RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 10 - First Semester Part 10

Glyda smiled, "Thank you for the compliment Mr. Arc, now off to bed, we do have a curfew, and the rules must be obliged."

Jaune frowned and said, "Are you really gonna use the Curfew-Card on me? Me!?"

"If the shoe fits, now are you going to return to the dormitory, or am I going to have to give you detention," Glynda said as she frowned.

Jaune ġrȯȧnėd, "Fine, you win, goodnight Headmistress. Man, I don't think I've ever won an argument against you."

Glynda gave him a smile as he headed off, Jaune then placed his remaining Sword Oil back in his inventory and waved goodbye, as the elevator door closed, a few seconds after Jaune left, Ozpin walked out of the other elevator, once Glynda saw his face she covered her mouth and asked, "What happened to your face."

"A wake-up call, Glynda thank you for always staying by my side," Ozpin said as he sat back down in his seat and took filled up his mug.

Jaune had already reached his room and entered to see everyone waiting for him, "Did I just walk into an intervention, is Uncle Crow here?" Jaune thought while scratching his head in confusion.

Ruby walked forward and said, "Jaune we were all talking, and we decided that we don't care that you faked your transcripts, you proved that you belong in Beacon, but in the future, no more lies okay."

Jaune had already completely forgotten about that and smiled as he looked around the room, "Thank you, I won't betray your expectations of me, I promise to work hard and be a good leader."

Everyone smiled and started to speak up.

"You better!" Weiss said with a ċȯċky attitude.

"Yay! Jaune is still our leader!" Nora shouted.

"I look forward to working with you," Ren said bowing his head slightly.

"Yay! Vomit Knight is here to stay," Yang said placing her arm around his neck.

"I sure you'll do great Jaune," Pyrrha said giving him a thumbs up.

"Work hard," Blake said as she turned back to reading her book.

"As Co-Leader of the Team, I, Ruby will work hard with Jaune to help us grow into the coolest, most awesome, most talented Hunter Team, that are also best friends," Ruby said while geeking out and waving her arms.

"Way to kill the mood Ruby," Yang said as she walked over to her bed and sat down.

They all stared at one another for a while, when Jaune suddenly coughed, "Ahem!" After getting everyone's attention, he smiled and said, "As a team, I think we should get to know each other a bit better, we're already aware of each other's names, but not much more."

"What would you suggest we share?" Pyrrha said with a happy expression.

"Well, I told you guys about my family, tell me something about yours," Jaune said before sitting on his bed.

Pyrrha stood up and introduced her self, "I'm Pyrrha Nikos, I'm 17 years old, and my mother and father are scientists at the Kingdom of Atlas, I am an only child, but my parents raised me with care, and gave me every opportunity to succeed in life, once I discovered my talent for combat, well...the rest is history. I chose to come to Beacon, because, I didn't want the fame I achieved to be what personifies me a Hunter, and I wanted to make actual friends, most people know me as the goddess of victory, but here, I'm just Pyrrha Nikos." Pyrrha sat down and everyone applauded.

"Well, you got lot's of friends now!" Yang said as she placed her arm around Pyrrha's shoulder.

"Okay me next!" Ruby said standing next to Yang, "I'm Ruby Rose, and this beautiful Huntress is my big sister Yang Xiao Long. My mother is deceased, and to honor her name, my father, Taiyang Xiao Long, gave me her last name."

Yang grinned, and hugged her sister before saying, "We were raised in a Hunter family, and have the world's most awesome uncle, my mother's brother, his name is Crow, oh and my mother is different than Ruby's, we're half-sisters, but still the closest friends."

The two looked at each other and spoke at the same time, "We came here to become Huntresses!"

Jaune smiled as listened to Nora say, "Me next!" She jumped down off her bunk and placed her arms around Nora, "Ren and I, have been together since we were kids, no family left, all we have is each other."

Ren nodded his head, "We came to Beacon to get stronger."

"I'm Weiss Schnee, of the Sch..." Weiss was about to speak as if she were representing the family business when she thought back to how Jaune scolded her in the locker room.

Weiss then changed what she was going to say, "I aim to become the worlds best Huntress and take over the family business someday, my mother is deceased as well, and I have a little brother, my, my father."

"Someone's got family issues," Yang whispered to Ruby.

Ruby pushed her sister while saying, "Yang, that's mean." She then turned to Weiss and shouted, "I'm rooting for you, Weiss! You can do it!"

"But my sister Winter is the absolute best, she's perfect at everything she does, she fashionable, beautiful, elegant, charming, and very strong!"

"I disagree, Yang is the best Big Sister!" Ruby said chuckling.

"Aw, Weiss loves her big sister!" Yang said with a grin, "But, nobody's a better big sister than me!"

