RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 14 - First Semester Part 14

Jaune was shocked, to say the least, first off was why Ruby's and other's battle power was so crazy, "Maybe it's because their Semblances tie directly into their strengths. For instance, maybe Ruby's speed is part of her battle power, she can hit harder than any human in existence with her speed."

He then noticed his own battle power had increased a little bit, "Not bad for only a days training."

"Blake has 80 BP, I guess that's normal for a Faunus," Jaune said scratching his chin.

Jaune laughed as he saw Nora's Battle Power, "Man that girl is off balance, 500 Battle Power without invoking her Aura, she's as crazy as I remember."

Jaune tapped on Ruby's name, "So she has the God of Light's Blessing. Huh?"

As he touched the screen, Ruby's Class Grid Map appeared, "I can?" Jaune's hands started to shake, "I can help them get stronger!" Jaune started to feel a deep sense of hope, "Finally with this I can protect everybody if a team of Silver-Eyed Warriors is needed to defeat Nosferatu, then I'll use this blessing to power everyone up!"

Jaune felt tears of joy running down his face, "Finally I can protect everyone!" Jaune suddenly felt something in his Aura come loose, he saw his Aura shine golden as he realized that he unlocked his Semblance.

"That's right, how could I forget, when Weiss was hurt, I wasn't thinking about not wanting to lose someone again, or please make this stop, I thought 'I want to protect you.'" After calming down he read the change in his Semblance, "This can't be, it would simply be a cheat!"

Semblance: Mutated Aura Amplification: Allow one to heal wounds, amplify aura permanently just once, and amplify target once more temporarily anytime after. 30 Minute Limit on Aura Boost."

Jaune was over the moon, he then thought about what he should do for their Class Grid, for a second, "I better include everyone in on this, they should choose what they want to unlock." He noticed that everyone had a single Level Token to use and smiled, "How am I going to explain this one?"

The last thing he discovered was that he could remove teammates from the roster, and he even had the option to remove experience sharing from the group, "This is why I only received 5 experience for killing the Boarbatusk. I Guess its original amount was 40 Experience."

After packing the lunch in a basket, Jaune sent it to his inventory, he was delighted to discover that he could store the entire thing if he boxed it. "This will save me so much space, I wonder if I can do this to a whole shipping container."

Jaune the tried out a few more things, he tried to take one of Ruby's pillows, only to discover an error notice.

[Error! Object does not belong to you.]

"So I can't steal, not that I would!" Jaune thought as went back to looking over everyone's status, especially their titles, Nora was a hoot, he was in the middle of laughing about her's when he heard Ruby call out in shock, "Jaune, what's taking so long?"

Ruby walked through the door and saw the transparent frames floating in front of Jaune, "What's that!?"

Jaune froze and turned around, his menu floating in front of her,

he quickly tried to think of something to say when he just sighed, "Well, Ruby I think this is my Semblance."

Ruby's eyes sparkled and looked over the screen, "What is this!?"

Jaune grinned and replied, "It's everyone's status. I think my Semblance formed to be something like a video game. And here's the good news, its team related."

Ruby couldn't believe what she was hearing, "But I can't see anything written, all the letters are blurred out other than the names!"

"Odd." Just as Jaune thought about letting her see them, the blur started to clear up, "Ooh, I can see them now, but only mine. Let's see what it says, Name, right, Tittle, Youngest Huntress, what the...well its not wrong, but I'll be sixteen this year!"

Ruby's eyes read down her stats and wondered what the numbers compared to, when she asked, "How much is your battle power?"

Jaune grinned, "28."

"Hah, mine's bigger!" Ruby said pointing at him.

"Bad choice of words," Jaune said, suddenly embarrassing Ruby. "Besides, I can use my Aura to amplify my battle Power just like you guys."

Ruby gulped, "How much Aura do you have?"

Jaune smiled, "3,005!"

Ruby froze, "That's not fair."

"Relax Ruby, besides your Aura's not done growing, there's a chance for you to catch up," Jaune said to try and raise her spirit.

"But your Aura's still growing as well right?" Ruby pouted.

Jaune then smiled before saying, "I'll tell you a secret, this isn't my main Semblance's function, my Semblance's name is called Aura Amplification, normally the effect is temporary, but just once can I permanently increase your Aura."

Ruby's eyes glowed, "You're amazing Jaune, can you do that for me!" She envisioned herself gaining powers like her superhero books.

Jane shook his head, "Now, I don't know how it works, whether or not if it will be a doubling of your total Aura or something like draining my own Aura to give you an equal amount. So I want to wait until you guys improve your Aura's as much as possible."

Seeing her down look, Jaune laughed and placed his hand on her shoulder, "But I will let you experience a temporary boost."

Jaune then used his Semblance to amplify her Aura, Ruby felt a warm sensation as a multicolored light surrounded her body in a soft glow, Jaune was surprised to see that her Aura had magnified by 8 times it's original amount, "Back when I was in my previous timeline, I was only able to boost them to 4 times their Aura, this is such an improvement!"

Ruby's new Aura was at 2,400!

She jumped around the room faster than ever before, "This is amazing, I can fly!"

