RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 12 - First Semester Part 12

"You can cook?" Weiss said in shock.

Jaune grinned as he pulled out another Omurice and handed it to her, "Gowing up with 7 sisters teaches you a thing or two about cooking."

Weiss was about to take the plate when Yang suddenly snatched out of Jaune's hands.

After shoveling a mouthful into her jaws, Yang's eyes popped as she shouted, "So~oo Good!"

"Hey, that was mine!" Weiss shouted while stomping her foot.

Yang gave Jaune a funny look before saying, "You'll make a great wife someday Jaune."

Jaune frowned and said, "You want me to take that back?"

Yang jumped on top of her bed and said, "You can try." as she quickly stuffed her face.

Jaune laughed as he finished cooking up enough for everybody, Nora squealed when she saw Jaune make her a stack of Pancakes to go with the Omurice.

"This is delicious, say Jaune, if your life as a Hunter doesn't work out, you could always come to work for the Schnee family as a chef!" Weiss said as she licked her lips.

Jaune shook his head and said, "Dream on!"

Ren come out of the bathroom with a surprised expression, he was going to make Pancakes, but he heard Nora suddenly shout "Delicious, they're almost as good as Ren's!"

Ren smelled the food and nodded his head, "This is a good recipe, mind if you trade with me?"

Jaune laughed and said, "No problem, Nora says your pancakes surpass my own, I look forward to tasting them."

"You can cook too!?" Yang shouted.

Blake was chowing down on the Omurice when she said, "Does anyone else find it weird that the boys probably cook better than us."

All the girls shared a moment of silence before Nora said, "Nope!" in a simple and quick manner.

"Yeah, nothing weird about that, and I'll have you know that I can cook as well," Ruby said crossing her arms.

"Yeah cookies, and only cookies," Yang corrected her sister's statement.

"I'm not very good at cooking, I usually relied on field rations and instant food, I would love to learn how to cook like this," Pyrrha said scooping up another spoon full of her Omurice.

After blending some milk and eggs into it, everyone gave Ren a weird look as he filled up a cup.

"What? It may not taste great, but it's very healthy for the body, it can help you get stronger if you drink it regularly, it even helps by providing the body with all the nutrients one needs to grow in their adolescence." Ren quickly started to drink it and then held up the blender, "Does anyone else want some? There's still enough for another cup."

Everyone shook their heads back and forth, Jaune smiled and said, "I'll take a cup, I wouldn't mind growing a few inches taller."

Everyone suddenly gasped.

"Don't Jaune, you might not survive!" Ruby cried out dramatically.

Jaune laughed as he quickly downed the drink, it tasted worse than he thought, if it weren't for the chocolate, it would have been unbearable to drink.

After putting the cup down, he shook his head and said, "That wasn't all bad, once you get past the earthy taste, the Chocolate really helps you stomach it," Jaune place the cup in the sink and started cleaning up the mess.

"No way, he's still walking!" Nora said in shock.

After cleaning up, Jaune noticed that they still had a couple of hours until class started, he then decided on to spend the next few hours explaining how they fight, and what their Semblances were.

When it came time for Jaune to explain his own, he looked up and gave out a half lie as he said, "I don't know yet."

His Status stated that his Aura Amplification ability had Mutated, and he had an entirely new Semblance to unlock.

"You don't know what your semblance is?" Ruby said with surprise.

"Yeah, I haven't unlocked it yet, but when I do, I bet it will surprise all of you," Jaune bragged.

"Maybe it's some kind of Vomit powered Semblance," Yang said placing her finger on her chin.

"Shots fired, shots fired!" Ruby shouted out as she waved her hands like she was looking for cover.

"Just for that, when I unlock my Semblance, you will be the last to know what it is," Jaune said with a grin.

"Oh no, Yang! He's using mental gorilla warfare tactics, what are you going to do?" Ruby said as she moved to Jaune's side.

Everyone burst into laughter when Jaune looked at the clock, seeing that it was getting late they all headed to their first class, when they got there, Jaune was happy to see Professor Port in good health, however, it wasn't until Peter Port started to boast about his tales, that Jaune took back his earlier feelings, "Never mind, now I remembered why I disliked Port's class."

He looked around to see over half of the class struggling to maintain consciousness, seeing as he wasn't telling Jaune anything he didn't know, Jaune pulled out a sketchbook and started to compile a bestiary of all the Grimm he encountered in his previous life.

"I'll just turn this in for a grade, I doubt Port will fail me, after all, I know about Grimm he's never seen before. Better keep those out of the papers I turn in, at least until we get permission to leave for missions. Don't want to raise suspicion about the fact I've been to the Dark Lands."

Jaune started to jot down everything he remembered about the local Grimm, he also included information about where their weak points were and the best way to take out the Grimm if one's team is individually weaker than Grimm.

He started to list strategies for fighting them when Ruby peaked over at Jaune and saw his sketches, art was one of the few hobbies he had, so with his other life's experiences, Jaune's art almost looked real.

