RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 52 - Crossing the Emerald Forest

Falling from the sky was by no means anything new to me. In fact, it felt as natural as walking.

Listening to the wind as it screamed past my ear was a unique feeling that couldn't be found elsewhere. It brought out a sense of thrill and might that you could only gain after you have full control over your body.

Being launched the way I was, left me falling over almost several miles away from where I began. The height was already high as I was thrown into a valley but me jumping at the same time as the launch only let me soar farther into the forest that stretched out before me.

Seeing the mountains in the distance was a moment to leave most in awe, yet I'm here to work.

The fall wasn't anything grand in the least as in my off time, I can be found being dropped onto the planet from devastating heights.

Today was just a slight hop and skip.

Yet that doesn't take away from my enjoyment.

Looking below I can see that I'm steadily getting closer and closer to the ground below. Reaching my arm up to my shoulder I grab ahold of my weapon and pull it forth from my back.

Wielding Kubokiribocho I grab hold with both hands on the handle and lift it to an angle.

Catching the waist thick tree with the indent of my sword I spun around the tree and slid down in a spiral movement, this caused me to slice through the tree with ease and tore it up along the way down.

Tearing through the tree I could feel the force behind my fall disipate inward into the tree.

*Pochhh~* My feet land on the ground and shuffle along any debris beneath them. Sliding a little forward I soon come to a complete stop.

Placing my giant weapon upon my shoulder I turned to look behind.

Looking back at the tree I can see that I left it almost falling apart, 'seems weird how the tree is still standing'. I was almost impressed at how tough the tree I landed on was.

Thinking a joke I thought 'Air Ozpin. Please don't fly with us again.' Chuckling at my small joke I began to take note of where I currently ended up landing at. From just looking about I can guess it was a forest 'no shit' I quipped back at my thought.

From sensing the area around me I can quickly tell that I landed far out of the reach of any other testers in the exam/team creator.

And here I hoped that I could quickly create a team that could beat all others in the academy. But it should be fine if I just try to get through the exam as it is. Maybe I can be my own team or something? Dunno.

Taking a close look into my surroundings I can easily figure out that I may have even overshot the ruins that I was supposed to investigate, considering the fact that I used a powerful jump whenever I was launched it would make sense to have overshot if not just been launched into the wrong direction entirely.

So before I can think anymore about making a team I will have to try and make it to the ruins and meet up with the other testers and the main characters of RWBY. I can only hope that they don't get into a situation they cannot handle just yet.

Truth be told... I'm worried.

Kneeling down onto the ground, I have the intention to try and get to the ruins before the others.

Placing my hands together I form five separate seals to use the... Chikushodo! (Animal Path)

Biting my thumb and drawing blood I smacked my hand down onto the ground, as I did I could see a seal appear on the ground and stretch outward.

*POMPH!* A lound noise was made as a cloud of smoke appeared, inside the cloud of smoke was a large creature of several meters in size.

With feathers as green and bright as gleaming Jade I could almost feel the majestic aura of the large Eagle in front of me. It was as swift as the wind, its feathers could cut stone and it beak could pierce iron.

It is by far one of my favorite summons... The Jade Eagle!

A creature that I came accross in my travels, from what I remember it came from the Re:Monster World. A world of fantasy creatures and powers. Though it wasn't the only animal I saw that came from that world.

But as of now the once golden eyes are replaced with what seems to be a copy of my Rinnegan and even along its body, purpleish black rods can be scene poking out of its flesh. The Chakra Induction Rods.

Reaching up I stroke the soft feathers of this once magnificent ruler of the sky. It felt almost surreal to have made such a being into nothing but a puppet.

Shaking my head I ignore that festering and sad thought.

Climbing upon the Jade Eagle's back I held tight to the the great bird's neck feathers as it began to flap its four wings and take flight into the very sky that once acted as it's playing field.


Flying in the sky on one of my summon's is not a new expierince but to this very moment I can say that it is very fun. I always end up a long ways away from my original destination if I'm not careful.

As I feel the air flow by I look around into the sky that surrounds me, looking around I can see a dot off in the distance flying closer towards me, it's probably the Nevermore that Ruby and Wiess will use to get to the center of the Ruins, so as long as I head towards it I can probably reach the Ruins as well.

Sailing through the sky I try and feel out my surroundings, below there are many of random groups of Grimm, Magic Beast and Animals alike.

In this world I have learned that Grimm rarely engage in combat against Magic Beast, usually a battle only would occure when the Grimm encroach in on their territory or a Darkness type Magic Beast wants to absorb them, or even if either side just randomly decided to attack.

Grimm are a great foe, and yet I can tell that they are only on the top of the food chain due to their numbers and the fact that they do not fear death.

Grimm are just manifestations of Pure Darkness and with time they grow in power and intelligence.

Reaching into the 'poitics' between these savage creatures and Magic Beast is something I do not like getting involved in after all. So I leave most information gathering on that front to my subordiates.


Flying through the sky I can tell that with not even ten minutes of flight that I have flown back on track toward the ruins, seems I really was shot off course by mistake.

Now knowing this because I can feel the Ruins not far off from where I'm heading. And heading in the same direction is the Nevermore I spotted some time ago, though now it looks less like a small blob like dot and I can see its wings flapping so now I know its getting closser.

Below I'm entering within the area of the Ruins with just moments to spare before I have to leap off the back of my Jade Eagle summon.

As I stand up I can see off into the sky far beyond the mountains that stretch around the backside of the forest. Seeing this sight I can still only imagine the world far beyond which I have yet to fully explore and enjoy to the fullest.

Hope fills me as I want to see beyond what this world alone can give unto me.

The feeling of dėsɨrė washes over me as my eyes gaze into the future that I want to create, not only for myself but for those that I hold dearly.

Continueing with my backflip I squat mid fall and raise my fist above my head.

Nearing the ground at an astonishing speed I swing my fist crashing into the ground at where my feet will land in a moment and with this punch came a loud resounding *BOOM* as the pressure behind my punch managed to destroy the ground below and cancel out the moment of my fall at once.

*Punch~* The gravel at my feet lets out a rough grinding as my feet and fist meet with it.

On the ground again I look up at the circular Ruins that surround many artifacts that were placed here by Ozpin. At times I get the feeling that even with everything that I know I could never truly see through him.

'Ozpin...' He truly isn't somebody that I can easily find out anything about.

As I slowly approach the Ruins, I can only find it strange on how there were already several Relics missing and then I go back to the thought of these already being placed here by Ozpin. With as many students in the school that there are, I can only conclude that Ozpin has truly only made this vast forest into a simple training and testing ground for the students of this school.

But how he did it remains a mystery to me, he shouldn't have the recources to pull this off.

Is it just pure chance? Or something else?

Going up to the Relics I find that there are very little that are currently missing. Already five of them out of thirty two, meaning enough for only two teams and a pair are already gone. How was it possible for anybody to have arrived before me? Could they have already known the lay out of the forest? That is within possibility.

But still, to have five missing Relics before I arrived is strange. That means up to ten people beat me to the Ruins. Even while cruising in the sky the Jade Eagle's speed is something that few can match easily.

Off in the distance I can see a pillar of flame shoot up and cause a ruckus. Though it does seem far off.

But ignoring it, I can feel two people closing in on my location.

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