RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 11 - First Semester Part 11

A group of 6 Imaginary Grimm charged at Jaune, he raised his sword and began his practice, he tucked his body in and placed his sword forward, his shield was placed beneath the tip of his blade and he jumped out and stabbed at the first creature in his path.

His sword was parried by the Death Knight, and another attacked his blind spot, causing Jaune to raise his shield to the left, he then felt the impact against his shield and threw himself to the side by a few feet.

By ducking down and using a spinning low kick; courtesy of Yang's training, Jaune narrowly avoided a Death Knight's stab to the back of his neck.

Continuing his rotation, Jaune swung his sword close to the ground and lifted it at an arc, his blade cut through the upper torso of the tripped Death Night killing him instantly.

Jaune raised his shield as another Death Knight performed a leaping dropkick with both of its feet and sent Jaune tumbling backward.

Jaune slapped his hand on the ground and jumped up to avoid the 5 remaining Death Knights attacking him at the same time.

They formed a circle surrounding him and stabbed out as quickly as they could, just narrowly avoiding Jaune's body with their blades.

Jaune threw his shield out and hit one of the Grimm down, the shield smashed through the creature's ċhėst, killing it instantly, while the tip of the shield pierced through the ground slightly and stood in place as Jaune landed next to it.

Death Knights raised their blades in retaliation only to be sent flying backward as they parried.

Jaune raised his shield and started to deflect multiple blades that struck out at him, countless swings of his sword and slight repositionings of his shield were made so rapidly that he was somehow managing to bȧrėly keep up, Jaune continued to fend off the 8 blades from the four remaining Grimm, each attack dodged so closely that they almost claimed his life.

Jaune then continued to look for his opening to strike, he raised his shield and flicked his forearm out with all of his might, causing the Death Knights to raise their arms as his shield collided with their blades.

He didn't bother to waste time, Jaune swung his sword decapitating the one farthest to his left, the three remaining on the right all struck out at the same time, like clockwork, these Grimm would take advantage of the slightest opening, Jaune lowered his arm and took the blow with his shield.

His body shot back and bounced off a stone pillar, making a loud noise as he fell forward.

The 3 remaining Death Knights wouldn't give him a chance to recover, they struck out with a powerful jousting motion, turning into a black blur as the approached Jaune's position.

Jaune laned on the ground and launched himself forward, placing his shield directly in front of him, Jaune made contact by charging his shield into them and pushing back with all his might, as they smashed into his shied and lashed out like wild beasts.

Jaune rolled back again, narrowly avoiding his throat from being slashed and cut the legs of the Grimm closest to him at the same time.

As his body rolled backward, Jaune pulled out Black Eagle and pulled the trigger, there were no bullets loaded in it, but if there was, the creature's that fell to the ground had its head blown clear off.

Jaune's sword shot through the torsso of the Grimm clostest to him, next he spun his body around with his forearm and shield-bashed the head of the last Death Knight into the ground.

Before the Death Knight could recover, Jaune swung his sword at its throat and cleaved its head off at the neck, his blade stopping inches away from the stone tile surface.

He spent almost half an hour killing off those Death Knights, but it still wasn't to get him worked up.

He turned to face the new image that he created, it was none other than the only person in the world that he feared, Jaune's wife, Ruby Arc, the Adult Ruby gave him a wink and blew a kiss towards him, Jaune sighed, "Now that's just sad. My own imagination is making fun of me."

However the moment he lowered his guard, Ruby attacked, she flew out in a burst of roses, Jaune heard four gunshots sound off as he raised his shield in a panic.

Ruby's future weapon, Eclipsing Rose was made of with Arc Reactive Metal, one long transparent scythe blade made of Ruby's red aura appeared from the cloaked spiral and hit Jaune dead center in his shield.

Jaune was sent flying backward, his body crashed against the ground like a tumbleweed, reacting to the danger he sensed, Jaune stabbed his sword in the ground and raised his shield to block against the oncoming sniper rounds.

Jaune stood in a crouched position, hiding most of his body behind his shield, as Jaune braced for impact, he was suddenly met with a powerful gunshot that was made of Ruby's Aura, his body skirted back as he felt the pressure on his shield, two, three, four shots followed, the impact slowly lifting his arm up.

Ruby continued to place expertly aim shots at certain points on Jaune's shield, and with every round that she fired, Ruby was slowly forcing Jaune to loosen his defenses.

With one final shot, Jaune's arm flung back, the moment it happened, Jaune could already see the tip of Ruby's scythe pointing at his ċhėst.

Jaune raised his sword and clashed against the blade, the two then started to exchanged blows, every swing was met with counter attacks, Jaune could feel himself being pushed back.