"I beg to differ!" Weiss said as the three started to bicker back and fourth about who the better big sister was, seing that this wasn't going to stop anytime soon, Jaune interrupted them and said, "I think it's Blake's turn."

Everyone turned to Blake and stared at her for a while, she closed her book and looked back before she sighed and said, "I'm Blake Belladonna, I have a mother and father, only child, and I came from far away."

Everyone waited for more, however, it appeared that Blake was done.

"Ok~ay!" Yang said scratching her head, when all of a sudden, everyone heard Glynda shouting, "Lights out!" down their hall.

Everyone laughed as they headed to bed, Ruby and Yang stayed up chatting to one another sometime before they went to sleep.

Jaune set his alarm to go off at 4 in the morning to begin his work out regiment, he would need to build this body up quite a bit if he wanted to use the full potential of his Aura.

He went to bed that night thinking about how if the timeline survived, then Ruby must have died in the future at the hands of Nosferatu, he cursed his weakness and struggled sometime before he finally fell asleep.

That night Jaune dreamt of the Grimm invasion, he could still recall the fires burning in the streets of Vale, all the innocent people killed in front of him, while he and the rest of his team were unable to stop it from happing, him begging Ruby to help Nora, Yang losing her arm, and them banding together to escape the city.

Jaune woke up from the nightmare, sweating and panting heavily, he looked over to see that it was 2:55 in the morning and sighed as he turned off the alarm early.

Jaune stood up and went to the bathroom, after taking a shower, he got dressed and snuck out of the room without waking anybody up.

Jaune went out to the courtyard and started to do a set regiment of 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 hand-stand push-ups, 100, jumping jacks, and 100 acrobatic jumps such as back flips, high jumps, spinning flips, all just to improve his nimbleness. Then he swung his sword a thousand times in place, drips of sweat fell from his body as he continued to work at his form.

Jaune dashed down from the gates of Beacon and sprinted throughout the city with all of his strength, after reaching the Docks, he started his working right away.

When he met with his boss, Jaune gave him a proposition, if he could do 8 hours of work in less time, he would still pay him the full amount.

His boss laughed at him and said, "You think you can load those shipping containers faster than my machines?"

"How about a bet, if I'm able to do this, not only will you give me the job, you'll give me a 500 Lien starting bonus, if I loose, I give you the same amount and work the first week for free," Jaune said playing the old man.

"Oh, you're on," The elder shook his hand and laughed about the 'easy money' he was about to make.

Jaune grinned as he walked over to the ship where a pile of containers was ready to be loaded onto the ship's crane, Jaune grabbed the corner of the container and started to pick up a 2 Ton Steel Shipping Container, he grunted as he made sure to apply the proper amount of Aura to reinforce his muscles and said, "I wonder if your machine is as fast as me."

He then jumped up and landed on the top of the ship's deck, everyone was expecting the ship to tilt from his abrupt action, however, Jaune easily distributed the weight and focused it solely on his upper body, "This is gonna be a great work out as well!"

He then walked over and placed the container on top of another container and felt a magnet locking it down in place.

Jaune jumped back down to the surface and said, "How many can you load in eight hours?"

Everyone stared at him in awe, a random dock worker then said, "About 115."

Jaune smiled, and turned to the boss and said, "Then I'll do 115 every day."

The Boss was stunned and couldn't say anything in response as he watched Jaune go back and forth loading the large ship up with all 115 Containers in a matter of an hour's worth of time.

After he finished up Jaune was hired and payed 500 Lien before he sprinted back to Beacon and went back to the courtyard.

Jaune decided to spend the rest of his time practicing his swordsmanship, during his training days, Jaune used a method called shadow fighting to create an imaginary image for him to fight, it was something he developed after watching his allies fight countless times, and battling countless Grimm.

Jaune's visualization was so good that he could even fool his own brain into believing that the shadow image was real, and by using his own Aura against himself, Jaune could simulate force from attacks and take damage from a non-existing target.

The Grimm he imagined up to fight was one of the toughest of them all, Death Knight Grimm, they looked mostly like humans in physique, the differences started with their long sharp claws, their mask in the shape of a cracked skull that stopped just above their nose, their fangs were protruding a few inches out from their lips, each of them thin and pointed, a bright red glow could be seen between the gaps in its teeth, and its eyes glowed with a haunting ember.

Their bodies were made of a bone type armor in the shape of a dark knight's full-plate; even the top of its head resembled a helmet, the creatures had two long retractable sword spikes that were positioned at the top of their wrist, the weapon was made from the Grimm's bone, only it shined like black-colored steel.

They had a special nickname for this Grimm in the Dark Lands; Hunter Slayer.

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