Ruby being the Huntress fanatic that she was, recognized many of the Grim he was drawing, only a few she was clueless on, "What's that?" Ruby whispered as she leaned closer to Jaune.

Jaune looked at the large cat-like monster, "It's a Behemoth King. Jaune quickly drew a tiny stick figure at the base of the creatures foot, "This is how big an average ȧduŀt is compared to a human."

"Grimm that big exist?" Ruby was shocked, Jaune could only shake his head and say, "One's this big are exceedingly rare, the longer they live the bigger Grimm get, they continue to grow until they reach a certain age, or mutate to a more humanoid form."

"There are Human shaped Grimm?" Ruby asked with surprise.

Jaune was about to answer when Prof. Port coughed and interrupted him, "Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Arc, Miss. Rose? Because I would love to hear what you two are talking about during one of my classes."

Jaune smiled and said, "We were just discussing how Grimm age, and what happens when they mutate to have human forms."

Everyone was shocked to hear that the Grimm could achieve a more human-like form when Prof. Port said, "A good topic to discuss, however that is 4th-year material, and I would prefer if you listen to the class I'm teaching. Can you tell me about the Boarbatusk I was speaking about?"

Jaune stood up and said, "It has bone plates surrounding its head and back that is capable of deflecting steel weapons, four eyes, and large tusks, the Boarbatusk has a habit of charging and rolling into a ball to ȧssault its targets. Its weak point is located on its underbelly."

"Very good Mr. Arc, since you are so knowledgable about this Grimm, perhaps you would like to demonstrate how to dispatch one."

Professor Port opened pulled out a large crate from behind his desk, Jaune nodded his head and moved to the front of the class before pulling out Crocea Mors.

Seeing the blade in it's repaired form, Jaune surprised his teammates as the gleam from the metal shines, "It looks like Jaune managed to repair his weapon," Ren said as Nora smiled, "It looks sharp!"

Port eyed Crocea Mors suspiciously and said, "Begin!" as he lifted the gate.

Jane didn't waste any time, he stabbed out with Crocea Mors the moment the Boarbatusk charged towards him, thanks to being repaired, Jaune's sword could now handle a small amount of his Aura surrounding the blade.

As he stabbed out, Prof. Port shook his head as he saw that Jaune targeted the center of the Boarbatusk's forehead, this is where the armor was thickest, however, the moment the tip of the sword touched the Grimm, Prof. Port was stunned.

Jaune's attack went straight through the Boar and pierced its brain, "But how? I thought the armor would block it!" Weiss shouted in surprise.

As the creature died, Jaune received 5+ Experience for killing an Adolescent Boarbatusk, Jaune thought it was a little weird that killing the Boarbatusk only netted him 5 Experience, he sheathed his weapon and turned to Weiss before saying said, "It can deflect most steels, and by surrounding my sword with my Aura, it's even sharper."

Prof. Port was stunned, "You can channel Aura that far away from your body!? How much Aura do you have?"

Jaune smiled and said, "Enough." as he took his seat.

The class clapped and everyone began murmuring about him behind his back, Professor Peter Port gave a hearty laugh as he said, "Such confidence, this reminds me of my first Goblin Grimm Hunt. When I was a young hunter in the spring of my youth..."

"Nice fight! You'd be even stronger if you had that Arc Steel you bragged about." Ruby said with a wink.

Jaune smiled and went back to working on his Grimm Bestiary and continued to chat with Ruby about various things Hunter related, he even helped Ruby fill out her classwork quicker than Port could explain the purpose of the lesson.

After class, Jaune made sure to turn in all the work without worrying about his grade, with his future knowledge classes were going to be easy for him to stay ahead of, giving him lots of time to spend in the Emerald Forest to train and kill Grimm, he couldn't wait to see what would happen if he levels up.

Jaune finished up all next few classes fairly easy, he was a little surprised to see that Weiss didn't complain about Ruby being the leader.

What he didn't know that the whole reason besides Weiss's selfish attitude, it was Ruby's childish attitude in the forest during the first timeline, and her actions in Prof. Port's class afterward was the final straw that set her off.

In this timeline, she handled the Nevermore so well and Jaune kept her attention on something educational in class, Weiss had a much higher opinion of Ruby currently, at least for now.

It was that time of the day when they all joined up and spared under Glynda's supervision, like the original timeline, the fights played out in a similar fashion.

That was until Jaune was called up, "Jaune Arc, V.S Cardin Winchester." Jaune walked up to the stage and pulled out his sword and shield, he faced Cardin with a smile, it was weird facing the bully that used to make his life hell, but after a while, they eventually became friends, good enough to invite him to his wedding.

"Kick his buŧŧ Jaune!" Ruby shouted from the crowd.

"You can do it! Break his legs, Leader!" Nora shouted next to her.

"I have money on you, so don't lose Vomit Knight!" Yang shouted.

"You can do it Jaune!" Pyrrha yelled as she placed her hands around her mouth to make her voice louder.

Weiss shook her head and thought, "Just what do they see in him?"

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