RWBY - Fall Of Grimm

Chapter 54 - Letting off a little steam

... Taking a few steps forward I crack the knuckles in my hands.

"All of you are so useless."

Hearing me speak, frowns appeared on most of them, yet knowing they cannot bark back made them keep quiet. All of them could feel the air around me thicken as I spoke, none of them could withstand even looking at me as I lightly scolded them .

"The eight of you will go and take care of those two." I pointed out at Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Pyhrha, Rin and Nora.

After pointing toward the eight of them I point towards both the Nevermore and then the Deathstalker, they are to defeat them both.

Looking at me as if I lost my mind they all prepared to shout out loud.

Squinting my eyes s I gazed at them made the lot of 'em step back "Surely with your skill the eight of you can handle those two creatures, if not then I guess I can only be dissapointed. Also, I will personally grade you on this battle; so don't slip up." The grading will only be for where I would rank them amongst my troops so that I can prepare proper training for them.

Ignoring their looks as if trying to bore holes into my skull I then glance at the four people that are left out "You four will handle the large pack of Grimm toward the West, the pack is currently attacking many other participants of the test and I'm sure they'd like the help and after that you will head toward Beacon."

Irritated at receiving orders Gray spoke up "Oh yeah? And who says you're in charge?"

All four of the girls gave Gray a look of pity before I managed to speak "I did... HMPH!"

With a huh of air from me Gray was sent shooting out into the forest toward where I told him to go. 'Tendo(Deva Path) sure is useful to get these guys out of my face.' Listening to Gray shout as he soared across the sky wasn't soothing but rather entertaining. Made me chuckle a little inside.

Seeing that Gray was already thrown toward where they were told to go, the rest decided to immediately take off after him as if afraid to be thrown over the same as him. None really argued about it but I could tell that Sasuke was upset at the thought of letting me have the last laugh while Naruto and Natsu both have tired looks showing.

After they disappeared into the brush I turned back to the others "Finally I will take on those that are approaching from behind..." Planning to wrap up my little plan, I tell them that I'll handle those that are sneaking up behind us and heading this way. It would seem that they could feel the overwhelming amount of energy in the area and are heading over to see.

"Nobu!" Hearing a voice I look down at my ċhėst.

"Huh?" There I saw a little figure, the Chibi Nobu I found.

The Nobu was looking up at me with eyes that seemed to be sparkling in excitement even going so far as to lift up its arms and tap on my armor to show how happy it is.

With a sweat drop dripping down the back of my head I can only say "Oh right. I sorta forgot about you." Giving a half hearted chuckle and wry smile to the little Nobu.

Noticing that it didn't seem to mind I forgot about it, I placed my hand on its head with a gentle pat and looked toward everyone "The two of us will handle those coming from behind. While the lot of you handle those that I've held off until now." "NOBU" The Chibi NOBU nodded and declaimed loudly that it'll be helping me in battle. 'Wait a second... Am I slowly begging to understand this thing?' Forgetting about that I looked past the group in front of me and I saw the two creatures.

Noticing what I've said and where I'm looking, all eight of them turn back to see that both the Deathstalker and Nevermore were being blocked out by some sort of invisible barrier. With each attack they were repelled backwards and now they just waited us out.

They knew we would have to leave eventually. And as for chasing after the lot that just left? Fat chance, their anger was drawn in entirely by Jaune, Phyrha, Ruby and Wiess. All for either waking them up or just using them as transportation.

Now they are staring on in anger as if their ryes were daggers attempting to pierce the flesh.

As they all see those angered creatures a sense of fear managed to have crept up on them.

"Now go and wipe the floor with them or don't bother showing up in front of me again."

Turning to me they attempted to talk their way out of doing so, but looking at my face they could only see a grin that can only be described lightly as 'Sadistic'.

'Talking is for the weak and now is the time for action!'

Waving my right hand out from my left ċhėst I acted as if chasing away a fly and activated my Shinra Tensei(Almighty Push).

With such a great force acting on them all eight shot out into the direction of the even larger ruins that hung inside of a ginormous crevice.

This action had obviously been unable to escape the eyes of either of the Grimm in the least and both bean to give chase.

With a few yelps and a laughing Nora the lot of them ran off with anger in their hearts that they can now release unto the creatures that chased after them.