Jaune laughed as he said, "It will last for 30 minutes, and I won't be able to boost your Aura for another Hour afterward."

"Jaune your the best teammate ever!" Ruby flew into his arms and gave him a hug, "I can't believe your Semblance does this."

Jaune blushed and stopped himself from hugging her back, he knew that wouldn't turn out well so he coughed, "Ruby. If someone came in right now, they would really misunderstand the situation."

Ruby realized what she was doing and immediately jumped back, her face covered in red, she smiled and tried to hide her face, "I really wanna show Yang! I bet I could beat her now!"

Jaune laughed and said, "I don't doubt it, in fact, show her up just to get some revenge, she dared to call my Semblance a Vomit related one!"

Ruby laughed and started to finish reading her status, "What's God of Light's Blessing? Silver Eyes! Can My eyes really do this!?"

Jaune smiled, "You're not the only one with a blessing, I have one too, it says Wargod's blessing!"

"What's your's do?" Ruby asked still confused by the mention of a blessing from a deity, she didn't know if this was because of Jaune's Semblance, or if it was there, to begin with.

"Wargod's Blessing, it gives me the power to get the effects from ten day's of training in one, a ten times multiplier to any training or exercise."

"Neat! No wonder you have so much Aura!" Ruby said with stars in her eyes.

Jaune chuckled and said, "Wanna help me test something?"

Ruby nodded her head, Jaune then told her, "Tap on your Status."

Ruby did so and saw her Class Grid Map, and her Skill Listing, "Can you choose what you want, remember, you only have one token, so choose wisely."

Ruby looked over the abilities, "Will this let permanently give me power-ups!"

Jaune shook his shoulders, "It did for me."

Ruby looked for one she likes and asked, "Which one did you pick?"

Jaune scratched his head and said, "I picked a constitution modifier, it was the only one I could be sure of that affected me in the real world."

Ruby then decided to settled on a status up, she picked a constitution score +4, hoping that it would make her taller, instead, she felt her body tingle, like her muscles, were morphing beneath her skin, she notice that her body had some tone to it and her status had improved on her screen. "This is amazing!" Ruby shouted, "How do I get more!?"

"Level up, I ȧssume," Jaune said scratching his head.

"How do we do that!?" Ruby asked.

"Well it's like a video game, and the Grimms are the bad guys so, maybe we gain experience for killing Grimm!" Jaune answered.

Ruby grabbed his hand and dashed off towards the group, "Can't wait, have to show Yang!"

After being carried like a rag doll throughout Beacon, Jaune and Ruby met up with his team on the launching ramps, when they saw Ruby flying she appeared next to them they all dropped their Jaws.

"Guy's guess what?" Ruby said as she landed next to Yang.

"Ruby, how did you fly!?" Yang asked with disbelief.

Jaune suddenly was received with a glare, "Where's the food, Leader?" Nora shouted completely not caring about the situation.

Jaune laughed, "About that."

Raising his hand, he summoned the item from his inventory, "I Sort of just unlocked my Semblance."

Everyone placed their heads together and stared at the basket in Jaune's hand, "What is it? Some kind of teleporting skill!?" Weiss asked with her eyes widened.

Jaune then pulled up his inventory, everyone was shocked to see their status displayed before them, Jaune then explained that the Menu was just a bonus his real power was what he did to Ruby.

"Who cares about the Aura Amplification part, your inventory can keep food fresh, I can still feel the heat coming from the basket!" Nora shouted as she licked her lips and tried to take the food.

Jaune put the food back in his inventory and said, "You'll eat with the rest of us after training."

Nora was shocked, "You monster, you also can steal my food without me being able to stop you!"

"I can't put items that don't belong to me in the inventory, so your pancakes are safe Nora," Jaune said laughing.

"I was talking about the food you just took back!" Nora shot back.

Weiss was shocked not only by Jaune's Semblance; but also Nora's complete disregard for it, "Do you have any idea how monumental this is? If Jaune can permanently increase the strength of Hunters just by being on his team, he can single handily revolutionize the entire system, can you imagine what this will do in the Hunter society!?"

"I bet you could make a killing by charging to boost someone up," Yang said placing her arm around Jaune, "If you need a manager or bodyguard, I want 10% of the profits."

Weiss then stood stunned, "She's right, countless Hunter's would pay a fortune to have their abilities improved instantly." Weiss read over her status and showed a confused look, "This title is strange, does it have an effect on causality, or does my position as a Schnee make everyone give me a discount." Shen then noticed that she had a blessing, "Who's Ozma!? Wait, Winter Maiden? My ancestor was the Winter Maiden in the fairy tale!? Is that real!" Weiss thoughts went a little wild.

Jaune then clapped his hands snapping Weiss out of her trance, "That's it, that's how I can make money!"

"You need money?" Weiss asked. Everyone was confused to see Jaune excited over making money, he didn't seem to be the greedy type, Ruby then jumped in, "Click on your status."

When they did they saw their Class Grid and Skills, "It cost money to increase skills," Ruby explained.

"Why does a Semblance need money!?" Yang asked.

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