RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 53 - Gathering around the Ruins

Watching as two seperate figures head my way I looked on and made out the outlines of both yellow and black. Listening in I can hear them speak to each other.

Through this I figure out that it's just a couple of females. With my heightened hearing I can tell that the both of them are talking about me, it seems to be both Blake and Yang.

Somehow or another these two manage to make it here after I did. Amazing feat if I do say so myself.

"Hey!" I called and lifted up my right arm into the air and waved out to the both of them "It took you long enough to get here." A small smile on my face.

Rolling her eyes Yang lets out "Hmph! Yeah, and you were quick as I expected. HEYO!" She shot at me with fingerpistols and a wink.

*Sharp inhale!* Trying not to let my face twitch I do my best to erase this joke from my memory, I never want to hear such innuendo from her again. 'Where the hell does she even learn these jokes?'

'Doesn't matter for now!' Shaking my head I can only look back at the both of them "So it seems the both of you are stuck together for the rest of your school life."

Glancing at one another they only nodded.

"Seems that's right." Blake walked over and observed the ruins behind me. "And it seems this really is our goal for the test."

Continuing her pace Blake walks into the ruins and after nodding toward me, Yang followed behind her.

The both of them looked at the Artifacts and noticed their peculiar familiarity, "Chess Pieces?" Blake asks out loud.

Counting the pieces out Yang notices a discrepancy in numbers "Some of them are already missing." Looking back at me "Seems you weren't the first to make it here either, huh Darian?" I only shook my head and stared at the forest with squinted eyes.

Gathering that only a select few were missing from the set, both Blake and Yang knew to only grab one for their own team as well.

Walking up to a piece that caught her eye Yang grabs it and holds it in the air, a Knight Piece. "How about a cute little pony?" She seemed a little excited.

Letting out a small smile Blake shruggs and responds with a simple "Sure."

The both of them looked at me "What about you Darian? You have a piece yet?" Yang decided to ask yet another question.

Shaking my head again I continued to look out toward several locations in the forest, to the left I feel major wavelengths of Yin and Yang, to the right I feel that Fire and Ice seem to be clashing and in front I can feel that a large Grimm is heading this way and also seems half dead.

Behind me I hear Blake ask out "So, what piece do you want?"

Focusing on the several incoming figures I'm to lazy to think and only say out "Choose for me."

Noticing that I was distracted and didn't bother, Blake chose a piece she thought was appropriate for myself and tossed it over.

Feeling the air behind me give way to the object I held out my left palm over my shoulder and caught it. Taking it out in front I find it to be the Black King Piece.

"Suits me well." I mutter under my breath.

"That's why I chose it for you." Standing next to me Blake suddenly talking had made me take two steps backward.

Opening my mouth "Now don't yo-" I could bȧrėly get out a few words before something crashed into me from my left side. *BWAM!*

*BA! CH~!* I ended up slaming into several trees on the outerings of the field I once stood in.

*BA! CH~! PUCH! PAH!* Sounded out.

Dust was around me and looking up I could see that several little blue birds were swirling around me head. 'Pretty birbs.' I thought after hitting my head.

"Cah! Koh!" Hearing coughing coming from beside me I can see a figure inside the dust cloud. And when I saw the figure it seems the birds were spooked and dissapeared from circling me.

In the center of the field I can hear Blake ask "Did your brother get knocked into by something just now?" Yang who was probably looking over said "Uh, yeah."

As I stood up from the wood chips and downed tree I get a better look at what or who crashed into me.

What I saw was rather familiar, he had a black and orange jersey on, blonde yellow hair that spiked up on his head, toeless sandles and a headband that was all too familiar.

He looked over at me and with a wry smile appologized "Hehe, sorry about the whole crashing into you thing. I was sorta just thrown by my friend Sasuke. Hehe~."

It was... "Naruto!" I hear his name being shouted out from where he flew from."You went and overshot the ruins! I even threw you over so that we can collect the artifact and get out of here faster. What a waste..." Shaking his head I can see a white shirted teenager that wore black armguards, dark blue pants covered with a blue cloth, held together with a purple rope, he also wore blck toeless sandles and had a black sword strapped to his waste.

"Sasuke! Why would you throw me?! Never once did I let you do it! So why?!" Naruto just yelled back at him.

Seems these two were the Yin and Yang energies that I felt earlier.

"Knock it off, the both of you." Standing up and walking back toward the ruins I let out just a few words.

Sasuke almost let out a snark remark back at me, yet when he opened his mouth, he couldn't speak. He tried to persist and sweat had managed to accumulated on his face and soon enough, the feeling was gone.

But the feeling had only ended when I sat down atop of a downed pillar from the nearby ruins.

Looking back at me once more he knew instantly that it was me who took away his ability to speak. Knowing this he snapped the air with a "Tch!" and just walked toward the ruin while avoiding me from his eyesight.

Walking toward the inner parts of the ruins Sasuke grabs hold of a Black Bishop Piece "This one is fine." And turns around to see Naruto grinning "Nah, we should totally get this one!"

Naruto then held out a White Bishop PIece.

With the eyes as if staring at an Idiot Sasuke follows it with "Put that back you moron." Naruto immediatly got upset and had his face scrunch up a bit, yelling out "Hah~?! And why should I, this piece is obviously better Dattebayo?!"

"HAH~?! You go and grab that piece even when I said that I'd be in charge!" Sasuke fired back shouting out. Naruto returned with "Like hell I said that would let you be in charge!"

The both of them began to get into a shouting match as I snuck up beside the both of them as their shouting match went on.

Swinging both my fist onto both of their heads *BAM!* Both were left lying down in broken rock after being hit upside the head. "Nobody wants to hear the both of you bickering. Now shut up and take the first piece you grabbed."