Looking each other in the eyes they began to plan out the battle as they hurriedly charged their way over the hill.


As I watched them make their way off of my battlefield I was thinking of how I'll get rid of these pest behind me.

Shifting my body around I can see back past the small ruins, placing my palm outward I shrunk the field of my seal so as to only protect the ruins from the soon to come destruction.

"Life is so delicate and fickle, so why is it that you all came here today? Doesn't matter, you will only find your deaths." Knowing that I've felt their presence they made their move from their hiding spot.

As they came out of the wood work I couldn't believe how many different factions decided to make their way through the forest as of today. And due to that it would seem that some people are growing impatient and can no longer wait out to perfect their own plans.

Even going so far as to not even know who it is that is inside the academy.

Here at this school only the brightest and most powerful of people can be found to take the curriculum so they can make a name for themselves in the future, or even just to earn money or even kill time and have fun. All of them have their own purpose to be here.

At this academy those same people could stretch out their list of contacts and make friends with some of the most amazing Main Characters from many other worlds, with that alone they could easily form their own faction that rivaled the others which are massive in size.

It's basically the "MC FACTION".

Yet they didn't even check to see if this puny force is sufficent to get the job done?

... No... This is probably just the test run to see how they would fare and make adjustments from what information they had managed to gather.

Staring down those who came out of the brush and into the open I can see more than four hundred heads with faces that seem to be ready for a small war.

From the information I remember over the years...

Most of the force was comprised of the Krieg Pirates, but the most powerful force was Caribou Pirate Crew.

Stepping forward was both Krieg and Caribou, Krieg towered over Caribou with his golden armor while Caribou merely had clothing that almost seemed to be rags. Yet Kreig almost seemed scared to speak to the man that was so much smaller than him.

Caribou walked forward "Oh~ Mister! Your in my way~ why don't you just go and die?"he was such a f*cking weirdo with that tongue of his and the way he talks!

"Bro-bro, I think that this weird bastard in red armor is looking at us funny!" A weird man that isn't facing anybody in particular was shouting out.

Hearing him Caribou looked back and said to him "Damnit Coribou, I'm trying to talk with this guy here!"

Looking at him as if he were stupid, wait he is stupid, I answered to him "Can't do that Caribou, besides. It'd be more fun if I were to just rid the planet of you guys." The look of disgust can be seen in my eyes as if looking at trash.

Seeing that I wasn't backing down, Kreig began to go off "Listen here, you brat. I don't care how much of an idiot you are. Get out of my way!" He seemed to be ready for a fight. One he cannot win.

All of those behind him were also getting ready for a skirmish with me.

Naked Mummy, the monkeys, drew their guns and Dark Unicorn stretched their arms that held pipes, baseball bats and chains. Pirate crews drew their guns, swords and other weapons.

Seems that I'll really have to kill them. They aren't worth much and I've been meaning to get rid of them.

So why don't I show them the difference between us before they die?

Stretching out my right hand I began to focus the power of the Tendo (Deva Path), there a black ball of gravity slowly had began to form, though not like a blackhole to destroy everything it sucks in but rather its there solely to pull things toward it and hold them down.

My opponents could only look on in wonderment this was very new to all of them. Magic? Devil Fruit? What is it?!

They could feel that the wind and air was begging to be pulled toward the ball.

Sweat began to accumulate on their faces as they waited for the order to attack from those in charge.

Caribou and Krieg both looked back at the army and yelled out behind them ""What are you waiting for?! Go get him!"" Both were angry that all of them didn't move in without order, they were better than that.

Hearing what to do the small army began to rush to me in a very disorganized manner, while some stayed behind and began to take aim with their weapons and magic alike.

The Nobu stuck to my ċhėst had even began to hold on tighter as she was afraid of being pulled free from me and being suċkėd in toward the orb.

The same smile as before crept up onto my face as I began to say the last words most of them would ever hear.

"You should have made a different enemy. One that is not this God..." Hearing me speak most had started to panic, the pulling force was growing by the second and they could hardly stand on the ground as they were slowly pulled into the air.

Kreig had a look of fright plastered on his as he pointed his cannon guns my way and fired out spikes, but this puny attack couldn't do anything before they were pulled toward the black orb.

