RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 9 - First Semester Part 9

"Why? he's got the skill, who cares if he lied to get in. He took the test with all of us, and performed well above average, he already straightened it out with the Headmaster, and he came clean really quick, he could have lied right to our faces, and we wouldn't have known." Yang said as she took a seat on her bed.

"Yeah, Jaune's a Hunter, through and through!" Nora shouted.

"I agree, I don't approve his method, but I can't argue with results," Ren said as he started to unpack his luggage.

"I don't care about his past, and since we are a team now, we should only be concerned with his future actions," Blake commented.

Jaune had entered stealth mode, thanks to being taught by the best hunters in the world, Jaune picked up many skills, Blake taught him how to move more dexterously, and to move without making a sound.

Jaune snuck into Ozpin's office, and like the thought, the man was still there, he checked around for Glynda and was happy she wasn't here at the moment.

"Are you going to come out of the shadows?" Ozpin said taking a sip of his coffee while he looked over a small pile of paperwork.

Jaune stepped out of the shadows and sat down in front of him, "I wanted to talk to you without Glynda, somewhere private."

Ozpin nodded he head and stood up, he then walked over to another elevator that led to the top of the tower, they traveled up to see a grand view of everything in Beacon and Vale.

"This is my favorite spot," Ozpin said as he looked out of the clear windows.

Jaune walked up to him and gave him a hard punch, Ozpin fell over and gave him a surprised expression, "Sorry that one was for me. It was Oscar's sacrifice that showed Salem how wrong she was about us humans. You made Salem Mortal and basically pulled her soul out of her body, leaving us to deal with a monstrous Grimm, one in which the world has never seen before."

Jaune helped him back up to, then gave him a slap across the face, "I suppose I deserved that one too?" Ozpin asked.

"That one was from Ruby, you shouldn't have hidden the truth or your plans from those you can trust, we understand others had let you down in the past, but in all the time we traveled, you never trusted us, Ruby had to use the Jinn to understand the truth. Tell me Ozpin did you know why the Jinn said you could not kill Salem?"

Ozpin's eyes widened, he realized that what he said earlier about the curse was just to help him retain his image in front of Glynda, he sighed and said, "Yes Jaune, I know that she is unkillable."

"Wrong, it's not that you aren't capable of killing her, its that you lack the will to do so. I can understand, you still love her, and from I saw of her in the afterlife she must have been a great person in the past."

Ozpin frowned, "I..." He was stuck, Ozpin could not think of a single thing to say in his defense, "I still love her?" He said as if it were a question he was asking himself.

"She didn't just want to kill the gods, she wanted to remake Humanity by stealing their powers, she wanted to be rid of death so everyone would become Immortal, and you just wanted to keep the Gods from returning because you lost faith in humanity, and I don't disagree with you there, if they returned now, all life on Remnant would be wiped out."

"So you know everything then?" Ozpin asked.

"I understood both sides, however, in the end, you guys settled your disputes and gave me this chance to save my family. You don't really think you brought me back to just deal with Salem again? You have to know that the only difference this time is that there would be fewer deaths," Jaune took a breath and sighed.

"So can you stop testing the waters now? Now that know you know that I'm the real deal, let's talk about the real threat to this world!" Jaune stated in a confident tone.

"Very astute of you Mr. Arc," Ozpin said picking up his mug and sighing, "What do you know of the story of Nosferatu?"

"The King of all Grimm! He's the first Grimm? That story of how he could create Grimm out of nothing is true!?" Jaune said furrowing his brow.

Ozpin shook his head, "I'm afraid so, he is most certainly real, someone much worse than Salem, a Human-Grimm made by the God of Darkness to make a species stronger than any Grimm to walk the earth. Other than the power to create Grimm, the beast was also given the most powerful blessing from the God of Darkness; the power to absorb what it eats."

Jaune started to feel sick, his mind started to wonder, his fist clenched as he thought, "I won't let it happen!"

"His name his Nosferatu, and without the Silver Eyed Warriors, my presence on this planet is the only thing that can keep him sealed, so the moment I die forever..." Ozpin looked down.

Jaune's face turned pale, he thought of the fact that he left Ruby in that world he then picked up Ozpin by the clothing around his neck, "Are you telling me there was some way to defeat him? That I left everyone to die?! I DIED FOR NOTHING!"

Ozpin placed his hands up, "Relax Mr. Arc, even if you had survived, I'm not sure you would have been a match for him, in fact, only an elite squadron of Silver-Eyed Warriors could manage to damage him to the point of hibernation, this is how it went for many centuries at a time, Nosferatu breaks from his stone prison, and the Silver-Eyed Warriors seal him in a new one."

