RWBY Re: Jaune Arc

Chapter 15 - First Semester Part 15

"I don't know, maybe it has more to do with the merit in which the money was earned, Semblances have always been tied to the soul, so maybe an exchange takes place that has nothing to do with the money." Jaune theorized.

"Hmm, that would make some sense, kind of like accepting money as a form of prayer," Pyrrha said as if she were the leading expert on Semblances.

Weiss looked extremely tempted to spend a fortune on her skills, but she'll have a hard time telling her father where she spent it all.

Pulling out a few hundred Lien Weiss asked, "How do I purchase a Skill point."

"I don't know just press the buy buŧŧon," Jaune stated as Weiss placed one in her empty Perception Skill, she was immediately surprised to see the 10 Lien vanish and turn to dust like a dead Grimm, then it hit her, Weiss felt that all of her senses improved, Jaune also noticed a slight decrease in his own Aura that was negligible.

After placing another point in her Perception for a hundred Lien, she noticed that she could sense her own Aura and those a few feet away from her, excited she placed another point in Perception, this time she used a hundred Lien, her senses spread out to around 5 feet in a spherical radius.

"This is amazing, simply amazing!" However, after Weiss calmed down, she frowned upon seeing a pattern, "Does the cost increase by one digit for every point!?"

"What's up We~Icy!?" Yang said looking over her shoulder.

"Ugh!" Everyone shook her head at her bad joke.

"One, never call me that again! Two, in order to increase a skill to level ten, they would have to spend 10 Billion Lien."

Everyone froze, Ruby then let out a whistle, "That's a lot of dough, and it would cost the same for every one of them!"

"I think that you can also train the skill to level up, after all, I started with a few at level 1, 2, and 3," Jaune stated tapping his foot.

"It's true, I have some points already in Perform and Craft," Weiss said looking at her skill list.

"What else do you have in your list?" Yang asked trying to see through the blurred lines.

"That's personal!" Weiss shouted.

Everyone laughed for a second before Jaune said, "Alright, try using your Level Tokens."

After doing so, everyone was once again surprised.

Yang chose to increase her Constitution and felt her muscles grow slightly. "This is awesome, it's like working out without working out!

Weiss chose to increase her intelligence by 2, she found that her thinking was clearer and she was better able to remember things from her youth. "The possibilities for this are endless!"

Nora picked an Aura +25 slot, "It's like eating the rays of the sun!" Nora shouted as her Maximum Aura increased.

Ren chose to obtain a skill, Long Distance Calming Aura, he now no longer needed to maintain contact to affect allies with his Aura, it had a duration of 5 minutes.

Blake chose to increase her Battle Power by +10, "I feel even stronger."

Pyrrha was having a hard time choosing, she then closed her eye and pointed out she decided at random, she ended up picking a skill called Hawk-Eye, it increased her visual range by 15%, she found she could see even farther than normal people, and he kinetic vision was heightened as well.

"Seriously Jaune, you could make a fortune, or better yet, what if you became a teacher, could you do this to your whole classroom?" Ruby asked wondering how Jaune's 'Semblance Worked."

"If this gets out, Jaune will become the center of attention for all Hunters, and even worse, really evil individuals will dėsɨrė to use him, they'll probably try and kidnap Jaune, or worse someone from his family to threaten him," Blake stated with cold facts.

"Then we should probably keep Jaune's Semblance a secret," Ren said frowning.

Jaune then shook his head, "Or I could just move my family closer to Vale. If I don't earn money than I won't be able to increase my skills, besides, all of them are Hunters, the Arc Family's not exactly an easy target."

"That's because you don't know what's hidden in the shadows, Jaune, there are things, people so powerful that even I'm not a match for them," Blake shot back.

Jaune shook his head, "I know better than most Blake, I'll keep it a secret for now, but when I'm strong enough, I want them to know that regardless of what these nefarious people want, the Arc Family won't be harassed."

"Jaune, I don't think you understand the threat of your power. If word of this gets around, then people would start wars to get at you," Pyrrha said with worry in her voice.

Jaune paused and sighed, "I won't change my mind, if nations try to threaten me, then I'll just be stronger than those nations." He knew they didn't have long until the revival of Nosferatu, not to mention Salem and her forces, he was concerned about how he was going to convince the Wicked Witch of the Dark Lands to stop her ways, it took Oscar sacrificing his life willingly to save Ozpin's soul.

At that moment she saw the beauty of humanity once again, thanks to that Ozpin managed to save Salem's soul and removed it from her Immortal body. With the curse broken, all that remained was a mad, soulless, Human/Grimm. Killing Salem's husk was the worst experience of his life, countless innocents died from her army. However, this time things would be different.

"Do you really think you can become stronger than a whole nation!?" Blake shouted.

Jaune then turned to Ruby, "Ask her!"

Ruby then said, "My Aura multiplied by 8 times its original amount, Jaune said if he works on it, he might be able to improve that number even more in the future, like how our Semblances improve over time. If we get strong enough and then boost our powers permanently, then have Jaune boost them once more, there's no telling how strong we can get!"