Caribou showed much less fear as he began to speak to me "Mister~! We can talk this out! You know that life shouldn't be taken so lightly y'know~!" He was rambling on about how life was precious and sacred, a hypocrit is all that he was. An enemy he was, so a corpse he will become.

"Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a moment and then darkness will clasp onto your soul." The truth was a bit horrifying.

My smile spread out into a grin as I tossed the black orb into their midst.

Fear shook them all to their core as they finally found that they had no strength to fight the pull of the orb.

Seeing them scream for their lives I only let out two words that they couldn't understand "Chibaku Tensei!" (Planetary Devastation!)

With these two words spoken the force of attraction began to tug ot the surroundings and uprooted hundreds of trees and hundreds of tons of earth toward the black orb.

A miniature planet was being crafted from everything that was being pulled in. Whether that would be people, trees, dirt, rocks, water, animals... All of it was crafted into a large ball in the sky that easily surpassed thirty meters in diameter.

Some of the unlucky people could see just how high up they were and passed out from fear of this attack of mine.

After throughly enjoying the view before me in the sky I spread my arms wide and said one last word to end their lives "Fall."

With that being said, the giant ball in the sky began to plummet toward the planet down below.

Speed picked up quickly and soon enough a crash that let out a boom large enough to be heard all over the forest resonated outward.

*BAAANG!!!* The sound could be heard from the city, and a dust cloud that could be scene for miles was thrown into the air.

Waving my hand out I swatted away the dust that accumulated in the air and cleared my sight.

Soon after, I walked forward toward the site of the crash.

Nearing it I can see the mangled bodies of everyone who was suċkėd in, pirates and mages alike. All were dead.

Feelikng out for lifeforce I can tell that nearly everyone was dead.

Stepping over corpse after corpse I continued on to reach the last one that remained alive.

Not even a minute has passed as I reached a large boulder, underneath was the last signature of lifeforce.

Using Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push) I threw the boulder out of the way and looked at who it was that was underneath.

Still pretending to be dead by laying still? I approached and stood over him, looking down I can tell that he was scared that I noticed he was alive, but still remained completely still so as to keep his life.

But I wouldn't give him the chance, reaching out my right hand once more I grabbed at his ċhėst and activate the Ningendo (Human Path), slowly I began to pull out his soul.

Feeling the unelievable pain, Caribou woke up and began to yell "AAAAAAHHHH IT HURTS~!!!"

The pain seemed to be immence as he screamed and wailed as his soul left his body, as soon as the soul left his head he had grown completly tired and when his soul left his body the body was dead.

Holding his soul in my hand I can see that it's still struggling and yet I was left unfazed.

Seeing that it's struggle was useless it just went limp and that was when I reached into with my left hand, grabbing at it stomach I had managed to hold onto something that wasn't normally there.

Pulling the item free from the soul I then released the soul to travel on into the afterlife.

Then I looked at what I managed to get, it was the Numa Numa No Mi. A Devil Fruit.

Storing away the Devil Fruit with a smile I looked at my surroundings, besides the ruins that I placed a seal around the rest of the area was devastated.

Knowing my mistake I had slammed my hands together in a hand seal and placed them onto the ground, activating my Chakra I said out "Mokuton: Kajukai Kōrin" this technique began to force the flourishing of trees as countless burst from the ground below.

*BOoom* *BOOM* Boom* *BOOOOM* hundreds and hundreds of trees had burst upwards and quickly recompensed the forest in the surroundings, even going so far as to create trees where there was not any before.

As for the pollen? I had made sure that these trees couldn't spread any pollen for several years. Only then will they began to reproduce. This would save coutless of people from being put uncouncious by the pollen at the moment.

During the creation of the trees I let the the corpses become fertilizer so that I don't draw out too much from the surroundings.

Looking upon my masterpiece, I was pleased with myself.

Destroying the enemy troops. Check / Protect the Ruins from damage. Check / Recover the forest from damage. Check.

And with all of that done, I was finally free to head back to the school.

Thanks to Ozpin and his cameras I can even rewatch the fight of how Ruby and everyone did.

... They best prepare for training hell if they don't meet stadards above what they were capable of in their show

And as for those other Main Charaters, side characters and mobs from an asortment of worlds? I can also kick their ȧsses into high gear to prepare them for what's to come.

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