Ozpin closed his eyes, and frowned, "As long as I live, I can find a have a way to stop Nosferatu, if I wield the relic of Destruction 'Excaliber' and use up all of my mana, and lifeforce, it should be possible to seal him for another hundred years. It wouldn't be the first time I've been forced to do this."

Jaune ġrȯȧnėd, "You sealed the Artifacts away in the future timeline!"

"No Jaune, I didn't seal the Artifacts away, to send you through time and fuse with your previous timeline's soul would require a great amount of energy, I probably destroyed the Artifacts to send you back, it's likely that future timeline doesn't exist anymore, that or it does and and Nosferatu will awaken and destroy it anyway, " Ozpin said as he felt Jaune loosen his grip.

"Then why did you send me back? if what you said is true, then by agreeing to your terms, I wiped out the future timeline and killed everyone." Jaune couldn't believe what he had done, his greed to be with Ruby again inadvertently ended her existence, even if he didn't she was doomed anyway.

"If I had told you, would you have agreed. Jaune, Ruby is still here, she may not have your Ruby's experience's but she's still the same person, the same soul. The fusion of your future and past self is evidence that the souls are the same." Ozpin said to comfort Jaune.

"I sent you back to give Remnant a chance at survival, that timeline's Remnant was doomed, even if I became a god, not even I could survive having had my history rewritten, that means I took that same chance of perishing to help you as well."

Jaune's grip started to shake, "Why Ozpin, why me? If you were a god, why couldn't you just use Excalibur to kill Nosferatu, or pick Ruby to come back?"

"If my future self killed Nosferatu as a God, then the God of Darkness would return and kill me and all of 'Remnant' in retaliation, do you think little old me, even as a new god, am strong enough to kill ones that have existed for Eons? However, if it is handled by mortal hands, then in accordance with the pact he made with his brother, the God of Darkness can do nothing," Ozpin said making Jaune feel even worse.

"How long do we have?" Jaune asked as he let go of Ozpin.

"11 years," Ozpin said fixing his suit.

"Until I'm 28 then, four years after I died." Jaune thought of Ruby, he gripped his fist so hard blood started to drip down his hand, "I won't let her down again, if this Nosferatu is really the strongest Grimm, then my Aura be his bane and we will cut him down." Jaune's eyes flared with a heavy intent to train until he dropped.

He turned around and headed towards the Elevator, "Ozpin, don't give up on Salem, she's your wife, save her, and this time around, try trusting us, you don't have to tell everyone now, just eventually." Hitting the buŧŧon on the elevator, Jaune left Ozpin bruised cheek, and a head full of doubt.

"Was I lying to myself the whole time?" Ozpin asked himself as he stared out at the setting sun, he let out a soft chuckle and said, "When did I betray who I am, I was one of the greatest heroes and full of such hope for my people, had I told Salem to let go and let me die when the God of Darkness revived me, what would have happened? I just wanted to live with her so badly."

Jaune walked through Ozpin's office and was about to open the elevator that headed back to the first floor when the doors opened first.

Glynda Goodwitch came out and saw Jaune standing before her, "Mr. Arc, what are you doing here?"

"I came to ask Ozpin about fixing my sword," Jaune said as he pulled out his Crocea Mors.

Glynda looked over the damage and with an expression of surprise she said, "How old is this thing?"

"More than hundred years, not bad right, especially since it survived the great war," Jaune bragged.

Glynda held out her hand, "If I may?"

Jaune handed it over to see her hold the blade up, she then used her Syblance and a bit of Fire Dust to cause a large ball of fire to appear, as it surrounded his sword, it the metal to heat up until the Daimondnite turned red hot, she then made the fire disappear and proceeded to use her telekinesis to hammer out the dints and repair the metal to the best of her abilities.

Next, she cooled the air around the blade and then after it was cool enough to touch, she sent it back into the flames, once it re-heated, she turned to Jaune and asked, "Do you have any sword oil?"

Jaune nodded his head as he summoned a box of his luggage from his inventory, Glynda was surprised when she saw the two large bottles of oil appear out of nowhere.

"It's part of my blessing, I can hold up to 99 different objects inside my inventory, where-ever that is," Jaune explained.

"Useful," Glynda said as she opened the bottles and pulled out the oil to temper the sword again. After it cooled, she sharpened with her telekinesis, causing thousands of small chips of embers to shoot off like sparklers, when she was done Jaune noticed the lethal edge added to Crocea Mors and was more than happy.

She put the remaining oil back in the bottles and then handed the sword back before saying, "Although the material is good, you should still show this weapon the proper care, I would advise you to learn how to maintain your weapons quality."

Jaune smiled as he waved his renewed Crocea Mors and placed it in his sheath, "I forgot how awesome your telekinesis was! You can do just about anything with that if you put your mind to it."

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