Leaving them both behind I leave and sit back down on a fallen pillar, this is where I will sit and calm myself.

Those nightmares still manage to affect me even hours later.

Looking up I continued watching the exchange of both Blake and Yang who couldn't exactly figure out what had just occured in the past minute.

But before anything else, we heard a not so distant yelling... "@%$#..." Hearing it both of the girls and even the two who were slammed into the ground looked up from where they were.

In sight was a very large Nevermore amd it was directly overhead. There they heard the distant yelling.

Yang almost immediatly knew the voice and so did I. But I had no need to worry as I expected as much.

Yang turned to Blake in worry "Blake did you hear that what should we..." That was when she noticed Blake pointing to the sky.

"Man, that's one huge fall Dattebayo!" Even Naruto was basically yelling out yelling out.

"Hmph. Not like I care." Sasuke just cleaned his clothes as he stood up.

Ignoring the both of them I look back up and see that she got closer so quickly.

Holding my hands up I prepared to use a Rising Wind jutsu to slow the decent...

And then I remembered... "Darian! Do something!" Yang called out ot me.

Focusing on the inclosing figure I set my eyes on the falling black and red figure.

Activating my Rinnegan I used a more controlled version of the Deva Path and significantly slowed the decent of Ruby.

"WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh....????" She slowly came to a halt near the ground.

Confused she looked all around her and spotted me a few steps away "Thanks for the save Brobro!"

Rolling my eyes I gave a half hearted "Yeah yeah." and dropped her on her buŧŧ.


Blake looking towards Yang asked "Did your sister fall from the sky?" Yang was still trying to piece everything together and said "I..." Before she could continue a crashing sound went out aloud in the surroundings.

*BOOM BRCH BACH* As a Ursa Grimm came tumbling out of the woods directly ahead. All while a orange haired young lass was riding on top letting out a loud "YEEEEEEHHHAAAAAWWW!!"

'Strange how familiar it is...'

After one last howler and with a few last tumbles the Ursa fell to the ground letting out its last "URaw!" and died on the ground.

Having fell off the the Ursa the lass turns around and says "Aww, it's broken." She seemed rather sad. Dashing all over its body to observe it and with a finally stopping she says out "Eeww" as she looks at its body.

Out of the woods from behind, came a wobbly figure that stopped and looked at the Ursa wrangler while saying alongside a few gasp for air "Nora, please. Don't ever do that again." Ren's voice seemed a little higher pitched than it normally should have been. But other than that, everything is the same as I remember.

But Nora being... Well, Nora. She ignored Ren and dashed off into the ruins where she imediatly set her eyes on a White Rook Piece "Oooo~!" She said interestedly.

Snatching it up she held it in the air and placed it on her head while prancing about and singing "I'm queen of the castle~!" two times over before Ren yelled out "NORA!" All of which Nora answered back with "Coming Rin~"

'... Rin? Did she misspronounce Ren? Shouldn't be...'

Ignoring the both of them I tried to calm my mind a little more and try to find the discrepancy's from the original.

But Blake was more focused on them and asked outloud "Did that girl just come riding in on an Ursa?" Without the chance to answer Yang says "I-" and gets cut off again by a screeching sound of what seems to be a Deathstalker.

Coming running out of the woods aren't one, not two, more than three, but FOUR figures!

Or rather, two running and two being carried!

Pyrrha and Jaune are carrying the unconcious bodies of Natsu and Gray!

It seems that Jaune had enough skill to run away from a Deathstalker rather than having to grab hold of it's stinger.

The both of them continue running our way after spotting us.

"Jaune!" Ruby yelled out, "Ruby!" Yang shouted after remembering Ruby was here, "Nora!" Nora called out to let her precence be known.

Ignoring the three of them Blake asked another question "Did they just carry two other particapants while being chased here by a Deathstalker?"

Finally boiling over Yang sets off her semblance "Arg! I can't take it anymore! Can't everyone just chill out for two seconds before anything crazy happens again!"

... (Two seconds later) 'tic, tic.'

In that well desereved break Ren finally managed to rush over and was hunched over catching his breath. But looking down on his figure I can finally tell.... Ren is now definitely Rin.

As in, he is a she?.?.? Like what?

Since when has this been a thing in this world?

Well I mean, there are in fact people from many other worlds here in this reality for some reason or another and so this isn't all that surprising. Even more so because I had met 'him'.

So this isn't anything strange.

Forgetting about Rin I focus ahead and then make sure to look above.

"Umm Yang" Ruby taps on Yang and then points up.

Looking above everyone realizes that Weiss hasn't let go of the Nevermore just yet.

As I hear Weiss say "How could you leave me~!" I hear Ruby mouth off "I said 'Jump'."

Blake says "She's gonna fall."

Ruby replies "She'll be fine."

Rin answers "She's falling." In a dissapointed tone.

Sighing out loud I prepare to be a catchers mitt.

Looking at the falling Weiss I can only do the same as I did with Ruby.

Focusing on her I use the same ability to Manipulate Gravity with the Deva Path and cradle Weiss as she falls to the ground, canceling out her momentum.

Carrying her over I let her feet onto the ground infront of me.

Knowing what I've done to aid her she decided to look away from me as she says out a simple "Thank You."

This small 'thank you' let a minor atmosphere surround us and made the rest of the world seem almost distant, like we just had the chance to enjoy the chance of being together.... Which was promptly destroyed after the four newcomers came crashing in front.

All four of them were spread accross the ground and laid out, all while the four of them tried to get on their feet.

Yang a little upset at all that's happening let out "Great, the whole gang is here. Now we can all die together!"

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