him I can see the cute red haired girl get ansy as she hadn't introduced herself yet.

Eventually she spoke up "Actually, the teams should be composed of four students each."

"You don't say?" Jaune moved over to her "Well hot stuff, play your cards right and maybe you can join up with the winning team." Jaune really seemed confident with himself.

But Wiess quickly ran over and got between them "Jaune, right? Do you know who you're talking to?"

Jaune was stunned with Wiess that he was genuinily confused at the question "Not in the slightest Snow Angel."

"Don't call me that." Pointing at Pyrrha behind her Wiess introduced "This is Pyrrha!"

"Hello again!" :) she waved her hand.

"Pyrrha graduated at the top of her class at Sanctum."

"Oh wow?" Jaune was slightly surprised and yet he sounded sarcastic.

"She's won the Mystral Reginal Tournaments, four years in a row! A new record."

"Okay cool."

Getting annoyed at his impassiveness Wiess almost jumped out and swung her arms yelling "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmellow Flakes Box!!"

"HUAH~! That's you!" Jaune was super excited to see his hero now.

"They only do that for stars or athletes or cartoon characters!." Jaune was almost fan girling over Pyrrha now.

"Yeah. It was pretty cool. Sadly the cereal isn't very good for you."

"So after hearing all of this. Do you really think you're in the position to ask HER to be on your team?"

Slunk down on his luck Jaune lowered his posture and talked sadly "I guess not. Sorry."

Pyrrha was moving over to comfort him when he suddenly jumped up "But my Boss is!"

"HAH?" Wiess let out.

"Your Boss? And who is that?" She seemed to be waiting for this idiot to explain himself.

"Oh, he's already here." Turning over to me he began "Hey Darian. Why don't you try to get Pyrrh- uh oh."

Hearing the last bit of his sentence both girls were curious and looked my way.

Seeing the sight before them made sweat trinkle down their backs.

My face was almost black with anger.

It seemed as if I was about to blow up into a bloody explosion.

"So it was you."

"""Huh?""" The three said at once. They all seemed confused at what I said.

"I thought that sealing the memory of your existense away would help me mentally, turns out that I didn't put on the cap correctly." The three of them were just staring at me without understanding what it is that I was getting at.

'Sealing memory?' This sentence brought them many questions.

"It was you who I had to look at each and every single day." Pyrrha, hearing what I said had blushed.

"Starring at that damn box." And then she was just lost again.

*BAM* I stomped my foot down.

"For three FUCKING MONTHS!" I yelled.

Taking a step back they tried to look for an escape.

"I had to eat that cereal for three God Forsaken MONTHS! It was hell!"

... The situation was eventually explained to the three who just kept nodding their heads.

To put it simply: I locked myself into a laboratory for five months due to the fact that I had to let the System go through a minor update.

In that time I made several breakthroughs.

Though one thing for sure was miscalculated...

I had let Franken Stein do all the provions for our crew for the five month lockdown in the lab. He didn't know how to do his job properly and I had to eat that damn cereal for three months after all the other food was eaten by myself.

To this day I don't even want to look at a Pumpkin Pete's cereal box ever again.

In fact I had already attempted to end my life because at one point we were almost out of supplies and it was one of the few choices we had left. Now my soldiers know not to eat it around me if they don't want their friends to see the inside of their skulls.


Standing on my platform I still seeth in my anger from when I finally recognised Pyrrha, though it was stupid of me to think that I could forget such an important character. 'But why does it feel like I remembered her before we met in the locker room? I could have sworn that she was locked out of my memory for years now?'

Thinking of the time I spent in that damn laboratory only eating Pumkin Pete's cereal, it makes me want to vomit!

Such a foul and disgusting cereal. Of course it would be bad for your health!

"BRR~!" Just imagining being in that room made me want to die.

"Nobu?" The Nobbu poked its head out.

"Putting my hand back on its head I simply said "Not now. Maybe later." And slowly nudged it back into the bag.


Looking over at Ozpin and Lynda I realized that all the other students arrived.

Ozpin started us off "For years you have trained to become warriors... Today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Taking a sip of his coffee.

Lynda then went on "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the ȧssignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion."

She looked us all over once "Each of you will be given teammates. Today."

"What! O~h!" Ruby muttered out under her breath.

Ozpin then decided to resume speaking "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here in Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone whom you can work well."

"O~H No!" Ruby let out again in worry.

Holding up his mug Ozpin went on "That being said. The first person you make eyecontact with after your landing will be your partner for the next four years." He spped his coffee.

Looking over at Ruby I can see that her world was almost crushed "What?!"

Ignoring Ruby, Ozpin went on "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opostition along the way, do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... Or you will die."

Hearing his words Jaune laughed nercously and gulped loudly.

"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of the initiation. But our instructors will not interveign." Saying this, he is telling everyone that their lives are in their own hands once again.

"You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path, containing several relics; each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item as well as your standing and grade you appropriatly."

He pauses dramatically "Are there any questions?"

Raising his hand Jaune spoke out "Yeah, um, Sir?"

Ignoring Juane Ozpin continued "Good. Now take your positions."

Listening I just shrugged off his words and put a slight bend in my knees and was left almost in a kneeling position.

Jaune worriedly went on "Uh Sir. I've got, um, a question."

The sounds of several platforms launching their participants begins.

"So this 'Landing Strategy' thing. Uh, what is it? Are you like dropping us off or something?"

Looking up from his mug Ozpin answers "No. You WILL be falling."

Getting even more nervous Jaune ask again "Oh, uh, I see. So, like did you hand out parachtes for us?"

Slightly annoyed Ozpon can't seem to shut up "No. You will be using your own landing strategy."

Somewhat understanding and somewhat not "Uh, huh. Yeah."

Looking over at Yang she gives me and Ruby a smile as she puts on a pair of aviator glasses.

"So, what exactly is a landing strategy~~~!!!" Jaune is finally launched off!

And that includes me *Thump!* "NOBU!" 'Stay quiet!'

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