Ruby's constant spinning motions often led Jaune into almost losing his weapon and hands multiple times, if not for his quick thinking and pressuring her with his shield, she would have succeeded several times now.

Ruby then jumped back before activating her Semblance, as she turned into a red blur, Jaune was now solely on the defensive, he turned and raised his shield towards Ruby who shot at him like an arrow.

Jaune was sent flying backward again, he jumped back up and turned around, raising his shield up to once again just be hit, Jaune rolled against the ground coughing and panting heavily, he stood back up once more, this time he raised his shield above his head.

Ruby came flying down on top of him, her scythe made the air scream as it made contact with Jaune's shield.

With a powerful overhead smash, Ruby caused Jaune to bend down on one knee, he felt like his arms were about to break, and before he could make another move, Ruby flew behind him and delivered a powerful spinning kick to Jaune's back that sent him rolling forward like a rag in the wind.

Jaune landed on his back and slid a few feet before he came to a stop, he tried to get up, but the Ruby-Image came over and sat on his ċhėst, she placed her scythe against Jaune's neck and looked at him with an innocent grin before laughing.

"You win this one," Jaune said as he laid down in defeat.

Jaune then looked at the confidant giggling expression of his ȧduŀt wife and said, "This wouldn't have been so easy if I was fully equipped, and of proper age."

He took a whiff of his own odor and noticed he reeked of sweat, deciding to return to the dorm and prepare breakfast, Jaune sheathed his sword and ran off towards his place.

Unknowing to Jaune, there was a certain Bunny Faunus that took pictures of the whole ordeal.

When he got back to his room, Jaune discovered that it was around 6 in the morning, sneaking in, Jaune saw that everyone was still sleeping, as he made his way across the room, Jaune almost laughed thinking about how both teams managed to be seconds away from being late on their first day.

After taking a shower, Jaune dropped his ċhėst plate on the bathroom counter, inadvertently waking up Ruby in the process, she tried to ignore it, but once she heard the shower running for a while, she sat up and scratched her belly while making a yawning noise.

Looking around she noticed the steam coming from underneath bathroom door.

Ruby counted the people still sleeping and noticed that Jaune's bed was empty, "Huh? Jaune's already up?"

Ruby climbed down from her bed just in time to hear the shower stop, and see Jaune open up the bathroom door with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Ruby paused as she stared at Jaune's muscles, her face lit up as they stared each other, "Good morning Ruby, I was just about to make breakfast, but I forgot to grab a change of clothes before I got in the shower.

Ruby stared at Jaunes muscles as her face slowly turned red, Jaune knew what was coming as he tried to walk to his bed and grab a spare outfit and ran back into the bathroom.

Ruby fell backward onto Weiss and woke her up, "Huh? What in blazes, Ruby? What's the matter with you?" Weiss swore she saw swirls in Ruby's eyes, and her face was giving off steam.

Weiss's voice woke up Nora, annoyed by someone disrupting her dream of Ren, she threw her pillow in their direction while shouting, "I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!"

The pillow flew across the room, but unfortunately, Yang sat up and ended up getting hit in the face instead of Weiss.

"Okay, who just signed their death warrant!" Yang shouted waking everybody up.

With a powerful throw, she knocked Nora off her bed and laughed, "Now this is how you say good morning to someone."

"Ug, it's six o'clock; we don't have classes until nine." Blake mȯȧnėd as she tried to return to her cat nap.

Nora then jumped on Ren and pouted, "Ren I'm up but have no pancakes."

Ren ġrȯȧnėd before getting up and rubbing his bed hair down, "Okay just let me get a shower first."

He walked towards the bathroom door and saw Jaune walk out, "Sorry about that," Jaune said expecting to see Ruby still standing there.

"Good morning Jaune," Ren said as he walked by Jaune and closed the bathroom door, Jaune nodded his head back at Ren and headed to the kitchen.

Adding in small cubes of sausage meat, the smell began to make everyone wake up, Jaune then started a pot of coffee and finished making breakfast for everyone.

The whole group was staring at his food with water drooling from their lips, Jaune made a plate and poured some ketchup on the Omurice and handed it to Ruby.

"Enjoy," Jaune said as he started to make another.

Ruby smiled and took the plate, "This smells amazing!"

Everyone watched as Ruby cut into the Omurice causing the room to fill up with a delectable aroma, Ruby filled up her spoon and took a bite, when it entered her mouth, Ruby's body froze in place as her eyes widened.

"So is it good?" Yang asked after she gulped.

Ruby pulled the spoon out of her mouth and said, "I've awoken to a new favorite breakfast."

She then started to take another bite and said, "De~w~icious!" with her stuffed cheeks.

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