Ruby then flew around Yang, "With how much Aura Jaune's power up gave me, I feel so strong right now that I bet I could take you on, Yang."

Yang placed her fist up and said, "Oh, yeah, bring it on!"

Yang then punched out, however, only roses were left where she attacked, Ruby appeared behind her and said, "If I have the edge in speed, then I control the battle, seriously Yang, you look like you were moving in slow motion!"

Yang turned around with a spinning jump kick, however, Ruby just flew over her leg like she was playing and gave Yang a kiss on the cheek as she said, "I could have killed you five times now."

"How long have you wanted to say that?" Yang asked as she grinned with joy, she was so proud of her sister's strength right now.

"Hehehe! I'm telling you, sis, this feels great!" Ruby flew up to her sister, "But the effects only last for a while, 30 minutes to be precise."

Yang nodded her head, "Cool, can't wait to try it!"

Jaune coughed, "Huh? Yang want's to experience my Vomit Semblance!?"

"Funny, come one Jaune, seriously, let me try it!" Yang said with a pouty face, "Seriously is that look genetic!?" Jane yelled as he gave up.

"I let you guys experience the feeling of having your Aura boosted, however, you need to wait an hour before I can do it again. After going on a Grimm Killing spree for 30 minutes, we'll take a break to get something to eat," Jaune said as he placed his hand and Yang's shoulder.

After having her Aura increased she smiled with an elated expression, "This is crazy! I feel like I could punch a Goliath into chunks!"

Jaune smiled and continued to do the same for the rest of his teammates.

Pyrrha smiled happily, "So warm, it feels like the rays of the sun."

Weiss felt the same thing and said, "This is amazing!"

Ren closed his eyes and thought that if they had this power, defeating the Grimm that destroyed their village would be easy, "Jaune thank you."

Nora grinned, "I'm invincible!"

Blake stared at her hands, "If I had this kind of power I could..."

After they all powered up, they felt like they were on the top of the world, Jaune stood on the Launch Pad and said, "Just give a little kick, and kill as many Grimm as you can on your way to the ruins."

Nora was the first to jump on the launching pad and shouted, "Last one there is a Rotten Grimm!"

Jaune launched next, then Ruby, and everyone else, Jaune laughed as he landed on the ground, he could already hear his teammates causing havoc in the Emerald Forest.

As Jaune continued along his path he sent out a violent dėsɨrė to kill that attracted the Grimm, he drew his sword and launched himself towards a pack of Beowolves.

It was far easier to deal with than his first time around, with Jaune's skills and strength, killing Grim of this level was as easy as pie.

A flurry of swings left trails of light as Jaune cut through a dozen Beowolves like they were nothing, he then noticed a large Ursa charging in his direction.

Jaune didn't wait as he jumped onto the large Ursa's shoulder and stabbed its head as he leaped off.

[Adolescent Ursa Killed, 10+ Experience Gained!]

"So Ursa's are worth 80 experience solo." Jaune thought as he continued to head north while wiping out every Grimm that he saw.

As he made his way forward, Jaune encountered the same Cave he and Pyrrha encountered in his first lifetime.

"Jaune is that you?" the sound of Pyrrha's voice called out from behind him.

"Yay! It's Jaune!" Ruby shouted next.

Jaune turned around and saw Ruby and Pyrrha standing next to each other.

He then thought it was a little silly, like seeing an Ex hang out with the wife, Jaune smiled and said, "Sup guys, you have a lot of fun getting here?"

Ruby ran up to him and said, "Did I ever! I managed to kill 50 Grim in no time flat, Jaune opened up his Menu to see that he was close to leveling up, "Only need 30 more Experience to level up."

Thanks to the Exp Sharing option, Jaune watched as that number dwindled down to nothing while someone in his team continued to kill multiple Grimm at a rapid pace.

"I just got a level up!" Jaune said with a smile as he heard a chime go off inside his head.

[Level Up]

[+2 To Constitution.]

[+2 To Defense.]

[+1 To Focus.]

[+10 to Battle Power.]

[+25 To Aura.]

[1 Level Token Awarded.]

Jaune smiled as he felt his body grow stronger, it wasn't long until Ruby and the rest experience something Similar.

Ruby jumped up after watching her stats move, they felt the change, but without Jaune, they couldn't see how much the level up had given them. Nor would they be able to use their level Tokens.

"This is the coolest Semblance ever!" Ruby shouted as she ran around Jaune, Pyrrha had to agree with her as she walked over to him and thanked him for the power up.

"Well, we still have around 15 minutes left to explore before meeting up with everyone, what do you say to explore this cave, strong Grimm like to gather around in dark places after all," Jaune said as he pointed to the cave.

"Spelunking in a dark carvern, eh? No hero would shy away from the darkness," Ruby said as she looked at the cave in a hero pose.

"If we go together, then I'm all for it," Pyrrha said as she raised her hand.

Jaune then turned around and shouted, "Well then, let's go fight some Grimm!"

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